A game component that is notified when it needs to draw itself. Creates a new instance of DrawableGameComponent. The Game that the game component should be attached to. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the DrawableGameComponent and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Called when the DrawableGameComponent needs to be drawn. Override this method with component-specific drawing code. Reference page contains links to related conceptual articles. Time passed since the last call to Draw. Order in which the component should be drawn, relative to other components that are in the same GameComponentCollection. Reference page contains code sample. Raised when the DrawOrder property changes. The GraphicsDevice the DrawableGameComponent is associated with. Initializes the component. Override this method to load any non-graphics resources and query for any required services. Called when graphics resources need to be loaded. Override this method to load any component-specific graphics resources. Called when the DrawOrder property changes. Raises the DrawOrderChanged event. The DrawableGameComponent. Arguments to the DrawOrderChanged event. Called when the Visible property changes. Raises the VisibleChanged event. The DrawableGameComponent. Arguments to the VisibleChanged event. Called when graphics resources need to be unloaded. Override this method to unload any component-specific graphics resources. Indicates whether Draw should be called. Raised when the Visible property changes. Provides basic graphics device initialization, game logic, and rendering code. Initializes a new instance of this class, which provides basic graphics device initialization, game logic, rendering code, and a game loop. Reference page contains code sample. Raised when the game gains focus. Starts the drawing of a frame. This method is followed by calls to Draw and EndDraw. Called after all components are initialized but before the first update in the game loop. Gets the collection of GameComponents owned by the game. Gets or sets the current ContentManager. Raised when the game loses focus. Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by this object. Releases all resources used by the Game class. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Raised when the game is being disposed. Reference page contains code sample. Time passed since the last call to Draw. Ends the drawing of a frame. This method is preceeded by calls to Draw and BeginDraw. Called after the game loop has stopped running before exiting. Exits the game. Raised when the game is exiting. Allows a Game to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before garbage collection reclaims the Game. Gets the current GraphicsDevice. Gets or sets the time to sleep when the game is inactive. Called after the Game and GraphicsDevice are created, but before LoadContent. Reference page contains code sample. Indicates whether the game is currently the active application. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use fixed time steps. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the mouse cursor should be visible. Gets the start up parameters in LaunchParameters. Raises the Activated event. Override this method to add code to handle when the game gains focus. The Game. Arguments for the Activated event. Raises the Deactivated event. Override this method to add code to handle when the game loses focus. The Game. Arguments for the Deactivated event. Raises an Exiting event. Override this method to add code to handle when the game is exiting. The Game. Arguments for the Exiting event. Resets the elapsed time counter. Call this method to initialize the game, begin running the game loop, and start processing events for the game. Run the game through what would happen in a single tick of the game clock; this method is designed for debugging only. Gets the GameServiceContainer holding all the service providers attached to the Game. This is used to display an error message if there is no suitable graphics device or sound card. The exception to display. Prevents calls to Draw until the next Update. Gets or sets the target time between calls to Update when IsFixedTimeStep is true. Reference page contains links to related code samples. Updates the game's clock and calls Update and Draw. Called when graphics resources need to be unloaded. Override this method to unload any game-specific graphics resources. Reference page contains links to related conceptual articles. Time passed since the last call to Update. Gets the underlying operating system window. Base class for all XNA Framework game components. Initializes a new instance of this class. Game that the game component should be attached to. Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by this object. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the GameComponent and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Raised when the GameComponent is disposed. Indicates whether GameComponent.Update should be called when Game.Update is called. Raised when the Enabled property changes. Allows a GameComponent to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before garbage collection reclaims the GameComponent. Gets the Game associated with this GameComponent. Reference page contains code sample. Called when the Enabled property changes. Raises the EnabledChanged event. The GameComponent. Arguments to the EnabledChanged event. Called when the UpdateOrder property changes. Raises the UpdateOrderChanged event. The GameComponent. Arguments to the UpdateOrderChanged event. Called when the GameComponent needs to be updated. Override this method with component-specific update code. Time elapsed since the last call to Update Indicates the order in which the GameComponent should be updated relative to other GameComponent instances. Lower values are updated first. Raised when the UpdateOrder property changes. A collection of game components. Initializes a new instance of this class. Raised when a component is added to the