// CDecor.cpp // #include #include #include #include #include #include "def.h" #include "resource.h" #include "pixmap.h" #include "sound.h" #include "decor.h" #include "action.h" #include "text.h" #include "misc.h" #include "fifo.h" #include "DECMOVE.h" #include "event.h" #include "dectables.h" #include "jauge.h" #include "network.h" #pragma warning (disable: 4996) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define TEXTDELAY 10 // Constructor // Possibly incomplete CDecor::CDecor() { m_hWnd = NULL; m_pSound = NULL; m_pPixmap = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { m_lastDecorIcon[i] = 0; } m_lastRegion = 0; m_time = 0; m_bAllMissions = FALSE; m_bInvincible = FALSE; m_bShowSecret = FALSE; m_bAccessBuild = FALSE; m_bNetPacked = FALSE; m_bNetMovePredict = TRUE; m_bNetDebug = FALSE; m_bMulti = FALSE; m_team = 0; m_netPacketsSent = 0; m_netPacketsSent2 = 0; m_netPacketsRecieved = 0; m_netPacketsRecieved2 = 0; //BlupiFlush(); //MoveFlush(); //InitDrapeau(); } CDecor::~CDecor() { } void CDecor::Create(HWND hWnd, CSound* pSound, CPixmap* pPixmap, CNetwork* pNetwork) { POINT pos; pos.x = 169; pos.y = 450; POINT pos2; pos2.x = 295; pos2.y = 450; m_hWnd = hWnd; m_pSound = pSound; m_pPixmap = pPixmap; m_pNetwork = pNetwork; m_input = 0; m_previousInput = 0; m_bHelicopterFlying = FALSE; m_bHelicopterStationary = FALSE; m_bCarMoving = FALSE; m_bCarStationary = FALSE; InitDecor(); m_jauges[0].Create(m_hWnd, m_pPixmap, m_pSound, pos, 1, FALSE); m_jauges[0].SetHide(TRUE); m_jauges[1].Create(m_hWnd, m_pPixmap, m_pSound, pos2, 3, FALSE); m_jauges[1].SetHide(TRUE); NetMessageIndexFlush(); NotifFlush(); } BOOL CDecor::LoadImages() { POINT totalDim, iconDim; char filename[52]; if (m_lastRegion == m_region) return TRUE; m_lastRegion = m_region; totalDim.x = DIMCELX * 2 * 16; totalDim.y = DIMCELY * 2 * 6; iconDim.x = DIMCELX * 2; iconDim.y = DIMCELY * 2; sprintf(filename, "decor%.3d.blp", m_region); if (!m_pPixmap->Cache2(CHBACK, filename, totalDim, iconDim, FALSE)) return FALSE; if (m_region == 0) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } void CDecor::InitGamer() { int i; BYTE* door; m_nbVies = 3; door = m_doors; for (i != 0; i = 50; i++) { *(int*)door = 0x1010101; door = door + 4; } return; } // The only seemingly sane function. void CDecor::InitDecor() { int i; LONG pos, pos2; m_cameraPos.x = 0; m_cameraPos.y = 0; m_worldDims.x = 100; m_worldDims.y = 100; m_music = 1; m_region = 2; m_missionTitle[0] = '\0'; m_decorAction = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { m_decor[i, j]->icon = -1; m_bigDecor[i, j]->icon = 1; } } m_decor[3, 4]->icon = 40; m_decor[4, 4]->icon = 38; m_decor[5, 4]->icon = 39; for (int k = 0; k < MAXMOVEOBJECT; k++) { m_moveObject[k]->type = 0; } FlushBalleTraj(); FlushMoveTraj(); m_moveObject[0]->type = 5; m_moveObject[0]->stepAdvance = 1; m_moveObject[0]->stepRecede = 1; m_moveObject[0]->timeStopStart = 0; m_moveObject[0]->timeStopEnd = 0; m_moveObject[0]->posStart.x = 258; m_moveObject[0]->posStart.y = 196; m_moveObject[0]->posEnd = m_moveObject[0]->posStart; m_moveObject[0]->posCurrent = m_moveObject[0]->posStart; m_moveObject[0]->phase = 0; m_moveObject[0]->step = 1; m_moveObject[0]->time = 0; m_moveObject[0]->channel = 10; m_moveObject[0]->icon = 0; m_moveObject[1]->type = 7; m_moveObject[1]->stepAdvance = 1; m_moveObject[1]->timeStopStart = 0; m_moveObject[1]->timeStopEnd = 0; m_moveObject[1]->posStart.x = 450; m_moveObject[1]->posStart.y = 196; m_moveObject[1]->posEnd = m_moveObject[1]->posStart; m_moveObject[1]->posCurrent = m_moveObject[1]->posStart; m_moveObject[1]->phase = 0; m_moveObject[1]->step = 1; m_moveObject[1]->time = 0; m_moveObject[1]->channel = 10; m_moveObject[1]->icon = 29; pos = m_blupiStartPos[0].x = 66; pos2 = m_blupiStartPos[0].y = 192 + BLUPIOFFY; m_blupiStartDir = 2; m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiIcon.icon = 0; m_blupiIcon.type = 0; m_blupiChannel.channel = CHBLUPI; m_blupiChannel.blupiChannel = 0; m_blupiFocus = TRUE; m_blupiAir = FALSE; m_blupiHelico = FALSE; m_blupiOver = FALSE; m_blupiJeep = FALSE; m_blupiTank = FALSE; m_blupiSkate = FALSE; m_blupiNage = FALSE; m_blupiSurf = FALSE; m_blupiSuspend = FALSE; m_blupiJumpAie = FALSE; m_blupiShield = FALSE; m_blupiPower = FALSE; m_blupiCloud = FALSE; m_blupiHide = FALSE; m_blupiInvert = FALSE; m_blupiBalloon = FALSE; m_blupiEcrase = FALSE; m_blupiMotorHigh = FALSE; m_blupiPosHelico.x = -1; m_blupiActionOuf = 0; m_blupiTimeNoAsc = 0; m_blupiTimeMockery = 0; m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; m_blupiVitesseY = 0.0; m_blupiValidPos.x = pos; m_blupiValidPos.y = pos2; m_blupiFront = FALSE; m_blupiBullet = 0; m_blupiCle = 0; m_blupiPerso = 0; m_blupiDynamite = 0; m_nbTresor = 0; m_totalTresor = 1; m_goalPhase = 0; m_scrollPoint.x = pos; m_scrollPoint.y = pos2; m_scrollAdd.x = 0; m_scrollAdd.y = 0; m_term = 0; m_2ndPositionCalculationSlot = -1; } void CDecor::SetTime(int time) { m_time = time; } int CDecor::GetTime() { return m_time; } // Basically the same as the other fucking function void CDecor::PlayPrepare(BOOL bTest) { /* int rand; rand = Random(0, 23); */ int blupiStart; MoveObjectType moveType; if (bTest != FALSE) { m_nbVies = 3; } if (*(int*)((int)m_blupiStartDir + 14) == FALSE) { m_blupiPos.x = *(LONG*)((int)&m_blupiFifoPos[9].y + 2); m_blupiPos.y = *(LONG*)((int)&m_blupiStartPos[0].x + 2); blupiStart = *(int*)((int)&m_blupiStartPos[3].y + 2); } else { *(BYTE*)(m_doors + 198) = 10; blupiStart = *(int*)((int)&m_bMulti + 2); m_blupiPos.x = *(LONG*)((int)&m_blupiFifoPos[blupiStart + 9].y + 2); m_blupiPos.y = *(LONG*)((int)&m_blupiStartPos[blupiStart].x + 2); blupiStart = *(int*)((int)m_blupiStartDir + *(int*)((int)&m_bMulti + 2) * 4 + -2); } m_blupiDir = blupiStart; if (blupiStart == DIR_LEFT) { m_blupiIcon.icon = 4; m_blupiIcon.type = 0; } else { m_blupiIcon.icon = 4; m_blupiIcon.type = 0; } m_blupiAction = ACTION_STOP; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiTransport = DIR_LEFT; m_blupiFocus = TRUE; m_blupiAir = FALSE; m_blupiHelico = FALSE; m_blupiOver = FALSE; m_blupiJeep = FALSE; m_blupiTank = FALSE; m_blupiSkate = FALSE; m_blupiNage = FALSE; m_blupiSurf = FALSE; m_blupiSuspend = FALSE; m_blupiJumpAie = FALSE; m_blupiShield = FALSE; m_blupiPower = FALSE; m_blupiCloud = FALSE; m_blupiHide = FALSE; m_blupiInvert = FALSE; m_blupiBalloon = FALSE; m_blupiEcrase = FALSE; m_blupiMotorHigh = FALSE; m_blupiActionOuf = 0; m_blupiTimeNoAsc = 0; m_blupiTimeMockery = 0; m_blupiValidPos = m_blupiPos; m_blupiBullet = 0; m_blupiCle = 0; m_blupiPerso = 0; m_blupiDynamite = 0; m_nbTresor = 0; m_totalTresor = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAXMOVEOBJECT; i++) { if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 5) { m_totalTresor++; } m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent = m_moveObject[i]->posStart; m_moveObject[i]->step = 1; m_moveObject[i]->phase = 0; m_moveObject[i]->time = 0; if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 5 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 6 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 25 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 26 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 40 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 2 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 3 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 96 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 97) { m_moveObject[i]->phase = Random(0, 23); } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 23) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == TYPE_BALLE) { m_moveObject[i]->type = TYPE_EMPTY; } moveType = (MoveObjectType)m_moveObject[i]->type; if ((m_bMulti != FALSE) && (moveType == TYPE_CAISSE) || (moveType == TYPE_GOAL) || (moveType == TYPE_CLE) || (moveType == TYPE_BLUPIHELICO) || (moveType == TYPE_BLUPITANK)) { m_moveObject[i]->type = TYPE_EMPTY; } } m_goalPhase = 0; MoveObjectSort(); UpdateCaisse(); m_scrollPoint = m_blupiPos; m_scrollAdd.x = 0; m_scrollAdd.y = 0; m_blupiPosHelico.x = -1; m_blupiMotorSound = 0; m_blupiFront = FALSE; m_blupiNoBarre = 0; m_blupiValidPos = m_blupiPos; m_blupiFifoNb = 0; m_blupiTimeFire = 0; NotifFlush(); // NetDataFlush(); m_voyageIcon = -1; m_jauges[0].SetHide(TRUE); m_jauges[1].SetHide(TRUE); m_bFoundCle = FALSE; m_term = 0; m_time = 0; m_bPause = FALSE; MoveStep(); m_scrollPoint.x = m_blupiPos.x + 30 + m_scrollAdd.x; m_scrollPoint.y = m_blupiPos.y + 30 + m_scrollAdd.y; } // Sort of makes sense. void CDecor::BuildPrepare() { for (int i = 0; i < MAXMOVEOBJECT; i++) { m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent = m_moveObject[i]->posStart; m_moveObject[i]->step = 1; m_moveObject[i]->time = 0; m_moveObject[i]->phase = 