''' warcprox/dedup.py - identical payload digest deduplication using sqlite db Copyright (C) 2013-2021 Internet Archive This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ''' from __future__ import absolute_import import logging import os import json from hanzo import warctools import warcprox import sqlite3 import doublethink import datetime import urllib3 from urllib3.exceptions import HTTPError import collections from concurrent import futures from functools import lru_cache urllib3.disable_warnings() class DedupableMixin(object): def __init__(self, options=warcprox.Options()): self.min_text_size = options.dedup_min_text_size or 0 self.min_binary_size = options.dedup_min_binary_size or 0 self.dedup_only_with_bucket = options.dedup_only_with_bucket or False def should_dedup(self, recorded_url): """Check if we should try to run dedup on resource based on payload size compared with min text/binary dedup size options. When we use option --dedup-only-with-bucket, `dedup-buckets` is required in Warcprox-Meta to perform dedup. If recorded_url.do_not_archive is True, we skip dedup. This record will not be written to WARC anyway. Return Boolean. """ if recorded_url.do_not_archive: return False if self.dedup_only_with_bucket and "dedup-buckets" not in recorded_url.warcprox_meta: return False if recorded_url.is_text(): return recorded_url.response_recorder.payload_size() > self.min_text_size else: return recorded_url.response_recorder.payload_size() > self.min_binary_size class DedupLoader(warcprox.BaseStandardPostfetchProcessor, DedupableMixin): def __init__(self, dedup_db, options=warcprox.Options()): warcprox.BaseStandardPostfetchProcessor.__init__(self, options=options) DedupableMixin.__init__(self, options) self.dedup_db = dedup_db def _process_url(self, recorded_url): if isinstance(recorded_url, warcprox.warcproxy.FailedUrl): return if (recorded_url.response_recorder and recorded_url.payload_digest and self.should_dedup(recorded_url)): digest_key = warcprox.digest_str(recorded_url.payload_digest, self.options.base32) if recorded_url.warcprox_meta and "dedup-buckets" in recorded_url.warcprox_meta: for bucket, bucket_mode in recorded_url.warcprox_meta["dedup-buckets"].items(): recorded_url.dedup_info = self.dedup_db.lookup( digest_key, bucket, recorded_url.url) if recorded_url.dedup_info: # we found an existing capture break else: recorded_url.dedup_info = self.dedup_db.lookup( digest_key, url=recorded_url.url) class DedupDb(DedupableMixin): logger = logging.getLogger("warcprox.dedup.DedupDb") def __init__( self, file='./warcprox.sqlite', options=warcprox.Options()): DedupableMixin.__init__(self, options) self.file = file self.options = options def start(self): if os.path.exists(self.file): self.logger.info( 'opening existing deduplication database %s', self.file) else: self.logger.info( 'creating new deduplication database %s', self.file) conn = sqlite3.connect(self.file) conn.execute( 'create table if not exists dedup (' ' key varchar(300) primary key,' ' value varchar(4000)' ');') conn.commit() conn.close() def loader(self, *args, **kwargs): return DedupLoader(self, self.options) def storer(self, *args, **kwargs): return warcprox.ListenerPostfetchProcessor(self, self.options) def save(self, digest_key, response_record, bucket=""): record_id = response_record.get_header(warctools.WarcRecord.ID).decode('latin1') url = response_record.get_header(warctools.WarcRecord.URL).decode('latin1') date = response_record.get_header(warctools.WarcRecord.DATE).decode('latin1') key = digest_key.decode('utf-8') + "|" + bucket py_value = {'id':record_id, 'url':url, 'date':date} json_value = json.dumps(py_value, separators=(',',':')) conn = sqlite3.connect(self.file) conn.execute( 'insert or replace into dedup (key, value) values (?, ?)', (key, json_value)) conn.commit() conn.close() self.logger.debug('dedup db saved %s:%s', key, json_value) def lookup(self, digest_key, bucket="", url=None): result = None key = digest_key.decode('utf-8') + '|' + bucket conn = sqlite3.connect(self.file) cursor = conn.execute('select value from dedup where key = ?', (key,)) result_tuple = cursor.fetchone() conn.close() if result_tuple: result = json.loads(result_tuple[0]) result['id'] = result['id'].encode('latin1') result['url'] = result['url'].encode('latin1') result['date'] = result['date'].encode('latin1') self.logger.debug('dedup db lookup of key=%s returning %s', key, result) return result def notify(self, recorded_url, records): if (records and records[0].type == b'response' and self.should_dedup(recorded_url)): digest_key = warcprox.digest_str( recorded_url.payload_digest, self.options.base32) if recorded_url.warcprox_meta and "dedup-buckets" in recorded_url.warcprox_meta: for bucket, bucket_mode in recorded_url.warcprox_meta["dedup-buckets"].items(): if not bucket_mode == "ro": self.save( digest_key, records[0], bucket=bucket) else: self.save(digest_key, records[0]) class RethinkDedupDb(DedupDb, DedupableMixin): logger = logging.getLogger("warcprox.dedup.RethinkDedupDb") def __init__(self, options=warcprox.Options()): DedupableMixin.__init__(self, options) parsed = doublethink.parse_rethinkdb_url(options.rethinkdb_dedup_url) self.rr = doublethink.Rethinker( servers=parsed.hosts, db=parsed.database) self.table = parsed.table self._ensure_db_table() self.options = options def _ensure_db_table(self): dbs = self.rr.db_list().run() if not self.rr.dbname in dbs: self.logger.info("creating rethinkdb database %r", self.rr.dbname) self.rr.db_create(self.rr.dbname).run() tables = self.rr.table_list().run() if not self.table in tables: self.logger.info( "creating rethinkdb table %r in database %r shards=%r " "replicas=%r", self.table, self.rr.dbname, len(self.rr.servers), min(3, len(self.rr.servers))) self.rr.table_create( self.table, primary_key="key", shards=len(self.rr.servers), replicas=min(3, len(self.rr.servers))).run() def start(self): pass def save(self, digest_key, response_record, bucket=""): k = digest_key.decode("utf-8") if isinstance(digest_key, bytes) else digest_key k = "{}|{}".format(k, bucket) record_id = response_record.get_header(warctools.WarcRecord.ID).decode('latin1') url = response_record.get_header(warctools.WarcRecord.URL).decode('latin1') date = response_record.get_header(warctools.WarcRecord.DATE).decode('latin1') record = {'key':k,'url':url,'date':date,'id':record_id} result = self.rr.table(self.table).insert( record, conflict="replace").run() if sorted(result.values()) != [0,0,0,0,0,1] and [result["deleted"],result["skipped"],result["errors"]] != [0,0,0]: raise Exception("unexpected result %s saving %s", result, record) self.logger.debug('dedup db saved %s:%s', k, record) def lookup(self, digest_key, bucket="", url=None): k = digest_key.decode("utf-8") if isinstance(digest_key, bytes) else digest_key k = "{}|{}".format(k, bucket) result = self.rr.table(self.table).get(k).run() if result: for x in result: result[x] = result[x].encode("utf-8") self.logger.debug('dedup db lookup of key=%s returning %s', k, result) return result def notify(self, recorded_url, records): if (records and records[0].type == b'response' and self.should_dedup(recorded_url)): digest_key = warcprox.digest_str( recorded_url.payload_digest, self.options.base32) if recorded_url.warcprox_meta and "dedup-buckets" in recorded_url.warcprox_meta: for bucket, bucket_mode in recorded_url.warcprox_meta["dedup-buckets"].items(): if not bucket_mode == 'ro': self.save(digest_key, records[0], bucket=bucket) else: self.save(digest_key, records[0]) class CdxServerDedup(DedupDb): """Query a CDX server to perform deduplication. """ logger = logging.getLogger("warcprox.dedup.CdxServerDedup") cookies = None def __init__(self, cdx_url="https://web.archive.org/cdx/search", maxsize=400, options=warcprox.Options()): """Initialize cdx server connection pool and related parameters. Use low timeout value and no retries to avoid blocking warcprox operation by a slow CDX server. """ self.cdx_url = cdx_url self.options = options headers = {'User-Agent': 'warcprox', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate'} if options.cdxserver_dedup_cookies: headers['Cookie'] = options.cdxserver_dedup_cookies self.http_pool = urllib3.PoolManager(maxsize=maxsize, retries=0, timeout=2.0, headers=headers) self.cached_lookup = lru_cache(maxsize=1024)(self.lookup) def loader(self, *args, **kwargs): return CdxServerDedupLoader(self, self.options) def