''' tests/test_writer.py - warcprox warc writing tests Copyright (C) 2017 Internet Archive This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ''' import os import fcntl from multiprocessing import Process, Queue from datetime import datetime import pytest from warcprox.mitmproxy import ProxyingRecorder from warcprox.warcproxy import RecordedUrl from warcprox.writer import WarcWriter from warcprox import Options import time import warcprox import io import tempfile import logging def lock_file(queue, filename): """Try to lock file and return 1 if successful, else return 0. It is necessary to run this method in a different process to test locking. """ try: fi = open(filename, 'ab') fcntl.lockf(fi, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) fi.close() queue.put('OBTAINED LOCK') except IOError: queue.put('FAILED TO OBTAIN LOCK') def test_warc_writer_locking(tmpdir): """Test if WarcWriter is locking WARC files. When we don't have the .open suffix, WarcWriter locks the file and the external process trying to ``lock_file`` fails (result=0). """ recorder = ProxyingRecorder(None, None, 'sha1', url='http://example.com') recorded_url = RecordedUrl( url='http://example.com', content_type='text/plain', status=200, client_ip='', request_data=b'abc', response_recorder=recorder, remote_ip='', timestamp=datetime.utcnow()) dirname = os.path.dirname(str(tmpdir.mkdir('test-warc-writer'))) wwriter = WarcWriter(Options(directory=dirname, no_warc_open_suffix=True)) wwriter.write_records(recorded_url) warcs = [fn for fn in os.listdir(dirname) if fn.endswith('.warc')] assert warcs target_warc = os.path.join(dirname, warcs[0]) # launch another process and try to lock WARC file queue = Queue() p = Process(target=lock_file, args=(queue, target_warc)) p.start() p.join() assert queue.get() == 'FAILED TO OBTAIN LOCK' wwriter.close_writer() # locking must succeed after writer has closed the WARC file. p = Process(target=lock_file, args=(queue, target_warc)) p.start() p.join() assert queue.get() == 'OBTAINED LOCK' def wait(callback, timeout): start = time.time() while time.time() - start < timeout: if callback(): return time.sleep(0.5) raise Exception('timed out waiting for %s to return truthy' % callback) def test_special_dont_write_prefix(): class NotifyMe: def __init__(self): self.the_list = [] def notify(self, recorded_url, records): self.the_list.append((recorded_url, records)) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: logging.debug('cd %s', tmpdir) os.chdir(tmpdir) q = warcprox.TimestampedQueue(maxsize=1) listener = NotifyMe() wwt = warcprox.writerthread.WarcWriterThread( recorded_url_q=q, options=Options(prefix='-'), listeners=[listener]) try: wwt.start() # not to be written due to default prefix recorder = ProxyingRecorder(io.BytesIO(b'some payload'), None) recorder.read() q.put(RecordedUrl( url='http://example.com/no', content_type='text/plain', status=200, client_ip='', request_data=b'abc', response_recorder=recorder, remote_ip='', timestamp=datetime.utcnow(), payload_digest=recorder.block_digest)) # to be written due to warcprox-meta prefix recorder = ProxyingRecorder(io.BytesIO(b'some payload'), None) recorder.read() q.put(RecordedUrl( url='http://example.com/yes', content_type='text/plain', status=200, client_ip='', request_data=b'abc', response_recorder=recorder, remote_ip='', timestamp=datetime.utcnow(), payload_digest=recorder.block_digest, warcprox_meta={'warc-prefix': 'normal-warc-prefix'})) wait(lambda: len(listener.the_list) == 2, 10.0) assert not listener.the_list[0][1] assert listener.the_list[1][1] finally: wwt.stop.set() wwt.join() q = warcprox.TimestampedQueue(maxsize=1) listener = NotifyMe() wwt = warcprox.writerthread.WarcWriterThread( recorded_url_q=q, listeners=[listener]) try: wwt.start() # to be written due to default prefix recorder = ProxyingRecorder(io.BytesIO(b'some payload'), None) recorder.read() q.put(RecordedUrl( url='http://example.com/yes', content_type='text/plain', status=200, client_ip='', request_data=b'abc', response_recorder=recorder, remote_ip='', timestamp=datetime.utcnow(), payload_digest=recorder.block_digest)) # not to be written due to warcprox-meta prefix recorder = ProxyingRecorder(io.BytesIO(b'some payload'), None) recorder.read() q.put(RecordedUrl( url='http://example.com/no', content_type='text/plain', status=200, client_ip='', request_data=b'abc', response_recorder=recorder, remote_ip='', timestamp=datetime.utcnow(), payload_digest=recorder.block_digest, warcprox_meta={'warc-prefix': '-'})) wait(lambda: len(listener.the_list) == 2, 10.0) assert listener.the_list[0][1] assert not listener.the_list[1][1] finally: wwt.stop.set() wwt.join()