Describes a single achievement, including the achievement name, description, picture, and whether it has been achieved by the currently signed in gamer. Gets the localized achievement description string. Gets whether this achievement should be displayed before it is earned. Gets the date at which this achievement was earned. Gets whether this achievement was earned while online. Gets the amount of gamer score awarded for earning this achievement. Gets the image associated with this achievement. Gets the localized description of the steps necessary to earn the achievement. Gets whether the current player has earned this achievement. Gets the achievement key string. Gets the localized achievement name string, for display to the user. Collection holding the achievements belonging to a signed-in gamer. Gets the number of objects in the collection. Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by this object. Gets an enumerator that can iterate through this AchievementCollection. Indicates whether the object is disposed. Gets a specific element in the collection using an index value. Retrieves the Achievement matching a specified achievement key string. Adds a new Achievement to this AchievementCollection. The achievement to add. Removes all Achievement instances from this AchievementCollection. Determines whether the specified achievement is in this AchievementCollection. The Achievement to locate in this AchievementCollection. Copies the collection of achievements to an array, starting at the specified index. Array that will receive the copied elements. Index into which to begin inserting elements. Gets a value indicating whether this collection is read-only. Removes the specified Achievement from the collection. The achievement to remove. Gets the index of an achievement in the collection. The achievement to locate in this collection. Inserts a new Achievement into this collection of achievements. Position at which to place this achievement in the collection. The achievement to insert into the collection. Removes the Achievement at the specified index position. Index of the Achievement to remove. Gets a strongly-typed enumerator that can iterate through the collection. Indicates how sensitive this gamer prefers controller input to be. Highly sensitive controller input is preferred. Below average sensitivity is preferred. Average controller sensitivity is preferred. Represents the complete friends list of a local gamer. Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by this object. Gets a value that indicates whether the object is disposed. Provides the presence information of a friend of the local gamer. Gets whether the local gamer who requested the friends list has received a friend request from this gamer. Gets whether the local gamer who requested the friends list has sent a friend request to this gamer. Gets whether this friend currently has voice capability. Gets whether this friend has accepted an invitation from the local gamer who requested the friends list. Gets whether the local gamer who requested the friends list has received an invitation from this friend. Gets whether this friend has rejected an invitation from the local gamer who requested the friends list. Gets whether the local gamer who requested the friends list has sent an invitation to this friend. Gets whether this friend is currently away from the computer or console. Gets whether this friend is currently busy. Gets whether this friend is currently in a public session that can be joined. Gets whether this friend is currently online. Gets whether this friend is currently playing a game. Gets a title-defined presence string describing what this friend is currently doing. Describes a gamer's preferred settings. Gets the gamer's preference for using controller buttons to accelerate in racing games. Gets whether the title should automatically correct the gamer's aim. Gets whether the title should automatically center the view when the gamer moves. Gets the gamer's preference for using controller buttons to brake in racing games. Gets the preferred controller sensitivity setting for this gamer. Gets the preferred difficulty setting for this gamer. Gets the gamer's preference for inverting the y-axis input of the controller. Gets the gamer's preference for driving a manual shift transmission in racing games. Gets the gamer's preference for moving by using the right thumbstick. Gets the preferred color for the player character. Gets the gamer's preferred camera angle for racing games. Gets a secondary color selection for the player character. Indicates how difficult this gamer likes things to be. Below-average difficulty. Above-average difficulty. Average difficulty. Abstract base class for types that represent game players (profiles that have an associated gamertag). The concrete types SignedInGamer and NetworkGamer derive from this. Begins the process of getting a Gamer object for a specified gamertag. The Xbox LIVE gamertag for the gamer requested. The method to call once the asynchronous operation is finished. State of the asynchronous operation. Begins the asynchronous process of getting the partner token for this gamer. URI