GameComponentCollection. Raised when a component is removed from the GameComponentCollection. Arguments used with events from the GameComponentCollection. Creates a new instance of GameComponentCollectionEventArgs. The game component affected by the event. The game component affected by the event. A collection of game services. Initializes a new instance of this class, which represents a collection of game services. Adds a service to the GameServiceContainer. The type of service to add. The service provider to add. Gets the object providing a specified service. The type of service. Removes the object providing a specified service. The type of service. Snapshot of the game timing state expressed in values that can be used by variable-step (real time) or fixed-step (game time) games. Creates a new instance of GameTime. Creates a new instance of GameTime. The amount of game time since the start of the game. The amount of elapsed game time since the last update. Creates a new instance of GameTime. The amount of game time since the start of the game. The amount of elapsed game time since the last update. Whether the game is running multiple updates this frame. The amount of elapsed game time since the last update. Gets a value indicating that the game loop is taking longer than its TargetElapsedTime. In this case, the game loop can be considered to be running too slowly and should do something to "catch up." The amount of game time since the start of the game. The system window associated with a Game. Specifies whether to allow the user to resize the game window. Starts a device transition (windowed to full screen or vice versa). Specifies whether the device will be in full-screen mode upon completion of the change. The screen dimensions of the game window's client rectangle. Raised when the size of the GameWindow changes. Gets the current display orientation, which reflects the physical orientation of the phone in the user's hand. Completes a device transition. The desktop screen to move the window to. This should be the screen device name of the graphics device that has transitioned to full screen. Completes a device transition. The desktop screen to move the window to. This should be the screen device name of the graphics device that has transitioned to full screen. The new width of the game's client window. The new height of the game's client window. Gets the handle to the system window. Called when the GameWindow gets focus. Called when the size of the client window changes. Raises the ClientSizeChanged event. Called when the GameWindow loses focus. Called when the GameWindow display orientation changes. Called when the GameWindow needs to be painted. Called when the GameWindow is moved to a different screen. Raises the ScreenDeviceNameChanged event. Describes the event raised when the display orientation of the GameWindow changes. When this event occurs, the XNA Framework automatically adjusts the game orientation based on the value specified by the developer with SupportedOrientations. Gets the device name of the screen the window is currently in. Raised when the GameWindow moves to a different display. Sets the supported display orientations. A set of supported display orientations. Sets the title of the GameWindow. The new title of the GameWindow. Gets and sets the title of the system window. Holds the settings for creating a graphics device on Windows. Initializes a new instance of this class. Specifies which graphics adapter to create the device on. Creates a clone of this object. Returns a value that indicates whether the current instance is equal to a specified object. The Object to compare with the current GraphicsDeviceInformation. Gets the hash code for this object. Gets the graphics profile, which determines the graphics feature set. Specifies the presentation parameters to use when creating a graphics device. Handles the configuration and management of the graphics device. Creates a new GraphicsDeviceManager and registers it to handle the configuration and management of the graphics device for the specified Game. Game the GraphicsDeviceManager should be associated with. Applies any changes to device-related properties, changing the graphics device as necessary. Determines whether the given GraphicsDeviceInformation is compatible with the existing graphics device. Information describing the desired device configuration. Specifies the default minimum back-buffer height. Specifies the default minimum back-buffer width. Raised when a new graphics device is created. Raised when the GraphicsDeviceManager is being disposed. Raised when the GraphicsDeviceManager is reset. Raised when the GraphicsDeviceManager is about to be reset. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the GraphicsDeviceManager and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both automatic and manual resources; false to release only manual resources. Raised when the GraphicsDeviceManager is disposed. Finds the best device configuration that is compatible with the current device preferences. true if the FindBestDevice can select devices from any available adapter; false if only the current adapter should be considered. Gets the GraphicsDevice associated with the GraphicsDeviceManager. Gets the graphics profile, which determines the graphics feature set. