Creates a new instance of AvatarAnimation, and initializes it with the specified animation. The specified standard animation. Gets or sets the current time position in the animation. Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by this object. Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by this object. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Gets the expression of the related animation at the current time position. Allows the avatar animation to attempt to free resources, and it performs other cleanup operations before garbage collection reclaims the animation. Gets the disposed state of the avatar animation. Gets the length of the current animation. Updates the current time position of the avatar animation. Elapsed time since the last animation frame. This value can be either a positive or negative time span. If the value is negative, animation playback is reversed. true if the animation playback is to be looped; otherwise, false. Defines standard animations for avatars. Gender-neutral, celebrating. Gender-neutral, applauding. Female, angry. Female, confused. Female, cry. Female, checking nails. Female, fixing shoe. Female, looking around. Female, shifting weight from one foot to another Female, laughing. Female, shocked or surprised. Female, yawning. Male, angry. Male, confused. Male, crying. Male, checking hand. Male, looking around. Male, shifting weight from one foot to another. Male, stretching. Male, laughing. Male, surprised. Male, yawning. Gender-neutral, standing, variation 0. Gender-neutral, standing, variation 1. Gender-neutral, standing, variation 2. Gender-neutral, standing, variation 3. Gender-neutral, standing, variation 4. Gender-neutral, standing, variation 5. Gender-neutral, standing, variation 6. Gender-neutral, standing, variation 7. Gender-neutral, waving. Defines the body type of the avatar. Female avatar. Male avatar. Left ankle. Right ankle. Lower back. Upper back. Left collar. Right collar Left elbow Right elbow Left index finger, 2nd joint. Right index finger, 2nd joint. Left index finger, 3rd joint. Right index finger, 3rd joint. Left index finger, 1st joint. Right index finger, 1st joint. Left middle finger, 2nd joint. Right middle finger, 2nd joint. Left middle finger, 3rd joint. Right middle finger, 3rd joint. Left middle finger, 1st joint. Right middle finger, 1st joint. Left ring finger, 2nd joint. Right ring finger, 2nd joint. Left ring finger, 3rd joint. Right ring finger, 3rd joint. Left ring finger, 1st joint. Right ring finger, 1st joint. Left pinky finger, 2nd joint. Right pinky finger, 2nd joint. Left pinky finger, 3rd joint. Right pinky finger, 3rd joint. Left pinky finger, 1st joint. Right pinky finger, 2nd joint. Left thumb, 2nd joint. Right thumb, 2nd joint. Left thumb, 3rd joint. Right thumb, 3rd joint. Left thumb, 1st joint. Right thumb, 1st joint. Head Left hip. Right hip. Left knee. Neck. A separate object held in the left hand. A separate object held in the left hand. Right knee. Root bone of the avatar skeleton. Left shoulder. Right shoulder. A special bone located near the left hand of the avatar model. A special bone located near the right hand of the avatar model. Left toe. Right toe. Left wrist. Right wrist. Provides access to the methods and properties of the description data for an avatar. Creates a new instance of AvatarDescription using an existing data buffer. Existing buffer used to store the information of the newly-created avatar. Use the buffer specified by the Description property of a valid AvatarDescription object. Common scenarios include the recreation of random avatars that were created earlier or when avatar decription data is sent over a network to all signed-in gamers. Once that data is received, local avatar descriptions and renderers are created for each remote gamer avatar. Results are undefined if buffers from other sources are used. Begins the process of getting a AvatarDescription object for a specified gamertag. Gamer to request the AvatarDescription for. The method to be called once the asynchronous operation has finished. State of the asynchronous operation. Gets the body type of the avatar based on the description data. Occurs when a gamer's avatar changes. Creates an avatar of random gender, features, and clothing. Creates an avatar of the specified body type with random features and clothing. Body type of the randomly-created avatar. Internal description buffer of the avatar, stored as a byte buffer. Ends the process of getting an AvatarDescription object for a specified gamertag. An IAsyncResult used to track the progress of the operation. Height of the avatar, from the feet to the top of the head. Determines whether the internal data buffer is valid. Contains the various components of the avatar's face, such as the left and right eyebrows. Gets or sets the current texture for the avatar's left eye. Gets or sets the current texture for the avatar's left eye. Gets or sets the current texture for the avatar's mouth. Gets or sets the current texture for the avatar's right eye. Gets or sets the current texture for the avatar's right eyebrow. Defines the standard animation textures for an avatar's eyes. Angry eye position. Blinking eye position. Confused eye position. Happy eye position. Laughing eye position. Looking down eye position. Looking left position. Looking right eye position. Looking up eye position. Neutral eye position. Sad eye position. Shocked eye position. Sleeping eye position. Yawning eye position. Defines the standard animation textures for an avatar's eyebrows. Angry eyebrow position. Confused eyebrow position. Neutral eyebrow position. Raised eyebrow position. Sad eyebrow position. Defines the standard animation textures for an avatar's mouth. Angry mouth position. Confused mouth position. Happy mouth position. Laughing mouth position. Neutral mouth position. Phonetic "ai" mouth position (for lip sync). Phonetic "dth" mouth position (for lip sync). Phonetic "ee" mouth position (for lip sync). Phonetic "fv" mouth position (for lip sync). Phonetic "l" mouth position (for lip sync). Phonetic "o" mouth position (for lip sync). Phonetic "w" mouth position (for lip sync). Sad mouth position. Shocked mouth position. Provides properties and methods for rendering a standard avatar. Creates a new instance of AvatarRenderer with the specified description. Description of the avatar to be rendered. Description of the avatar to be rendered. true if the standard effect is to be used during loading; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the color of the ambient light used by the avatar renderer. Number of bones in the avatar model. Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by this object. Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by this object. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. The animation to draw. Draws the avatar to the current render target. Collection of current bone transforms for the avatar. The transforms are in local bone space relative to their parent. Current expression textures for the avatar. Allows the avatar renderer to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before garbage collection reclaims the renderer. Gets the disposed state of the avatar renderer. Gets or sets the color of the directional light used by the avatar renderer. Gets or sets the color of the directional light used by the avatar renderer. Collection of the parent indices for each bone in the related BindPose collection. Gets or sets the projection matrix for the avatar. Gets the state of the avatar. Gets or sets the view matrix for the avatar. Gets or sets the world matrix for the avatar. Indicates avatar state. The avatar is still loading required assets. Loading is complete. The avatar is unavailable. Provides methods and properties for animating an avatar using custom animations. Allows for easier integration between custom animations and built-in animations. Gets the current position of the bones at the time specified by CurrentPosition. Gets or sets the current time position in the animation. Gets the expression of the related animation at the current time position. Gets the length of the current animation. Updates the current time position of the avatar animation. Elapsed time since the last animation frame. This value can be a positive or a negative time span. If the value is negative, animation playback is reversed. true if animation playback is to be looped; otherwise, false.