associated with the service to use with this token. This cannot be null. Method to call once the asynchronous operation is finished. State of the asynchronous operation. Starts an asynchronous profile read operation. The method to call once the asynchronous operation is finished. State of the asynchronous operation. Gets the display name string for the gamer. Ends the process of getting a Gamer object for a specified gamertag. An IAsyncResult used to track the progress of the operation. Retrieves the results from an asynchronous request for the partner token for this gamer. An IAsyncResult used to track the progress of the operation. Ends an asynchronous profile read operation. An IAsyncResult used to track the progress of the operation. Gets the gamertag string. Returns a Gamer object for the specified gamertag. The Xbox LIVE gamertag for the gamer requested. Gets the partner token for this gamer. URI associated with the service that will be used with this token. This cannot be null. Reads profile data for this gamer. Gets a value indicating whether the object is disposed. Gets an object that can be used to write leaderboard statistics for this gamer. Gets or sets a custom object which can be used to attach arbitrary user defined data to the gamer. Retrieves a string representation of this object. Represents a collection of gamers. This collection cannot be modified and is updated automatically during the call to Update. Returns a strongly typed GamerCollection.GamerCollectionEnumerator Structure that can iterate through a GamerCollection. Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the collection. Provides the ability to iterate through the gamers in an GamerCollection. Gets the current element in the GamerCollection. Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by this object. Advances the enumerator to the next element of the GamerCollection. Gets the current element in the GamerCollection as a Object. Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in the GamerCollection. Provides properties to set the rich presence state for a locally signed-in gamer profile. Reference page contains links to related code samples. Settings defining the status string that will appear when you view a friend through the Xbox LIVE Guide or on Use the PresenceMode property to set this option. Arcade Mode At Menu Battling Boss Campaign Mode Challenge Mode Configuring Settings Co-Op: Level. Includes a numeric value specified with PresenceValue. Co-Op: Stage. Includes a numeric value specified with PresenceValue. Cornflower Blue Customizing Player Difficulty: Easy Difficulty: Extreme Difficulty: Hard Difficulty: Medium Editing Level Exploration Mode Found Secret Free Play Game Over In Combat In Game Store Level. Includes a numeric value specified with PresenceValue. Local Co-Op Local Versus Looking For Games Losing Multiplayer Nearly Finished No Presence String Displayed On a Roll Online Co-Op Online Versus Outnumbered Paused Playing Minigame Playing With Friends Practice Mode Puzzle Mode Scenario Mode Score. Includes a numeric value specified with PresenceValue. Score is Tied Setting Up Match Single Player Stage. Includes a numeric value specified with PresenceValue. Starting Game Story Mode Stuck on a Hard Bit Survival Mode Time Attack Trying For Record Tutorial Mode Versus Computer Versus: Score. Includes a numeric value specified with PresenceValue. Waiting For Players Waiting In Lobby Wasting Time Watching Credits Watching Cutscene Winning Won the Game Thrown if a gamer services or multiplayer API is called without a valid, signed-in profile. Creates an instance of GamerPrivilegeException. Initializes a new instance of GamerPrivilegeException with the specified streaming context. Describes the gamer services or multiplayer API being accessed when the exception occurred. Describes the stream where the exception occurred. Initializes a new instance of GamerPrivilegeException with the specified error message. A message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of GamerPrivilegeException with the specified error message and inner exception. A message that describes the error. The inner exception related to this exception. Describes what operations a gamer is allowed to perform. Checks if this gamer is allowed to send and receive communications using voice, text, messaging, or game invites. Checks if this gamer is allowed to play in online multiplayer sessions. Checks if this gamer is allowed to access premium content. Checks if this gamer is allowed to view the profiles of other gamers. Checks if this gamer is allowed to purchase content from LIVE Marketplace. Checks if this gamer is allowed to trade content with other gamers. Checks if this gamer is allowed to access user content created by other gamers. Describes the conditions in which a privilege is available. This privilege is not available for the current gamer profile. This privilege is available for the current gamer profile. This privilege is only available for friends of the current gamer profile. Use the IsFriend method to check which gamers are friends. Profile settings describing information about a gamer such as the gamer's motto, reputation, and gamer picture. This data is accessible for both locally signed in profiles and remote gamers that you are playing with in a multiplayer session. Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by this object. Gets the GamerScore of this gamer. Gets the GamerZone setting. Gets the gamer picture associated with this profile. Gets a value that indicates whether the object is disposed. Gets the gamer motto string. Gets the region of this gamer. Gets the gamer reputation, as a number of stars ranging 0 to 5. Gets the number of titles this gamer has played. Gets the total number of achievements this gamer has obtained. Implements the Windows-specific portion of a GamerServicesDispatcher class. Reference page contains links to related code samples. Initializes gamer services functionality for the game, automatically choosing the most appropriate gamer service type for the platform. Reference page contains links to related code samples. The service provider to be used when locating additional services services. For example, IGraphicsDeviceService. Notifies the game when a Games for Windows - LIVE title update is being installed. Determines if Initialize has been called. Reference page contains links to related code samples. Gets or sets the handle to the underlying game window. Thrown if the gamer services system cannot be successfully initialized. Creates an empty instance of GamerServicesNotAvailableException. Initializes a new instance of GamerServicesNotAvailableException with the specified streaming context. Describes the gamer services being accessed when the exception occurred. Describes the stream where the exception occurred. Initializes a new instance of GamerServicesNotAvailableException with the specified error message. A message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of GamerServicesNotAvailableException with the specified error message and the inner exception. A message that describes the error. The inner exception related to this exception. This style of social gaming preferred by this Xbox LIVE member. Family-friendly game play. Competitive game play. Non-competitive game play. Alternative approach to game play. Unknown. The exception thrown when a game (title) update is required in order to use Xbox LIVE. Initializes a new GameUpdateRequiredException. Initializes a new GameUpdateRequiredException with specified serialization information and a streaming context. Describes the gamer services or multiplayer API being accessed when the exception occurred. Describes the stream where the exception occurred. Initializes a new GameUpdateRequiredException with a specified error message. Text that describes the error. Initializes a new GameUpdateRequiredException, with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that caused the error. Text that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the GameUpdateRequiredException. If this parameter is not null, the exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Begins the process for displaying asynchronously the software keyboard interface for a gamer. Reference page contains links to related code samples. Index of the player providing input. On platforms such as Windows Phone or Windows that support only one player, the valid value is PlayerIndex.One. Title of the interface dialog box. Text of the interface dialog box. Default text displayed in the input area when the interface dialog box is first shown. The method to be called once the asynchronous operation is finished. A user-created object uniquely identifying this request. Begins the process for displaying asynchronously the software keyboard interface for a gamer by using the password mode if it is specified. Reference page contains links to related code samples. Index of the player providing input. On platforms such as Windows Phone or Windows that support only one player, the valid value is PlayerIndex.One. Title of the interface dialog box. Text of the interface dialog box. Default text displayed in the input area when the interface dialog box is first shown. Method to be called once the asynchronous operation is finished. User-created object uniquely identifying this request. Specify true to enable password mode, or false to disable it. If the password mode is specified, the characters that the player types are not echoed in the input area. Begins the process of displaying a message box for a particular player. Reference page contains links to related code samples. Target player of the message box. On Windows or Windows Phone, the only valid option is PlayerIndex.One. Title of the message box. Text that will be displayed by the message box. Captions for the message box buttons. The maximum number of buttons is two on Windows Phone, and three on Xbox 360 or Windows. Zero-based index specifying which button has the focus. Type of icon displayed in the message box. Method to be called once the asynchronous operation has finished. User-created object uniquely identifying this request. Begins the process of displaying a message box to which any user on the system can respond. Reference page contains links to related code samples. Title of the message