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the device should start in full-screen mode. Prepares the GraphicsDevice to draw. Called to ensure that the device manager has created a valid device. Called by the game at the end of drawing and presents the final rendering. Called when a device is created. Raises the DeviceCreated event. The GraphicsDeviceManager. Arguments for the DeviceCreated event. Called when a device is being disposed. Raises the DeviceDisposing event. The GraphicsDeviceManager. Arguments for the DeviceDisposing event. Called when the device has been reset. Raises the DeviceReset event. The GraphicsDeviceManager. Arguments for the DeviceReset event. Called when the device is about to be reset. Raises the DeviceResetting event. The GraphicsDeviceManager. Arguments for the DeviceResetting event. Called when the GraphicsDeviceManager is changing the GraphicsDevice settings (during reset or recreation of the GraphicsDevice). Raises the PreparingDeviceSettings event. The GraphicsDeviceManager. The graphics device information to modify. Gets or sets the format of the back buffer. Gets or sets the preferred back-buffer height. Gets or sets the preferred back-buffer width. Gets or sets the format of the depth stencil. Raised when the GraphicsDeviceManager is changing the GraphicsDevice settings (during reset or recreation of the GraphicsDevice). Ranks the given list of devices that satisfy the given preferences. The list of devices to rank. Gets or sets the display orientations that are available if automatic rotation and scaling is enabled. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to sync to the vertical trace (vsync) when presenting the back buffer. Releases all resources used by the GraphicsDeviceManager class. Toggles between full screen and windowed mode. Defines the interface for a drawable game component. Draws the IDrawable. Reference page contains links to related conceptual articles. Snapshot of the game's timing state. The order in which to draw this object relative to other objects. Objects with a lower value are drawn first. Raised when the DrawOrder property changes. Indicates whether IDrawable.Draw should be called in Game.Draw for this game component. Raised when the Visible property changes. Defines an interface for game components. Called when the component should be initialized. This method can be used for tasks like querying for services the component needs and setting up non-graphics resources. Defines the interface for an object that manages a GraphicsDevice. Starts the drawing of a frame. Called to ensure that the device manager has created a valid device. Called by the game at the end of drawing; presents the final rendering. Defines an interface for a game component that should be updated in Game.Update. Indicates whether the game component's Update method should be called in Game.Update. Raised when the Enabled property changes. Called when the game component should be updated. Snapshot of the game's timing state. Indicates when the game component should be updated relative to other game components. Lower values are updated first. Raised when the UpdateOrder property changes. The start up parameters for launching a Windows Phone or Windows game. Initializes a new instance of LaunchParameters. Arguments for the GraphicsDeviceManager.PreparingDeviceSettings event. Creates a new instance of PreparingDeviceSettingsEventArgs. Information about the GraphicsDevice. Information about the GraphicsDevice. Wraps the functionality of the GamerServicesDispatcher. Creates a new GamerServicesComponent. The game that will be associated with this component. Initializes the GamerServicesDispatcher. Updates the GamerServicesDispatcher. The game timing state. A game component that is notified when it needs to draw itself. Creates a new instance of DrawableGameComponent. The Game that the game component should be attached to. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the DrawableGameComponent and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Called when the DrawableGameComponent needs to be drawn. Override this method with component-specific drawing code. Reference page contains links to related conceptual articles. Time passed since the last call to Draw. Order in which the component should be drawn, relative to other components that are in the same GameComponentCollection. Reference page contains code sample. Raised when the DrawOrder property changes. The GraphicsDevice the DrawableGameComponent is associated with. Initializes the component. Override this method to load any non-graphics resources and query for any required services. Called when graphics resources need to be loaded. Override this method to load any component-specific graphics resources. Called when the DrawOrder property changes. Raises the DrawOrderChanged event. The DrawableGameComponent. Arguments to the DrawOrderChanged event. Called when the Visible property changes. Raises the VisibleChanged event. The DrawableGameComponent. Arguments to the VisibleChanged event. Called when graphics resources need to be unloaded. Override this method to unload any component-specific graphics resources. Indicates whether Draw should be called. Raised when the Visible property changes. Provides basic graphics device initialization, game logic, and rendering code. Initializes a new instance of this class, which provides basic graphics device initialization, game logic, rendering code, and a game loop. Reference page contains code sample. Raised when the game gains focus. Starts the drawing of a frame. This method is followed by calls to Draw and EndDraw. Called after all components are initialized but before the first update in the game loop. Gets the collection of GameComponents owned by the game. Gets or sets the current ContentManager. Raised when the game loses focus. Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by this object. Releases all resources used by the Game class. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Raised when the game is being disposed. Reference page contains code sample. Time passed since the last call to Draw. Ends the drawing of a frame. This method is preceeded by calls to Draw and BeginDraw. Called after the game loop has stopped running before exiting. Exits the game. Raised when the game is exiting. Allows a Game to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before garbage collection reclaims the Game. Gets the current GraphicsDevice. Gets or sets the time to sleep when the game is inactive. Called after the Game and GraphicsDevice are created, but before LoadContent. Reference page contains code sample. Indicates whether the game is currently the active application. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use fixed time steps. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the mouse cursor should be visible. Gets the start up parameters in LaunchParameters. Raises the Activated event. Override this method to add code to handle when the game gains focus. The Game. Arguments for the Activated event. Raises the Deactivated event. Override this method to add code to handle when the game loses focus. The Game. Arguments for the Deactivated event. Raises an Exiting event. Override this method to add code to handle when the game is exiting. The Game. Arguments for the Exiting event. Resets the elapsed time counter. Call this method to initialize the game, begin running the game loop, and start processing events for the game. Run the game through what would happen in a single tick of the game clock; this method is designed for debugging only. Gets the GameServiceContainer holding all the service providers attached to the Game. This is used to display an error message if there is no suitable graphics device or sound card. The exception to display. Prevents calls to Draw until the next Update. Gets or sets the target time between calls to Update when IsFixedTimeStep is true. Reference page contains links to related code samples. Updates the game's clock and calls Update and Draw. Called when graphics resources need to be unloaded. Override this method to unload any game-specific graphics resources. Reference page contains links to related conceptual articles. Time passed since the last call to Update. Gets the underlying operating system window. Base class for all XNA Framework game components. Initializes a new instance of this class. Game that the game component should be attached to. Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by this object. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the GameComponent and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Raised when the GameComponent is disposed. Indicates whether GameComponent.Update should be called when Game.Update is called. Raised when the Enabled property changes. Allows a GameComponent to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before garbage collection reclaims the GameComponent. Gets the Game associated with this GameComponent. Reference page contains code sample. Called when the Enabled property changes. Raises the EnabledChanged event. The GameComponent. Arguments to the EnabledChanged event. Called when the UpdateOrder property changes. Raises the UpdateOrderChanged event. The GameComponent. Arguments to the UpdateOrderChanged event. Called when the GameComponent needs to be updated. Override this method with component-specific update code. Time elapsed since the last call to Update Indicates the order in which the GameComponent should be updated relative to other GameComponent instances. Lower values are updated first. Raised when the UpdateOrder property changes. A collection of game components. Initializes a new instance of this class. Raised when a component is added to the GameComponentCollection. Raised when a component is removed from the GameComponentCollection. Arguments used with events from the GameComponentCollection. Creates a new instance of GameComponentCollectionEventArgs. The game component affected by the event. The game component affected by the event. A collection of game services. Initializes a new instance of this class, which represents a collection of game services. Adds a service to the GameServiceContainer. The type of service to add. The service provider to add. Gets the object providing a specified service. The type of service. Removes the object providing a specified service. The type of service. Snapshot of the game timing state expressed in values that can be used by variable-step (real time) or fixed-step (game time) games. Creates a new instance of GameTime. Creates a new instance of GameTime. The amount of game time since the start of the game. The amount of elapsed game time since the last update. Creates a new instance of GameTime. The amount of game time since the start of the game. The amount of elapsed game time since the last update. Whether the game is running multiple updates this frame. The amount of elapsed game time since the last update. Gets a value indicating that the game loop is taking longer than its TargetElapsedTime. In this case, the game loop can be considered to be running too slowly and should do something to "catch up." The amount of game time since the start of the game. The system window associated with a Game. Specifies whether to allow the user to resize the game window. Starts a device transition (windowed to full screen or vice versa). Specifies whether the device will be in full-screen mode upon completion of the change. The screen dimensions of the game window's client rectangle. Raised when the size of the GameWindow changes. Gets the current display orientation, which reflects the physical orientation of the phone in the user's hand. Completes a device transition. The desktop screen to move the window to. This should be the screen device name of the graphics device that has transitioned to full screen. Completes a device transition. The desktop screen to move the window to. This should be the screen device name of the graphics device that has transitioned to full screen. The new width of the game's client window. The new height of the game's client window. Gets the handle to the system window. Called when the GameWindow gets focus. Called when the size of the client window changes. Raises the ClientSizeChanged event. Called when the GameWindow loses focus. Called when the GameWindow display orientation changes. Called when the GameWindow needs to be painted. Called when the GameWindow is moved to a different screen. Raises the ScreenDeviceNameChanged event. Describes the event raised when the display orientation of the GameWindow changes. When this event occurs, the XNA Framework automatically adjusts the game orientation based on the value specified by the developer with SupportedOrientations. Gets