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#!/usr/bin/env python
#from warcprox.bin import dump-anydbm
import pytest
import os
import subprocess # to access the script from shell
# will try as python 3 then default to python 2 modules
import dbm
ndbm = dbm.ndbm
gdbm = dbm.gdbm
dumb = dbm.dumb
whichdb = dbm.whichdb
ndbm_type = "dbm.ndbm"
gdbm_type = "dbm.gdbm"
dumb_type = "dbm.dumb"
import dbm as ndbm
import gdbm
import dumbdbm as dumb
from whichdb import whichdb
ndbm_type = "dbm"
gdbm_type = "gdbm"
dumb_type = "dumbdbm"
#global settings
key1 = 'very first key'
key2 = 'second key'
val1 = 'very first value'
val2 = 'second value'
@pytest.fixture(scope = "function")
def make_gdbm_test_db(request):
2013-12-17 14:25:24 -08:00
db_name ="test_gdbm"
print "creating", db_name
test_db = gdbm.open(db_name, "n")
test_db[key1] = val1
test_db[key2] = val2
2013-12-17 14:25:24 -08:00
def delete_test_dumbdbm():
print "deleting", db_name
2013-12-17 14:25:24 -08:00
return db_name
2013-12-17 14:26:00 -08:00
@pytest.fixture(scope = "function")
def make_ndbm_test_db(request):
db_name = "test_ndbm"
print "creating", db_name
test_db = ndbm.open(db_name, "n")
test_db['very first key'] = 'very first value'
test_db['second key'] = 'second value'
def delete_test_ndbm():
print "deleting", db_name
return db_name
@pytest.fixture(scope = "function")
def make_dumbdbm_test_db(request):
db_name ="test_dumbdbm"
print "creating", db_name
test_db = dumb.open(db_name, "n")
test_db[key1] = val1
test_db[key2] = val2
def delete_test_dumbdbm():
print "deleting", db_name
return db_name
def test_fixture(make_ndbm_test_db):
print "runing test_fixture with"
assert whichdb(make_ndbm_test_db) == ndbm_type
2013-12-17 14:26:00 -08:00
def test_assert_gdbm_db_is_created_and_correctly_identified(make_gdbm_test_db):
print "runing assert_gdbm_db_is_created_and_correctly_identified with gdbm test file"
assert whichdb(make_gdbm_test_db) == gdbm_type
def test_assert_reading_gdbm_correctly(make_gdbm_test_db):
print "running assert_reading_gdbm_correctly with gdbm test db"
db = gdbm.open(make_gdbm_test_db, "r")
assert len(db.keys()) == 2
assert db.has_key(key1)
assert db[key1] == val1
def test_assert_dumbdbm_db_is_created_and_correctly_identified(make_dumbdbm_test_db):
print "runing assert_dumbdbm_db_is_created_and_correctly_identified with gdbm test file"
assert whichdb(make_dumbdbm_test_db) == dumb_type
def test_assert_reading_dumbdbm_correctly(make_dumbdbm_test_db):
print "running assert_reading_dumbdbm_correctly with dumbdbm test db"
db = dumb.open(make_dumbdbm_test_db, "r")
assert len(db.keys()) == 2
assert db.has_key(key1)
assert db[key1] == val1
def test_dumpanydbm_identify_gdbm(make_gdbm_test_db):
print "running test_dumpanydbm_identify_gdbm"
output = subprocess.check_output(["dump-anydbm", make_gdbm_test_db])
output = output.strip().split("\n")
assert len(output) == 3 # 2 keys plus whichdb line
# split on space, then grab 4th word, which is db type
which = output[0].split(' ')[3]
print which
assert which == gdbm_type
#split remaining lines on ':' that separates key & value
db_dump_first_pair = output[1].split(':')
assert db_dump_first_pair[0] == key1
assert db_dump_first_pair[1] == val1
db_dump_second_pair = output[2].split(':')
assert db_dump_second_pair[0] == key2
assert db_dump_second_pair[1] == val2
def test_dumpanydbm_identify_ndbm(make_ndbm_test_db):
print "running test_dumpanydbm_identify_ndbm"
output = subprocess.check_output(["dump-anydbm", make_ndbm_test_db])
output = output.strip().split("\n")
print output
assert len(output) == 3 # 2 keys plus whichdb line
# split on space, then grab 4th word, which is db type
which = output[0].split(' ')[3]
print which
assert which == ndbm_type
#split remaining lines on ':' that separates key & value
db_dump_first_pair = output[1].split(':')
assert db_dump_first_pair[0] == key1
assert db_dump_first_pair[1] == val1
db_dump_second_pair = output[2].split(':')
assert db_dump_second_pair[0] == key2
assert db_dump_second_pair[1] == val2
def test_dumpanydbm_identify_dumbdbm(make_dumbdbm_test_db):
print "running test_dumpanydbm_identify_dumbdbm"
output = subprocess.call(["dump-anydbm", make_dumbdbm_test_db])
# output = output.strip().split("\n")
assert output != 0 # unable to read dumbdbm, so dump-anydbm exits with error