mirror of
synced 2025-01-18 13:22:09 +01:00
* master: support "captures-bucket" for backward compatibility Add hidden CLI option --dedup-only-with-bucket dedup-bucket is required in Warcprox-Meta to do dedup Rename captures-bucket to dedup-bucket in Warcprox-Meta bump dev version number after #86 Use DedupableMixin in RethinkCapturesDedup Fix travis-ci unit test issue Add unit tests Remove method decorate_with_dedup_info Use DedupableMixin in all dedup classes default to 100 proxy threads, 1 warc writer thread include warc writer worker threads in profiling cap the number of urls queued for warc writing oops! /status has been lying about queued urls Configurable min dedupable size for text/binary resources bump dev version number after PR Fix Accept-Encoding request header CDX dedup improvements bump dev version number after PR make test server multithreaded so tests will pass always call socket.shutdown() to close connections bump dev version number close connection when truncating response test another request after truncated response close all remote connections at shutdown tweak tests to make them pass now that keepalive enable keepalive on test http server more logging remove some debug logging this is some logging meant to debug the mysterious work around odd problem (see comment in code)
1988 lines
87 KiB
Executable File
1988 lines
87 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8:
tests/test_warcprox.py - automated tests for warcprox
Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Internet Archive
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
import pytest
import threading
import time
import logging
import sys
import ssl
import re
import tempfile
import OpenSSL
import os
import shutil
import requests
import re
import json
import random
import doublethink
from hanzo import warctools
import warnings
import pprint
import traceback
import signal
from collections import Counter
import socket
import datetime
import warcio.archiveiterator
import io
import gzip
import mock
import email.message
import socketserver
import http.server as http_server
except ImportError:
import BaseHTTPServer as http_server
import queue
except ImportError:
import Queue as queue
import certauth.certauth
import warcprox
import warcprox.main
import http.client as http_client
except ImportError:
import httplib as http_client
orig_send = http_client.HTTPConnection.send
def _send(self, data):
if isinstance(data, bytes) and hasattr(
logging.root.handlers[0].stream, 'buffer'):
logging.info('sending data (bytes): ')
elif isinstance(data, str):
logging.info('sending data (str): ')
logging.info('sending data from %r', data)
orig_send(self, data)
### uncomment this to block see raw requests going over the wire
# http_client.HTTPConnection.send = _send
# stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG, # level=warcprox.TRACE,
stream=sys.stdout, level=warcprox.TRACE,
format='%(asctime)s %(process)d %(levelname)s %(threadName)s '
'%(name)s.%(funcName)s(%(filename)s:%(lineno)d) %(message)s')
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning)
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions.InsecurePlatformWarning)
def wait(callback, timeout=10):
start = time.time()
while time.time() - start < timeout:
if callback():
raise Exception('timed out waiting for %s to return truthy' % callback)
# monkey patch dns lookup so we can test domain inheritance on localhost
orig_getaddrinfo = socket.getaddrinfo
orig_gethostbyname = socket.gethostbyname
orig_socket_connect = socket.socket.connect
def _getaddrinfo(host, port, family=0, type=0, proto=0, flags=0):
if host.endswith('.localhost'):
return orig_getaddrinfo('localhost', port, family, type, proto, flags)
return orig_getaddrinfo(host, port, family, type, proto, flags)
def _gethostbyname(host):
if host.endswith('.localhost'):
return orig_gethostbyname('localhost')
return orig_gethostbyname(host)
def _socket_connect(self, address):
if address[0].endswith('.localhost'):
return orig_socket_connect(self, ('localhost', address[1]))
return orig_socket_connect(self, address)
socket.gethostbyname = _gethostbyname
socket.getaddrinfo = _getaddrinfo
socket.socket.connect = _socket_connect
def dump_state(signum=None, frame=None):
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
state_strs = []
for th in threading.enumerate():
except AssertionError:
stack = traceback.format_stack(sys._current_frames()[th.ident])
logging.warn("dumping state (caught signal {})\n{}".format(signum, "\n".join(state_strs)))
signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, dump_state)
def chunkify(buf, chunk_size=13):
i = 0
result = b''
while i < len(buf):
chunk_len = min(len(buf) - i, chunk_size)
result += ('%x\r\n' % chunk_len).encode('ascii')
result += buf[i:i+chunk_len]
result += b'\r\n'
i += chunk_size
result += b'0\r\n\r\n'
return result
# def gzipify(buf):
# with io.BytesIO() as outbuf:
# with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=outbuf, mode='wb') as gz:
# gz.write(buf)
# return outbuf.getvalue()
class _TestHttpRequestHandler(http_server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
# enable keepalive
protocol_version = 'HTTP/1.1'
def build_response(self):
m = re.match(r'^/([^/]+)/([^/]+)$', self.path)
if m is not None:
special_header = 'warcprox-test-header: {}!'.format(m.group(1)).encode('utf-8')
payload = 'I am the warcprox test payload! {}!\n'.format(10*m.group(2)).encode('utf-8')
headers = (b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
+ b'Content-Type: text/plain\r\n'
+ special_header + b'\r\n'
+ b'Content-Length: ' + str(len(payload)).encode('ascii') + b'\r\n'
+ b'\r\n')
elif self.path == '/missing-content-length':
headers = (b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
+ b'Content-Type: text/plain\r\n'
+ b'\r\n')
payload = b'This response is missing a Content-Length http header.'
elif self.path == '/300k-content':
payload = b'0123456789' * 30000
headers = (b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
+ b'Content-Type: text/plain\r\n'
+ b'Content-Length: ' + str(len(payload)).encode('ascii') + b'\r\n'
+ b'\r\n')
elif self.path == '/text-2bytes':
payload = b'aa'
headers = (b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
+ b'Content-Type: text/plain\r\n'
+ b'Content-Length: ' + str(len(payload)).encode('ascii') + b'\r\n'
+ b'\r\n')
elif self.path == '/binary-4bytes':
payload = b'aaaa'
headers = (b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
+ b'Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n'
+ b'Content-Length: ' + str(len(payload)).encode('ascii') + b'\r\n'
+ b'\r\n')
elif self.path.startswith('/test_payload_digest-'):
content_body = (
b'Hello. How are you. I am the test_payload_digest '
b'content body. The entity body is a possibly content-'
b'encoded version of me. The message body is a possibly '
b'transfer-encoded version of the entity body.\n')
gzipped = (
b"\x1a{\xc0}\xb7vJ\xde\x8f\x01\xc9 \xd8\xd4,M\xb9\xff\xdc"
double_gzipped = (
b"\xb7vJ\xde\x8f\x01\xc9 \xd8\xd4,M\xb9\xff\xdc+\xeb\xac"
if self.path == '/test_payload_digest-plain':
payload = content_body
actual_headers = (b'Content-Type: text/plain\r\n'
+ b'Content-Length: ' + str(len(payload)).encode('ascii') + b'\r\n')
elif self.path == '/test_payload_digest-gzip':
payload = gzipped
actual_headers = (b'Content-Type: application/gzip\r\n'
+ b'Content-Length: ' + str(len(payload)).encode('ascii') + b'\r\n')
elif self.path == '/test_payload_digest-ce-gzip':
payload = gzipped
actual_headers = (b'Content-Type: text/plain\r\n'
+ b'Content-Encoding: gzip\r\n'
+ b'Content-Length: ' + str(len(payload)).encode('ascii') + b'\r\n')
elif self.path == '/test_payload_digest-gzip-ce-gzip':
payload = double_gzipped
actual_headers = (b'Content-Type: application/gzip\r\n'
+ b'Content-Encoding: gzip\r\n'
+ b'Content-Length: ' + str(len(payload)).encode('ascii') + b'\r\n')
elif self.path == '/test_payload_digest-te-chunked':
payload = chunkify(content_body)
actual_headers = (b'Content-Type: text/plain\r\n'
+ b'Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n')
elif self.path == '/test_payload_digest-gzip-te-chunked':
payload = chunkify(gzipped)
actual_headers = (b'Content-Type: application/gzip\r\n'
+ b'Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n')
elif self.path == '/test_payload_digest-ce-gzip-te-chunked':
payload = chunkify(gzipped)
actual_headers = (b'Content-Type: text/plain\r\n'
+ b'Content-Encoding: gzip\r\n'
+ b'Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n')
elif self.path == '/test_payload_digest-gzip-ce-gzip-te-chunked':
payload = chunkify(double_gzipped)
actual_headers = (b'Content-Type: application/gzip\r\n'
+ b'Content-Encoding: gzip\r\n'
+ b'Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n')
raise Exception('bad path')
headers = b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n' + actual_headers + b'\r\n'
logging.info('headers=%r payload=%r', headers, payload)
elif self.path == '/empty-response':
headers = b''
payload = b''
elif self.path == '/slow-response':
headers = (b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
+ b'Content-Type: text/plain\r\n'
+ b'\r\n')
payload = b'Test.'
