Provides a collection of child objects for a content item. Creates an instance of ChildCollection. Parent object of the child objects returned in the collection. Removes all children from the collection. Gets the parent of a child object. The child of the parent being retrieved. Inserts a child object into the collection at the specified location. The position in the collection. The child object being inserted. Removes a child object from the collection. The index of the item being removed. Modifies the value of the child object at the specified location. The index of the child object being modified. The new value for the child object. Modifies the value of the parent object of the specified child object. The child of the parent being modified. The new value for the parent object. Provides methods for reporting informational messages or warnings from content importers and processors. Initializes a new instance of ContentBuildLogger. Gets the filename currently being processed, for use in warning and error messages. Identity of a content item. If specified, GetCurrentFilename uses this value to refine the search. If no value os specified, the current PushFile state is used. Gets or sets the base reference path used when reporting errors during the content build process. Outputs a high-priority status message from a content importer or processor. Message being reported. [ParamArrayAttribute] Arguments for the reported message. Outputs a low priority status message from a content importer or processor. Message being reported. [ParamArrayAttribute] Arguments for the reported message. Outputs a warning message from a content importer or processor. Link to an existing online help topic containing related information. Identity of the content item that generated the message. Message being reported. [ParamArrayAttribute] Arguments for the reported message. Outputs a message indicating that a content asset has completed processing. Outputs a message indicating that a content asset has begun processing. Name of the file containing future messages. Provides properties describing the origin of the game asset, such as the original source file and creation tool. This information is used for error reporting, and by processors that need to determine from what directory the asset was originally loaded. Initializes a new instance of ContentIdentity. Initializes a new instance of ContentIdentity with the specified values. The absolute path to the file name of the asset source. Initializes a new instance of ContentIdentity with the specified values. The absolute path to the file name of the asset source. The name of the digital content creation (DCC) tool that created the asset. Initializes a new instance of ContentIdentity with the specified values. The absolute path to the file name of the asset source. The name of the digital content creation (DCC) tool that created the asset. Specific location of the content item within the larger source file. For example, this could be a line number in the file. Gets or sets the specific location of the content item within the larger source file. Gets or sets the file name of the asset source. Gets or sets the creation tool of the asset. Implements a file format importer for use with game assets. Initializes a new instance of ContentImporter. Name of a game asset file. Contains information for importing a game asset, such as a logger interface. Name of a game asset file. Contains information for importing a game asset, such as a logger interface. Provides properties that identify and provide metadata about the importer, such as supported file extensions and caching information. Initializes a new instance of ContentImporterAttribute and sets the file name extension supported by the importer. The list of file name extensions supported by the importer. Prefix each extension with a '.'. Initializes a new instance of ContentImporterAttribute and sets the file name extensions supported by the importer. [ParamArrayAttribute] The list of file name extensions supported by the importer. Prefix each extension with a '.'. Gets and sets the caching of the content during importation. Gets or sets the name of the default processor for content read by this importer. Gets the supported file name extensions of the importer. Provides properties that define logging behavior for the importer. Initializes a new instance of ContentImporterContext. Name of an asset file. The absolute path to the root of the build intermediate (object) directory. Gets the logger for an importer. The absolute path to the root of the build output (binaries) directory. Provides properties that define various aspects of content stored using the intermediate file format of the XNA Framework. Initializes a new instance of ContentItem. Gets or sets the identity of the content item. Gets or sets the name of the content item. Gets the opaque data of the content item. Provides a base class to use when developing custom processor components. All processors must derive from this class. Initializes a new instance of the ContentProcessor class. Gets the expected object type of the input parameter to IContentProcessor.Process. Gets the object type returned by IContentProcessor.Process. Processes the specified input data and returns the result. Existing content object being processed. Contains any required custom process parameters. Processes the specified input data and returns the result. Existing content object being processed. Contains any required custom process parameters. Gets any existing content processor components. Initializes an instance of ContentProcessorAttribute. Provides access to custom processor parameters, methods for converting member data, and triggering nested builds. Initializes a new instance of ContentProcessorContext. Name of an asset file. The name of the file. Initiates a nested build of the specified asset and then loads the result into memory. Reference to the source asset. Optional processor for this content. Initiates a nested build of the specified asset and then loads the result into memory. Reference to the source asset. Optional processor for this content. Optional collection of named values available as input to the content processor. Optional importer for this content. Initiates a nested build of an additional asset. Reference to the source asset. Optional processor for this content. Initiates a nested build of an additional asset. Reference to the source asset. Optional processor for this content. Optional collection of named values available as input to the content processor. Optional importer for this content. Optional name of the final compiled content. Gets the name of the current content build configuration. Converts a content item object using the specified content processor. Source content to be converted. Optional processor for this content. Converts a content item object using the specified content processor. Source content to be converted. Optional processor for this content. Optional paramters for the processor. Gets the path of the directory that will contain any intermediate files generated by the content processor. Gets the logger interface used for status messages or warnings. Gets the output path of the content processor. Gets the output file name of the content processor. Gets the collection of parameters used by the content processor. Gets the current content build target platform. Gets the current content build target profile. Specifies external references to a data file for the content item. Initializes a new instance of ExternalReference. Initializes a new instance of ExternalReference. The name of the referenced file. Initializes a new instance of ExternalReference, specifying the file path relative to another content item. The name of the referenced file. The content that the path specified in filename is relative to. Gets and sets the file name of an ExternalReference. Provides methods for reading .spritefont files for use in the Content Pipeline. Initializes a new instance of FontDescriptionImporter. Called by the XNA Framework when importing a .spritefont file to be used as a game asset. This is the method called by the XNA Framework when an asset is to be imported into an object that can be recognized by the Content Pipeline. Name of a game asset file. Contains information for importing a game asset, such as a logger interface. Accesses a statically typed ContentImporter instance from generic code using dynamic typing. Imports an asset from the specified file. Name of the game asset file. A ContentImporterContext class containing information for importing a game asset, such as a logger interface. Provides methods and properties for accessing a statically typed ContentProcessor subclass, using dynamically typed object data. Gets the expected object type of the input parameter to IContentProcessor.Process. Gets the object type returned