start(self): pass def save(self, digest_key, response_record, bucket=""): """Does not apply to CDX server, as it is obviously read-only. """ pass def lookup(self, digest_key, url): """Compare `sha1` with SHA1 hash of fetched content (note SHA1 must be computed on the original content, after decoding Content-Encoding and Transfer-Encoding, if any), if they match, write a revisit record. Get only the last item (limit=-1) because Wayback Machine has special performance optimisation to handle that. limit < 0 is very inefficient in general. Maybe it could be configurable in the future. Skip dedup for URLs with session params. These URLs are certainly unique and highly volatile, we cannot dedup them. :param digest_key: b'sha1:' (prefix is optional). Example: b'sha1:B2LTWWPUOYAH7UIPQ7ZUPQ4VMBSVC36A' :param url: Target URL string Result must contain: {"url": , "date": "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"} """ u = url.decode("utf-8") if isinstance(url, bytes) else url try: if any(s in u for s in ('JSESSIONID=', 'session=', 'sess=')): return None result = self.http_pool.request('GET', self.cdx_url, fields=dict( url=u, fl="timestamp,digest", filter="!mimetype:warc/revisit", limit=-1)) assert result.status == 200 if isinstance(digest_key, bytes): dkey = digest_key else: dkey = digest_key.encode('utf-8') dkey = dkey[5:] if dkey.startswith(b'sha1:') else dkey line = result.data.strip() if line: (cdx_ts, cdx_digest) = line.split(b' ') if cdx_digest == dkey: dt = datetime.datetime.strptime( cdx_ts.decode('ascii'), '%Y%m%d%H%M%S') date = dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ').encode('utf-8') return dict(url=url, date=date) except (HTTPError, AssertionError, ValueError) as exc: self.logger.error('CdxServerDedup request failed for url=%s %s', url, exc) return None def notify(self, recorded_url, records): """Since we don't save anything to CDX server, this does not apply. """ pass class CdxServerDedupLoader(warcprox.BaseBatchPostfetchProcessor, DedupableMixin): def __init__(self, cdx_dedup, options=warcprox.Options()): warcprox.BaseBatchPostfetchProcessor.__init__(self, options) DedupableMixin.__init__(self, options) self.pool = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=options.cdxserver_dedup_max_threads) self.batch = set() self.cdx_dedup = cdx_dedup def _get_process_put(self): recorded_url = self.inq.get(block=True, timeout=0.5) if (recorded_url.response_recorder and recorded_url.payload_digest and self.should_dedup(recorded_url)): self.batch.add(recorded_url) self.pool.submit(self._process_url, recorded_url) else: if self.outq: self.outq.put(recorded_url) def _process_url(self, recorded_url): try: digest_key = warcprox.digest_str(recorded_url.payload_digest, self.options.base32) dedup_info = self.cdx_dedup.cached_lookup(digest_key, recorded_url.url) cache_info = self.cdx_dedup.cached_lookup.cache_info() if (cache_info.hits + cache_info.misses) % 1000 == 0: self.logger.info(self.cdx_dedup.cached_lookup.cache_info()) if dedup_info: recorded_url.dedup_info = dedup_info except ValueError as exc: self.logger.error('CdxServerDedupLoader _process_url failed for url=%s %s', recorded_url.url, exc) finally: self.batch.remove(recorded_url) if self.outq: self.outq.put(recorded_url) class BatchTroughStorer(warcprox.BaseBatchPostfetchProcessor): def __init__(self, trough_dedup_db, options=warcprox.Options()): warcprox.BaseBatchPostfetchProcessor.__init__(self, options) self.trough_dedup_db = trough_dedup_db def _filter_and_bucketize(self, batch): ''' Returns `{bucket: [recorded_url, ...]}`, excluding urls that should not have dedup info stored. ''' buckets = collections.defaultdict(list) for recorded_url in batch: if (recorded_url.warc_records and recorded_url.warc_records[0].type == b'response' and self.trough_dedup_db.should_dedup(recorded_url)): if (recorded_url.warcprox_meta and 'dedup-buckets' in recorded_url.warcprox_meta): for bucket, bucket_mode in recorded_url.warcprox_meta["dedup-buckets"].items(): if not bucket_mode == 'ro': buckets[bucket].append(recorded_url) else: buckets['__unspecified__'].append(recorded_url) return buckets def _process_batch(self, batch): buckets = self._filter_and_bucketize(batch) if not