actual_headers = (b'Content-Type: text/plain\r\n'
+ b'Content-Length: ' + str(len(payload)).encode('ascii') + b'\r\n')
payload = b'404 Not Found\n'
headers = (b'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n'
+ b'Content-Type: text/plain\r\n'
+ b'Content-Length: ' + str(len(payload)).encode('ascii') + b'\r\n'
+ b'\r\n')
return headers, payload
def do_GET(self):
logging.info('GET {}'.format(self.path))
headers, payload = self.build_response()
if self.path in ('/missing-content-length', '/empty-response'):
# server must close the connection, else client has no idea if
# there is more data coming
def do_HEAD(self):
logging.info('HEAD {}'.format(self.path))
headers, payload = self.build_response()
def cert(request):
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='warcprox-test-https-', suffix='.pem', delete=False)
def fin():
logging.info("deleting file %s", f.name)
key = OpenSSL.crypto.PKey()
key.generate_key(OpenSSL.crypto.TYPE_RSA, 2048)
req = OpenSSL.crypto.X509Req()
req.get_subject().CN = 'localhost'
req.sign(key, 'sha1')
cert = OpenSSL.crypto.X509()
cert.gmtime_adj_notAfter(2*60*60) # valid for 2hrs
cert.sign(key, 'sha1')
f.write(OpenSSL.crypto.dump_privatekey(OpenSSL.SSL.FILETYPE_PEM, key))
f.write(OpenSSL.crypto.dump_certificate(OpenSSL.SSL.FILETYPE_PEM, cert))
logging.info('generated self-signed certificate {}'.format(f.name))
return f.name
# We need this test server to accept multiple simultaneous connections in order
# to avoid mysterious looking test failures like these:
# https://travis-ci.org/internetarchive/warcprox/builds/362892231
# This is because we can't guarantee (without jumping through hoops) that
# MitmProxyHandler._proxy_request() returns the connection to the pool before
# the next request tries to get a connection from the pool in
# MitmProxyHandler._connect_to_remote_server(). (Unless we run warcprox
# single-threaded for these tests, which maybe we should consider?)
class ThreadedHTTPServer(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, http_server.HTTPServer):
def http_daemon(request):
http_daemon = ThreadedHTTPServer(
('localhost', 0), RequestHandlerClass=_TestHttpRequestHandler)
logging.info('starting http://{}:{}'.format(http_daemon.server_address[0], http_daemon.server_address[1]))
http_daemon_thread = threading.Thread(name='HttpDaemonThread',
def fin():
logging.info("stopping http daemon")
return http_daemon
def https_daemon(request, cert):
# http://www.piware.de/2011/01/creating-an-https-server-in-python/
https_daemon = ThreadedHTTPServer(('localhost', 0),
https_daemon.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(https_daemon.socket, certfile=cert, server_side=True)
logging.info('starting https://{}:{}'.format(https_daemon.server_address[0], https_daemon.server_address[1]))
https_daemon_thread = threading.Thread(name='HttpsDaemonThread',
def fin():
logging.info("stopping https daemon")
return https_daemon
# specify http_daemon and https_daemon as dependencies so that their finalizers
# run after warcprox is shut down, otherwise warcprox holds connections open
# and prevents the servers from shutting down
def warcprox_(request, http_daemon, https_daemon):
orig_dir = os.getcwd()
work_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
logging.info('changing to working directory %r', work_dir)
# we can't wait around all day in the tests
warcprox.BaseBatchPostfetchProcessor.MAX_BATCH_SEC = 0.5
argv = ['warcprox',
if request.config.getoption('--rethinkdb-dedup-url'):
argv.append('--rethinkdb-dedup-url=%s' % request.config.getoption('--rethinkdb-dedup-url'))
# test these here only
elif request.config.getoption('--rethinkdb-big-table-url'):
argv.append('--rethinkdb-big-table-url=%s' % request.config.getoption('--rethinkdb-big-table-url'))
elif request.config.getoption('--rethinkdb-trough-db-url'):
argv.append('--rethinkdb-trough-db-url=%s' % request.config.getoption('--rethinkdb-trough-db-url'))
args = warcprox.main.parse_args(argv)
options = warcprox.Options(**vars(args))
warcprox_ = warcprox.controller.WarcproxController(options)
logging.info('starting warcprox')
warcprox_thread = threading.Thread(
name='WarcproxThread', target=warcprox_.run_until_shutdown)
def fin():
for rethinkdb_url in (
if not rethinkdb_url:
parsed = doublethink.parse_rethinkdb_url(rethinkdb_url)
rr = doublethink.Rethinker(servers=parsed.hosts)
logging.info('dropping rethinkdb database %r', parsed.database)
except Exception as e:
'problem deleting rethinkdb database %r: %s',
parsed.database, e)
logging.info('deleting working directory %r', work_dir)
return warcprox_
def archiving_proxies(warcprox_):
archiving_proxy = 'http://localhost:{}'.format(warcprox_.proxy.server_port)
return {'http':archiving_proxy, 'https':archiving_proxy}
def playback_proxies(warcprox_):
playback_proxy = 'http://localhost:{}'.format(warcprox_.playback_proxy.server_port)
return {'http':playback_proxy, 'https':playback_proxy}
def test_httpds_no_proxy(http_daemon, https_daemon):
url = 'http://localhost:{}/'.format(http_daemon.server_port)
response = requests.get(url)
assert response.status_code == 404
assert response.content == b'404 Not Found\n'
url = 'https://localhost:{}/'.format(https_daemon.server_port)
response = requests.get(url, verify=False)
assert response.status_code == 404
assert response.content == b'404 Not Found\n'
url = 'http://localhost:{}/a/b'.format(http_daemon.server_port)
response = requests.get(url)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'a!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! bbbbbbbbbb!\n'
url = 'https://localhost:{}/c/d'.format(https_daemon.server_port)
response = requests.get(url, verify=False)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'c!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! dddddddddd!\n'
# ensure monkey-patched dns resolution is working
url = 'https://foo.bar.localhost:{}/c/d'.format(https_daemon.server_port)
response = requests.get(url, verify=False)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'c!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! dddddddddd!\n'
def test_archive_and_playback_http_url(http_daemon, archiving_proxies, playback_proxies, warcprox_):
urls_before = warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls
url = 'http://localhost:{}/a/b'.format(http_daemon.server_port)
# ensure playback fails before archiving
response = requests.get(url, proxies=playback_proxies)
assert response.status_code == 404
assert response.content == b'404 Not in Archive\n'
# archive
response = requests.get(url, proxies=archiving_proxies)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'a!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! bbbbbbbbbb!\n'
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 1)
response = requests.get(url, proxies=playback_proxies, verify=False)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'a!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! bbbbbbbbbb!\n'
def test_archive_and_playback_https_url(https_daemon, archiving_proxies, playback_proxies, warcprox_):
urls_before = warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls
url = 'https://localhost:{}/c/d'.format(https_daemon.server_port)
# ensure playback fails before archiving
response = requests.get(url, proxies=playback_proxies, verify=False)
assert response.status_code == 404
assert response.content == b'404 Not in Archive\n'
# fetch & archive response
response = requests.get(url, proxies=archiving_proxies, verify=False)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'c!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! dddddddddd!\n'
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 1)
# test playback
response = requests.get(url, proxies=playback_proxies, verify=False)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'c!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! dddddddddd!\n'
# test dedup of same http url with same payload
def test_dedup_http(http_daemon, warcprox_, archiving_proxies, playback_proxies):
urls_before = warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls
url = 'http://localhost:{}/e/f'.format(http_daemon.server_port)
# ensure playback fails before archiving
response = requests.get(url, proxies=playback_proxies, verify=False)
assert response.status_code == 404
assert response.content == b'404 Not in Archive\n'
# check not in dedup db
dedup_lookup = warcprox_.dedup_db.lookup(
assert dedup_lookup is None
# archive
response = requests.get(url, proxies=archiving_proxies, verify=False)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'e!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! ffffffffff!\n'
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 1)
# test playback
response = requests.get(url, proxies=playback_proxies, verify=False)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'e!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! ffffffffff!\n'
# check in dedup db
# {u'id': u'<urn:uuid:e691dc0f-4bb9-4ad8-9afb-2af836aa05e4>', u'url': u'https://localhost:62841/c/d', u'date': u'2013-11-22T00:14:37Z'}
dedup_lookup = warcprox_.dedup_db.lookup(
assert dedup_lookup
assert dedup_lookup['url'] == url.encode('ascii')
assert re.match(br'^<urn:uuid:[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}>$', dedup_lookup['id'])
assert re.match(br'^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}Z$', dedup_lookup['date'])
record_id = dedup_lookup['id']
dedup_date = dedup_lookup['date']
# need revisit to have a later timestamp than original, else playing
# back the latest record might not hit the revisit
# fetch & archive revisit
response = requests.get(url, proxies=archiving_proxies, verify=False)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'e!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! ffffffffff!\n'
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 2)
# check in dedup db (no change from prev)
dedup_lookup = warcprox_.dedup_db.lookup(
assert dedup_lookup['url'] == url.encode('ascii')
assert dedup_lookup['id'] == record_id
assert dedup_lookup['date'] == dedup_date
# test playback
logging.debug('testing playback of revisit of {}'.format(url))
response = requests.get(url, proxies=playback_proxies, verify=False)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'e!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! ffffffffff!\n'