by IContentProcessor.Process. Processes the specified input data and returns the result. Existing content object being processed. Contains any required custom process parameters. Thrown when errors are encountered in content during processing. Initializes a new instance of the InvalidContentException class Initializes a new instance of the InvalidContentException class with information on serialization and streaming context for the related content item. Information necessary for serialization and deserialization of the content item. Information necessary for the source and destination of a given serialized stream. Also provides an additional caller-defined context. Initializes a new instance of the InvalidContentException class with the specified error message. A message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the InvalidContentException class with the specified error message and the identity of the content throwing the exception. A message that describes the error. Information about the content item that caused this error, including the file name. In some cases, a location within the file (of the problem) is specified. Initializes a new instance of the InvalidContentException class with the specified error message, the identity of the content throwing the exception, and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. A message that describes the error. Information about the content item that caused this error, including the file name. In some cases, a location within the file (of the problem) is specified. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If innerException is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Initializes a new instance of the InvalidContentException class with the specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. A message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If innerException is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Gets or sets the identity of the content item that caused the exception. When overridden in a derived class, returns information about the exception. Information necessary for serialization and deserialization of the content item. Information necessary for the source and destination of a given serialized stream. Also provides an additional caller-defined context. Base class for dictionaries that map string identifiers to data values. Initializes an instance of NamedValueDictionary. Adds the specified key and value to the dictionary. Identity of the key of the new data pair. The value of the new data pair. Adds an element to the dictionary. Identity of the key of the new element. The value of the new element. Removes all keys and values from the dictionary. Removes all elements from the dictionary. Determines whether the specified key is present in the dictionary. Identity of a key. Gets the number of items in the dictionary. Gets an enumerator that iterates through items in a dictionary. Gets or sets the specified item. Gets all keys contained in the dictionary. Removes the specified key and value from the dictionary. Identity of the key to be removed. Removes the specified element from the dictionary. Identity of the key of the data pair to be removed. Modifies the value of an existing element. Identity of the element to be modified. The value to be set. Adds an item to the collection. The item to add to the collection. Determines whether the collection contains a specific value. The object to locate in the collection. Copies the elements of the collection to an array, starting at a specified index. The index at which to begin the copy. The destination array. Gets a value indicating if this object is read-only. Removes the first occurrence of the specified object from the collection. The item to remove from the collection. Returns an enumerator that can iterate through this collection. Gets the value associated with the specified key. Identity of the key of the element whose value is to be retrieved. [OutAttribute] The current value of the element. Gets all values contained in the dictionary. Provides properties that define opaque data for a game asset. Initializes a new instance of OpaqueDataDictionary. Gets the value of the specified key/value pair of the asset. The name of the key. The value to return if the key cannot be found. This can be null for reference types, 0 for primitive types, and a zero-filled structure for structure types. Initializes a new instance of PipelineComponentScanner. Gets the list of error messages produced by the last call to Update. Gets a dictionary that maps importer names to their associated metadata attributes. Gets the names of all available importers. Gets a dictionary that maps importer names to the fully qualified name of their return types. Gets a dictionary that maps processor names to their associated metadata attributes. Gets a dictionary that maps processor names to the fully qualified name of supported input types. Gets the names of all available importers. Gets a dictionary that maps processor names to the fully qualified name of their output types. A collection of supported processor parameters. Updates the scanner object with the latest available assembly states. Enumerated list of available assemblies. Updates the scanner object with the latest available assembly states. Enumerated list of available assemblies. Enumerated list of dependent assemblies. Thrown when errors are encountered during a content pipeline build. Creates an instance of PipelineException. Creates an instance of PipelineException with information on serialization and streaming context for the related content item. Information necessary for serialization and deserialization of the content item. Information necessary for the source and destination of a given serialized stream. Also provides an additional caller-defined context. Initializes a new instance of the PipelineException class with the specified error message. A message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the PipelineException class with the specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. A message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If innerException is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Initializes a new instance of the PipelineException class with the specified error message. A message that describes the error. [ParamArrayAttribute] Array of strings specifying message-related arguments. Default value of the parameter, as specified by the [DefaultValue] attribute. Description of the parameter, as specified by the [Description] attribute. Name of the parameter displayed in the designer, as specified by the [DisplayName] attribute. Gets a value indicating whether the paramter is an enumeration. Name of the property, as defined in the C# code. Type of the parameter. Identifiers for the target platform. All supported versions of Windows (excluding Windows Phone) Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system Windows Phone Provides a base class for all video objects. Initializes a new copy of the VideoContent class for the specified video file. The file name of the video to import. Gets the bit rate for this video. Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by this object. Gets the duration of this video. Gets or sets the file name for this video. Gets the frame rate for this video. Gets the height of this video. Gets or sets the type of soundtrack accompanying the video. Gets the width of this video. Initializes a new instance of XmlImporter. Name of the intermediate file. Contains information for importing the intermediate file, such as a logger interface. Encapsulates and provides operations, such as format conversions, on the source audio. This type is produced by the audio importers and used by audio processors to produce compiled audio assets. Initializes a new instance of AudioContent. Name of the audio source file to be processed. Type of the processed audio: WAV, MP3 or WMA. Transcodes the source audio to the target format and quality. Format of the processed source audio: WAV, MP3 or WMA. Quality of the processed source audio. It can be one of the following: Low (96 kbps) Medium (128 kbps) Best (192 kbps) Name of the file containing the processed source audio. Gets the raw audio data. Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by this object. Gets the duration (in milliseconds) of the audio data. Gets the file name containing the audio data. Gets the AudioFileType of this audio source. Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before garbage collection reclaims the object. Gets the AudioFormat of this audio source. Gets the loop length, in samples. Gets the loop start, in samples. Type of the audio file. The MP3 format The WAV format The WMA format Encapsulates the native audio format (WAVEFORMATEX) information of the audio content. Gets the average bytes processed per second. Gets the bit depth of the audio content. Gets the number of channels. Gets the format of the audio content. Gets the sample rate of the audio content. Target formats supported for audio source conversions. A PCM encoding technique using 4 bits 8/16-bit mono/stereo PCM audio 8KHz-48KHz Windows Media CBR formats (64 kbps, 128 kbps, 192 kbps) The Xbox compression format Compression quality of the audio content. High compression yielding lower file size, but could compromise audio quality Moderate compression resulting in a compromise between audio quality and file size Lowest compression, but the best audio quality Provides properties for modifying an effect that supports alpha testing. Creates an instance of this object. Gets or sets the material alpha. Gets or sets the compare function for alpha test. The default value is Greater. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the alpha test. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the alpha property. Gets or sets the material diffuse color, which ranges from 0 to 1. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the material diffuse color. Gets or sets the reference alpha value. The default value is 0. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the reference alpha value. Gets or sets the current texture. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the current texture. Gets or sets whether vertex color is enabled. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the vertex color enabled setting. Initializes a new instance of AnimationChannel. Adds a new keyframe to the collection, automatically sorting the contents according to keyframe times. Keyframe to be added to the channel. Removes all keyframes from the collection. Searches the collection for the specified keyframe. Keyframe being searched for. Gets the number of keyframes in the collection. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the keyframes. Determines the index for the specified keyframe. Identity of a keyframe. Gets the keyframe at the specified index position. Removes the specified keyframe from the collection. Keyframe being removed. Removes the keyframe at the specified index position. Index of the keyframe being removed. Gets an enumerator that iterates through the keyframes of an animation channel. Collection of animation data channels, one per bone or rigid object. Initializes a new instance of AnimationChannelDictionary. Provides properties for maintaining an animation. Initializes a new instance of AnimationContent. Gets or sets the total length of the animation. Collection of named animations. Initializes a new instance of AnimationContentDictionary. Initializes a new instance of AnimationKeyframe with the specified time offsetand transform. Time offset of the keyframe. Position of the keyframe. Compares this instance of a keyframe to another. Keyframe being compared to. Gets the time offset from the start of the animation to the position described by this keyframe. Gets or sets the position described by this keyframe. Provides properties for modifying a traditional fixed-function–style material, as supported by most 3D modeling packages. Initializes a new instance of BasicMaterialContent. Gets or sets the alpha property. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the alpha property. Gets or sets the diffuse color property. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the diffuse color. Gets or sets the emissive color property. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the emissive color. Gets or sets the specular color property. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the specular color. Gets or sets the specular power property. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the specular power. Gets or sets the diffuse texture property. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the diffuse texture. Gets or sets the vertex color property. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the vertex color property. Provides properties and methods for creating and maintaining a bitmap resource. Initializes a new instance of BitmapContent. Initializes a new instance of BitmapContent with the specified width or height. Width, in pixels, of the bitmap resource. Height, in pixels, of the bitmap resource. Copies one bitmap into another. BitmapContent being copied. BitmapContent being overwritten. Copies one bitmap into another. BitmapContent being copied. Region of sourceBitmap. BitmapContent being overwritten. Region of bitmap to be overwritten. Reads encoded bitmap content. Gets or sets the height of the bitmap, in pixels. Writes encoded bitmap content. Array containing encoded bitmap data to be set. Returns a string description of the bitmap resource. Attempts to copy a region from a specified bitmap. BitmapContent being copied. Location of sourceBitmap. Region of destination bitmap to be overwritten. Attempts to copy a region of the specified bitmap onto another. BitmapContent being overwritten. Location of the source bitmap. Region of destination bitmap to be overwritten. Gets the corresponding GPU texture format for the specified bitmap type. [OutAttribute] Format being compared. Validates the arguments to the Copy function. BitmapContent being copied. Location of sourceBitmap. BitmapContent being overwritten. Region of bitmap to be overwritten. Gets or sets the width of the bitmap, in pixels. Represents an animation skeleton. Initializes a new instance of BoneContent. Provides properties for managing a bone weight. Initializes a new instance of BoneWeight with the specified name and weight. Name of the bone. Amount of influence, ranging from zero to one. Gets the name of the bone. Collection of bone weights of a vertex. Initializes a new instance of BoneWeightCollection. Normalizes the contents of the weights list. Normalizes the contents of the bone weights list. Maximum number of weights allowed. Provides properties for modifying an effect that supports two-layer multitexturing. Creates an instance of this object. Gets or sets the material alpha. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the alpha property. Gets or sets the material diffuse color, which ranges from 0 to 1. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the material diffuse color. Gets or sets the current texture. Gets or sets the current overlay texture. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the current overlay texture. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the current texture. Gets or sets whether vertex color is enabled. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the vertex color enabled setting. Provides methods and properties for managing compressed textures (DXT1). Initializes a new instance of Dxt1BitmapContent with the specified width and height. Width of the bitmap, in pixels. Height of the bitmap, in pixels. Attempts to get the GPU texture format of this bitmap type. [OutAttribute] Matching GPU format. Provides methods and properties for managing compressed textures (DXT3). Initializes a new instance of Dxt3BitmapContent with the specified width and height. Width of the bitmap, in pixels. Height of the bitmap, in pixels. Attempts to get the GPU texture format of this bitmap type. [OutAttribute] Matching GPU format. Provides methods and properties for managing compressed textures (DXT5). Initializes a new instance of Dxt5BitmapContent with the specified width and height. Width of the bitmap, in pixels. Height of the bitmap, in pixels. Attempts to get the GPU texture format of this bitmap type. [OutAttribute] Matching GPU format. Initializes a new instance of DxtBitmapContent with the specified compression. Size of the block, in bytes. Initializes a new instance of DxtBitmapContent with the specified size. Size of the block, in bytes. Width of the bitmap, in pixels. Height of the bitmap, in pixels. Gets the bitmap content as an array of encoded bytes. Sets the contents of the bitmap using an encoded byte array. Contents to be copied to destination bitmap. Attempts to copy from a specified region to another. Bitmap being copied from. Region of bitmap being copied. Region being copied to. Attempts to copy the specified region to another. Bitmap being copied to. Region of source bitmap being copied from. Region of destination bitmap. Contains the source code for a DirectX Effect, loaded from a .fx file. Initializes a new instance of EffectContent. Gets or sets the effect program source code. Provides support for representing DirectX Effect materials. Initializes a new instance of EffectMaterialContent. Gets or sets the compiled Effect. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the compiled effect property. Gets or sets the effect property. Use this key search for the related effect property in the OpaqueDataDictionary object. Provides properties for modifying an effect that supports environment mapping. Creates an instance of this object. Gets or sets the material alpha. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the alpha property. Gets or sets the material diffuse color, which ranges from 0 to 1. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the material diffuse color. Gets or sets the emissive color of the effect material. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the material emissive color. Gets or sets the current environment map texture. Gets or sets the amount of the environment map color (RGB) that will be blended over the base texture. The value ranges from 0 to 1; the default value is 1. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the amount of the environment map color to blend. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the current environment map texture. Gets or sets the amount of the environment map alpha value that will be added to the base texture. The value ranges from 0 to 1; the default value is 0. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the amount of the environment map alpha value to add. Gets or sets the Fresnel factor used for the environment map blending. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the fresnel factor. Gets or sets the current texture. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the current texture. Provides information to the FontDescriptionProcessor describing which font to rasterize, which font size to utilize, and which Unicode characters to include in the processor output. Initializes a new instance of FontDescription and initializes its members to the specified font, size, and spacing, using FontDescriptionStyle.Regular as the default value for Style. The name of the font, such as Times New Roman. The size, in points, of the font. The amount of space, in pixels, to insert between letters in a string. Initializes a new instance of FontDescription and initializes its members to the specified font, size, spacing, and style. The name of the font, such as Times New Roman. The size, in points, of the font. The amount of space, in pixels, to insert between letters in a string. The font style for the font. Initializes a new instance of FontDescription using the specified values. The name of the font, such as Times New Roman. The size, in points, of the font. The amount of space, in pixels, to insert between letters in a string. The font style for the font. true if kerning information is used when drawing characters; false otherwise. Gets the collection of characters provided by this FontDescription. Reference page contains links to related conceptual articles. Gets or sets the default character for the font. Gets or sets the name of the font, such as "Times New Roman" or "Arial". This value cannot be null or empty. Gets or sets the size, in points, of the font. Gets or sets the amount of space, in pixels, to insert between letters in a string. Gets or sets the style of the font, expressed as a combination of one or more FontDescriptionStyle flags. Indicates if kerning information is used when drawing characters. Flags that describe style information to be applied to text. Bold text. Italic text. Normal text. Provides properties that define various aspects of a geometry batch. Creates an instance of GeometryContent. Gets or sets the material of the parent mesh. Gets or sets the parent MeshContent for this object. Gets the set of vertex batches for the geometry batch. Provides methods for maintaining a collection of geometry batches that make up a mesh. Provides methods for maintaining a list of index values. Initializes a new instance of IndexCollection. Appends the specified indices into the collection. Index into the Positions member of the parent. Provides methods for maintaining a list of vertex positions. Determines whether the specified position is in the collection. Position being searched for in the collection. Copies the specified positions to an array, starting at the specified index. Array of positions to be copied. Index of the first copied position. Number of positions in the collection. Gets an enumerator interface for reading the position values. Gets the index of the specified position in a collection. Position being searched for. Gets or sets the position at the specified index. Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the collection. Provides methods and properties for maintaining a collection of named texture references. Initializes a new instance of MaterialContent. Gets a reference type from the OpaqueDataDictionary collection. Key of the property being retrieved. Gets a value from the Textures collection. Key of the texture being retrieved. Gets a value type from the OpaqueDataDictionary collection. Key of the value type being retrieved. Sets a value in the contained OpaqueDataDictionary object. Name of the key being modified. Value being set. Sets a value in the contained TextureReferenceDictionary object. Name of the key being modified. Value being set. Gets the texture collection of the material. Provides support for writing a custom importer for mesh objects. Adds a vertex into the index collection. Index of the inserted vertex, in the collection. This corresponds to the value returned by CreatePosition. Inserts the specified vertex position into the vertex channel at the specified index. Value of the vertex being inserted. Inserts the specified vertex position into the vertex channel. Value of the x component of the vector. Value of the y component of the vector. Value of the z component of the vector. Describes how the channel is used. Use this parameter as a look-up into a VertexChannelCollection. It is strongly recommended that you choose a usage from the following list. Binormal Color Normal Tangent TextureCoordinate Weights For more information, see VertexChannelNames. Ends the creation of a mesh. Gets or sets the current value for position merging of the mesh. Reference page contains code snippet demonstrating example usage. Specifies the material used by the current mesh. The material to be used by the mesh. Initializes the opaque data for a specific mesh object. Opaque data to be applied to the GeometryContent object of the next triangle. Sets the specified vertex data with new data. Index of the vertex data channel being set. This should match the index returned by CreateVertexChannel. New data values for the vertex data. The data type being set must match the data type for the vertex channel specified by vertexDataIndex. Initializes the creation of a mesh. Name of the mesh. Reverses the triangle winding order of the specified mesh. Provides properties and methods that define various aspects of a mesh. Initializes a new instance of MeshContent. Gets the list of geometry batches for the mesh. Gets the list of vertex position values. Provides methods for manipulating mesh data. Computes new normals for the specified mesh. Mesh containing the normals being computed. true if existing normals are to be discarded; false otherwise. Existing normals are searched for as if they are a vertex data channel (of type Vector3 Structure) with the name VertexChannelNames.Normal. Compute tangent frames for the given mesh. The target mesh used to create the tangent frame. All geometries in this mesh must have normal vertex channels stored in Normal, and must contain Vector3 data. The texture coordinate channel used for computing the tangent frame. This channel most contain Vector2 data. Target channel name used to store calculated tangents. A tangent channel is not generated if null or an empty string is specified. Target channel name used to store calculated binormals. A tangent channel is not generated if null or an empty string is specified. Mesh that possibly contains the skeleton. Gets a flattened list of all bones contained by the specified skeleton. Skeleton to be traversed. Processes the PositionCollection collection of the specified mesh, merging any values that are closer together than the specified tolerance threshold. Mesh to be processed. Tolerance to be used when determining duplicate positions. Pass a value of 0 to merge only those values that are exactly identical. Processes the PositionIndices and VertexChannel data of the specified geometry batch, merging any duplicate vertices. Geometry batch to be processed. Processes the PositionIndices and VertexChannel data of the specified mesh, merging any duplicate vertices. Mesh to be processed. Reorders the indices and vertices of the mesh for optimal GPU cache performance. Mesh to be optimized. Reverses the triangle winding order of the specified mesh. The mesh to be modified. Applies a transformation to the contents of a scene hierarchy. Scene hierarchy being transformed. Matrix used in the transformation Provides methods for accessing a mipmap chain. Initializes a new instance of MipmapChain. Initializes a new instance of MipmapChain with the specified