buckets: return fs = {} with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(buckets)) as pool: # send off requests in parallel for bucket in buckets: future = pool.submit( self.trough_dedup_db.batch_save, buckets[bucket], bucket) fs[future] = bucket logging.debug( 'storing dedup info for %s urls ' 'in bucket %s', len(buckets[bucket]), bucket) # wait for results try: for future in futures.as_completed(fs, timeout=20): pass except futures.TimeoutError as e: # the remaining threads actually keep running in this case, # there's no way to stop them, but that should be harmless logging.warning( 'timed out saving dedup info to trough', exc_info=True) class BatchTroughLoader(warcprox.BaseBatchPostfetchProcessor): logger = logging.getLogger("warcprox.dedup.BatchTroughLoader") def __init__(self, trough_dedup_db, options=warcprox.Options()): warcprox.BaseBatchPostfetchProcessor.__init__(self, options) self.trough_dedup_db = trough_dedup_db def _startup(self): self.trough_dedup_db.start() def _filter_and_bucketize(self, batch): ''' Returns `{bucket: [recorded_url, ...]}`, excluding urls that should not be looked up. ''' buckets = collections.defaultdict(list) discards = [] # for duplicate checks, see https://webarchive.jira.com/browse/WT-31 hash_plus_urls = set() for recorded_url in batch: if not recorded_url.payload_digest: discards.append('n/a') continue payload_hash = warcprox.digest_str( recorded_url.payload_digest, self.options.base32) hash_plus_url = b''.join((payload_hash, recorded_url.url)) if (recorded_url.response_recorder and hash_plus_url not in hash_plus_urls and self.trough_dedup_db.should_dedup(recorded_url)): hash_plus_urls.add(hash_plus_url) if (recorded_url.warcprox_meta and 'dedup-buckets' in recorded_url.warcprox_meta): for bucket, bucket_mode in recorded_url.warcprox_meta["dedup-buckets"].items(): buckets[bucket].append(recorded_url) else: buckets['__unspecified__'].append(recorded_url) else: if hash_plus_url in hash_plus_urls: self.logger.debug( 'discarding duplicate and setting do_not_archive for %s, hash %s'.format( recorded_url.url, payload_hash)) recorded_url.do_not_archive = True discards.append(payload_hash) self.logger.debug( 'len(batch)=%s len(discards)=%s buckets=%s', len(batch), len(discards), {bucket: len(buckets[bucket]) for bucket in buckets}) return buckets def _build_key_index(self, batch): ''' Builds index of RecordedUrl by digest key. Args: batch(list): list of RecordedUrl Returns: dict `{digest_key: [recorded_url, ...]}` ''' key_index = collections.defaultdict(list) for recorded_url in batch: digest_key = warcprox.digest_str( recorded_url.payload_digest, self.options.base32) key_index[digest_key].append(recorded_url) return key_index def _process_batch(self, batch): buckets = self._filter_and_bucketize(batch) if not buckets: return fs = {} with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(buckets)) as pool: # send off the trough requests in parallel key_indexes = {} for bucket in buckets: key_indexes[bucket] = self._build_key_index(buckets[bucket]) future = pool.submit( self.trough_dedup_db.batch_lookup, key_indexes[bucket].keys(), bucket) fs[future] = bucket # process results as they come back try: for future in futures.as_completed(fs, timeout=20): bucket = fs[future] try: key_index = key_indexes[bucket] for entry in future.result(): for recorded_url in key_index[entry['digest_key']]: recorded_url.dedup_info = entry except Exception as e: # batch_lookup raised exception or something logging.warning( 'problem looking up dedup info for %s urls ' 'in bucket %s', len(buckets[bucket]), bucket, exc_info=True) if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): dups = sorted([e['digest_key'] for e in future.result()]) novel = sorted([ k for k in key_index.keys() if k not in dups]) self.logger.debug( 'bucket %s: dups(%s)=%r novel(%s)=%r', bucket, len(dups), dups, len(novel), novel) except futures.TimeoutError as e: # the remaining threads actually keep running in this case, # there's no way to stop them, but that should be harmless self.logger.warning( 'timed out loading dedup info from trough', exc_info=True) class TroughDedupDb(DedupDb, DedupableMixin): ''' https://github.com/internetarchive/trough ''' logger = logging.getLogger("warcprox.dedup.TroughDedupDb") SCHEMA_ID = 'warcprox-dedup-v1' SCHEMA_SQL = ('create table dedup (\n' ' digest_key varchar(100) primary key,\n' ' url varchar(2100) not null,\n' ' date varchar(100) not null,\n' ' id varchar(100));\n') # warc record id WRITE_SQL_TMPL = ('insert or ignore into dedup\n' '(digest_key, url, date, id)\n' 'values (%s, %s, %s, %s);') def __init__(self, options=warcprox.Options()): try: import trough.client except ImportError as e: logging.critical( '%s: %s\n\nYou might need to run "pip install ' 'warcprox[trough]".', type(e).