# XXX how to check dedup was used?
# test dedup of same https url with same payload
def test_dedup_https(https_daemon, warcprox_, archiving_proxies, playback_proxies):
urls_before = warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls
url = 'https://localhost:{}/g/h'.format(https_daemon.server_port)
# ensure playback fails before archiving
response = requests.get(url, proxies=playback_proxies, verify=False)
assert response.status_code == 404
assert response.content == b'404 Not in Archive\n'
# check not in dedup db
dedup_lookup = warcprox_.dedup_db.lookup(
assert dedup_lookup is None
# archive
response = requests.get(url, proxies=archiving_proxies, verify=False)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'g!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! hhhhhhhhhh!\n'
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 1)
# test playback
response = requests.get(url, proxies=playback_proxies, verify=False)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'g!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! hhhhhhhhhh!\n'
# check in dedup db
# {u'id': u'<urn:uuid:e691dc0f-4bb9-4ad8-9afb-2af836aa05e4>', u'url': u'https://localhost:62841/c/d', u'date': u'2013-11-22T00:14:37Z'}
dedup_lookup = warcprox_.dedup_db.lookup(
assert dedup_lookup
assert dedup_lookup['url'] == url.encode('ascii')
assert re.match(br'^<urn:uuid:[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}>$', dedup_lookup['id'])
assert re.match(br'^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}Z$', dedup_lookup['date'])
record_id = dedup_lookup['id']
dedup_date = dedup_lookup['date']
# need revisit to have a later timestamp than original, else playing
# back the latest record might not hit the revisit
# fetch & archive revisit
response = requests.get(url, proxies=archiving_proxies, verify=False)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'g!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! hhhhhhhhhh!\n'
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 2)
# check in dedup db (no change from prev)
dedup_lookup = warcprox_.dedup_db.lookup(
assert dedup_lookup['url'] == url.encode('ascii')
assert dedup_lookup['id'] == record_id
assert dedup_lookup['date'] == dedup_date
# test playback
logging.debug('testing playback of revisit of {}'.format(url))
response = requests.get(url, proxies=playback_proxies, verify=False)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'g!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! hhhhhhhhhh!\n'
# XXX how to check dedup was used?
def test_limits(http_daemon, warcprox_, archiving_proxies):
urls_before = warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls
url = 'http://localhost:{}/i/j'.format(http_daemon.server_port)
request_meta = {"stats":{"buckets":["test_limits_bucket"]},"limits":{"test_limits_bucket/total/urls":10}}
headers = {"Warcprox-Meta": json.dumps(request_meta)}
response = requests.get(url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'i!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! jjjjjjjjjj!\n'
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 1)
for i in range(9):
response = requests.get(url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'i!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! jjjjjjjjjj!\n'
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 10)
response = requests.get(url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True)
assert response.status_code == 420
assert response.reason == "Reached limit"
expected_response_meta = {'reached-limit': {'test_limits_bucket/total/urls': 10}, 'stats': {'test_limits_bucket': {'bucket': 'test_limits_bucket', 'revisit': {'wire_bytes': 1215, 'urls': 9}, 'total': {'wire_bytes': 1350, 'urls': 10}, 'new': {'wire_bytes': 135, 'urls': 1}}}}
assert json.loads(response.headers["warcprox-meta"]) == expected_response_meta
assert response.headers["content-type"] == "text/plain;charset=utf-8"
assert response.raw.data == b"request rejected by warcprox: reached limit test_limits_bucket/total/urls=10\n"
def test_return_capture_timestamp(http_daemon, warcprox_, archiving_proxies):
urls_before = warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls
url = 'http://localhost:{}/i/j'.format(http_daemon.server_port)
request_meta = {"accept": ["capture-metadata"]}
headers = {"Warcprox-Meta": json.dumps(request_meta)}
response = requests.get(url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['Warcprox-Meta']
data = json.loads(response.headers['Warcprox-Meta'])
assert data['capture-metadata']
dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(data['capture-metadata']['timestamp'],
assert dt
except ValueError:
pytest.fail('Invalid capture-timestamp format %s', data['capture-timestamp'])
# wait for postfetch chain (or subsequent test could fail)
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 1)
def test_dedup_buckets(https_daemon, http_daemon, warcprox_, archiving_proxies, playback_proxies):
urls_before = warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls
url1 = 'http://localhost:{}/k/l'.format(http_daemon.server_port)
url2 = 'https://localhost:{}/k/l'.format(https_daemon.server_port)
# archive url1 bucket_a
headers = {"Warcprox-Meta": json.dumps({"warc-prefix":"test_dedup_buckets","dedup-bucket":"bucket_a"})}
response = requests.get(url1, proxies=archiving_proxies, verify=False, headers=headers)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'k!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! llllllllll!\n'
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 1)
# check url1 in dedup db bucket_a
# logging.info('looking up sha1:bc3fac8847c9412f49d955e626fb58a76befbf81 in bucket_a')
dedup_lookup = warcprox_.dedup_db.lookup(
b'sha1:bc3fac8847c9412f49d955e626fb58a76befbf81', bucket="bucket_a")
assert dedup_lookup
assert dedup_lookup['url'] == url1.encode('ascii')
assert re.match(br'^<urn:uuid:[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}>$', dedup_lookup['id'])
assert re.match(br'^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}Z$', dedup_lookup['date'])
record_id = dedup_lookup['id']
dedup_date = dedup_lookup['date']
# check url1 not in dedup db bucket_b
dedup_lookup = warcprox_.dedup_db.lookup(
b'sha1:bc3fac8847c9412f49d955e626fb58a76befbf81', bucket="bucket_b")
assert dedup_lookup is None
# archive url2 bucket_b
headers = {"Warcprox-Meta": json.dumps({"warc-prefix":"test_dedup_buckets","dedup-bucket":"bucket_b"})}
response = requests.get(url2, proxies=archiving_proxies, verify=False, headers=headers)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'k!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! llllllllll!\n'
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 2)
# check url2 in dedup db bucket_b
dedup_lookup = warcprox_.dedup_db.lookup(
b'sha1:bc3fac8847c9412f49d955e626fb58a76befbf81', bucket="bucket_b")
assert dedup_lookup['url'] == url2.encode('ascii')
assert re.match(br'^<urn:uuid:[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}>$', dedup_lookup['id'])
assert re.match(br'^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}Z$', dedup_lookup['date'])
record_id = dedup_lookup['id']
dedup_date = dedup_lookup['date']
# archive url2 bucket_a
headers = {"Warcprox-Meta": json.dumps({"warc-prefix":"test_dedup_buckets","captures-bucket":"bucket_a"})}
response = requests.get(url2, proxies=archiving_proxies, verify=False, headers=headers)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'k!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! llllllllll!\n'
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 3)
# archive url1 bucket_b
headers = {"Warcprox-Meta": json.dumps({"warc-prefix":"test_dedup_buckets","dedup-bucket":"bucket_b"})}
response = requests.get(url1, proxies=archiving_proxies, verify=False, headers=headers)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'k!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! llllllllll!\n'
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 4)
# close the warc
assert warcprox_.warc_writer_processor.writer_pool.warc_writers["test_dedup_buckets"]
writer = warcprox_.warc_writer_processor.writer_pool.warc_writers["test_dedup_buckets"]
warc = writer._available_warcs.queue[0]
warc_path = os.path.join(warc.directory, warc.finalname)
assert not os.path.exists(warc_path)
assert os.path.exists(warc_path)
# read the warc
fh = warctools.ArchiveRecord.open_archive(warc_path)
record_iter = fh.read_records(limit=None, offsets=True)
(offset, record, errors) = next(record_iter)
assert record.type == b'warcinfo'
# url1 bucket_a
(offset, record, errors) = next(record_iter)
assert record.type == b'response'
assert record.url == url1.encode('ascii')
# check for duplicate warc record headers
assert Counter(h[0] for h in record.headers).most_common(1)[0][1] == 1
assert record.content[1] == b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nwarcprox-test-header: k!\r\nContent-Length: 44\r\n\r\nI am the warcprox test payload! llllllllll!\n'