mipmap. Image containing a mipmap. Provides methods for maintaining a mipmap chain. Provides a base class for graphics types that define local coordinate systems. Creates an instance of NodeContent. Gets the value of the local Transform property, multiplied by the AbsoluteTransform of the parent. Gets the set of animations belonging to this node. Gets the children of the NodeContent object. Gets the parent of this NodeContent object. Gets the transform matrix of the scene. Provides a collection of all NodeContent objects in a spatial hierarchy. Provides methods for maintaining a 2D array of pixel values. Initializes a new instance of PixelBitmapContent. Initializes a new instance of PixelBitmapContent with the specified width and height. Width, in pixels, of the blank pixel bitmap. Height, in pixels, of the blank pixel bitmap. Gets the pixel value at the specified location in the bitmap. The x component of a bitmap pixel. The y component of a bitmap pixel. Gets the bitmap content as an array of encoded bytes. Gets an array containing a single row of bitmap data. The y component of the bitmap row. Searches for all pixels matching the specified color and replaces them with a new value. Color being searched for. Color used to replace originalColor. Sets the pixel value at the specified location in the bitmap. The x component of a bitmap pixel. The y component of a bitmap pixel. New pixel value. Sets the bitmap content using the specified encoded byte array. New bitmap content. Gets a string description of the bitmap. Attempts to copy a region from the specified bitmap. Bitmap content being copied. Location of the upper-left region of sourceBitmap being copied from. Region of destination bitmap to be overwritten. Attempts to copy a region to the specified bitmap. Bitmap to be copied to. Location of upper-left region to be copied. Target region for the copied content. Gets the GPU texture format that corresponds to the specified bitmap type. [OutAttribute] Format being compared. Provides a collection of vertex position values. Initializes a new instance of PositionCollection. Provides properties for modifying an effect for rendering skinned character models. Creates an instance of this object. Gets or sets the material alpha. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the alpha property. Gets or sets the material diffuse color, which ranges from 0 to 1. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the material diffuse color. Gets or sets the emissive color of the effect material. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the material emissive color. Gets or sets the specular color of this effect material. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the specular color. Gets or sets the specular power of this effect material. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the specular power. Gets or sets the current texture. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the current texture. Gets or sets the number of per-vertex skinning weights to evaluate, which is either 1, 2, or 4. Specifies the key of the key/data pair for the per-vertex skinning weights. Represents a regular two-dimensional texture. Initializes a new instance of Texture2DContent. Gets or sets the collection of mipmaps containing the texture image data. Validates that the required contents of this texture are present, valid and match the capabilities of the device. The profile identifier that defines the capabilities of the device. Represents a three-dimensional volume texture. Initializes a new instance of Texture3DContent. Generates mipmaps for a volume texture. true to overwrite existing mipmaps for the volume texture; false otherwise. Validates that the required contents of this volume texture are present, valid and match the capabilities of the device. The profile identifier that defines the capabilities of the device. Provides a base class for all texture objects. Initializes a new instance of TextureContent with the specified face collection. Mipmap chain containing the face collection. Converts all bitmaps for this texture to a different format. Type being converted to. The new type must be a subclass of BitmapContent, such as PixelBitmapContent or DxtBitmapContent. Collection of image faces that hold a single mipmap chain for a regular 2D texture, six chains for a cube map, or an arbitrary number for volume and array textures. Generates a full set of mipmaps for the texture. true if the existing mipmap set is replaced with the new set; false otherwise. Verifies that all contents of this texture are present, correct and match the capabilities of the device. The profile identifier that defines the capabilities of the device. Provides validation for a cube map texture, which contains an array of six image faces. Initializes a new instance of TextureCubeContent. Verifies that all contents of the cube map are present, correct and match the capabilities of the device. Provides a collection of named references to texture files. Initializes a new instance of TextureReferenceDictionary. Provides methods for converting data between different packed vector representations. Gets a Converter delegate that can convert one packed vector representation to another. Gets the GPU texture format that corresponds to a managed vector type. Can be one of the following: IPackedVector Single Vector2 Vector3 Vector4 [OutAttribute] Surface format being compared. Searches for a managed vector type that corresponds to a GPU texture format. Surface format being compared. [OutAttribute] Corresponding managed vector type. Searches for a managed vector type that corresponds to a GPU vertex format. Texture format being matched. [OutAttribute] Corresponding managed vector type. Gets the GPU vertex format that corresponds to a managed vector type. Can be one of the following: IPackedVector Single Vector2 Vector3 Vector4 [OutAttribute] Corresponding vertex element type. Provides methods and properties for maintaining a vertex channel. Determines whether the specified element is in the channel. Element being searched for. Copies the elements of the channel to an array, starting at the specified index. Array that will receive the copied channel elements. Starting index for copy operation. Gets the number of elements in the vertex channel Gets the type of data contained in this channel. Gets an enumerator interface for reading channel content. Gets the index of the specified item. Item whose index is to be retrieved. Gets or sets the element at the specified index. Gets the name of the vertex channel. Reads channel content and automatically converts it to the specified vector format. Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread safe). Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. Adds a new element to the end of the collection. The element to add. Removes all elements from the collection. Inserts an element into the collection at the specified position. Index at which to insert the element. The element to insert. Gets a value indicating whether this list has a fixed size. Gets a value indicating whether this object is read-only. Removes a specified element from the collection. The element to remove. Removes the element at the specified index position. Index of the element to remove. Provides methods and properties for maintaining a vertex channel. Determines whether the specified element is in the channel. Element being searched for. Copies the elements of the channel to an array, starting at the specified index. Array that will receive the copied channel elements. Starting index for copy operation. Gets the type of data contained in this channel. Gets an enumerator interface for reading channel content. Gets the index of the specified item. Item whose index is to be retrieved. Gets or sets the element at the specified index. Reads channel content and automatically converts it to the specified vector format. Provides methods and properties for managing a list of vertex data channels. Adds a new vertex channel to the end of the collection. Name of the new channel. Initial data for the new channel. If null, the channel is filled with the default value for that type. Adds a new vertex channel to the end of the collection. Name of the new channel. Type of data to be contained in the new channel. Initial data for the new channel. If null, the channel is filled with the default value for that type. Removes all vertex channels from the collection. Determines whether the collection contains the specified vertex channel. Name of the channel being searched for. Determines whether the collection contains the specified vertex channel. Name of the channel being searched for. Converts the channel, at the specified index, to another vector format. Index of the channel to be converted. Converts the channel, specified by name to another vector format. Name of the channel to be converted. Gets the number of vertex channels in the collection. Gets the vertex channel with the specified index and content type. Index of a vertex channel. Gets the vertex channel with the specified name and content type. Name of a vertex channel. Gets an enumerator that iterates through the vertex channels of a collection. Determines the index of the specified vertex channel. Vertex channel being searched for. Determines the index of a vertex channel with the specified name. Name of the vertex channel being searched for. Inserts a new vertex channel at the specified position. Index for channel insertion. Name of the new channel. The new channel. Inserts a new vertex channel at the specified position. Index for channel insertion. Name of the new channel. Type of the new channel. Initial data for the new channel. If null, it is filled with the default value. Gets or sets the vertex channel at the specified index position. Gets or sets the vertex channel with the specified name. Removes the specified vertex channel from the collection. Name of the vertex channel being removed. Removes the specified vertex channel from the collection. Name of the vertex channel being removed. Removes the vertex channel at the specified index position. Index of the vertex channel being removed. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. Provides properties for managing a collection of vertex channel names. Gets the name of a binormal vector channel with the specified index. Zero-based index of the vector channel being retrieved. Gets the name of a color channel with the specified index. Zero-based index of the color channel being retrieved. Gets a channel base name stub from the encoded string format. Encoded string to be decoded. Gets a channel usage index from the encoded format. Encoded name to be decoded. Combines a vertex declaration usage and usage index into a string name. A vertex declaration. An index for the vertex declaration. Combines a channel name stub and usage index into a string name. A channel base name stub. A channel usage index. Gets the name of the primary normal channel. Gets the name of the normal channel with the specified index. Zero-based index of the normal channel being retrieved. Gets the name of the tangent vector channel with the specified index. Zero-based index of the tangent vector channel being retrieved. Gets the name of the texture coordinate channel with the specified index. Zero-based index of the texture coordinate channel being retrieved. Gets a vertex declaration usage enumeration from the encoded string format. Encoded name of a vertex declaration. [OutAttribute] Value of the declaration usage for the vertex declaration. Gets the name of the primary animation weights channel. Gets the name of an animation weights channel at the specified index. Index of the animation weight channel to be retrieved. Provides methods and properties for maintaining the vertex data of a GeometryContent. Appends a new vertex index to the end of the PositionIndices collection. Index into the MeshContent.Positions member of the parent. Appends multiple vertex indices to the end of the PositionIndices collection. Index into the Positions member of the parent. Gets the list of named vertex data channels in the VertexContent. Converts design-time vertex position and channel data into a vertex buffer format that a graphics device can recognize. Inserts a new vertex index to the PositionIndices collection. Vertex index to be inserted. Position of new vertex index in the collection. Inserts multiple vertex indices to the PositionIndices collection. Vertex index to be inserted. Position of the first element of the inserted range in the collection. Gets the list of position indices. Gets position data from the parent mesh object. Removes a vertex index from the specified location in both PositionIndices and VertexChannel<T>. Index of the vertex to be removed. Removes a range of vertex indices from the specified location in both PositionIndices and VertexChannel<T>. Index of the first vertex index to be removed. Number of indices to remove. Number of vertices for the content. Represents a compiled Effect. Creates a new instance of the CompiledEffectContent class The compiled effect code. Retrieves the compiled byte code for this shader. Processes a string representation to a platform-specific compiled effect. Initializes a new instance of EffectProcessor. The debug mode for compiling effects. Define assignments for the effect. Processes the string representation of the specified effect into a platform-specific binary format using the specified context. The effect string to be processed. Context for the specified processor. Specifies how debugging of effects is to be supported in PIX. Enables effect debugging when built with Debug profile. Enables effect debugging for all profiles. Will produce unoptimized shaders. Disables debugging for all profiles, produce optimized shaders. Provides methods to convert a font description class containing the name and size of a font into SpriteFontContent. Reference page contains links to related code samples. Initializes a new instance of FontDescriptionProcessor. Creates SpriteFontContent from a FontDescription object. Description of the font to build. Context for the specified processor. Provides methods to convert a specially marked 2D bitmap into SpriteFontContent. Reference page contains code snippet demonstrating example usage. Initializes a new instance of FontTextureProcessor. Gets or sets the value of the First Character processor parameter. Maps a glyph index to a character. The glyph index. This is a zero-based index that corresponds to the position of the glyph in the original character. This value begins at the upper-left corner of the texture and increases when moving to the right and down. Specifies whether alpha premultiply of font textures is enabled. Creates SpriteFontContent from a bitmap. The bitmap data to convert to a font. Context for the specified processor. Gets or sets the output SurfaceFormat of textures. Builds the effects and textures of a MaterialContent object. Initializes a new instance of the MaterialProcessor class. Builds effect content. An external reference to the effect content. Context for the specified processor. Builds texture content. The name of the texture. This should correspond to the key used to store the texture in Textures. The asset to build. This should be a member of Textures. Context for the specified processor. Gets or sets the color value to replace with transparent black. Specifies whether color keying of a texture is enabled. The default effect type for this instance of MaterialProcessor. Specifies if a full chain of mipmaps are generated from the source material. Existing mipmaps of the material are not replaced. Specifies whether alpha premultiply of textures is enabled. Builds the texture and effect content for the material. The material content to build. Context for the specified processor. Specifies the default effect type. An AlphaTestEffect Class effect. An BasicEffect Class effect. An DualTextureEffect Class effect. An EnvironmentMapEffect Class effect. An SkinnedEffect Class effect. Stores design-time data for a ModelBone asset. Gets the children of this bone. Gets the index of this bone in a ModelBoneContentCollection. Gets the bone name. Gets the parent of this bone. Gets or sets the local transformation matrix for this bone. A collection of ModelBoneContent objects. Stores design-time data for a Model asset. Gets the collection of bones that are referenced by this model. Gets the collection of meshes that are associated with this model. Gets the root bone of this model Gets a user defined tag object. Stores design-time data for a ModelMesh asset. Gets the bounding sphere for this mesh. Gets the children mesh parts associated with this mesh. Gets the mesh name. Gets the parent bone. Gets the MeshContent source object used when creating this class. Gets a user-defined tag object. A collection of ModelMeshContent objects. Stores design-time data for a ModelMeshPart asset. Gets the index buffer associated with this mesh part. Gets the material of this mesh part. Gets the number of vertices used in this mesh part. Gets the number of primitives to render for this mesh part. Gets the location in the index buffer at which to start reading vertices. Gets a user-defined tag object. Gets the vertex buffer associated with this mesh part. Gets the offset, in bytes, from the first index of the of vertex buffer for this mesh part. Collection of ModelMeshPartContent objects. Processes a game asset mesh to a model content that is optimal for runtime. Initializes a new instance of ModelProcessor. Specifies whether color keying of a model is enabled. Called by the framework when the MaterialContent property of a GeometryContent object is encountered in the input node