box. Text that will be displayed by the message box. Captions for message box buttons. The maximum number of buttons is two on Windows Phone, and three on Xbox 360 or Windows. Zero-based index specifying which button has the focus. Type of icon displayed in the message box. Method to be called once the asynchronous operation is finished. User-created object uniquely identifying this request. Delays system notifications for a specified time. Time, in seconds, of the delay. Calling this function while notifications are already delayed has no effect. The maximum delay is 120 seconds. If the specified duration exceeds the maximum, the maximum value is used. Ends the display of the keyboard input dialog box. The IAsyncResult returned from BeginShowKeyboardInput. Ends the display of a message box. The IAsyncResult returned from BeginShowMessageBox. Determines whether the game is running currently in limited trial mode. Reference page contains links to related code samples. Determines if a Guide user interface screen is active. Retrieves or sets the location where notifications will appear on the screen. Gamer composing the message. Text of the message. Collection of gamers receiving the message.If this is null, the Select Gamertag user interface is displayed. Shows the Friend Request user interface. Index of the player making the request. The profile specified by player must be signed in when calling this function. Recipient of the request. Shows the Friends user interface. Index of the player making the request. The profile specified by player must be signed in when calling this function. Displays the game invitation user interface, taking a session ID. Index of the player initiating the invitation. List of gamers who receive the invitation. If null, the Guide prompts the player to specify a recipient. Displays the game invitation user interface, taking a session ID. The session ID to use for the game invitation. Shows the Gamer Card user interface. Index of the player making the request. The profile specified by player must be signed in when calling this function. Owner of the gamer card being requested for display. Displays the marketplace user interface. Reference page contains links to related code samples. Index of the controller for the player making the request. Shows the Messages user interface. Index of the player making the request. The profile specified by player must be signed in when calling this function. Shows the Xbox LIVE Party screen. Reference page contains links to related code samples. The player index for whom to bring up the Xbox LIVE Party screen. Shows the Play with Party Member screen. Reference page contains links to related code samples. The player index for whom the list of game sessions with party members is shown. Shows the Player Review user interface. Index of the player making the request. The profile specified by player must be signed in when calling this function. Player being reviewed. Shows the Players user interface. Index of the player making the request. The profile specified by player must be signed in when calling this function. Shows the user interface a gamer uses for signing into Xbox LIVE. Number of panes displayed at sign in. Each pane accepts a single gamer. On Windows and Windows Phone, only a single pane can be displayed. On Xbox 360, valid values are 1, 2, and 4. Determines the profile types being displayed. true if only online profiles are displayed; false otherwise. If onlineOnly is true, local gamers can sign in as guests of a profile currently signed in. Reference page contains links to related code samples. Thrown if an attmept is made to display a component of the Guide user interface when a Guide component is already displayed. Initializes an empty instance of GuideAlreadyVisibleException. Initializes an instance of GuideAlreadyVisibleException with the specified streaming context. Describes the displayed Guide component when the exception occurred. Describes the stream where the exception occurred. Initializes an instance of GuideAlreadyVisibleException with the specified error message. A message describing the error. Initializes an instance of GuideAlreadyVisibleException with the specified error message and related inner exception. A message describing the error. The inner exception related to this exception. Represents the arguments passed to an InviteAccepted event. Reference page contains links to related code samples. Initializes a new instance of InviteAcceptedEventArgs by using a gamer that is signed in and a Boolean value that indicates if the invitation is for the current local session. The gamer who is accepting the game invitation. Indicates if the invitation is for the current local session. The signed-in gamer who is accepting the game invitation. Reference page contains links to related code samples. Indicates if the invitation is for the current local session. Reference page contains links to related code samples. Class representing a single row of a leaderboard, holding all the information a specific gamer has uploaded to the board. Provides access to the columns for this leaderboard entry. Provides access to gamer information for