# rethinkstuff
Rudimentary rethinkdb python library with some smarts (and maybe some dumbs)

## What? Why?

As of now there is a very small amount of code here. I had three projects using the Rethinker class, and had enough code churn inside the class that it became too painful to keep the three copies in sync. Thus, a library shared among them.

Three main purposes:
- round-robin connections among database servers
- make sure connections close at proper time
- retry retry-able queries on failure

Not really a connection pool, because it doesn't keep any connections open, but it does take care of connection management.

## Usage
import rethinkstuff
r = rethinkstuff.Rethinker(['db0.foo.com', 'db0.foo.com:38015', 'db1.foo.com'], 'my_db')
for result in r.table('my_table'):