collection. The input material content. Context for the specified processor. The default effect type for this instance of ModelProcessor. Gets or sets the value of the Generate Tangent Frames processor parameter. Specifies whether alpha premultiply of textures is enabled. Specifies if premultiply of vertex colors is enabled. Converts mesh content to model content. The root node content. Context for the specified processor. Processes all geometry using a specified material. A material used in the scene. A collection of all the geometry using the specified material. Context for the specified processor. Processes geometry content vertex channels at the specified index. The geometry content to process. Index of the vertex channel to process. Context for the specified processor. Gets or sets the value of the X Axis Rotation processor parameter. Gets or sets the value of the Y Axis Rotation processor parameter. Gets or sets the value of the Z Axis Rotation processor parameter. Gets or sets the value of the Scale processor parameter. Gets or sets the value of the Swap Winding Order processor parameter. Processes textures for 3D models. Initializes a new instance of the ModelTextureProcessor class. Specifies whether color keying of the texture is enabled. Processes a texture. The texture content to process. Context for the specified processor. Provides an implementation of a no-operation processor that returns an unmodified copy of the input data. Initializes a new instance of the PassThroughProcessor class. No-operation process that simply returns the input argument. The input argument. Context for the specified processor. Represents a processed Song object. Initializes a new instance of SongProcessor. Builds the content for the source audio. The audio content to build. Context for the specified processor. Gets or sets the target format quality of the audio content. Represents a processed sound effect. Initializes a new instance of SoundEffectProcessor. Builds the content for the source audio. The audio content to build. Context for the specified processor. Gets or sets the target format quality of the sound effect. Provides methods and properties for managing a design-time SpriteFont Class holding packed font data. Processes textures for use as 2D sprites or user interface components. Initializes a new instance of the SpriteTextureProcessor class. Specifies whether color keying of the texture is enabled. Processes a texture for use as 2D sprites or user interface components. The input texture content. Context for the specified processor. Provides methods for processing textures. Initializes a new instance of the TextureProcessor class. Specifies whether color keying of a texture is enabled. Specifies whether alpha premultiply of textures is enabled. Processes a texture. The texture content to process. Context for the specified processor. The SurfaceFormat value, of the input TextureContent object, is converted to Color by the processor. Typically used for 2D graphics and overlays. The SurfaceFormat value, of the input TextureContent object, is converted to an appropriate DXT compression by the processor. If the input texture contains fractional alpha values, it is converted to DXT5 format (8 bits per texel); otherwise it is converted to DXT1 (4 bits per texel). This conversion reduces the resource's size on the graphics card. Typically used for 3D textures such as 3D model textures. The SurfaceFormat value, of the input TextureContent object, is not changed by the processor. Typically used for textures processed by an external tool. Provides methods and properties for managing a design-time vertex buffer that holds packed vertex data. Initializes a new instance of VertexBufferContent. Initializes a new instance of VertexBufferContent of the specified size. The size of the vertex buffer content, in bytes. Gets the size of the specified type, in bytes. The type. Gets the associated VertexDeclarationContent object. Offset to begin writing at. Stride of the data being written, in bytes. Enumerated collection of data. Offset at which to begin writing. Stride of the data being written, in bytes. The type of data to be written. The data to write. Provides methods and properties for maintaining the vertex declaration data of a VertexContent. Initializes a new instance of VertexDeclarationContent. Gets the VertexElement object of the vertex declaration. The number of bytes from one vertex to the next. Processes videos for playback within a game. Initializes a new instance of VideoProcessor. Processes a video. The video content to process. Context for the processor. Gets or sets the VideoSoundtrackType for this video. Provides methods for writing compiled binary format. Retrieves the worker writer for the specified type. The type. Provides methods and properties for compiling a specific managed type into a binary format. Initializes a new instance of the ContentTypeWriter class. The target type the ContentTypeWriter. Determines if deserialization into an existing object is possible. Gets the assembly qualified name of the runtime loader for this type. Name of the platform. The target platform. The content compiler. Indicates whether a given type of content should be compressed. The target platform of the content build. The object about to be serialized, or null if a collection of objects is to be serialized. Gets the type handled by this compiler component. Gets a format version number for this type. Compiles an object into binary format. The content writer serializing the value. The resultant object. Provides a generic implementation of ContentTypeWriter methods and properties for compiling a specific managed type into a binary format. Initializes a new instance of the ContentTypeWriter class. Compiles a strongly typed object into binary format. The content writer serializing the value. The value to write. Compiles a strongly typed object into binary format. The content writer serializing the value. The value to write. Initializes a new instance of the ContentTypeWriterAttribute class. Provides an implementation for many of the ContentCompiler methods including compilation, state tracking for shared resources and creation of the header type manifest. Gets the content build target platform. Gets or sets the target graphics profile. Writes a Color value. Value of a color using Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha values to write. Writes a Matrix value. Value to write. Writes a Quaternion value. Value to write. Writes a Vector2 value. Value to write. Writes a Vector3 value. Value to write. Writes a Vector4 value. Value to write. Writes the name of an external file to the output binary. External reference to a data file for the content item. Writes a single object preceded by a type identifier to the output binary. The value to write. Writes a single object to the output binary, using the specified type hint and writer worker. The value to write. The content type writer. Writes a single object to the output binary as an instance of the specified type. The value to write. Writes a single object to the output binary using the specified writer worker. The value to write. The writer worker. This should be looked up from the Initialize method of the ContentTypeWriter that is calling WriteRawObject, by calling GetTypeWriter. Adds a shared reference to the output binary and records the object to be serialized later. The object to record. Provides methods for serializing and deserializing a specific managed type. Initializes a new instance of the ContentTypeSerializer class for serializing the specified type. The target type. Initializes a new instance of the ContentTypeSerializer class for serializing the specified type using the specified XML shortcut name. The target type. The XML shortcut name. Gets a value indicating whether this component may load data into an existing object or if it must it construct a new instance of the object before loading the data. Deserializes an object from intermediate XML format. Location of the intermediate XML and various deserialization helpers. Specifies the intermediate source XML format. The object containing the received data, or null if the deserializer should construct a new instance. Retrieves and caches any nested type serializers and allows reflection over the target data type. The content serializer. Queries whether an object contains data to be serialized. The object to query. Examines the children of the specified object, passing each to a callback delegate. The content serializer. The method to be called for each examined child. The object whose children are being scanned. Serializes an object to intermediate XML format. Specifies the intermediate XML location, and provides various serialization helpers. The object to be serialized. Specifies the content format for this object. Gets the type handled by this serializer