(offset, record, errors) = next(record_iter)
assert record.type == b'request'
# url2 bucket_b
(offset, record, errors) = next(record_iter)
assert record.type == b'response'
assert record.url == url2.encode('ascii')
# check for duplicate warc record headers
assert Counter(h[0] for h in record.headers).most_common(1)[0][1] == 1
assert record.content[1] == b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nwarcprox-test-header: k!\r\nContent-Length: 44\r\n\r\nI am the warcprox test payload! llllllllll!\n'
(offset, record, errors) = next(record_iter)
assert record.type == b'request'
# url2 bucket_a (revisit)
(offset, record, errors) = next(record_iter)
assert record.type == b'revisit'
assert record.url == url2.encode('ascii')
# check for duplicate warc record headers
assert Counter(h[0] for h in record.headers).most_common(1)[0][1] == 1
assert record.content[1] == b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nwarcprox-test-header: k!\r\nContent-Length: 44\r\n\r\n'
(offset, record, errors) = next(record_iter)
assert record.type == b'request'
# url1 bucket_b (revisit)
(offset, record, errors) = next(record_iter)
assert record.type == b'revisit'
assert record.url == url1.encode('ascii')
# check for duplicate warc record headers
assert Counter(h[0] for h in record.headers).most_common(1)[0][1] == 1
assert record.content[1] == b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nwarcprox-test-header: k!\r\nContent-Length: 44\r\n\r\n'
(offset, record, errors) = next(record_iter)
assert record.type == b'request'
# that's all folks
assert next(record_iter)[1] == None
assert next(record_iter, None) == None
def test_block_rules(http_daemon, https_daemon, warcprox_, archiving_proxies):
urls_before = warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls
rules = [
"domain": "localhost",
"url_match": "STRING_MATCH",
"value": "bar",
"url_match": "SURT_MATCH",
"value": "http://(localhost:%s,)/fuh/" % (http_daemon.server_port),
"url_match": "SURT_MATCH",
# this rule won't match because of http scheme, https port
"value": "http://(localhost:%s,)/fuh/" % (https_daemon.server_port),
"domain": "bad.domain.com",
request_meta = {"blocks":rules}
headers = {"Warcprox-Meta":json.dumps(request_meta)}
# blocked by STRING_MATCH rule
url = 'http://localhost:{}/bar'.format(http_daemon.server_port)
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True)
assert response.status_code == 403
assert response.content.startswith(b"request rejected by warcprox: blocked by rule found in Warcprox-Meta header:")
assert json.loads(response.headers['warcprox-meta']) == {"blocked-by-rule":rules[0]}
# not blocked
url = 'http://localhost:{}/m/n'.format(http_daemon.server_port)
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True)
assert response.status_code == 200
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 1)
# blocked by SURT_MATCH
url = 'http://localhost:{}/fuh/guh'.format(http_daemon.server_port)
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True)
assert response.status_code == 403
assert response.content.startswith(b"request rejected by warcprox: blocked by rule found in Warcprox-Meta header:")
assert json.loads(response.headers['warcprox-meta']) == {"blocked-by-rule":rules[1]}
# not blocked (no trailing slash)
url = 'http://localhost:{}/fuh'.format(http_daemon.server_port)
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True)
# 404 because server set up at the top of this file doesn't handle this url
assert response.status_code == 404
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 2)
# not blocked because surt scheme does not match (differs from heritrix
# behavior where https urls are coerced to http surt form)
url = 'https://localhost:{}/fuh/guh'.format(https_daemon.server_port)
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True,
assert response.status_code == 200
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 3)
# blocked by blanket domain block
url = 'http://bad.domain.com/'
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True)
assert response.status_code == 403
assert response.content.startswith(b"request rejected by warcprox: blocked by rule found in Warcprox-Meta header:")
assert json.loads(response.headers['warcprox-meta']) == {"blocked-by-rule":rules[3]}
# blocked by blanket domain block
url = 'https://bad.domain.com/'
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True,
assert response.status_code == 403
assert response.content.startswith(b"request rejected by warcprox: blocked by rule found in Warcprox-Meta header:")
assert json.loads(response.headers['warcprox-meta']) == {"blocked-by-rule":rules[3]}
# blocked by blanket domain block
url = 'http://bad.domain.com:1234/'
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True)
assert response.status_code == 403
assert response.content.startswith(b"request rejected by warcprox: blocked by rule found in Warcprox-Meta header:")
assert json.loads(response.headers['warcprox-meta']) == {"blocked-by-rule":rules[3]}
# blocked by blanket domain block
url = 'http://foo.bar.bad.domain.com/'
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True)
assert response.status_code == 403
assert response.content.startswith(b"request rejected by warcprox: blocked by rule found in Warcprox-Meta header:")
assert json.loads(response.headers['warcprox-meta']) == {"blocked-by-rule":rules[3]}
# domain block also applies to subdomains
url = 'https://foo.bar.bad.domain.com/'
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True,
assert response.status_code == 403
assert response.content.startswith(b"request rejected by warcprox: blocked by rule found in Warcprox-Meta header:")
assert json.loads(response.headers['warcprox-meta']) == {"blocked-by-rule":rules[3]}
# blocked by blanket domain block
url = 'http://foo.bar.bad.domain.com:1234/'
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True)
assert response.status_code == 403
assert response.content.startswith(b"request rejected by warcprox: blocked by rule found in Warcprox-Meta header:")
assert json.loads(response.headers['warcprox-meta']) == {"blocked-by-rule":rules[3]}
def test_domain_doc_soft_limit(
http_daemon, https_daemon, warcprox_, archiving_proxies):
urls_before = warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls
# we need to clear the connection pool here because
# - connection pool already may already have an open connection localhost
# - we're about to make a connection to foo.localhost
# - but our test server, which handles all the hosts, is single threaded
# - so it will fail to connect (socket timeout)
# must close connections before each connection to a different hostname
request_meta = {
"stats": {"buckets": [{"bucket":"test_domain_doc_limit_bucket","tally-domains":["foo.localhost"]}]},
"soft-limits": {"test_domain_doc_limit_bucket:foo.localhost/total/urls":10},
headers = {"Warcprox-Meta": json.dumps(request_meta)}
# (1)
url = 'http://foo.localhost:{}/o/p'.format(http_daemon.server_port)
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'o!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! pppppppppp!\n'
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 1)
# make sure stats from different domain don't count
url = 'http://bar.localhost:{}/o/p'.format(http_daemon.server_port)
for i in range(10):
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'o!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! pppppppppp!\n'
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 11)
# (2) same host but different scheme and port: domain limit applies
url = 'https://foo.localhost:{}/o/p'.format(https_daemon.server_port)
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True,
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'o!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! pppppppppp!\n'
# (3-9) different subdomain: host limit applies
url = 'https://baz.foo.localhost:{}/o/p'.format(https_daemon.server_port)
for i in range(7):
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True,
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'o!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! pppppppppp!\n'
# wait for postfetch chain
'warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before = %s',
warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before)
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 19)
# (10)
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True,
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'o!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! pppppppppp!\n'
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 20)
# (11) back to http, and this is the 11th request
url = 'http://zuh.foo.localhost:{}/o/p'.format(http_daemon.server_port)
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True)
assert response.status_code == 430
assert response.reason == "Reached soft limit"
