''' tests_orm.py - unit tests for doublethink ORM Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Internet Archive Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ''' import doublethink import logging import sys import pytest import rethinkdb as r logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s %(process)d %(levelname)s %(threadName)s %(name)s.%(funcName)s(%(filename)s:%(lineno)d) %(message)s") class RethinkerForTesting(doublethink.Rethinker): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(RethinkerForTesting, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _random_server_connection(self): self.last_conn = super(RethinkerForTesting, self)._random_server_connection() # logging.info("self.last_conn=%s", self.last_conn) return self.last_conn @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def rr(): rr = RethinkerForTesting() try: rr.db_drop("doublethink_test_db").run() except r.errors.ReqlOpFailedError: pass result = rr.db_create("doublethink_test_db").run() assert not rr.last_conn.is_open() assert result["dbs_created"] == 1 return RethinkerForTesting(db="doublethink_test_db") def test_orm(rr): class SomeDoc(doublethink.Document): table = 'some_doc' SomeDoc.table_create(rr) SomeDoc.table_ensure(rr) with pytest.raises(Exception): SomeDoc.table_create(rr) # test that overriding Document.table works assert 'some_doc' in rr.table_list().run() assert not 'somedoc' in rr.table_list().run() d = SomeDoc(rr, d={ 'a': 'b', 'c': {'d': 'e'}, 'f': ['g', 'h'], 'i': ['j', {'k': 'l'}]}) d.save() assert d._updates == {} d.m = 'n' assert d._updates == {'m': 'n'} d['c']['o'] = 'p' assert d._updates == {'m': 'n', 'c': {'d': 'e', 'o': 'p'}} d.f[0] = 'q' assert d._updates == {'m': 'n', 'c': {'d': 'e', 'o': 'p'}, 'f': ['q', 'h']} d['i'][1]['k'] = 's' assert d._updates == { 'm': 'n', 'c': {'d': 'e', 'o': 'p'}, 'f': ['q', 'h'], 'i': ['j', {'k': 's'}]} del d['i'] assert d._deletes == {'i'} assert d._updates == {'m': 'n', 'c': {'d': 'e', 'o': 'p'}, 'f': ['q', 'h']} d.i = 't' assert d._deletes == set() assert d._updates == { 'm': 'n', 'c': {'d': 'e', 'o': 'p'}, 'f': ['q', 'h'], 'i': 't'} # list manipulations d.f.append(['sublist']) assert d._updates == { 'm': 'n', 'c': {'d': 'e', 'o': 'p'}, 'f': ['q', 'h', ['sublist']], 'i': 't'} with pytest.raises(TypeError): d.f[2].clear() result = d.f.pop() assert result == ['sublist'] assert d._updates == { 'm': 'n', 'c': {'d': 'e', 'o': 'p'}, 'f': ['q', 'h'], 'i': 't'} del d.f[0] assert d._updates == { 'm': 'n', 'c': {'d': 'e', 'o': 'p'}, 'f': ['h'], 'i': 't'} d.f.insert(0, 'u') assert d._updates == { 'm': 'n', 'c': {'d': 'e', 'o': 'p'}, 'f': ['u', 'h'], 'i': 't'} d.f.extend(('v', {'w': 'x'})) assert d._updates == { 'm': 'n', 'c': {'d': 'e', 'o': 'p'}, 'f': ['u', 'h', 'v', {'w': 'x'}], 'i': 't'} # check that stuff added by extend() is watched properly d.f[3]['y'] = 'z' assert d._updates == { 'm': 'n', 'c': {'d': 'e', 'o': 'p'}, 'f': ['u', 'h', 'v', {'w': 'x', 'y': 'z'}], 'i': 't'} d.f.remove('h') assert d._updates == { 'm': 'n', 'c': {'d': 'e', 'o': 'p'}, 'f': ['u', 'v', {'w': 'x', 'y': 'z'}], 'i': 't'} # more nested field dict operations del d['c']['d'] assert d._updates == { 'm': 'n', 'c': {'o': 'p'}, 'f': ['u', 'v', {'w': 'x', 'y': 'z'}], 'i': 't'} d['c'].clear() assert d._updates == { 'm': 'n', 'c': {}, 'f': ['u', 'v', {'w': 'x', 'y': 'z'}], 'i': 't'} assert d['c'].setdefault('aa') is None assert d._updates == { 'm': 'n', 'c': {'aa': None}, 'f': ['u', 'v', {'w': 'x', 