0; if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 23) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } } m_time = 0; m_voyageIcon = -1; m_posCelHili.x = -1; m_2ndPositionCalculationSlot = -1; m_bPause = FALSE; // NetDataFlush(); return; } int CDecor::IsTerminated() { return m_term; } void CDecor::MoveStep() { LONG* longDecor; UINT posDecor; int dimDecor; MoveObjectStep(); if ((m_phase == WM_PHASE_PLAY) || (m_phase == WM_PHASE_PLAYTEST)) { // BlupiStep(); NotifStep(); } if (m_phase == WM_PHASE_BUILD) { if ((m_keyPress & 2) != 0) { posDecor = m_posDecor.x + 50; dimDecor = (UINT)((m_dimDecor).x != 0) & 5760; m_posDecor.x = dimDecor; if ((int)posDecor < dimDecor) { m_posDecor.x = posDecor; } m_posCelHili.x = -1; } if ((m_keyPress & 1) != 0) { longDecor = &m_posDecor.y; *longDecor = *longDecor + 50; dimDecor = (UINT)(m_dimDecor.y != 0) & 5920; if ((int)dimDecor < m_posDecor.y) { m_posDecor.y = dimDecor; } m_posCelHili.y = dimDecor; } m_posCelHili.x = -1; } if ((m_keyPress & 4) != 0) { posDecor = m_posDecor.y + -50; m_posDecor.y = posDecor; if (posDecor < 0) { m_posDecor.y = 0; } m_posCelHili.x = -1; } return; } void CDecor::NotifStep() { int i; i = *(int*)(m_notifText[3] + 98); if (i == 0) { NotifPop(); return; } *(int*)(m_notifText[3] + 98) = i + -1; return; } int CDecor::GetBlupiChannelStandard() { if (((m_bMulti != FALSE) && (m_blupiChannel.channel == CHBLUPI)) && (0 < m_team)) { return m_team + 10; } return (int)m_blupiChannel.channel; } int CDecor::GetBlupiChannelActual() { if ((m_bMulti != 0) && (0 < m_team)) { return m_team + CHELEMENT; } return CHBLUPI; } // Fuck this function. That's all I can say. void CDecor::Build(RECT rect) { RECT rect1; RECT clip; POINT posDecor, posDecorNext; RECT rectDir; rect1 = m_pPixmap->GetClipping((RECT*)&posDecor); clip = rect1; m_pPixmap->SetClipping(rect); posDecorNext = DecorNextAction(); rectDir.right = 0; rectDir.left = 2; posDecor.x = posDecorNext.x; posDecor.y = ((int*)posDecorNext.x)[1]; } BOOL CDecor::BlitzActif(int celx, int cely) { POINT pos; pos.x = celx * 64; pos.y = cely * 64; int time; if (m_phase == WM_PHASE_BUILD) { time = m_time >> 31; return (((m_time ^ time) - time & 1 ^ time) == time); } if ((((pos.x - 80 <= m_blupiPos.x) && (m_blupiPos.x <= pos.x + 80)) && (m_blupiPos.x = (m_blupiPos.y, pos.y + -500 <= m_blupiPos.x)) && (m_blupiPos.x <= pos.y + 500))) { if (((m_time & 100 < 70) && (0 < pos.y)) && (m_decor[pos.x + -1][pos.y + 99].icon == 304)) { PlaySoundB(SOUND_69_BLITZ, pos, 0); } if (table_blitz[0] != -1) { int* blitz = table_blitz; while (1) { if (m_time % 100 == (int)blitz++) { break; } return 0; } } } return FALSE; } void CDecor::DrawInfo() { POINT pos; char(*pText)[100]; char text[100]; if (m_phase == WM_PHASE_PLAY || WM_PHASE_PLAYTEST) { pText = m_notifText; for (int i = 4; i != 0; i--) { if ((*pText)[0] != '\0') { pos.x = 10; pos.y = 10; DrawTextB(m_pPixmap, pos, m_messages[i], 0); } } if (m_nbVies > 0) { pos.x = -15; for (int i = 0; i < m_nbVies; i++) { pos.y = 417; m_pPixmap->QuickIcon(GetBlupiChannelStandard(), 48, pos); pos.x += 16; } } if (m_blupiBullet > 0) { pos.x = -15; pos.y = 398; for (int i = 0; i < m_blupiBullet; i++) { m_pPixmap->QuickIcon(CHELEMENT, 176, pos); pos.x += 4; } } } } POINT CDecor::DecorNextAction() { int num = 0; if (m_decorAction == 0 || m_bPause) { m_posDecor; } POINT posDecor = m_posDecor; while (table_decor_action[num] != 0) { if (m_decorAction == table_decor_action[num]) { if (m_decorPhase < table_decor_action[num + 1]) { posDecor.x += 3 * table_decor_action[num + 2 + m_decorPhase * 2]; posDecor.y += 3 * table_decor_action[num + 2 + m_decorPhase * 2 + 1]; int num2; if (m_dimDecor.x == 0) { num2 = 0; } else { num2 = 6400 - (m_drawBounds.right - m_drawBounds.left); } if (posDecor.x < 0) { posDecor.x = 0; } if (posDecor.x > num2) { posDecor.x = num2; } if (m_dimDecor.y == 0) { num2 = 0; } else { num2 = 6400 - (m_drawBounds.bottom - m_drawBounds.top); } if (posDecor.y < 0) { posDecor.y = 0; } if (posDecor.y > num2) { posDecor.y = num2; } m_decorPhase++; break; } m_decorAction = 0; break; } else { num += 2 + table_decor_action[num + 1] * 2; } } return posDecor; } void CDecor::SetInput(UINT input) { m_keyPress = input; if (m_blupiInvert != 0) { if ((input & INPUT_LEFT) != 0) { m_keyPress = input & ~INPUT_LEFT | INPUT_RIGHT; } if ((input & INPUT_RIGHT) != 0) { m_keyPress = m_keyPress & ~INPUT_RIGHT | INPUT_LEFT; } } } void CDecor::SetJoystickEnable(BOOL bJoystick) { m_bJoystick = bJoystick; return; } void CDecor::SetSpeedX(double speed) { if (m_blupiInvert) { speed = -speed; } m_blupiSpeedX = speed; } void CDecor::SetSpeedY(double speed) { m_blupiSpeedY = speed; } int CDecor::SoundEnviron(int sound, int obstacle) { if ((obstacle >= 32 && obstacle <= 34) || (obstacle >= 41 && obstacle <= 47) || (obstacle >= 139 && obstacle <= 143)) { if (sound == 4) { return 79; } if (sound == 3) { return 78; } } if ((obstacle >= 1 && obstacle <= 28) || (obstacle >= 78 && obstacle <= 90) || (obstacle >= 250 && obstacle <= 260) || (obstacle >= 311 && obstacle <= 316) || (obstacle >= 324 && obstacle <= 329)) { if (sound == 4) { return 81; } if (sound == 3) { return 80; } } if ((obstacle >= 284 && obstacle <= 303) || obstacle == 338) { if (sound == 4) { return 83; } if (sound == 3) { return 82; } } if (obstacle >= 341 && obstacle <= 363) { if (sound == 4) { return 85; } if (sound == 3) { return 84; } } if (obstacle >= 215 && obstacle <= 234) { if (sound == 4) { return 87; } if (sound == 3) { return 86; } } if (obstacle >= 246 && obstacle <= 249) { if (sound == 4) { return 89; } if (sound == 3) { return 88; } } if (obstacle >= 107 && obstacle <= 109) { if (sound == 4) { return 91; } if (sound == 3) { return 90; } } return sound; } void CDecor::PlaySoundB(int sound, POINT pos, int net) { { if (m_blupiHide && (sound == 1 || sound == 2 || sound == 3 || sound == 4 || sound == 5 || sound == 6 || sound == 7 || sound == 20 || sound == 21 || sound == 22 || sound == 23 || sound == 24 || sound == 25 || sound == 27 || sound == 32 || sound == 34 || sound == 35 || sound == 36 || sound == 37 || sound == 38 || sound == 39 || sound == 40 || sound == 46 || sound == 47 || sound == 48 || sound == 49 || sound == 64 || sound == 65 || sound == 78 || sound == 79 || sound == 80 || sound == 81 || sound == 82 || sound == 83 || sound == 84 || sound == 85 || sound == 86 || sound == 87 || sound == 88 || sound == 89 || sound == 90 || sound == 91)) { return; } pos.x -= m_posDecor.y; pos.y -= m_posDecor.y; m_pSound->PlayImage(sound, pos); } } void CDecor::StopSound(Sound sound) { m_pSound->StopSound(sound); if (sound == SOUND_16_HELICOHIGH) { m_bHelicopterFlying = FALSE; } if (sound == SOUND_18_HELICOLOW) { m_bHelicopterStationary = FALSE; } if (sound == SOUND_29_JEEPHIGH) { m_bCarMoving = FALSE; } if (sound == SOUND_31_JEEPLOW) { m_bCarStationary = FALSE; } return; } void CDecor::AdaptMotorVehicleSound() { POINT blupiPos = m_blupiPos; blupiPos.x -= m_posDecor.x; blupiPos.y -= m_posDecor.y; if (m_bHelicopterFlying != FALSE) { m_pSound->PlayImage(16, blupiPos); } if (m_bHelicopterStationary != FALSE) { m_pSound->PlayImage(18, blupiPos); } if (m_bCarMoving != FALSE) { m_pSound->PlayImage(29, blupiPos); } if (m_bCarStationary != FALSE) { m_pSound->PlayImage(31, blupiPos); } return; } void CDecor::DeleteCel(int celX, int celY) { POINT cel; POINT pos; m_2ndPositionCalculationSlot = -1; if ((((-1 < celX) && (celX < MAXCELX)) && (-1 < celY)) && (celY < MAXCELY)) { m_decor[celX][celY].icon = -1; cel.y = celY; cel.x = celX; AdaptBorder(cel); m_bigDecor[celX][celY].icon = -1; pos.y = celY; pos.x = celX; MoveObjectDelete(pos); } return; } void CDecor::SetGamerName(const char* playerName) { char* name; int result; name = m_missionTitle; result = strlen(playerName) + 1; strncpy(name, playerName, result); return; } // TODO: Add VehicleSoundsPhase void CDecor::UpdateCaisse() { m_nbRankCaisse = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAXMOVEOBJECT; i++) { if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 12) { m_rankCaisse[m_nbRankCaisse++] = i; } } } BOOL CDecor::TestPushCaisse(int i, POINT pos, BOOL bPop) { POINT move; move.x = pos.x - m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x; move.y = 0; SearchLinkCaisse(i, bPop); int y = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y; for (int j = 0; j < m_nbLinkCaisse; j++) { i = m_linkCaisse[j]; if (!TestPushOneCaisse(i, move, y)) { return FALSE; } } for (int j = 0; j < m_nbLinkCaisse; j++) { i = m_linkCaisse[j]; int num = i; m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent.x = m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent.x + move.x; m_moveObject[num]->posStart.x = m_moveObject[num]->posStart.x + move.x; int num2 = i; m_moveObject[num]->posEnd.x = m_moveObject[num]->posEnd.x + move.x; } return TRUE; } BOOL CDecor::TestPushOneCaisse(int i, POINT move, int b) { RECT rect; rect.top = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y; rect.left = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x + move.x; rect.right = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x + move.x + 64; rect.bottom = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y + 64; if (DecorDetect(rect, FALSE) != FALSE) { return FALSE; } if (m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y != b) { return TRUE; } rect.top = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y; rect.left = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x + move.x; rect.right = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x + move.x + 20; rect.bottom = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y + 66; if (DecorDetect(rect, TRUE) == FALSE) { return FALSE; } rect.top = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y + 64; rect.left = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x + move.x + 44; rect.right = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x + move.x + 64; rect.bottom = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y + 66; return (DecorDetect(rect, TRUE)); } void CDecor::SearchLinkCaisse(int rank, BOOL bPop) { m_nbLinkCaisse = 0; AddLinkCaisse(rank); POINT posCurrent = m_moveObject[rank]->posCurrent; BOOL flag; do { flag = FALSE; for (int i = 0; i < m_nbLinkCaisse; i++) { int num = m_linkCaisse[i]; if (m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent.y <= posCurrent.y && (!bPop || (m_moveObject [num]->posCurrent.x >= posCurrent.x - 32 && m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent.x <= posCurrent.x + 32))) { RECT src; src.left = m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent.x - 1; src.top = m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent.y - 1; src.right = src.left + 64 + 1; src.bottom = src.top + 64 + 1; for (int j = 0; j < m_nbRankCaisse; j++) { int num2 = m_rankCaisse[j]; if (num2 != num && m_moveObject[num2]->posCurrent.y <= posCurrent.y && (!bPop || (m_moveObject[num2]->posCurrent.x >= posCurrent.x - 32 && m_moveObject[num2]->posCurrent.x <= posCurrent.x + 32))) { RECT src2; src2.left = m_moveObject[num2]->posCurrent.x - 1; src2.top = m_moveObject[num2]->posCurrent.y - 1; src2.right = src2.left + 64 + 1; src2.bottom = src2.top + 64 + 1; tagRECT tinyRect; /* if (IntersectRect(tinyRect, src2, src) && AddLinkCaisse(num2)) { flag = TRUE; } */ } } } } } while (flag); } BOOL CDecor::AddLinkCaisse(int rank) { for (int i = 0; i < m_nbLinkCaisse; i++) { if (m_linkCaisse[i] == rank) { return FALSE; } } m_linkCaisse[m_nbLinkCaisse] = rank; m_nbLinkCaisse++; return TRUE; } BOOL CDecor::LoadBackgroundImages() { char filename[52]; POINT totalDim, iconDim; if (m_region == m_lastRegion) return TRUE; m_lastRegion == m_region; totalDim.x = DIMCELX * 2 * 16; totalDim.y = DIMCELY * 2 * 6; iconDim.x = DIMCELX * 2; iconDim.y = DIMCELY * 2; sprintf(filename, "image\\decor%.3d.blp", m_region); if (!m_pPixmap->Cache(CHFLOOR, filename, totalDim, iconDim, FALSE)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /* int CDecor::SetBlupiChannel() { if ( m_bMulti = 0 || m_blupiChannel == CHBLUPI || m_team > 0);{ return m_team + 10; } return m_blupiChannel; } */ int CDecor::GetBlupiChannel() { int channel; if ((*(int*)((int)m_blupiStartDir + 14) != 0) && (channel = *(int*)((int)&m_bMulti + 2), 0 < channel)) { return channel + CHELEMENT; } return CHBLUPI; } int CDecor::GetIconPerso() { if ( m_bMulti != 0){ return m_team + ICON_BUTTON_PERSONALBOMBICON; } return ICON_BUTTON_PERSONALBOMBICON; } int CDecor::GetRegion() { return m_region; } void CDecor::SetRegion(int region) { m_region = region; } int CDecor::GetMusic() { return m_music; } void CDecor::SetMusic(int music) { m_music = music; } void CDecor::GetDims(POINT* ptr) { ptr->x = m_worldDims.x; ptr->y = m_worldDims.y; return; } void CDecor::SetDims(POINT dims) { m_worldDims.x = dims.x; m_worldDims.y = dims.y; } int CDecor::GetNbVies() { return m_nbVies; } void CDecor::SetNbVies(int lives) { m_nbVies = lives; } BOOL CDecor::GetPause() { return m_bPause; } void CDecor::SetPause(BOOL bPause) { m_bPause = bPause; } void CDecor::SetAllMissions(BOOL CheatDoors) { m_bCheatDoors = CheatDoors; AdaptDoors(m_bPrivate, m_mission); return; } void CDecor::AdaptDoors(BOOL bPrivate, int mission) { POINT pos; POINT pos2; int i; m_bPrivate = bPrivate; m_mission = mission; pos.x = 0; pos.y = 0; pos2.x = 0; pos2.y = 0; if (bPrivate == FALSE) { if (mission == 1) { do { if ((SearchDoor(bPrivate, pos2, pos) != FALSE) && ((*(char*)((int)m_lastDecorIcon + bPrivate + 0xFFFFFF) == '\0' || (m_bCheatDoors != FALSE)))) { m_decor[pos2.x][pos2.y].icon = -1; i = MoveObjectFree(); m_moveObject[i]->type = TYPE_DOOR; m_moveObject[i]->stepAdvance = 50; m_moveObject[i]->stepRecede = 1; m_moveObject[i]->timeStopStart = 0; m_moveObject[i]->timeStopEnd = 0; m_moveObject[i]->posStart.x = pos2.x << 6; m_moveObject[i]->posStart.y = pos2.y << 6; m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x = m_moveObject[i]->posStart.x; m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y = m_moveObject[i]->posStart.y; m_moveObject[i]->step = STEP_STOPSTART; m_moveObject[i]->time = 0; m_moveObject[i]->phase = 0; m_moveObject[i]->channel = CHOBJECT; m_moveObject[i]->icon = 183; PlaySoundB(SOUND_33_DOOR, m_moveObject[i]->posStart, 0); } bPrivate = bPrivate + TRUE; } while ((int)bPrivate < 20); } } } void CDecor::CheatAction(int cheat, MoveObject moveObject) { if (cheat == cheat_cleanall) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXMOVEOBJECT; i++) { if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 2 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 3 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 96 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 97 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 4 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 16 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 17 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 20 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 44 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 54 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 32 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 33) { m_decorAction = 1; m_decorPhase = 0; m_moveObject[i]->type = 8; m_moveObject[i]->phase = 0; m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x + -34; m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y + -34; m_moveObject[i]->posStart.x = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x; m_moveObject[i]->posStart.y = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y; m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.x = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x; m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.y = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y; MoveObjectStepIcon(i); PlaySoundB(10, m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent, 0); } } } if (cheat == cheat_funskate) { m_blupiAir = FALSE; m_blupiHelico = FALSE; m_blupiOver = FALSE; m_blupiJeep = FALSE; m_blupiTank = FALSE; m_blupiSkate = TRUE; m_blupiNage = FALSE; m_blupiSurf = FALSE; m_blupiVent = FALSE; m_blupiSuspend = FALSE; m_pSound->StopSound(SOUND_16_HELICOHIGH); StopSound(SOUND_18_HELICOLOW); StopSound(SOUND_29_JEEPHIGH); StopSound(SOUND_31_JEEPLOW); } if (cheat == cheat_givecopter) { m_blupiAir = FALSE; m_blupiHelico = TRUE; m_blupiOver = FALSE; m_blupiJeep = FALSE; m_blupiTank = FALSE; m_blupiSkate = FALSE; m_blupiNage = FALSE; m_blupiSurf = FALSE; m_blupiVent = FALSE; m_blupiSuspend = FALSE; } if (cheat == cheat_jeepdrive) { m_blupiAir = FALSE; m_blupiHelico = FALSE; m_blupiOver = FALSE; m_blupiJeep = TRUE; m_blupiTank = FALSE; m_blupiSkate = FALSE; m_blupiNage = FALSE; m_blupiSurf = FALSE; m_blupiVent = FALSE; m_blupiSuspend = FALSE; } if (cheat == cheat_alltreasure) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXMOVEOBJECT; i++) { if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 5) { m_moveObject[i]->type == 0; m_nbTresor++; OpenDoorsTresor(); PlaySoundB(SOUND_11_TRESOR, m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent, 0); } } } if (cheat == cheat_endgoal) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXMOVEOBJECT; i++) { if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 7 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 21) { m_blupiPos = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent; if (m_nbTresor >= m_totalTresor) { if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 21) { m_bFoundCle = TRUE; } StopSound(SOUND_16_HELICOHIGH); StopSound(SOUND_18_HELICOLOW); StopSound(SOUND_29_JEEPHIGH); StopSound(SOUND_31_JEEPLOW); PlaySoundB(SOUND_14_ENDOK, m_blupiPos, 