expected_response_meta = {'reached-soft-limit': {'test_domain_doc_limit_bucket:foo.localhost/total/urls': 10}, 'stats': {'test_domain_doc_limit_bucket:foo.localhost': {'bucket': 'test_domain_doc_limit_bucket:foo.localhost', 'revisit': {'wire_bytes': 1215, 'urls': 9}, 'new': {'wire_bytes': 135, 'urls': 1}, 'total': {'wire_bytes': 1350, 'urls': 10}}}}
assert json.loads(response.headers["warcprox-meta"]) == expected_response_meta
assert response.headers["content-type"] == "text/plain;charset=utf-8"
assert response.raw.data == b"request rejected by warcprox: reached soft limit test_domain_doc_limit_bucket:foo.localhost/total/urls=10\n"
# make sure limit doesn't get applied to a different domain
url = 'https://localhost:{}/o/p'.format(https_daemon.server_port)
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True,
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'o!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! pppppppppp!\n'
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 21)
# https also blocked
url = 'https://zuh.foo.localhost:{}/o/p'.format(https_daemon.server_port)
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True,
assert response.status_code == 430
assert response.reason == "Reached soft limit"
expected_response_meta = {'reached-soft-limit': {'test_domain_doc_limit_bucket:foo.localhost/total/urls': 10}, 'stats': {'test_domain_doc_limit_bucket:foo.localhost': {'bucket': 'test_domain_doc_limit_bucket:foo.localhost', 'revisit': {'wire_bytes': 1215, 'urls': 9}, 'new': {'wire_bytes': 135, 'urls': 1}, 'total': {'wire_bytes': 1350, 'urls': 10}}}}
assert json.loads(response.headers["warcprox-meta"]) == expected_response_meta
assert response.headers["content-type"] == "text/plain;charset=utf-8"
assert response.raw.data == b"request rejected by warcprox: reached soft limit test_domain_doc_limit_bucket:foo.localhost/total/urls=10\n"
# same host, different capitalization still blocked
url = 'https://HEHEHE.fOO.lOcALhoST:{}/o/p'.format(https_daemon.server_port)
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True,
assert response.status_code == 430
assert response.reason == "Reached soft limit"
expected_response_meta = {'reached-soft-limit': {'test_domain_doc_limit_bucket:foo.localhost/total/urls': 10}, 'stats': {'test_domain_doc_limit_bucket:foo.localhost': {'bucket': 'test_domain_doc_limit_bucket:foo.localhost', 'revisit': {'wire_bytes': 1215, 'urls': 9}, 'new': {'wire_bytes': 135, 'urls': 1}, 'total': {'wire_bytes': 1350, 'urls': 10}}}}
assert json.loads(response.headers["warcprox-meta"]) == expected_response_meta
assert response.headers["content-type"] == "text/plain;charset=utf-8"
assert response.raw.data == b"request rejected by warcprox: reached soft limit test_domain_doc_limit_bucket:foo.localhost/total/urls=10\n"
def test_domain_data_soft_limit(
http_daemon, https_daemon, warcprox_, archiving_proxies):
urls_before = warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls
# using idn
request_meta = {
"stats": {"buckets": [{"bucket":"test_domain_data_limit_bucket","tally-domains":['ÞzZ.LOCALhost']}]},
# response is 135 bytes, so 3rd novel url should be disallowed
"soft-limits": {"test_domain_data_limit_bucket:ÞZZ.localhost/new/wire_bytes":200},
headers = {"Warcprox-Meta": json.dumps(request_meta)}
url = 'http://ÞZz.localhost:{}/y/z'.format(http_daemon.server_port)
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'y!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! zzzzzzzzzz!\n'
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 1)
# duplicate, does not count toward limit
url = 'https://baz.Þzz.localhost:{}/y/z'.format(https_daemon.server_port)
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True,
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'y!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! zzzzzzzzzz!\n'
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 2)
# novel, pushes stats over the limit
url = 'https://muh.XN--Zz-2Ka.locALHOst:{}/z/~'.format(https_daemon.server_port)
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True,
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'z!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! ~~~~~~~~~~!\n'
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 3)
# make sure limit doesn't get applied to a different host
url = 'http://baz.localhost:{}/z/~'.format(http_daemon.server_port)
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'z!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! ~~~~~~~~~~!\n'
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 4)
# blocked because we're over the limit now
url = 'http://lOl.wHut.ÞZZ.lOcALHOst:{}/y/z'.format(http_daemon.server_port)
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True)
assert response.status_code == 430
assert response.reason == "Reached soft limit"
expected_response_meta = {'reached-soft-limit': {'test_domain_data_limit_bucket:xn--zz-2ka.localhost/new/wire_bytes': 200}, 'stats': {'test_domain_data_limit_bucket:xn--zz-2ka.localhost': {'total': {'wire_bytes': 405, 'urls': 3}, 'revisit': {'wire_bytes': 135, 'urls': 1}, 'new': {'wire_bytes': 270, 'urls': 2}, 'bucket': 'test_domain_data_limit_bucket:xn--zz-2ka.localhost'}}}
assert json.loads(response.headers["warcprox-meta"]) == expected_response_meta
assert response.headers["content-type"] == "text/plain;charset=utf-8"
assert response.raw.data == b"request rejected by warcprox: reached soft limit test_domain_data_limit_bucket:xn--zz-2ka.localhost/new/wire_bytes=200\n"
# XXX this check is resulting in a segfault on mac and linux, from ssl I
# think, probably because of the dns resolution monkey-patching
# https://travis-ci.org/internetarchive/warcprox/builds/141187342
### # https also blocked
### url = 'https://xn--zz-2ka.loCAlhost:{}/w/x'.format(https_daemon.server_port)
### response = requests.get(
### url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, stream=True,
### verify=False)
### assert response.status_code == 430
### assert response.reason == "Reached soft limit"
### expected_response_meta = {'reached-soft-limit': {'test_domain_data_limit_bucket:xn--zz-2ka.localhost/new/wire_bytes': 200}, 'stats': {'test_domain_data_limit_bucket:xn--zz-2ka.localhost': {'total': {'wire_bytes': 405, 'urls': 3}, 'revisit': {'wire_bytes': 135, 'urls': 1}, 'new': {'wire_bytes': 270, 'urls': 2}, 'bucket': 'test_domain_data_limit_bucket:xn--zz-2ka.localhost'}}}
### assert json.loads(response.headers["warcprox-meta"]) == expected_response_meta
### assert response.headers["content-type"] == "text/plain;charset=utf-8"
### assert response.raw.data == b"request rejected by warcprox: reached soft limit test_domain_data_limit_bucket:xn--zz-2ka.localhost/new/wire_bytes=200\n"
# XXX this test relies on a tor proxy running at localhost:9050 with a working
# connection to the internet, and relies on a third party site (facebook) being
# up and behaving a certain way
def test_tor_onion(archiving_proxies, warcprox_):
urls_before = warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls
response = requests.get('http://www.facebookcorewwwi.onion/',
proxies=archiving_proxies, verify=False, allow_redirects=False)
assert response.status_code == 302
response = requests.get('https://www.facebookcorewwwi.onion/',
proxies=archiving_proxies, verify=False, allow_redirects=False)
assert response.status_code == 200
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 2)
def test_missing_content_length(archiving_proxies, http_daemon, https_daemon, warcprox_):
urls_before = warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls
# double-check that our test http server is responding as expected
url = 'http://localhost:%s/missing-content-length' % (
response = requests.get(url, verify=False, timeout=10)
assert response.content == (
b'This response is missing a Content-Length http header.')
assert not 'content-length' in response.headers
# double-check that our test https server is responding as expected
url = 'https://localhost:%s/missing-content-length' % (
response = requests.get(url, verify=False, timeout=10)
assert response.content == (
b'This response is missing a Content-Length http header.')
assert not 'content-length' in response.headers
# now check that the proxy doesn't hang (http)
url = 'http://localhost:%s/missing-content-length' % (
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, verify=False, timeout=10)
assert response.content == (
b'This response is missing a Content-Length http header.')
assert not 'content-length' in response.headers
# now check that the proxy doesn't hang (https)
url = 'https://localhost:%s/missing-content-length' % (
# before fixing the issue this tests for, this would fail by raising
# requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: ... Read timed out
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, verify=False, timeout=10)
assert response.content == (
b'This response is missing a Content-Length http header.')