this leaderboard entry. Provides access to the rating associated with this leaderboard entry. Contains leaderboard identity information for a particular leaderboard. Creates a leaderboard identity from a leaderboard key. The leaderboard key to use for this leaderboard identity. Creates a new LeaderboardIdentity from a leaderboard key and game mode value. The leaderboard key to use for this leaderboard identity. The game mode value for this leaderboard identity. Provides access to the game mode for this leaderboard identity. The key string associated with this leaderboard identity. Values used with LeaderboardIdentity.Create to select which leaderboard to access. Best lifetime score for this player and his or her Xbox LIVE friends. Best recent scores for this player and his or her Xbox LIVE friends. Best lifetime times for this player and his or her Xbox LIVE friends. Best recent times for this player and his or her Xbox LIVE friends. Values used to provide an outcome for a player's leaderboard entry. Player lost the match. No result reported. Match resulted in a tie: no player won. Player won the match. Reads data from leaderboards. Begins an asynchronous read of the page of leaderboard data after the current page. Reference page contains links to related code samples. An AsyncCallback representing the method to call when the leaderboard information is read. A user-created object used to uniquely identify the request, or null. Begins an asynchronous read of the page of leaderboard data before the current page. Reference page contains links to related code samples. An AsyncCallback representing the method to call when the leaderboard information is read. A user-created object used to uniquely identify the request, or null. Begins reading a leaderboard asynchronously, and specifies a leaderboard identity, pivot gamer, and page size. Reference page contains links to related code samples. The leaderboard identity of the leaderboard to read. The gamer of interest in the leaderboard. The current page is set so that this gamer appears on the page. The number of leaderboard entries per page. An AsyncCallback representing the method to call when the leaderboard information is read. A user-created object used to uniquely identify the request, or null. Begins an asynchronous read of leaderboard data, taking a leaderboard identity, a collection of gamers, a pivot gamer, and a page size. Reference page contains links to related code samples. The leaderboard identity of the leaderboard to read. A collection of gamers that should be included in the leaderboard results. This parameter is ignored on Windows Phone. The gamer of interest in the leaderboard. The current page is set so that this gamer appears on the page. The number of leaderboard entries per page. An AsyncCallback representing the method to call when the leaderboard information is read. A user-created object used to uniquely identify the request, or null. Begins reading a leaderboard asynchronously, and specifies a leaderboard identity, the start page, and the page size. Reference page contains links to related code samples. The leaderboard identity of the leaderboard to read. The page of leaderboard entries at which to start. The number of leaderboard entries per page. An AsyncCallback representing the method to call when the leaderboard information is read. A user-created object used to uniquely identify the request, or null. Provides information about whether there are more leaderboard entries after the current page of entries. Provides information about whether there are more leaderboard entries before the current page of entries. Releases all resources used by this LeaderboardReader. Checks the result of an asynchonous PageDown operation. Reference page contains links to related code samples. The IASyncResult that represents the state of the asynchronous page-down operation. If the operation is finished, IsCompleted will be true. Checks the result of an asynchonous PageUp operation. Reference page contains links to related code samples. The IASyncResult that represents the state of the asynchronous page-up operation. If the operation is finished, IsCompleted will be true. Checks the result of an asynchronous Read operation. Reference page contains links to related code samples. The IASyncResult that represents the state of the asynchronous read operation. If the operation is finished, IsCompleted will be true. Gets the collection of leaderboard entries for the leaderboard. Provides information about whether this leaderboard reader is disposed. Provides the identity of the leaderboard. Reads the next page of leaderboard data synchronously. Reference page contains links to related code samples. Gets the index of the leaderboard entry at the start of the current page. Reads the previous page of leaderboard data synchronously. Reference page contains links to related code samples. Reads a leaderboard synchronously, specifying a leaderboard identity, pivot gamer, and page size. Reference page contains links to related code samples. The leaderboard identity of the leaderboard to read. The gamer to center the results on. It can be null. The number of leaderboard