__name__, e) sys.exit(1) DedupableMixin.__init__(self, options) self.options = options self._trough_cli = trough.client.TroughClient( options.rethinkdb_trough_db_url, promotion_interval=60*60) def loader(self, *args, **kwargs): return BatchTroughLoader(self, self.options) def storer(self, *args, **kwargs): return BatchTroughStorer(self, self.options) def start(self): try: self._trough_cli.register_schema(self.SCHEMA_ID, self.SCHEMA_SQL) except Exception as e: # can happen. hopefully someone else has registered it self.logger.critical( 'will try to continue after problem registering schema %s', self.SCHEMA_ID, exc_info=True) def save(self, digest_key, response_record, bucket='__unspecified__'): record_id = response_record.get_header(warctools.WarcRecord.ID) url = response_record.get_header(warctools.WarcRecord.URL) warc_date = response_record.get_header(warctools.WarcRecord.DATE) try: self._trough_cli.write( bucket, self.WRITE_SQL_TMPL, (digest_key, url, warc_date, record_id), self.SCHEMA_ID) except: self.logger.warning( 'problem posting dedup data to trough', exc_info=True) def batch_save(self, batch, bucket='__unspecified__'): sql_tmpl = ('insert or ignore into dedup\n' '(digest_key, url, date, id)\n' 'values %s;' % ','.join( '(%s,%s,%s,%s)' for i in range(len(batch)))) values = [] for recorded_url in batch: values.extend([ warcprox.digest_str( recorded_url.payload_digest, self.options.base32), recorded_url.url, recorded_url.warc_records[0].date, recorded_url.warc_records[0].id,]) try: self._trough_cli.write(bucket, sql_tmpl, values, self.SCHEMA_ID) except: self.logger.warning( 'problem posting dedup data to trough', exc_info=True) def lookup(self, digest_key, bucket='__unspecified__', url=None): try: results = self._trough_cli.read( bucket, 'select * from dedup where digest_key=%s;', (digest_key,)) except: self.logger.warning( 'problem reading dedup data from trough', exc_info=True) return None if results: assert len(results) == 1 # sanity check (digest_key is primary key) result = results[0] result['id'] = result['id'].encode('ascii') result['url'] = result['url'].encode('ascii') result['date'] = result['date'].encode('ascii') self.logger.debug( 'trough lookup of key=%r returning %r', digest_key, result) return result else: return None def batch_lookup(self, digest_keys, bucket='__unspecified__'): '''Returns [{'digest_key': ..., 'url': ..., 'date': ...}, ...]''' sql_tmpl = 'select * from dedup where digest_key in (%s)' % ( ','.join('%s' for i in range(len(digest_keys)))) try: results = self._trough_cli.read(bucket, sql_tmpl, digest_keys) except: self.logger.warning( 'problem reading dedup data from trough', exc_info=True) results = None if results is None: return [] self.logger.debug( 'trough batch lookup of %s keys returned %s results', len(digest_keys), len(results)) assert len(results) >= 0 and len(results) <= len(digest_keys) for result in results: result['id'] = result.get('id') and result['id'].encode('ascii') result['url'] = result['url'].encode('ascii') result['date'] = result['date'].encode('ascii') result['digest_key'] = result['digest_key'].encode('ascii') return results def notify(self, recorded_url, records): if (records and records[0].type == b'response' and self.should_dedup(recorded_url)): digest_key = warcprox.digest_str( recorded_url.payload_digest, self.options.base32) if recorded_url.warcprox_meta and 'dedup-buckets' in recorded_url.warcprox_meta: for bucket, bucket_mode in recorded_url.warcprox_meta["dedup-buckets"].items(): if not bucket_mode == 'ro': self.save( digest_key, records[0], bucket=bucket) else: self.save(digest_key, records[0])