assert not 'content-length' in response.headers
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 2)
def test_limit_large_resource(archiving_proxies, http_daemon, warcprox_):
"""We try to load a 300k response but we use --max-resource-size=200000 in
`warcprox_` so it will be truncated. We expect it to limit the result as
soon as it passes the 200000 limit. As warcprox read() chunk size is 65536,
the expected result size is 65536*4=262144.
urls_before = warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls
# this should be truncated
url = 'http://localhost:%s/300k-content' % http_daemon.server_port
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, verify=False, timeout=10)
assert len(response.content) == 262144
# test that the connection is cleaned up properly after truncating a
# response (no hang or timeout)
url = 'http://localhost:%s/' % http_daemon.server_port
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, verify=False, timeout=10)
assert response.status_code == 404
assert response.content == b'404 Not Found\n'
# wait for processing of this url to finish so that it doesn't interfere
# with subsequent tests
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 2)
def test_method_filter(
warcprox_, https_daemon, http_daemon, archiving_proxies,
urls_before = warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls
# we've configured warcprox with method_filters=['GET','POST'] so HEAD
# requests should not be archived
url = 'http://localhost:{}/z/a'.format(http_daemon.server_port)
response = requests.head(url, proxies=archiving_proxies)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'z!'
assert response.content == b''
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 1)
response = requests.get(url, proxies=playback_proxies, verify=False)
assert response.status_code == 404
assert response.content == b'404 Not in Archive\n'
# WARCPROX_WRITE_RECORD is exempt from method filter
url = 'http://fakeurl/'
payload = b'I am the WARCPROX_WRITE_RECORD payload'
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
'WARC-Type': 'metadata',
'Host': 'N/A'
response = requests.request(
method='WARCPROX_WRITE_RECORD', url=url, data=payload,
headers=headers, proxies=archiving_proxies)
assert response.status_code == 204
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 2)
response = requests.get(url, proxies=playback_proxies, verify=False)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.content == payload
def test_dedup_ok_flag(
https_daemon, http_daemon, warcprox_, archiving_proxies):
urls_before = warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls
if not warcprox_.options.rethinkdb_big_table:
# this feature is n/a unless using rethinkdb big table
url = 'http://localhost:{}/z/b'.format(http_daemon.server_port)
# check not in dedup db
dedup_lookup = warcprox_.dedup_db.lookup(
assert dedup_lookup is None
# archive with dedup_ok:False
request_meta = {'dedup-bucket':'test_dedup_ok_flag','dedup-ok':False}
headers = {'Warcprox-Meta': json.dumps(request_meta)}
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, verify=False)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'z!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! bbbbbbbbbb!\n'
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 1)
# check that dedup db doesn't give us anything for this
dedup_lookup = warcprox_.dedup_db.lookup(
assert dedup_lookup is None
# archive without dedup_ok:False
request_meta = {'dedup-bucket':'test_dedup_ok_flag'}
headers = {'Warcprox-Meta': json.dumps(request_meta)}
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, verify=False)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.headers['warcprox-test-header'] == 'z!'
assert response.content == b'I am the warcprox test payload! bbbbbbbbbb!\n'
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 2)
# check that dedup db gives us something for this
dedup_lookup = warcprox_.dedup_db.lookup(
assert dedup_lookup
# inspect what's in rethinkdb more closely
rethink_captures = warcprox_.dedup_db.captures_db
results_iter = rethink_captures.rr.table(rethink_captures.table).get_all(
['FV7RGGA3SCRFNTS6L275N2OJQJXM5EDZ', 'response',
'test_dedup_ok_flag'], index='sha1_warc_type').order_by(
results = list(results_iter)
assert len(results) == 2
assert results[0].get('dedup_ok') == False
assert not 'dedup_ok' in results[1]
assert results[0]['url'] == url
assert results[1]['url'] == url
assert results[0]['warc_type'] == 'response'
assert results[1]['warc_type'] == 'response' # not revisit
assert results[0]['filename'] == results[1]['filename']
assert results[0]['offset'] < results[1]['offset']
def test_status_api(warcprox_):
url = 'http://localhost:%s/status' % warcprox_.proxy.server_port
response = requests.get(url)
assert response.status_code == 200
status = json.loads(response.content.decode('ascii'))
assert set(status.keys()) == {
'role', 'version', 'host', 'address', 'port', 'pid', 'load',
'queued_urls', 'queue_max_size', 'seconds_behind', 'threads',
'rates_5min', 'rates_1min', 'unaccepted_requests', 'rates_15min',
assert status['role'] == 'warcprox'
assert status['version'] == warcprox.__version__
assert status['port'] == warcprox_.proxy.server_port
assert status['pid'] == os.getpid()
assert status['threads'] == warcprox_.proxy.pool._max_workers
def test_svcreg_status(warcprox_):
if warcprox_.service_registry:
start = time.time()
while time.time() - start < 15:
status = warcprox_.service_registry.available_service('warcprox')
if status:
assert status
assert set(status.keys()) == {
'id', 'role', 'version', 'host', 'port', 'pid', 'load',
'queued_urls', 'queue_max_size', 'seconds_behind',
'first_heartbeat', 'ttl', 'last_heartbeat', 'threads',
'rates_5min', 'rates_1min', 'unaccepted_requests',
'rates_15min', 'active_requests','start_time','urls_processed',
assert status['role'] == 'warcprox'
assert status['version'] == warcprox.__version__
assert status['port'] == warcprox_.proxy.server_port
assert status['pid'] == os.getpid()
assert status['threads'] == warcprox_.proxy.pool._max_workers
def test_timestamped_queue():
# see also test_queue.py
q = warcprox.TimestampedQueue()
timestamp_item = q.get_with_timestamp()
assert isinstance(timestamp_item, tuple)
assert isinstance(timestamp_item[0], datetime.datetime)
assert timestamp_item[1] == 'monkey'
assert timestamp_item[0] < q.oldest_timestamp()
assert q.seconds_behind() > 1
def test_controller_with_defaults():
# tests some initialization code that we rarely touch otherwise
controller = warcprox.controller.WarcproxController()
assert controller.proxy
assert not controller.proxy_thread
assert not controller.playback_proxy
assert not controller.playback_proxy_thread
assert controller.proxy.RequestHandlerClass == warcprox.warcproxy.WarcProxyHandler
assert controller.proxy.ca
assert controller.proxy.digest_algorithm == 'sha1'
assert controller.proxy.pool
assert controller.proxy.recorded_url_q
assert controller.proxy.server_address == ('', 8000)
assert controller.proxy.server_port == 8000
assert controller.proxy.running_stats
assert not controller.proxy.stats_db
wwp = controller.warc_writer_processor
assert wwp
assert wwp.inq
assert wwp.outq
assert wwp.writer_pool
assert wwp.writer_pool.default_warc_writer
assert wwp.writer_pool.default_warc_writer.gzip is False
assert wwp.writer_pool.default_warc_writer.record_builder
assert not wwp.writer_pool.default_warc_writer.record_builder.base32
assert wwp.writer_pool.default_warc_writer.record_builder.digest_algorithm == 'sha1'
class EarlyPlugin(warcprox.BaseStandardPostfetchProcessor):
def _process_url(self):
def test_load_plugin():
options = warcprox.Options(port=0, plugins=[
'%s.%s' % (__name__, EarlyPlugin.__name__),])
controller = warcprox.controller.WarcproxController(options)
assert isinstance(
assert isinstance(
assert isinstance(
assert isinstance(
assert isinstance(
assert isinstance(
# MyEarlyPlugin
assert isinstance(
def test_choose_a_port_for_me(warcprox_):
options = warcprox.Options()
options.port = 0
if warcprox_.service_registry:
options.rethinkdb_services_url = 'rethinkdb://localhost/test0/services'
controller = warcprox.controller.WarcproxController(options)
assert controller.proxy.server_port != 0
assert controller.proxy.server_port != 8000
assert controller.proxy.server_address == (
'', controller.proxy.server_port)
th = threading.Thread(target=controller.run_until_shutdown)
# check that the status api lists the correct port
url = 'http://localhost:%s/status' % controller.proxy.server_port
response = requests.get(url)
assert response.status_code == 200
status = json.loads(response.content.decode('ascii'))
assert status['port'] == controller.proxy.server_port
if warcprox_.service_registry:
# check that service registry entry lists the correct port
start = time.time()
ports = []
while time.time() - start < 30:
svcs = warcprox_.service_registry.available_services('warcprox')
ports = [svc['port'] for svc in svcs]
if controller.proxy.server_port in ports:
assert controller.proxy.server_port in ports
def test_via_response_header(warcprox_, http_daemon, archiving_proxies, playback_proxies):
urls_before = warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls
url = 'http://localhost:%s/a/z' % http_daemon.server_port
response = requests.get(url, proxies=archiving_proxies)