'y': 'z'}], 'i': 't'} d['c'].setdefault('aa', 'bb') is None assert d._updates == { 'm': 'n', 'c': {'aa': None}, 'f': ['u', 'v', {'w': 'x', 'y': 'z'}], 'i': 't'} d['c'].setdefault('cc', 'dd') == 'dd' assert d._updates == { 'm': 'n', 'c': {'aa': None, 'cc': 'dd'}, 'f': ['u', 'v', {'w': 'x', 'y': 'z'}], 'i': 't'} d['c'].setdefault('cc') == 'dd' assert d._updates == { 'm': 'n', 'c': {'aa': None, 'cc': 'dd'}, 'f': ['u', 'v', {'w': 'x', 'y': 'z'}], 'i': 't'} d['c'].setdefault('cc', 'ee') == 'dd' assert d._updates == { 'm': 'n', 'c': {'aa': None, 'cc': 'dd'}, 'f': ['u', 'v', {'w': 'x', 'y': 'z'}], 'i': 't'} assert d['c'].pop('cc') == 'dd' assert d._updates == { 'm': 'n', 'c': {'aa': None}, 'f': ['u', 'v', {'w': 'x', 'y': 'z'}], 'i': 't'} assert d['f'][2].popitem() assert d._updates['f'][2] in ({'w':'x'}, {'y':'z'}) d.save() assert d._updates == {} assert d._deletes == set() d_copy = SomeDoc.load(rr, d.id) assert d == d_copy d['zuh'] = 'toot' d.save() assert d != d_copy d_copy.refresh() assert d == d_copy # top level dict operations with pytest.raises(TypeError): d.clear() with pytest.raises(TypeError): d.pop('m') with pytest.raises(TypeError): d.popitem() with pytest.raises(TypeError): d.update({'x':'y'}) assert d.setdefault('ee') is None assert d._updates == {'ee': None} d.setdefault('ee', 'ff') is None assert d._updates == {'ee': None} d.setdefault('gg', 'hh') == 'hh' assert d._updates == {'ee': None, 'gg': 'hh'} d.setdefault('gg') == 'hh' assert d._updates == {'ee': None, 'gg': 'hh'} d.setdefault('gg', 'ii') == 'hh' assert d._updates == {'ee': None, 'gg': 'hh'} d.save() assert d._updates == {} assert d._deletes == set() d_copy = SomeDoc.load(rr, d.id) assert d == d_copy d['yuh'] = 'soot' d.save() assert d != d_copy d_copy.refresh() assert d == d_copy def test_orm_pk(rr): class NonstandardPrimaryKey(doublethink.Document): @classmethod def table_create(cls, rethinker): rethinker.table_create(cls.table, primary_key='not_id').run() with pytest.raises(Exception): NonstandardPrimaryKey.load(rr, 'no_such_thing') with pytest.raises(Exception): NonstandardPrimaryKey.load(rr, 'no_such_thing') NonstandardPrimaryKey.table_ensure(rr) assert NonstandardPrimaryKey.load(rr, None) is None assert NonstandardPrimaryKey.load(rr, 'no_such_thing') is None # new empty doc f = NonstandardPrimaryKey(rr, {}) f.save() assert f.pk_value assert 'not_id' in f assert f.not_id == f.pk_value assert len(f.keys()) == 1 assert NonstandardPrimaryKey.load(rr, 'no_such_thing') is None # new doc with (only) primary key d = NonstandardPrimaryKey(rr) d.not_id = 1 assert d.not_id == 1 assert d.pk_value == 1 d.save() d_copy = NonstandardPrimaryKey.load(rr, 1) assert d == d_copy # new doc with something in it e = NonstandardPrimaryKey(rr, {'some_field': 'something'}) with pytest.raises(KeyError): e['not_id'] assert e.not_id is None assert e.get('not_id') is None e.save() assert e.not_id e_copy = NonstandardPrimaryKey.load(rr, e.not_id) assert e == e_copy e_copy['blah'] = 'toot' e_copy.save() e.refresh() assert e['blah'] == 'toot' assert e == e_copy def test_default_values(rr): class Person(doublethink.Document): def populate_defaults(self): if not "age" in self: self.age = 0 # born today Person.table_ensure(rr) p = Person(rr, {}) assert p.age == 0 assert not p.id p.save() assert p.id assert p.age == 0 p.age = 50 assert p.age == 50 p.save() assert p.age == 50 q = Person.load(rr, p.id) assert q.age == 50 q.save() assert q.age == 50 q.refresh() assert q.age == 50