the device name of the screen the window is currently in. Raised when the GameWindow moves to a different display. Sets the supported display orientations. A set of supported display orientations. Sets the title of the GameWindow. The new title of the GameWindow. Gets and sets the title of the system window. Holds the settings for creating a graphics device on Windows. Initializes a new instance of this class. Specifies which graphics adapter to create the device on. Creates a clone of this object. Returns a value that indicates whether the current instance is equal to a specified object. The Object to compare with the current GraphicsDeviceInformation. Gets the hash code for this object. Gets the graphics profile, which determines the graphics feature set. Specifies the presentation parameters to use when creating a graphics device. Handles the configuration and management of the graphics device. Creates a new GraphicsDeviceManager and registers it to handle the configuration and management of the graphics device for the specified Game. Game the GraphicsDeviceManager should be associated with. Applies any changes to device-related properties, changing the graphics device as necessary. Determines whether the given GraphicsDeviceInformation is compatible with the existing graphics device. Information describing the desired device configuration. Specifies the default minimum back-buffer height. Specifies the default minimum back-buffer width. Raised when a new graphics device is created. Raised when the GraphicsDeviceManager is being disposed. Raised when the GraphicsDeviceManager is reset. Raised when the GraphicsDeviceManager is about to be reset. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the GraphicsDeviceManager and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both automatic and manual resources; false to release only manual resources. Raised when the GraphicsDeviceManager is disposed. Finds the best device configuration that is compatible with the current device preferences. true if the FindBestDevice can select devices from any available adapter; false if only the current adapter should be considered. Gets the GraphicsDevice associated with the GraphicsDeviceManager. Gets the graphics profile, which determines the graphics feature set. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the device should start in full-screen mode. Prepares the GraphicsDevice to draw. Called to ensure that the device manager has created a valid device. Called by the game at the end of drawing and presents the final rendering. Called when a device is created. Raises the DeviceCreated event. The GraphicsDeviceManager. Arguments for the DeviceCreated event. Called when a device is being disposed. Raises the DeviceDisposing event. The GraphicsDeviceManager. Arguments for the DeviceDisposing event. Called when the device has been reset. Raises the DeviceReset event. The GraphicsDeviceManager. Arguments for the DeviceReset event. Called when the device is about to be reset. Raises the DeviceResetting event. The GraphicsDeviceManager. Arguments for the DeviceResetting event. Called when the GraphicsDeviceManager is changing the GraphicsDevice settings (during reset or recreation of the GraphicsDevice). Raises the PreparingDeviceSettings event. The GraphicsDeviceManager. The graphics device information to modify. Gets or sets the format of the back buffer. Gets or sets the preferred back-buffer height. Gets or sets the preferred back-buffer width. Gets or sets the format of the depth stencil. Raised when the GraphicsDeviceManager is changing the GraphicsDevice settings (during reset or recreation of the GraphicsDevice). Ranks the given list of devices that satisfy the given preferences. The list of devices to rank. Gets or sets the display orientations that are available if automatic rotation and scaling is enabled. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to sync to the vertical trace (vsync) when presenting the back buffer. Releases all resources used by the GraphicsDeviceManager class. Toggles between full screen and windowed mode. Defines the interface for a drawable game component. Draws the IDrawable. Reference page contains links to related conceptual articles. Snapshot of the game's timing state. The order in which to draw this object relative to other objects. Objects with a lower value are drawn first. Raised when the DrawOrder property changes. Indicates whether IDrawable.Draw should be called in Game.Draw for this game component. Raised when the Visible property changes. Defines an interface for game components. Called when the component should be initialized. This method can be used for tasks like querying for services the component needs and setting up non-graphics resources. Defines the interface for an object that manages a GraphicsDevice. Starts the drawing of a frame. Called to ensure that the device manager has created a valid device. Called by the game at the end of drawing; presents the final rendering. Defines an interface for a game component that should be updated in Game.Update. Indicates whether the game component's Update method should be called in Game.Update. Raised when the Enabled property changes. Called when the game component should be updated. Snapshot of the game's timing state. Indicates when the game component should be updated relative to other game components. Lower values are updated first. Raised when the UpdateOrder property changes. The start up parameters for launching a Windows Phone or Windows game. Initializes a new instance of LaunchParameters. Arguments for the GraphicsDeviceManager.PreparingDeviceSettings event. Creates a new instance of PreparingDeviceSettingsEventArgs. Information about the GraphicsDevice. Information about the GraphicsDevice. Wraps the functionality of the GamerServicesDispatcher. Creates a new GamerServicesComponent. The game that will be associated with this component. Initializes the GamerServicesDispatcher. Updates the GamerServicesDispatcher. The game timing state.