assert response.headers['via'] == '1.1 warcprox'
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 1)
playback_response = requests.get(
url, proxies=playback_proxies, verify=False)
assert response.status_code == 200
assert not 'via' in playback_response
warc = warcprox_.warc_writer_processor.writer_pool.default_warc_writer._available_warcs.queue[0].path
with open(warc, 'rb') as f:
for record in warcio.archiveiterator.ArchiveIterator(f):
if record.rec_headers.get_header('warc-target-uri') == url:
if record.rec_type == 'response':
assert not record.http_headers.get_header('via')
elif record.rec_type == 'request':
assert record.http_headers.get_header('via') == '1.1 warcprox'
def test_slash_in_warc_prefix(warcprox_, http_daemon, archiving_proxies):
url = 'http://localhost:%s/b/b' % http_daemon.server_port
headers = {"Warcprox-Meta": json.dumps({"warc-prefix":"../../../../etc/a"})}
response = requests.get(url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers)
assert response.status_code == 500
assert response.reason == 'request rejected by warcprox: slash and backslash are not permitted in warc-prefix'
url = 'http://localhost:%s/b/c' % http_daemon.server_port
headers = {"Warcprox-Meta": json.dumps({"warc-prefix":"..\\..\\..\\derp\\monkey"})}
response = requests.get(url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers)
assert response.status_code == 500
assert response.reason == 'request rejected by warcprox: slash and backslash are not permitted in warc-prefix'
def test_crawl_log(warcprox_, http_daemon, archiving_proxies):
urls_before = warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls
os.unlink(os.path.join(warcprox_.options.crawl_log_dir, 'crawl.log'))
# should go to default crawl log
url = 'http://localhost:%s/b/aa' % http_daemon.server_port
response = requests.get(url, proxies=archiving_proxies)
assert response.status_code == 200
# should go to test_crawl_log_1.log
url = 'http://localhost:%s/b/bb' % http_daemon.server_port
headers = {
"Warcprox-Meta": json.dumps({"warc-prefix":"test_crawl_log_1"}),
"Referer": "http://example.com/referer",
response = requests.get(url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers)
assert response.status_code == 200
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 2)
file = os.path.join(warcprox_.options.crawl_log_dir, 'test_crawl_log_1.log')
assert os.path.exists(file)
assert os.stat(file).st_size > 0
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(
warcprox_.options.crawl_log_dir, 'crawl.log'))
crawl_log = open(os.path.join(
warcprox_.options.crawl_log_dir, 'crawl.log'), 'rb').read()
# tests will fail in year 3000 :)
assert re.match(b'\A2[^\n]+\n\Z', crawl_log)
assert crawl_log[24:31] == b' 200 '
assert crawl_log[31:42] == b' 54 '
fields = crawl_log.split()
assert len(fields) == 13
assert fields[3].endswith(b'/b/aa')
assert fields[4] == b'-'
assert fields[5] == b'-'
assert fields[6] == b'text/plain'
assert fields[7] == b'-'
assert re.match(br'^\d{17}[+]\d{3}', fields[8])
assert fields[9] == b'sha1:69d51a46e44a04e8110da0c91897cece979fa70f'
assert fields[10] == b'-'
assert fields[11] == b'-'
extra_info = json.loads(fields[12].decode('utf-8'))
assert set(extra_info.keys()) == {
'contentSize', 'warcFilename', 'warcFileOffset'}
assert extra_info['contentSize'] == 145
crawl_log_1 = open(os.path.join(
warcprox_.options.crawl_log_dir, 'test_crawl_log_1.log'), 'rb').read()
assert re.match(b'\A2[^\n]+\n\Z', crawl_log_1)
assert crawl_log_1[24:31] == b' 200 '
assert crawl_log_1[31:42] == b' 54 '
fields = crawl_log_1.split()
assert len(fields) == 13
assert fields[3].endswith(b'/b/bb')
assert fields[4] == b'-'
assert fields[5] == b'http://example.com/referer'
assert fields[6] == b'text/plain'
assert fields[7] == b'-'
assert re.match(br'^\d{17}[+]\d{3}', fields[8])
assert fields[9] == b'sha1:9aae6acb797c75ca8eb5dded9be2127cc61b3fbb'
assert fields[10] == b'-'
assert fields[11] == b'-'
extra_info = json.loads(fields[12].decode('utf-8'))
assert set(extra_info.keys()) == {
'contentSize', 'warcFilename', 'warcFileOffset'}
assert extra_info['contentSize'] == 145
# should be deduplicated
url = 'http://localhost:%s/b/aa' % http_daemon.server_port
headers = {"Warcprox-Meta": json.dumps({
"warc-prefix": "test_crawl_log_2",
"metadata": {"seed": "http://example.com/seed"}})}
response = requests.get(url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers)
assert response.status_code == 200
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 3)
file = os.path.join(warcprox_.options.crawl_log_dir, 'test_crawl_log_2.log')
assert os.path.exists(file)
assert os.stat(file).st_size > 0
crawl_log_2 = open(file, 'rb').read()
assert re.match(b'\A2[^\n]+\n\Z', crawl_log_2)
assert crawl_log_2[24:31] == b' 200 '
assert crawl_log_2[31:42] == b' 54 '
fields = crawl_log_2.split()
assert len(fields) == 13
assert fields[3].endswith(b'/b/aa')
assert fields[4] == b'-'
assert fields[5] == b'-'
assert fields[6] == b'text/plain'
assert fields[7] == b'-'
assert re.match(br'^\d{17}[+]\d{3}', fields[8])
assert fields[9] == b'sha1:69d51a46e44a04e8110da0c91897cece979fa70f'
assert fields[10] == b'http://example.com/seed'
assert fields[11] == b'duplicate:digest'
extra_info = json.loads(fields[12].decode('utf-8'))
assert set(extra_info.keys()) == {
'contentSize', 'warcFilename', 'warcFileOffset'}
assert extra_info['contentSize'] == 145
# a request that is not saved to a warc (because of --method-filter)
url = 'http://localhost:%s/b/cc' % http_daemon.server_port
headers = {'Warcprox-Meta': json.dumps({'warc-prefix': 'test_crawl_log_3'})}
response = requests.head(url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers)
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 4)
file = os.path.join(warcprox_.options.crawl_log_dir, 'test_crawl_log_3.log')
assert os.path.exists(file)
crawl_log_3 = open(file, 'rb').read()
assert re.match(b'\A2[^\n]+\n\Z', crawl_log_3)
assert crawl_log_3[24:31] == b' 200 '
assert crawl_log_3[31:42] == b' 0 '
fields = crawl_log_3.split()
assert len(fields) == 13
assert fields[3].endswith(b'/b/cc')
assert fields[4] == b'-'
assert fields[5] == b'-'
assert fields[6] == b'text/plain'
assert fields[7] == b'-'
assert re.match(br'^\d{17}[+]\d{3}', fields[8])
assert fields[9] == b'sha1:da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709'
assert fields[10] == b'-'
assert fields[11] == b'-'
extra_info = json.loads(fields[12].decode('utf-8'))
assert extra_info == {'contentSize': 91}
url = 'http://fakeurl/'
payload = b'I am the WARCPROX_WRITE_RECORD payload'
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
'WARC-Type': 'metadata',
'Host': 'N/A',
'Warcprox-Meta': json.dumps({'warc-prefix': 'test_crawl_log_4'}),
response = requests.request(
method='WARCPROX_WRITE_RECORD', url=url, data=payload,
headers=headers, proxies=archiving_proxies)
assert response.status_code == 204
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 5)
file = os.path.join(warcprox_.options.crawl_log_dir, 'test_crawl_log_4.log')
assert os.path.exists(file)
crawl_log_4 = open(file, 'rb').read()
assert re.match(b'\A2[^\n]+\n\Z', crawl_log_4)
assert crawl_log_4[24:31] == b' 204 '
assert crawl_log_4[31:42] == b' 38 '
fields = crawl_log_4.split()
assert len(fields) == 13
assert fields[3] == b'http://fakeurl/'
assert fields[4] == b'-'
assert fields[5] == b'-'
assert fields[6] == b'text/plain'
assert fields[7] == b'-'
assert re.match(br'^\d{17}[+]\d{3}', fields[8])
assert fields[9] == b'sha1:bb56497c17d2684f5eca4af9df908c78ba74ca1c'
assert fields[10] == b'-'
assert fields[11] == b'-'
extra_info = json.loads(fields[12].decode('utf-8'))
assert set(extra_info.keys()) == {
'contentSize', 'warcFilename', 'warcFileOffset'}
assert extra_info['contentSize'] == 38
def test_long_warcprox_meta(
warcprox_, http_daemon, archiving_proxies, playback_proxies):
urls_before = warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls
url = 'http://localhost:%s/b/g' % http_daemon.server_port
# create a very long warcprox-meta header
headers = {'Warcprox-Meta': json.dumps({
'x':'y'*1000000, 'warc-prefix': 'test_long_warcprox_meta'})}
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, headers=headers, verify=False)
assert response.status_code == 200
# wait for postfetch chain
wait(lambda: warcprox_.proxy.running_stats.urls - urls_before == 1)
# check that warcprox-meta was parsed and honored ("warc-prefix" param)
assert warcprox_.warc_writer_processor.writer_pool.warc_writers["test_long_warcprox_meta"]
writer = warcprox_.warc_writer_processor.writer_pool.warc_writers["test_long_warcprox_meta"]
warc = writer._available_warcs.queue[0]
warc_path = os.path.join(warc.directory, warc.finalname)
assert os.path.exists(warc_path)
# read the warc
with open(warc_path, 'rb') as f:
rec_iter = iter(warcio.archiveiterator.ArchiveIterator(f))
record = next(rec_iter)
assert record.rec_type == 'warcinfo'
record = next(rec_iter)
assert record.rec_type == 'response'
assert record.rec_headers.get_header('warc-target-uri') == url
record = next(rec_iter)
assert record.rec_type == 'request'
assert record.rec_headers.get_header('warc-target-uri') == url
with pytest.raises(StopIteration):
def test_socket_timeout_response(
warcprox_, http_daemon, https_daemon, archiving_proxies,
"""Response will timeout because we use --socket-timeout=4 whereas the
target URL will return after 6 sec.