entries on a page. Pass zero to include all available entries on a single page. Reads a leaderboard synchronously, specifying a leaderboard identity, collection of gamers, pivot gamer, and page size. Reference page contains links to related code samples. The leaderboard identity of the leaderboard to read. A collection of gamers to be included in the leaderboard results. This parameter is ignored on Windows Phone. The gamer of interest in the leaderboard. The current page will be set so that this gamer will appear on the page. The number of leaderboard entries per page. Begins reading a leaderboard synchronously, specifying a leaderboard identity, the start page, and the page size. Reference page contains links to related code samples. The leaderboard identity of the leaderboard to read. The page of leaderboard entries at which to start. Pass zero to start at the highest scores. The number of leaderboard entries per page. Pass zero to include all available entries on a single page. Provides information about the total number of entries in the leaderboard. Records leaderboard data for players in a NetworkSession. Gets a leaderboard entry that can be used to write to a specified leaderboard. The identity of the leaderboard to write to. Defines the different icons for a message box. Displays the Alert icon. Displays the Error icon. No icon is displayed. Displays the Warning icon. Thrown if there is a network communication failure. Creates an empty instance of NetworkException. Initializes a new instance of NetworkException with the specified streaming context. Describes the network data being sent or received when the exception occurred. Describes the stream where the exception occurred. Initializes a new instance of NetworkException with the specified error message. A message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of NetworkException with the specified error message and the inner exception. A message that describes the error. The inner exception related to this exception. Thrown if a network connection is unavailable. Initializes a new NetworkNotAvailableException. Initializes a new NetworkNotAvailableException with serialization information and the streaming context. Describes the network data being sent or received when the exception occurred. Describes the stream where the exception occurred. Initializes a new NetworkNotAvailableException with a specified error message. Text that describes the error. Initializes a new NetworkNotAvailableException with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that caused the error. Text that describes the error. The exception that caused the GameUpdateRequiredException. If this parameter is not null, this exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Positions the message box at the bottom of the screen and centered. Positions the message box at the bottom-left of the screen. Positions the message box at the bottom-right of the screen. Positions the message box at the center of the screen. Positions the message box at the center of the screen and left-aligned. Positions the message box at the center of the screen and right-aligned. Positions the message box at the top of the screen and centered. Positions the message box at the top-left of the screen. Positions the message box at the top-right of the screen. Holds a set of properties used to define presence states or leaderboard column values. Determines whether the PropertyDictionary contains an element with the specified key. The key to locate in the PropertyDictionary. Gets the number of elements contained in this PropertyDictionary. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection of key/value pairs that represent elements in the PropertyDictionary. Gets the value of the property with the specified key, as a System.DateTime. The key to search for in the PropertyDictionary. Gets the value of the property with the specified key, as a System.Double. The key to search for in the PropertyDictionary. Gets the value of the property with the specified key, as a System.Int32. The key to search for in the PropertyDictionary. Gets the value of the property with the specified key, as a System.Int64. The key to search for in the PropertyDictionary. Gets the value of the property with the specified key, as a LeaderboardOutcome. The key to search for in the PropertyDictionary. Gets the value of the property with the specified key, as a System.Single. The key to search for in the PropertyDictionary. Gets the value of the property with the specified key, as a System.IO.Stream. The key to search for in the PropertyDictionary. Gets the value of the property with the specified key, as a System.String. The key to search for in the PropertyDictionary. Gets the value of the property with the specified key, as a System.TimeSpan. he key to search for in the PropertyDictionary. Gets or sets the element with the specified key. The key of the element to get or set. Sets the value of the property with the specified key, as a LeaderboardOutcome. The key to search for in the PropertyDictionary. The value of the property to set for the specified key, as a LeaderboardOutcome. Sets the value of the