component. Gets a short-form XML name for the target type, or null if there is none. Provides a generic implementation of ContentTypeSerializer methods and properties for serializing and deserializing a specific managed type. Initializes a new instance of the ContentTypeSerializer class. Initializes a new instance of the ContentTypeSerializer class using the specified XML shortcut name. The XML shortcut name. Deserializes an object from intermediate XML format. Location of the intermediate XML and various deserialization helpers. Specifies the intermediate source XML format. The object containing the received data, or null if the deserializer should construct a new instance. Deserializes a strongly typed object from intermediate XML format. Location of the intermediate XML and various deserialization helpers. Specifies the intermediate source XML format. The strongly typed object containing the received data, or null if the deserializer should construct a new instance. Queries whether a strongly-typed object contains data to be serialized. The object to query. Queries whether an object contains data to be serialized. The object to query. Examines the children of the specified object, passing each to a callback delegate. The content serializer. The method to be called for each examined child. The object whose children are being scanned. Examines the children of the specified object, passing each to a callback delegate. The content serializer. The method to be called for each examined child. The strongly typed object whose children are being scanned. Serializes an object to intermediate XML format. Specifies the intermediate XML location, and provides various serialization helpers. The object to be serialized. Specifies the content format for this object. Serializes an object to intermediate XML format. Specifies the intermediate XML location, and provides various serialization helpers. The strongly typed object to be serialized. Specifies the content format for this object. Callback delegate for the ScanChildren method. The serializer component used to read or write the child object. The child object currently being scanned. Identifies type serializer components. Initializes a new isntance of the ContentTypeSerializerAttribute class. Provides an implementation of many of the methods of IntermediateSerializer. Deserializes and tracks state for shared resources and external references. Moves to the specified element if the element name exists. The element name. Reads an external reference ID and records it for subsequent operations. The object receiving the data, or null if a new instance of the object should be created. Reads a single object from the input XML stream. The format expected by the type serializer. Reads a single object from the input XML stream, using the specified type hint. The format of the XML. The type serializer. Reads a single object from the input XML stream using the specified type hint, optionally specifying an existing instance to receive the data. The format of the XML. The type serializer. The object receiving the data, or null if a new instance should be created. Reads a single object from the input XML stream, optionally specifying an existing instance to receive the data. The format expected by the type serializer. The object receiving the data, or null if a new instance should be created. Reads a single object from the input XML stream as an instance of the specified type, optionally specifying an existing instance to receive the data. The format of the XML. Reads a single object from the input XML stream as an instance of the specified type using the specified type hint. The format of the XML. The type serializer. Reads a single object from the input XML stream as an instance of the specified type using the specified type hint, optionally specifying an existing instance to receive the data. The format of the XML. The type serializer. The object receiving the data, or null if a new instance should be created. Reads a single object from the input XML stream, as an instance of the specified type. The object. The object receiving the data, or null if a new instance should be created. Reads a shared resource ID and records it for subsequent operations. The format of the XML. The fixup operation to perform. Reads and decodes a type descriptor from the XML input stream. Gets the parent serializer. Gets the XML input stream. Provides methods for reading and writing XNA intermediate XML format. Deserializes an intermediate XML file into a managed object. Intermediate XML file. Final name of the output file used to relative encode external reference filenames. Retrieves the worker serializer for a specified type. The type. Serializes an object into an intermediate XML file. The output XML stream. The object to be serialized. Final name of the output file, used to relative encode external reference filenames. Provides an implementation of many of the methods of IntermediateSerializer including serialization and state tracking for shared resources and external references. Gets the parent serializer. Adds an external reference to the output XML, and records the filename to be serialized later. The external reference to add. Writes a single object to the output XML stream. The value to write. The format of the XML. Writes a single object to the output XML stream, using the specified type hint. The value to write. The format of the XML. The type serializer. Writes a single object to the output XML stream using the specified serializer worker. The value to write. The format of the XML. Writes a single object to the output XML stream as an instance of the specified type. The value to write. The format of the XML. The type serializer. Adds a shared reference to the output XML and records the object to be serialized later. The value to write. The format of the XML. Writes a managed type descriptor to the XML output stream. The type. Gets the XML output stream. Provides methods and properties for importing and processing game assets into a binary format. Initializes a new instance of BuildContent. Gets or sets the content build configuration name. The format specifier for the named event used to cancel the build. Gets or sets the content compression flag. Executes the related build task. Gets or sets the directory for storing temporary build files. Gets or sets the base reference path used when reporting errors during the content build process. Gets or sets the output directory for the final build results. Gets or sets the names of assemblies that provide Importer<T> or ContentProcessor<T> components for use by the build. Gets or sets the dependencies of the pipeline assemblies. Gets or sets the force rebuild flag. Gets or sets the base path for the entire content build process. Gets or sets the source asset files to be built. Gets or sets the content build target platform. Gets or sets the target graphics profile. An MSBuild task that provides incremental build capabilities for XACT projects. Initializes a new instance of BuildXact. Gets or sets the content build configuration name. Executes the BuildXact task. Gets or sets the directory for storing temporary build files. Gets the names of the intermediate files used internally by the build. Gets or sets the base reference path used when reporting errors during the content build process. Gets or sets the directory for the final build results. Gets the names of all files produced by the build, regardless of any incremental optimizations. Gets or sets the force rebuild flag. Gets the names of files modified by an incremental rebuild. Gets or sets the base directory for the entire content build process. Gets or sets the content build target platform. Gets or sets the target graphics profile. Gets or sets the XACT project files to be built. Gets or sets XNA framework version, used to determine the xactbld3.exe path. An MSBuild task for deleting all the intermediate and output files that were created by a previous Content Pipeline build operation. Instantiates a new instance of this MSBuild task for deleting all the intermediate and output files that were created by a previous Content Pipeline build operation. Gets or sets the content build configuration name. Removes all intermediate and output files that were created by a previous Content Pipeline build operation. Gets or sets the directory for storing temporary build files. Gets or sets the output directory for the final build results. Gets or sets the base path for the entire content build process. Gets or sets the content build target platform. Gets or sets the target graphics profile. Provides methods and properties for getting the names of all output content files from the content pipeline's cache file. Creates a new instance of GetLastOutputs. Executes the related task using MSBuild. Gets or sets the directory containing the cache file to be retrieved.