url = 'http://localhost:%s/slow-response' % http_daemon.server_port
response = requests.get(url, proxies=archiving_proxies, verify=False)
assert response.status_code == 502
# test that the connection is cleaned up properly after truncating a
# response (no hang or timeout)
url = 'http://localhost:%s/' % http_daemon.server_port
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, verify=False, timeout=10)
assert response.status_code == 404
assert response.content == b'404 Not Found\n'
def test_empty_response(
warcprox_, http_daemon, https_daemon, archiving_proxies,
url = 'http://localhost:%s/empty-response' % http_daemon.server_port
response = requests.get(url, proxies=archiving_proxies, verify=False)
assert response.status_code == 502
# this is the reason in python >= 3.5 but not in 3.4 and 2.7
# assert response.reason == 'Remote end closed connection without response'
url = 'https://localhost:%s/empty-response' % https_daemon.server_port
response = requests.get(url, proxies=archiving_proxies, verify=False)
assert response.status_code == 502
def test_payload_digest(warcprox_, http_daemon):
Tests that digest is of RFC2616 "entity body"
(transfer-decoded but not content-decoded)
class HalfMockedMitm(warcprox.mitmproxy.MitmProxyHandler):
def __init__(self, url):
self.path = url
self.request_version = 'HTTP/1.1'
self.client_address = mock.MagicMock()
self.headers = email.message.Message()
self.headers.add_header('Host', 'localhost:%s' % http_daemon.server_port)
self.server = warcprox_.proxy
self.command = 'GET'
self.connection = mock.Mock()
PLAIN_SHA1 = b'sha1:881289333370aa4e3214505f1173423cc5a896b7'
GZIP_SHA1 = b'sha1:634e25de71ae01edb5c5d9e2e99c4836bbe94129'
GZIP_GZIP_SHA1 = b'sha1:cecbf3a5c4975072f5e4c5e0489f808ef246c2b4'
# plain
mitm = HalfMockedMitm('http://localhost:%s/test_payload_digest-plain' % http_daemon.server_port)
req, prox_rec_res = mitm.do_GET()
assert warcprox.digest_str(prox_rec_res.payload_digest) == PLAIN_SHA1
# content-type: application/gzip
mitm = HalfMockedMitm('http://localhost:%s/test_payload_digest-gzip' % http_daemon.server_port)
req, prox_rec_res = mitm.do_GET()
assert warcprox.digest_str(prox_rec_res.payload_digest) == GZIP_SHA1
# content-encoding: gzip
mitm = HalfMockedMitm('http://localhost:%s/test_payload_digest-ce-gzip' % http_daemon.server_port)
req, prox_rec_res = mitm.do_GET()
assert warcprox.digest_str(prox_rec_res.payload_digest) == GZIP_SHA1
# content-type: application/gzip && content-encoding: gzip
mitm = HalfMockedMitm('http://localhost:%s/test_payload_digest-gzip-ce-gzip' % http_daemon.server_port)
req, prox_rec_res = mitm.do_GET()
assert warcprox.digest_str(prox_rec_res.payload_digest) == GZIP_GZIP_SHA1
# chunked plain
mitm = HalfMockedMitm('http://localhost:%s/test_payload_digest-te-chunked' % http_daemon.server_port)
req, prox_rec_res = mitm.do_GET()
assert warcprox.digest_str(prox_rec_res.payload_digest) == PLAIN_SHA1
# chunked content-type: application/gzip
mitm = HalfMockedMitm('http://localhost:%s/test_payload_digest-gzip-te-chunked' % http_daemon.server_port)
req, prox_rec_res = mitm.do_GET()
assert warcprox.digest_str(prox_rec_res.payload_digest) == GZIP_SHA1
# chunked content-encoding: gzip
mitm = HalfMockedMitm('http://localhost:%s/test_payload_digest-ce-gzip-te-chunked' % http_daemon.server_port)
req, prox_rec_res = mitm.do_GET()
assert warcprox.digest_str(prox_rec_res.payload_digest) == GZIP_SHA1
# chunked content-type: application/gzip && content-encoding: gzip
mitm = HalfMockedMitm('http://localhost:%s/test_payload_digest-gzip-ce-gzip-te-chunked' % http_daemon.server_port)
req, prox_rec_res = mitm.do_GET()
assert warcprox.digest_str(prox_rec_res.payload_digest) == GZIP_GZIP_SHA1
def test_trough_segment_promotion(warcprox_):
if not warcprox_.options.rethinkdb_trough_db_url:
cli = warcprox.trough.TroughClient(
warcprox_.options.rethinkdb_trough_db_url, 3)
promoted = []
def mock(segment_id):
cli.promote = mock
cli.register_schema('default', 'create table foo (bar varchar(100))')
cli.write('my_seg', 'insert into foo (bar) values ("boof")')
assert promoted == []
assert promoted == ['my_seg']
promoted = []
assert promoted == []
def test_dedup_min_size(http_daemon, warcprox_, archiving_proxies, playback_proxies):
"""We use options --dedup-min-text-size=3 --dedup-min-binary-size=5 and we
try to download content smaller than these limits to make sure that it is
not deduplicated. We create the digest_str with the following code:
payload_digest = hashlib.new('sha1')
url = 'http://localhost:%s/text-2bytes' % http_daemon.server_port
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, verify=False, timeout=10)
assert len(response.content) == 2
dedup_lookup = warcprox_.dedup_db.lookup(
assert dedup_lookup is None
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, verify=False, timeout=10)
dedup_lookup = warcprox_.dedup_db.lookup(
# This would return dedup data if payload_size > dedup-min-text-size
assert dedup_lookup is None
url = 'http://localhost:%s/binary-4bytes' % http_daemon.server_port
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, verify=False, timeout=10)
assert len(response.content) == 4
dedup_lookup = warcprox_.dedup_db.lookup(
assert dedup_lookup is None
response = requests.get(
url, proxies=archiving_proxies, verify=False, timeout=10)
dedup_lookup = warcprox_.dedup_db.lookup(
# This would return dedup data if payload_size > dedup-min-binary-size
assert dedup_lookup is None
if __name__ == '__main__':