property with the specified key, as a System.DateTime. The key to search for in the PropertyDictionary. The value of the property to set for the specified key, as a DateTime. Sets the value of the property with the specified key, as a System.Double. The key to search for in the PropertyDictionary. The value of the property to set for the specified key, as a Double. Sets the value of the property with the specified key, as a System.Int32. The key to search for in the PropertyDictionary. The value of the property to set for the specified key, as an Int32. Sets the value of the property with the specified key, as a System.Int64. The key to search for in the PropertyDictionary. The value of the property to set for the specified key, as an Int64. Sets the value of the property with the specified key, as a System.Single. The key to search for in the PropertyDictionary. The value of the property to set for the specified key, as a Single. Sets the value of the property with the specified key, as a System.String. The key to search for in the PropertyDictionary. The value of the property to set for the specified key, as a String. Sets the value of the property with the specified key, as a System.TimeSpan. The key to search for in the PropertyDictionary. The value of the property to set for the specified key, as a TimeSpan. Adds an element to the PropertyDictionary. This method is not supported. A KeyValuePair representing a property to add to the PropertyDictionary. Removes all elements from the PropertyDictionary. Determines whether the PropertyDictionary contains an element with the specified key/value pair. A KeyValuePair that represents the key/value pair to locate in the PropertyDictionary. Copies the elements of the PropertyDictionary to an Array, starting at a particular Array index. An array of key/value pairs that will receive the elements of the PropertyDictionary. The array must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in the array at which copying begins. Gets a value indicating whether this PropertyDictionary is read-only. Removes an element from the PropertyDictionary. This method is not supported. The object to add to the PropertyDictionary. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection of elements in the PropertyDictionary. Determines if a value for the specified key exists in the PropertyDictionary. The key to search for in the PropertyDictionary. [OutAttribute] When the method returns, this parameter will contain the value associated with the specified key. If no value could be found in the PropertyDictionary, it will contain the default value for the type passed in. Indicates which camera angle this gamer prefers to use in racing games. Traditional third-person camera view from behind the car. Camera view from in front of the car. The car itself is not visible. Camera view from inside the car, looking through the windscreen. Creates a new instance of SignedInEventArgs. The gamer that just signed in. Gets the gamer that just signed in. Represents a gamer (a profile that has an associated gamertag) on the local system. [Deprecated] Awards the specified achievement to a locally signed-in gamer. Identifier specifying the achievement to award. Starts an asynchronous operation to award an achievement to a locally signed-in gamer. Reference page contains links to related code samples. Identifier specifying the achievement to award. The method to be called once the asynchronous operation iss finished. State of the asynchronous operation. Starts an asynchronous achievement query operation. Reference page contains links to related code samples. The method to be called once the asynchronous operation is finished. State of the asynchronous operation. Ends an asynchronous achievement award operation. An IAsyncResult used to track the progress of the operation. Ends an asynchronous achievement query operation. An IAsyncResult used to track the progress of the operation. Describes a gamer's preferred settings. Returns the collection of all achievements that may be earned by this gamer. Reads the friends list of this signed-in gamer, including the gamertag and current presence information for each friend. Queries whether the specified gamer is a friend of this local gamer. The gamer to query. Determines if the gamer is the guest of an Xbox LIVE–enabled profile. Determines if the microphone associated with this signed-in gamer is a headset. The microphone associated with this signed-in gamer. Determines if the gamer has an Xbox LIVE–enabled profile. Gets the current party size. Reference page contains links to related code samples. Gets the index of the gamer. Gets an object that may be used to set the rich presence state for this gamer. Describes what operations a gamer is allowed to perform. Occurs when a new gamer signs into the local system. Occurs when a gamer signs out on the local system. Represents a collection of gamers on the local system. Gets a specific local gamer based on that player's PlayerIndex on the local system. The PlayerIndex of the local gamer to retrieve. Creates a new instance of SignedOutEventArgs. The gamer that just signed out. Gets the gamer that just signed out.