0); m_blupiAction = 13; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = FALSE; m_blupiFront = TRUE; m_blupiAir = FALSE; m_blupiHelico = FALSE; m_blupiOver = FALSE; m_blupiJeep = TRUE; m_blupiTank = FALSE; m_blupiSkate = FALSE; m_blupiNage = FALSE; m_blupiSurf = FALSE; m_blupiVent = FALSE; m_blupiSuspend = FALSE; m_blupiShield = FALSE; m_blupiPower = FALSE; m_blupiCloud = FALSE; m_blupiHide = FALSE; m_blupiInvert = FALSE; m_blupiBalloon = FALSE; m_blupiEcrase = FALSE; } else { PlaySoundB(SOUND_13_ENDKO, m_blupiPos, 0); } m_goalPhase = 50; } } } if (cheat == cheat_roundshield) { PlaySoundB(SOUND_42_STARTSHIELD, m_blupiPos, 0); m_blupiShield = TRUE; m_blupiPower = FALSE; m_blupiCloud = FALSE; m_blupiHide = FALSE; m_blupiTimeShield = 100; m_blupiPosMagic = m_blupiPos; m_jauges[1].SetHide(FALSE); } if (cheat == cheat_quicklollipop) { m_blupiAction = 49; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiHelico = FALSE; m_blupiOver = FALSE; m_blupiJeep = FALSE; m_blupiTank = FALSE; m_blupiSkate = FALSE; m_blupiShield = FALSE; m_blupiPower = FALSE; m_blupiCloud = FALSE; m_blupiHide = FALSE; m_blupiFocus = FALSE; PlaySoundB(SOUND_50_SUCETTE, m_blupiPos, 0); } if (cheat == cheat_tenbombs) { m_blupiPerso = 10; PlaySoundB(SOUND_60_PERSOTAKE, m_blupiPos, 0); } if (cheat == cheat_birdlime) { m_blupiBullet = 10; } if (cheat == cheat_drivetank) { m_blupiAir = FALSE; m_blupiHelico = FALSE; m_blupiOver = FALSE; m_blupiJeep = FALSE; m_blupiTank = TRUE; m_blupiSkate = FALSE; m_blupiNage = FALSE; m_blupiSurf = FALSE; m_blupiVent = FALSE; m_blupiSuspend = FALSE; m_blupiCloud = FALSE; m_blupiHide = FALSE; } if (cheat == cheat_powercharge) { m_blupiAction = 56; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiHelico = FALSE; m_blupiOver = FALSE; m_blupiJeep = FALSE; m_blupiTank = TRUE; m_blupiSkate = FALSE; m_blupiShield = FALSE; m_blupiPower = FALSE; m_blupiCloud = FALSE; m_blupiHide = FALSE; m_blupiJumpAie = FALSE; m_blupiFocus = FALSE; PlaySoundB(SOUND_58_CHARGE, m_blupiPos, 0); } if (cheat == cheat_hidedrink) { m_blupiAction = 55; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiHelico = FALSE; m_blupiOver = FALSE; m_blupiJeep = FALSE; m_blupiTank = FALSE; m_blupiSkate = FALSE; m_blupiShield = FALSE; m_blupiPower = FALSE; m_blupiCloud = FALSE; m_blupiHide = FALSE; m_blupiJumpAie = FALSE; m_blupiFocus = FALSE; PlaySoundB(SOUND_57_DRINK, m_blupiPos, 0); } if (cheat == cheat_iovercraft) { m_blupiAir = FALSE; m_blupiHelico = FALSE; m_blupiOver = TRUE; m_blupiJeep = FALSE; m_blupiTank = FALSE; m_blupiSkate = FALSE; m_blupiNage = FALSE; m_blupiSurf = FALSE; m_blupiVent = FALSE; m_blupiSuspend = FALSE; } if (cheat == cheat_udynamite) { m_blupiDynamite = 1; PlaySoundB(SOUND_60_PERSOTAKE, m_blupiPos, 0); } if (cheat == cheat_wellkeys) { m_blupiCle |= 7; } if (m_blupiShield && m_blupiHide && m_blupiCloud && m_blupiPower) { m_jauges[1].SetHide(TRUE); } if (m_blupiHelico && m_blupiOver) { m_pSound->StopSound(SOUND_16_HELICOHIGH); StopSound(SOUND_18_HELICOLOW); } if (m_blupiJeep && m_blupiTank) { StopSound(SOUND_29_JEEPHIGH); StopSound(SOUND_31_JEEPLOW); } } void CDecor::BlupiSearchIcon() { int num = 0; int num2 = 2; int num3 = m_blupiAction; if (m_blupiVent && m_blupiHelico && m_blupiOver) { if (num3 == 1) { num3 = 8; } if (num3 == 2) { num3 = 14; } } if (m_blupiHelico) { if (num3 == 1) { num3 = 15; } if (num3 == 2) { num3 = 16; } if (num3 == 3) { num3 = 17; } if (num3 == 10) { num3 = 15; } if (num3 == 9) { num3 = 15; } m_blupiRealRotation = (int)(m_blupiVitesseX * 2.0); } if (m_blupiOver) { if (num3 == 1) { num3 = 67; } if (num3 == 2) { num3 = 68; } if (num3 == 3) { num3 = 69; } if (num3 == 10) { num3 = 67; } if (num3 == 9) { num3 = 67; } } if (m_blupiJeep) { if (num3 == 1) { num3 = 25; } if (num3 == 2) { num3 = 26; } if (num3 == 10) { num3 == 26; } if (num3 == 3) { num3 = 27; } } if (m_blupiTank) { if (num3 == 1) { num3 = 50; } if (num3 == 2) { num3 = 51; } if (num3 == 10) { num3 = 51; } if (num3 == 3) { num3 = 52; } } } /* void CDecor::BlupiStep() { POINT tinyPoint; POINT tinyPoint2; BlupiAdjust(); m_blupiLastPos = m_blupiPos; POINT tinyPoint3 = m_blupiPos; BOOL flag = m_blupiAir; int blupiAction = m_blupiAction; BOOL flag2 = FALSE; BOOL flag3 = FALSE; tinyPoint3.x += m_blupiVector.x; tinyPoint3.y += m_blupiVector.y; if (m_blupiFocus && (tinyPoint3.y + 30) / 64 >= 99) { BlupiDead(75, -1); m_blupiRestart = TRUE; m_blupiAir = TRUE; m_blupiPos.y = m_blupiPos.y / 64 * 64 + BLUPIOFFY; PlaySoundB(8, m_blupiPos, 0); return; } RECT rect; if (m_blupiVector.x != 0 || m_blupiVector.y != 0) { rect = BlupiRect(m_blupiPos); rect.top = m_blupiPos.y + 11; rect.bottom = m_blupiPos.y + 60 - 2; TestPath(rect, m_blupiPos, tinyPoint3); } m_blupiVent = FALSE; int num; if (m_blupiTransport == -1 && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && m_blupiFocus) { num = m_decor[(tinyPoint3.x + 30) / 64, (tinyPoint3.y + 30) / 64]->icon; if (num == 110) { tinyPoint3.x -= 9; } if (num == 114) { tinyPoint3.x += 9; } if (num == 118) { tinyPoint3.y -= 20; } if (num == 122) { tinyPoint3.y += 20; } if (num >= 110 && num <= 125) { m_blupiVent = TRUE; rect.left = m_blupiPos.x + 12; rect.right = m_blupiPos.x + 60 - 12; rect.top = m_blupiPos.y + 11; rect.bottom = m_blupiPos.y + 60 - 2; TestPath(rect, m_blupiPos, tinyPoint3); } } BOOL flag4; if (m_blupiTransport == -1) { rect = BlupiRect(tinyPoint3); rect.top = tinyPoint3.y + 60 - 2; rect.bottom = tinyPoint3.y + 60 - 1; flag = !DecorDetect(rect); } else { flag4 = FALSE; } rect = BlupiRect(tinyPoint3); rect.top = tinyPoint3.y + 10; rect.bottom = tinyPoint3.y + 20; BOOL flag5 = DecorDetect(rect); int detectIcon = m_detectIcon; if (!m_blupiAir && !m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && !m_blupiSuspend && flag4 && m_blupiFocus) { if (m_blupiFocus) { m_blupiAction = 5; m_blupiPhase = 0; } m_blupiVitesseY = 1.0; m_blupiAir = true; flag = true; } if (!m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && !m_blupiSuspend && !m_blupiAir && IsRessort(tinyPoint3)) { if ((m_blupiHelico || m_blupiOver) && !m_blupiShield && !m_blupiHide && !m_bSuperBlupi) { m_blupiHelico = false; m_blupiOver = false; tinyPoint.x = tinyPoint3.x - 34; tinyPoint.y = tinyPoint3.y - 34; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 9, 0); m_decorAction = 1; m_decorPhase = 0; StopSound(SOUND_16_HELICOHIGH); StopSound(SOUND_18_HELICOLOW); StopSound(SOUND_29_JEEPHIGH); StopSound(SOUND_31_JEEPLOW); PlaySoundB(10, m_blupiPos,0); } if (m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiShield && !m_blupiHide && !m_bSuperBlupi) { m_blupiJeep = false; tinyPoint.x = tinyPoint3.x - 34; tinyPoint.y = tinyPoint3.y - 34; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 9, 0); m_decorAction = 1; m_decorPhase = 0; StopSound(SOUND_16_HELICOHIGH); StopSound(SOUND_18_HELICOLOW); StopSound(SOUND_29_JEEPHIGH); StopSound(SOUND_31_JEEPLOW); PlaySoundB(10, m_blupiPos, 0); } if (m_blupiTank && !m_blupiShield && !m_blupiHide && !m_bSuperBlupi) { m_blupiTank = false; tinyPoint.x = tinyPoint3.x - 34; tinyPoint.y = tinyPoint3.y - 34; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 9, 0); m_decorAction = 1; m_decorPhase = 0; StopSound(SOUND_16_HELICOHIGH); StopSound(SOUND_18_HELICOLOW); StopSound(SOUND_29_JEEPHIGH); StopSound(SOUND_31_JEEPLOW); PlaySoundB(10, m_blupiPos, 0); } if (m_blupiSkate && !m_blupiShield && !m_blupiHide && !m_bSuperBlupi) { m_blupiSkate = false; tinyPoint.x = tinyPoint3.x - 34; tinyPoint.y = tinyPoint3.y - 34; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 9, 0); m_decorAction = 1; m_decorPhase = 0; StopSound(SOUND_16_HELICOHIGH); StopSound(SOUND_18_HELICOLOW); StopSound(SOUND_29_JEEPHIGH); StopSound(SOUND_31_JEEPLOW); PlaySoundB(10, m_blupiPos, 0); } if (m_blupiFocus && m_blupiAction != 11 && m_blupiAction != 75 && m_blupiAction != 76 && m_blupiAction != 77 && m_blupiAction != 78 && m_blupiAction != 79 && m_blupiAction != 80 && m_blupiAction != 81) { m_blupiAction = 5; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if ((m_keyPress & 1) != 0 && m_blupiFocus) { m_blupiVitesseY = (double)(m_blupiPower ? -25 : -19); } else { m_blupiVitesseY = (double)(m_blupiPower ? -16 : -10); } m_blupiAir = true; flag = true; PlaySoundB(41, tinyPoint3, 0); } if ((m_keyPress & 1) != 0 && !m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && !m_blupiSuspend && m_blupiFocus) { if (m_blupiAction != 4 && m_blupiAction != 3 && !m_blupiAir) { m_blupiAction = 4; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if (m_blupiAction == 4 && m_blupiPhase == 3) { m_blupiAction = 5; m_blupiPhase = 0; if (m_blupiSkate) { PlaySoundB(1, tinyPoint3, 0); m_blupiVitesseY = (double)(m_blupiPower ? -17 : -13); } else { PlaySoundB(1, tinyPoint3, 0); if (IsNormalJump(tinyPoint3)) { m_blupiVitesseY = (double)(m_blupiPower ? -26 : -16); } else { m_blupiVitesseY = (double)(m_blupiPower ? -16 : -12); } } m_blupiAir = true; flag = true; } } if (m_blupiAir) { if (flag5 && m_blupiVitesseY < 0.0) { if (m_blupiVitesseY < -14.0 && m_blupiAction != 11 && m_blupiAction != 75 && m_blupiAction != 76 && m_blupiAction != 77 && m_blupiAction != 78 && m_blupiAction != 79 && m_blupiAction != 80 && m_blupiAction != 81 && !m_blupiSkate) { m_blupiJumpAie = true; PlaySoundB(40, tinyPoint3, 0); } else { PlaySoundB(SoundEnviron(4, detectIcon), tinyPoint3, 0); } m_blupiVitesseY = 1.0; } tinyPoint3.y += (int)(m_blupiVitesseY * 2.0); if (m_blupiVitesseY < 20.0) { m_blupiVitesseY += 2.0; } rect = BlupiRect(tinyPoint3); rect.top = tinyPoint3.y + 60 - 30; rect.bottom = tinyPoint3.y + 60 - 1; if (m_blupiVitesseY >= 0.0 && DecorDetect(rect)) { tinyPoint3.y = tinyPoint3.y / 32 * 32 + BLUPIOFFY; if (!IsRessort(tinyPoint3)) { PlaySoundB(SoundEnviron(3, m_detectIcon), tinyPoint3, 0); } if (m_blupiFocus) { if (m_blupiVitesseY > 20.0) { m_blupiAction = 61; } else { m_blupiAction = 61; } m_blupiPhase = 0; } m_blupiAir = false; if (m_blupiJumpAie) { m_blupiJumpAie = false; m_blupiAction = 36; m_blupiPhase = 0; } } rect.left = tinyPoint3.x + 20; rect.right = tinyPoint3.x + 60 - 20; rect.top = tinyPoint3.y + 60 - 33; rect.bottom = tinyPoint3.y + 60 - 1; num = AscenseurDetect(rect, m_blupiPos, tinyPoint3); if (m_blupiVitesseY >= 0.0 && num != -1) { m_blupiTransport = num; flag4 = false; PlaySoundB(3, tinyPoint3, 0); tinyPoint3.y = m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent.y - 64 + BLUPIOFFY; if (m_blupiFocus) { if (m_blupiVitesseY > 20.0) { m_blupiAction = 61; } else { m_blupiAction = 61; } m_blupiPhase = 0; } m_blupiAir = false; if (m_blupiJumpAie) { m_blupiJumpAie = false; m_blupiAction = 36; m_blupiPhase = 0; } } } if (m_blupiAction == 36 && m_blupiPhase == 30) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = true; } if (m_blupiAction == 56 && m_blupiPhase == 64) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = true; m_blupiCloud = true; m_blupiTimeShield = 100; m_jauges[1].SetHide(false); PlaySoundB(55, tinyPoint3, 0); } if (m_blupiAction == 58) { if (m_blupiPhase == 8) { tinyPoint.x = m_blupiPos.x; tinyPoint.y = m_blupiPos.y + 40; if (m_blupiVitesseY > 0.0) { tinyPoint.y += (int)(m_blupiVitesseY * 4.0); } m_blupiVitesseY -= 10.0; if (ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 23, 55) != -1) { PlaySoundB(52, m_blupiPos, 0); m_blupiTimeFire = 10; m_blupiBullet--; } } if (m_blupiPhase == 14) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = true; } } if ((m_blupiAction == 44 || m_blupiAction == 45) && m_blupiPhase == 29) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = true; } if (m_blupiAction == 46 && m_blupiPhase == 32) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = true; } if (m_blupiAction == 47 && m_blupiPhase == 34) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = true; } bool flag6; if (m_blupiAction == 48 && m_blupiPhase == 40) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = true; num = MoveObjectDetect(tinyPoint3, flag6); if (num != -1 && !flag6 && tinyPoint3.y - BLUPIFLOOR == m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent.y) { if (m_blupiDir == 2 && tinyPoint3.x < m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent.x) { tinyPoint.x = tinyPoint3.x - 16; tinyPoint.y = tinyPoint3.y; int num2 = MoveObjectDetect(tinyPoint, flag6); if (num2 == -1) { m_blupiAction = 9; m_blupiPhase = 0; } } if (m_blupiDir == 1 && tinyPoint3.x > m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent.x) { tinyPoint.x = tinyPoint3.x + 16; tinyPoint.y = tinyPoint3.y; int num2 = MoveObjectDetect(tinyPoint, flag6); if (num2 == -1) { m_blupiAction = 9; m_blupiPhase = 0; } } } } if (m_blupiAction == 65) { if (m_blupiPhase == 4) { PlaySoundB(47, m_blupiPos, 0); } if (m_blupiPhase == 44) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = true; } } if (m_blupiAction == 63) { if (m_blupiPhase == 1) { PlaySoundB(65, m_blupiPos, 0); m_blupiTimeMockery = 300; } if (m_blupiPhase == 92) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = true; } } if (m_blupiAction == 64) { if (m_blupiPhase == 6) { PlaySoundB(65, m_blupiPos, 0); m_blupiTimeMockery = 300; } if (m_blupiPhase == 104) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = true; } } if (m_blupiAction == 83) { if (m_blupiPhase == 4) { PlaySoundB(47, m_blupiPos, 0); } if (m_blupiPhase == 60) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = true; } } if (m_blupiAction == 84 && m_blupiPhase == 18) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = true; } if (m_blupiAction == 60 && m_blupiPhase == 3) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if (m_blupiAction == 61 && m_blupiPhase == 5) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if (m_blupiAction == 62 && m_blupiPhase == 2) { m_blupiAction = 5; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiVitesseY = -12.0; m_blupiAir = true; flag = true; } if (m_blupiAction == 49 && m_blupiPhase == 32) { ObjectStart(m_sucettePos, m_sucetteType, 0); m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = true; m_blupiPower = true; m_blupiTimeShield = 100; m_blupiPosMagic = m_blupiPos; m_jauges[1].SetHide(false); PlaySoundB(44, tinyPoint3, 0); } if (m_blupiAction == 55 && m_blupiPhase == 36) { ObjectStart(m_sucettePos, m_sucetteType, 0); m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = true; m_blupiHide = true; m_blupiTimeShield = 100; m_blupiPosMagic = m_blupiPos; m_jauges[1].SetHide(false); PlaySoundB(62, tinyPoint3, 0); } if (m_blupiSpeedY < 0.0 && m_blupiLastSpeedY == 0.0 && m_blupiAction != 3 && m_blupiAction != 4 && m_blupiAction != 5 && m_blupiAction != 8 && m_blupiAction != 10 && m_blupiAction != 9 && !m_blupiAir && !m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && !m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && !m_blupiSuspend && m_blupiFocus) { m_blupiAction = 7; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if (m_blupiSpeedY == 0.0 && m_blupiLastSpeedY < 0.0 && m_blupiAction != 3 && m_blupiAction != 4 && m_blupiAction != 5 && m_blupiAction != 8 && m_blupiAction != 10 && m_blupiAction != 9 && !m_blupiAir && !m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && !m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && !m_blupiSuspend && m_blupiFocus) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if (m_blupiSpeedY > 0.0 && m_blupiLastSpeedY == 0.0 && m_blupiAction != 3 && m_blupiAction != 4 && m_blupiAction != 5 && m_blupiAction != 6 && m_blupiAction != 28 && m_blupiAction != 8 && m_blupiAction != 10 && m_blupiAction != 9 && !m_blupiAir && !m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && !m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && !m_blupiSuspend && m_blupiFocus) { m_blupiAction = 6; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if (m_blupiSpeedY > 0.0 && m_blupiSpeedX == 0.0 && (m_keyPress & 1) == 0 && m_blupiAction != 3 && m_blupiAction != 4 && m_blupiAction != 5 && m_blupiAction != 6 && m_blupiAction != 28 && m_blupiAction != 8 && m_blupiAction != 10 && m_blupiAction != 9 && !m_blupiAir && !m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && !m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && !m_blupiSuspend && m_blupiFocus) { m_blupiAction = 6; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if (m_blupiSpeedY == 0.0 && m_blupiLastSpeedY > 0.0 && m_blupiAction != 3 && m_blupiAction != 4 && m_blupiAction != 5 && m_blupiAction != 8 && m_blupiAction != 10 && m_blupiAction != 9 && !m_blupiAir && !m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && !m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && !m_blupiSuspend && m_blupiFocus) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if (m_blupiAction == 7 && m_blupiPhase == 4) { m_scrollAdd.y = -150; PlaySoundB(21, tinyPoint3, 0); } if (m_blupiAction == 6 && m_blupiPhase == 4) { m_scrollAdd.y = 150; PlaySoundB(7, tinyPoint3, 0); } if (!m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && !m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && !m_blupiSuspend && m_blupiFocus) { if (m_blupiSpeedY > 0.0 && m_blupiSpeedX == 0.0 && (m_keyPress & 1) == 0 && m_blupiAction != 28 && m_blupiDir == 1 && (num = CaisseInFront()) != -1) { tinyPoint3.x = m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent.x + 64 - 5; m_blupiAction = 28; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_scrollAdd.y = 0; PlaySoundB(39, tinyPoint3, 0); } if (m_blupiSpeedY > 0.0 && m_blupiSpeedX > 0.0 && (m_keyPress & 1) == 0 && m_blupiAction != 29 && m_blupiDir == 1 && CaisseInFront() != -1) { m_blupiAction = 29; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_scrollAdd.y = 0; PlaySoundB(39, tinyPoint3, 0); } if (m_blupiSpeedY > 0.0 && m_blupiSpeedX == 0.0 && (m_keyPress & 1) == 0 && m_blupiAction != 28 && m_blupiDir == 2 && (num = CaisseInFront()) != -1) { tinyPoint3.x = m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent.x - 60 + 5; m_blupiAction = 28; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_scrollAdd.y = 0; PlaySoundB(39, tinyPoint3, 0); } if (m_blupiSpeedY > 0.0 && m_blupiSpeedX < 0.0 && (m_keyPress & 1) == 0 && m_blupiAction != 29 && m_blupiDir == 2 && CaisseInFront() != -1) { m_blupiAction = 29; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_scrollAdd.y= 0; PlaySoundB(39, tinyPoint3, 0); } if (m_blupiAction == 29 && m_blupiActionOuf != 47) { m_blupiActionOuf = 47; m_blupiTimeOuf = 0; } } if (m_blupiAction != 28 && m_blupiAction != 29 && m_blupiFocus) { if (m_blupiSpeedX < 0.0 && m_blupiLastSpeedX == 0.0 && !m_blupiAir && m_blupiSpeedY != 0.0) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if (m_blupiSpeedX == 0.0 && m_blupiLastSpeedX < 0.0 && m_blupiSpeedY != 0.0) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if (m_blupiSpeedX > 0.0 && m_blupiLastSpeedX == 0.0 && !m_blupiAir && m_blupiSpeedY != 0.0) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if (m_blupiSpeedX == 0.0 && m_blupiLastSpeedX > 0.0 && m_blupiSpeedY != 0.0) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; } } int num3; int num4; if (m_blupiSpeedX < 0.0 && m_blupiFocus) { if (m_blupiDir == 2 && m_blupiAction != 3 && m_blupiAction != 59 && m_blupiAction != 7 && m_blupiAction != 6 && m_blupiAction != 29 && ((!m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate) || abs(m_blupiVitesseX) <= 8.0)) { if (m_blupiAir) { PlaySound(5, tinyPoint3); m_blupiAction = 59; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiDir = 1; } else { PlaySound(5, tinyPoint3); m_blupiAction = 3; m_blupiPhase = 0; } } if (m_blupiDir == 1 && m_blupiAction != 2 && m_blupiAction != 14 && m_blupiAction != 4 && m_blupiAction != 7 && m_blupiAction != 6 && m_blupiAction != 29 && !m_blupiAir) { m_blupiAction = 2; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if (m_blupiDir == 1 && m_blupiAction != 3 && m_blupiAction != 4 && m_blupiAction != 7 && m_blupiAction != 6 && m_blupiAction != 29 && !m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && !m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && !m_blupiSuspend) { if (m_blupiAction == 14) { tinyPoint3.x -= CaisseGetMove(5); } else { num3 = m_blupiPhase; if (num3 > 3 || m_blupiAir) { num3 = 3; } num4 = table_vitesse_march[num3]; if (m_blupiPower) { num4 *= 3; num4 /= 2; } tinyPoint3.x += Speed(m_blupiSpeedX, num4); } } if (m_blupiDir == 2 && m_blupiAction == 29) { tinyPoint3.x -= CaisseGetMove(3); } } if (m_blupiSpeedX > 0.0 && m_blupiFocus) { if (m_blupiDir == 1 && m_blupiAction != 3 && m_blupiAction != 59 && m_blupiAction != 7 && m_blupiAction != 6 && m_blupiAction != 29 && ((!m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate) || abs(m_blupiVitesseX) <= 8.0)) { if (m_blupiAir) { PlaySound(5, tinyPoint3); m_blupiAction = 59; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiDir = 2; } else { PlaySound(5, tinyPoint3); m_blupiAction = 3; m_blupiPhase = 0; } } if (m_blupiDir == 2 && m_blupiAction != 2 && m_blupiAction != 14 && m_blupiAction != 4 && m_blupiAction != 7 && m_blupiAction != 6 && m_blupiAction != 29 && !m_blupiAir) { m_blupiAction = 2; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if (m_blupiDir == 2 && m_blupiAction != 3 && m_blupiAction != 4 && m_blupiAction != 7 && m_blupiAction != 6 && m_blupiAction != 29 && !m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && !m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && !m_blupiSuspend) { if (m_blupiAction == 14) { tinyPoint3.x += CaisseGetMove(5); } else { num3 = m_blupiPhase; if (num3 > 3 || m_blupiAir) { num3 = 3; } num4 = table_vitesse_march[num3]; if (m_blupiPower) { num4 *= 3; num4 /= 2; } tinyPoint3.x += Speed(m_blupiSpeedX, num4); } } if (m_blupiDir == 1 && m_blupiAction == 29) { tinyPoint3.x += CaisseGetMove(3); } } if (m_blupiHelico) { if (m_blupiAction == 3 && m_blupiPhase == 10) { m_blupiAction = 2; if (m_blupiDir == 1) { m_blupiDir = 2; } else { m_blupiDir = 1; } } } else if (m_blupiOver) { if (m_blupiAction == 3 && m_blupiPhase == 7) { m_blupiAction = 2; if (m_blupiDir == 1) { m_blupiDir = 2; } else { m_blupiDir = 1; } } } else if (m_blupiJeep) { if (m_blupiAction == 3 && m_blupiPhase == 7) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; if (m_blupiDir == 1) { m_blupiDir = 2; } else { m_blupiDir = 1; } } } else if (m_blupiTank) { if (m_blupiAction == 3 && m_blupiPhase == 12) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; if (m_blupiDir == 1) { m_blupiDir = 2; } else { m_blupiDir = 1; } } } else if (m_blupiSkate) { if (m_blupiAction == 3 && m_blupiPhase == 14) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; if (m_blupiDir == 1) { m_blupiDir = 2; } else { m_blupiDir = 1; } } } else if (m_blupiNage || m_blupiSurf) { if (m_blupiAction == 3 && m_blupiPhase == 10) { m_blupiAction = 2; if (m_blupiDir == 1) { m_blupiDir = 2; } else { m_blupiDir = 1; } } } else if (m_blupiSuspend) { if (m_blupiAction == 3 && m_blupiPhase == 10) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; if (m_blupiDir == 1) { m_blupiDir = 2; } else { m_blupiDir = 1; } } } else { if (m_blupiAction == 3 && m_blupiPhase == 6) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; if (m_blupiDir == 1) { m_blupiDir = 2; } else { m_blupiDir = 1; } } if (m_blupiAction == 59 && m_blupiPhase == 6) { m_blupiAction = 5; m_blupiPhase = 0; } } if (!m_blupiSuspend && m_blupiAction == 4 && m_blupiPhase == 3) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if (m_blupiSpeedX == 0.0 && m_blupiSpeedY == 0.0 && !m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && !m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && m_blupiFocus) { if (m_blupiAction == 14 || m_blupiAction == 7) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if (m_blupiAction == 2) { if (m_blupiSuspend || m_blupiPhase < 10) { m_blupiAction = 1; } else { m_blupiAction = 60; } m_blupiPhase = 0; } if (m_blupiAction == 6) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; PlaySound(20, tinyPoint3); } m_scrollAdd.y = 0; if (blupiAction == 14) { StopSound(38); } if (blupiAction == 29 || blupiAction == 28) { StopSound(39); } } if (!m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && !m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && m_blupiFocus) { if (m_blupiAction == 9 && m_blupiDir == 1) { tinyPoint3.x += 4; } if (m_blupiAction == 9 && m_blupiDir == 2) { tinyPoint3.x -= 4; } if (m_blupiAction == 10 && m_blupiDir == 1) { tinyPoint3.x -= 4; } if (m_blupiAction == 10 && m_blupiDir == 2) { tinyPoint3.x += 4; } } if ((m_keyPress & -3) == 0 && m_blupiSpeedX == 0.0 && m_blupiSpeedY == 0.0 && (m_blupiJeep || m_blupiTank || m_blupiSkate) && m_blupiFocus) { if (m_blupiAction == 10 && m_blupiDir == 1) { tinyPoint3.x -= 5; } if (m_blupiAction == 10 && m_blupiDir == 2) { tinyPoint3.x += 5; } } if ((m_keyPress & -3) == 0 && m_blupiSpeedX == 0.0 && m_blupiSpeedY == 0.0 && m_blupiNage && m_blupiFocus && m_blupiAction == 2) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if ((m_keyPress & -3) == 0 && m_blupiSpeedX == 0.0 && m_blupiSpeedY == 0.0 && m_blupiSurf && m_blupiFocus && m_blupiAction == 2) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if (m_blupiHelico && (m_blupiFocus || m_blupiAction == 58)) { if ((m_keyPress & 2) != 0 && m_blupiTimeFire == 0 && m_blupiAction != 3 && m_blupiAction != 58 && flag4) { if (m_blupiBullet == 0) { PlaySound(53, m_blupiPos); } else { m_blupiAction = 58; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = false; } } m_blupiMotorHigh = flag4; if (m_blupiAction != 3 && m_blupiAction != 58) { if (flag4) { m_blupiAction = 2; } else { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiVitesseY = 0.0; } } if (EasyMove) { if (m_blupiSpeedY <= -1.0 || (m_keyPress & 1) != 0) { if (m_blupiVitesseY > -7.0) { m_blupiVitesseY -= 0.5; } if (m_blupiVitesseY == -0.5) { m_blupiVitesseY = -1.0; } } else if (m_blupiSpeedY >= 1.0) { if (m_blupiVitesseY < 8.0) { m_blupiVitesseY += 0.5; } } else { if (m_blupiVitesseY > 1.0) { m_blupiVitesseY -= 1.0; } if (m_blupiVitesseY < 1.0) { m_blupiVitesseY += 1.0; } } tinyPoint3.y += (int)m_blupiVitesseY; } else { if (m_blupiSpeedY <= -1.0 || (m_keyPress & 1) != 0) { if (m_blupiVitesseY > -10.0) { m_blupiVitesseY -= 0.5; } } else if (m_blupiSpeedY >= 1.0) { if (m_blupiVitesseY < 12.0) { m_blupiVitesseY += 0.5; } } else { if (m_blupiVitesseY > 1.0) { m_blupiVitesseY -= 1.0; } if (m_blupiVitesseY < 1.0) { m_blupiVitesseY += 1.0; } } tinyPoint3.y += (int)m_blupiVitesseY; } if (EasyMove) { if (m_blupiSpeedX <= -1.0) { int num5 = (int)(m_blupiSpeedX * 12.0); if (m_blupiVitesseX > (double)num5) { m_blupiVitesseX -= 0.5; } tinyPoint.x = tinyPoint3.x + (int)m_blupiVitesseX; tinyPoint.y = tinyPoint3.y; if (BlupiBloque(tinyPoint, -1)) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } else if (m_blupiSpeedX >= 1.0) { int num6 = (int)(m_blupiSpeedX * 12.0); if (m_blupiVitesseX < (double)num6) { m_blupiVitesseX += 0.5; } tinyPoint.x = tinyPoint3.x + (int)m_blupiVitesseX; tinyPoint.y = tinyPoint3.y; if (BlupiBloque(tinyPoint, 1)) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } else { if (m_blupiVitesseX > 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX -= 2.0; if (m_blupiVitesseX < 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } if (m_blupiVitesseX < 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX += 2.0; if (m_blupiVitesseX > 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } } tinyPoint3.x += (int)m_blupiVitesseX; } else { if (m_blupiSpeedX <= -1.0) { int num7 = (int)(m_blupiSpeedX * 16.0); if (m_blupiVitesseX > (double)num7) { m_blupiVitesseX -= 1.0; } tinyPoint.x = tinyPoint3.x + (int)m_blupiVitesseX; tinyPoint.y = tinyPoint3.y; if (BlupiBloque(tinyPoint, -1)) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } else if (m_blupiSpeedX >= 1.0) { int num8 = (int)(m_blupiSpeedX * 16.0); if (m_blupiVitesseX < (double)num8) { m_blupiVitesseX += 1.0; } tinyPoint.x = tinyPoint3.x + (int)m_blupiVitesseX; tinyPoint.y = tinyPoint3.y; if (BlupiBloque(tinyPoint, 1)) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } else { if (m_blupiVitesseX > 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX -= 2.0; if (m_blupiVitesseX < 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } if (m_blupiVitesseX < 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX += 2.0; if (m_blupiVitesseX > 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } } tinyPoint3.x += (int)m_blupiVitesseX; } MoveObjectPollution(); if (ButtonPressed == ButtonGlygh.PlayAction && !flag4 && m_blupiTransport == -1) { ButtonPressed = ButtonGlygh.None; rect.left = m_blupiPos.x + 20; rect.right = m_blupiPos.x + 22; rect.top = m_blupiPos.y + 60 - 2; rect.bottom = m_blupiPos.y + 60; flag2 = !DecorDetect(rect); rect.left = m_blupiPos.x + 60 - 22; rect.right = m_blupiPos.x + 60 - 20; rect.top = m_blupiPos.y + 60 - 2; rect.bottom = m_blupiPos.y + 60; flag3 = !DecorDetect(rect); if (!flag2 && !flag3) { tinyPoint.x = m_blupiPos.x; tinyPoint.y = m_blupiPos.y - BLUPIFLOOR; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 13, 0); m_blupiHelico = false; m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiPosHelico = m_blupiPos; m_blupiFocus = true; StopSound(16); StopSound(18); PlaySound(17, m_blupiPos); } } } if (m_blupiOver && (m_blupiFocus || m_blupiAction == 58)) { m_blupiMotorHigh = flag4; if (m_blupiAction != 3) { if (flag4) { m_blupiAction = 2; } else { if (m_blupiAction != 1) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; } m_blupiVitesseY = 0.0; } } rect = BlupiRect(tinyPoint3); rect.top = tinyPoint3.y + 60 - 2; rect.bottom = tinyPoint3.y + 60 + OVERHEIGHT - 1; bool flag7 = !DecorDetect(rect); num = MoveAscenseurDetect(m_blupiPos, OVERHEIGHT); if (num != -1) { flag7 = false; } if ((m_blupiSpeedY < 0.0 || (m_keyPress & 1) != 0) && !flag7) { if (m_blupiVitesseY == 0.0 && num != -1) { m_blupiVitesseY = -5.0; } else if (m_blupiVitesseY > -5.0) { m_blupiVitesseY -= 1.0; } } else if (m_blupiSpeedY > 0.0) { if (m_blupiVitesseY < 12.0) { m_blupiVitesseY += 5.0; } } else if (m_blupiVitesseY < 12.0 && m_time % 2 == 0) { m_blupiVitesseY += 1.0; } tinyPoint3.y += (int)m_blupiVitesseY; if (m_blupiSpeedX < 0.0 && flag4) { int num9 = (int)(m_blupiSpeedX * 12.0); if (m_blupiVitesseX > (double)num9) { m_blupiVitesseX -= 1.0; } tinyPoint.x = tinyPoint3.x + (int)m_blupiVitesseX; tinyPoint.y = tinyPoint3.y; if (BlupiBloque(tinyPoint, -1)) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } else if (m_blupiSpeedX > 0.0 && flag4) { int num10 = (int)(m_blupiSpeedX * 12.0); if (m_blupiVitesseX < (double)num10) { m_blupiVitesseX += 1.0; } tinyPoint.x = tinyPoint3.x + (int)m_blupiVitesseX; tinyPoint.y = tinyPoint3.y; if (BlupiBloque(tinyPoint, 1)) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } else { if (m_blupiVitesseX > 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX -= 1.0; } if (m_blupiVitesseX < 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX += 1.0; } } tinyPoint3.x += (int)m_blupiVitesseX; MoveObjectPollution(); if (ButtonPressed == ButtonGlygh.PlayAction && !flag4 && m_blupiTransport == -1) { ButtonPressed = Def.ButtonGlygh.None; rect.left = m_blupiPos.x + 20; rect.right = m_blupiPos.x + 22; rect.top = m_blupiPos.y + 60 - 2; rect.bottom = m_blupiPos.y + 60; flag2 = !DecorDetect(rect); rect.left = m_blupiPos.x + 60 - 22; rect.right = m_blupiPos.x + 60 - 20; rect.top = m_blupiPos.y + 60 - 2; rect.bottom = m_blupiPos.y + 60; flag3 = !DecorDetect(rect); if (!flag2 && !flag3) { tinyPoint.x = m_blupiPos.x; tinyPoint.y = m_blupiPos.y - BLUPIFLOOR; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 46, 0); m_blupiOver = false; m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiPosHelico = m_blupiPos; m_blupiFocus = true; StopSound(16); StopSound(18); PlaySound(17, m_blupiPos); } } } if (m_blupiBalloon && m_blupiFocus) { if (m_blupiSpeedY < 0.0 || (m_keyPress & 1) != 0) { if (m_blupiVitesseY > -5.0 && m_time % 6 == 0) { m_blupiVitesseY -= 1.0; } } else if (m_blupiSpeedY > 0.0) { if (m_blupiVitesseY < 0.0 && m_time % 6 == 0) { m_blupiVitesseY += 1.0; } } else if (m_blupiVitesseY > -3.0 && m_time % 6 == 0) { m_blupiVitesseY -= 1.0; } tinyPoint3.y += (int)m_blupiVitesseY; if (m_blupiSpeedX < 0.0) { int num11 = (int)(m_blupiSpeedX * 10.0); if (m_blupiVitesseX > (double)num11) { m_blupiVitesseX -= 1.0; } tinyPoint.x = tinyPoint3.x + (int)m_blupiVitesseX; tinyPoint.y = tinyPoint3.y; if (BlupiBloque(tinyPoint, -1)) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } else if (m_blupiSpeedX > 0.0) { int num12 = (int)(m_blupiSpeedX * 10.0); if (m_blupiVitesseX < (double)num12) { m_blupiVitesseX += 1.0; } tinyPoint.x = tinyPoint3.x + (int)m_blupiVitesseX; tinyPoint.y = tinyPoint3.y; if (BlupiBloque(tinyPoint, 1)) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } else { if (m_blupiVitesseX > 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX -= 2.0; if (m_blupiVitesseX < 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } if (m_blupiVitesseX < 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX += 2.0; if (m_blupiVitesseX > 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } } tinyPoint3.x += (int)m_blupiVitesseX; } if (m_blupiEcrase && m_blupiFocus) { if (flag4) { if (m_blupiVitesseY < 2.0) { m_blupiVitesseY += 1.0; } } else { m_blupiVitesseY = 0.0; } tinyPoint3.y += (int)m_blupiVitesseY; if (flag4) { num3 = 7; } else { num3 = 4; } num3 = (int)((double)num3 * m_blupiSpeedX); if (m_blupiSpeedX < 0.0) { if (m_blupiVitesseX > (double)num3) { m_blupiVitesseX -= 1.0; } tinyPoint.x = tinyPoint3.x + (int)m_blupiVitesseX; tinyPoint.y = tinyPoint3.y; if (BlupiBloque(tinyPoint, -1)) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } else if (m_blupiSpeedX > 0.0) { if (m_blupiVitesseX < (double)num3) { m_blupiVitesseX += 1.0; } tinyPoint.x = tinyPoint3.x + (int)m_blupiVitesseX; tinyPoint.y = tinyPoint3.y; if (BlupiBloque(tinyPoint, 1)) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } else { if (m_blupiVitesseX > 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX -= 2.0; if (m_blupiVitesseX < 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } if (m_blupiVitesseX < 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX += 2.0; if (m_blupiVitesseX > 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } } if (m_blupiVitesseX == 0.0 && !flag4) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; } tinyPoint3.x += (int)m_blupiVitesseX; } if (m_blupiJeep && m_blupiFocus) { if (m_blupiVitesseX == 0.0 && m_blupiAction == 2) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; } m_blupiMotorHigh = (m_blupiAction != 1); rect = BlupiRect(tinyPoint3); rect.right -= 40; rect.top = tinyPoint3.y + 60 - 2; rect.bottom = tinyPoint3.y + 60 - 1; bool flag8 = !DecorDetect(rect); rect.left += 40; rect.right += 40; bool flag9 = !DecorDetect(rect); if (flag4) { if (m_blupiVitesseY < 50.0) { m_blupiVitesseY += 5.0; } } else { if (m_blupiVitesseY != 0.0) { PlaySound(3, m_blupiPos); } m_blupiVitesseY = 0.0; } tinyPoint3.y += (int)m_blupiVitesseY; if (m_blupiTransport == -1) { rect.left = tinyPoint3.x + 20; rect.right = tinyPoint3.x + 60 - 20; rect.top = tinyPoint3.y + 60 - 35; rect.bottom = tinyPoint3.y + 60 - 1; num = AscenseurDetect(rect, m_blupiPos, tinyPoint3); if (m_blupiVitesseY >= 0.0 && num != -1) { m_blupiTransport = num; flag4 = false; PlaySound(3, tinyPoint3); tinyPoint3.y = m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent.y - 64 + BLUPIOFFY; } } if (flag8 && !flag9) { int num13 = -20; if (m_blupiVitesseX > (double)num13) { m_blupiVitesseX -= 1.0; } } else if (!flag8 && flag9) { int num14 = 20; if (m_blupiVitesseX < (double)num14) { m_blupiVitesseX += 1.0; } } else if (m_blupiSpeedX < 0.0) { int num15 = (int)(m_blupiSpeedX * 20.0); if (m_blupiVitesseX > (double)num15) { m_blupiVitesseX -= 1.0; } } else if (m_blupiSpeedX > 0.0) { int num16 = (int)(m_blupiSpeedX * 20.0); if (m_blupiVitesseX < (double)num16) { m_blupiVitesseX += 1.0; } } else { if (m_blupiVitesseX > 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX -= 2.0; if (m_blupiVitesseX < 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } if (m_blupiVitesseX < 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX += 2.0; if (m_blupiVitesseX > 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } } if (m_blupiAction == 3) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } tinyPoint3.x += (int)m_blupiVitesseX; if (flag8 && !flag9) { m_blupiRealRotation = Approch(m_blupiRealRotation, -45, 5); } else if (!flag8 && flag9) { m_blupiRealRotation = Approch(m_blupiRealRotation, 45, 5); } else if (!flag4) { m_blupiRealRotation = 0; } m_blupiOffsetY = abs(m_blupiRealRotation / 2); MoveObjectPollution(); if (ButtonPressed == ButtonGlygh.PlayAction && !flag4 && m_blupiTransport == -1) { ButtonPressed = ButtonGlygh.None; tinyPoint.x = m_blupiPos.x; tinyPoint.y = m_blupiPos.y - BLUPIFLOOR; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 19, 0); m_blupiJeep = false; m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiPosHelico = m_blupiPos; StopSound(29); StopSound(31); PlaySound(30, m_blupiPos); } } if (m_blupiTank && m_blupiFocus) { if (m_blupiAction == 53 && m_blupiPhase == 6) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if ((m_keyPress & 2) != 0 && m_blupiTimeFire == 0 && m_blupiAction != 3) { if (m_blupiBullet == 0) { PlaySound(53, m_blupiPos); } else { if (m_blupiDir == 1) { tinyPoint.x = m_blupiPos.x - 35; tinyPoint.y = m_blupiPos.y; num4 = -5; m_blupiVitesseX += 12.0; } else { tinyPoint.x = m_blupiPos.x + 35; tinyPoint.y = m_blupiPos.y; num4 = 5; m_blupiVitesseX -= 12.0; } if (ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 23, num4) != -1) { m_blupiAction = 53; m_blupiPhase = 0; PlaySound(52, m_blupiPos); m_blupiTimeFire = 10; m_blupiBullet--; } } } if (m_blupiVitesseX == 0.0 && m_blupiAction == 2) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; } m_blupiMotorHigh = (m_blupiAction != 1); if (flag4) { if (m_blupiVitesseY < 50.0) { m_blupiVitesseY += 5.0; } } else { if (m_blupiVitesseY != 0.0) { PlaySound(3, m_blupiPos); } m_blupiVitesseY = 0.0; } tinyPoint3.y += (int)m_blupiVitesseY; if (m_blupiTransport == -1) { rect.left = tinyPoint3.x + 20; rect.right = tinyPoint3.x + 60 - 20; rect.top = tinyPoint3.y + 60 - 35; rect.bottom = tinyPoint3.y + 60 - 1; num = AscenseurDetect(rect, m_blupiPos, tinyPoint3); if (m_blupiVitesseY >= 0.0 && num != -1) { m_blupiTransport = num; flag4 = false; PlaySound(3, tinyPoint3); tinyPoint3.y = m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent.y - 64 + BLUPIOFFY; } } if (m_blupiSpeedX < 0.0) { int num17 = (int)(m_blupiSpeedX * 12.0); if (m_blupiVitesseX > (double)num17) { m_blupiVitesseX -= 1.0; } } else if (m_blupiSpeedX > 0.0) { int num18 = (int)(m_blupiSpeedX * 12.0); if (m_blupiVitesseX < (double)num18) { m_blupiVitesseX += 1.0; } } else { if (m_blupiVitesseX > 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX -= 3.0; if (m_blupiVitesseX < 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } if (m_blupiVitesseX < 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX += 3.0; if (m_blupiVitesseX > 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } } if (m_blupiAction == 3) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } tinyPoint3.x += (int)m_blupiVitesseX; MoveObjectPollution(); if (ButtonPressed == ButtonGlygh.PlayAction && !flag4 && m_blupiTransport == -1) { ButtonPressed = ButtonGlygh.None; tinyPoint.x = m_blupiPos.x; tinyPoint.y = m_blupiPos.y; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 28, 0); m_blupiTank = false; m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiPosHelico = m_blupiPos; StopSound(29); StopSound(31); PlaySound(30, m_blupiPos); } } if (m_blupiSkate && m_blupiFocus) { if (m_blupiVitesseX == 0.0 && m_blupiAction == 2) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if (m_blupiSpeedX < 0.0) { int num19 = (int)(m_blupiSpeedX * 15.0); if (m_blupiVitesseX > (double)num19) { m_blupiVitesseX -= 1.0; } } else if (m_blupiSpeedX > 0.0) { int num20 = (int)(m_blupiSpeedX * 15.0); if (m_blupiVitesseX < (double)num20) { m_blupiVitesseX += 1.0; } } else { if (m_blupiVitesseX > 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX -= 1.0; if (m_blupiVitesseX < 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } if (m_blupiVitesseX < 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX += 1.0; if (m_blupiVitesseX > 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } } if (m_blupiAction == 3) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } tinyPoint3.x += (int)m_blupiVitesseX; if (ButtonPressed == ButtonGlygh.PlayAction && !flag4 && !m_blupiAir && m_blupiTransport == -1 && m_blupiVitesseX < 8.0) { ButtonPressed = Def.ButtonGlygh.None; m_blupiSkate = false; m_blupiAction = 43; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = false; m_blupiPosHelico = m_blupiPos; } } if (m_blupiAction == 42) { if (m_blupiPhase == 8) { num = MoveObjectDetect(m_blupiPos, flag6); if (num != -1) { ObjectDelete(m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent, m_moveObject[num]->type); } } if (m_blupiPhase == 20) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = true; } } if (m_blupiAction == 43) { if (m_blupiPhase == 12) { tinyPoint.x = m_blupiPos.x; tinyPoint.y = m_blupiPos.y - BLUPIFLOOR + 1; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 24, 0); } if (m_blupiPhase == 20) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = true; } } if (m_blupiNage && m_blupiFocus) { if (m_blupiTransport == -1) { if (m_blupiSpeedY < 0.0 || (m_keyPress & 1) != 0) { if (m_blupiVitesseY > -5.0) { m_blupiVitesseY -= 1.0; } } else if (m_blupiSpeedY > 0.0) { if (m_blupiVitesseY < 5.0) { m_blupiVitesseY += 1.0; } } else { if (m_blupiAction == 1) { num3 = -1; } else { num3 = 0; } if (m_blupiVitesseY > (double)num3) { m_blupiVitesseY -= 1.0; } if (m_blupiVitesseY < (double)num3) { m_blupiVitesseY += 1.0; } } tinyPoint3.y += (int)m_blupiVitesseY; } if (m_blupiSpeedX < 0.0) { int num21 = (int)(m_blupiSpeedX * 8.0); if (m_blupiVitesseX > (double)num21) { m_blupiVitesseX -= 1.0; } } else if (m_blupiSpeedX > 0.0) { int num22 = (int)(m_blupiSpeedX * 8.0); if (m_blupiVitesseX < (double)num22) { m_blupiVitesseX += 1.0; } } else { if (m_blupiVitesseX > 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX -= 2.0; if (m_blupiVitesseX < 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } if (m_blupiVitesseX < 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX += 2.0; if (m_blupiVitesseX > 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } } num = table_vitesse_nage[m_blupiPhase % 14 / 2]; tinyPoint3.x += (int)(m_blupiVitesseX * (double)num / 7.0); if (m_time % 70 == 0 || m_time % 70 == 28) { MoveObjectBlup(tinyPoint3); } if (m_time % 5 == 0) { if (!m_blupiShield && !m_blupiHide && !m_bSuperBlupi) { m_blupiLevel--; } if (m_blupiLevel == 25) { m_jauges[0].SetMode(1); } m_jauges[0].SetLevel(m_blupiLevel); if (m_blupiLevel == 0) { m_blupiAction = 24; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = false; m_blupiHelico = false; m_blupiOver = false; m_blupiJeep = false; m_blupiTank = false; m_blupiSkate = false; m_blupiNage = false; m_blupiSurf = false; m_blupiSuspend = false; m_blupiJumpAie = false; m_blupiShield = false; m_blupiPower = false; m_blupiCloud = false; m_blupiHide = false; m_blupiInvert = false; m_blupiBalloon = false; m_blupiEcrase = false; m_blupiAir = false; m_blupiRestart = true; m_blupiActionOuf = 0; m_jauges[0].SetHide(true); m_jauges[1].SetHide(true); PlaySound(26, tinyPoint3); } } } if (m_blupiSurf && m_blupiFocus) { if (m_blupiTransport == -1) { if (m_blupiSpeedY < 0.0 || (m_keyPress & 1) != 0) { if (m_blupiVitesseY > -5.0) { m_blupiVitesseY -= 1.0; } } else if (m_blupiSpeedY > 0.0) { if (m_blupiVitesseY < 5.0) { m_blupiVitesseY += 1.0; } } else { if (m_blupiVitesseY > -2.0) { m_blupiVitesseY -= 1.0; } if (m_blupiVitesseY < -2.0) { m_blupiVitesseY += 1.0; } } tinyPoint3.y += (int)m_blupiVitesseY; tinyPoint3.y += BLUPISURF; if (tinyPoint3.y % 64 > 30) { tinyPoint3.y += 64 - tinyPoint3.y % 64; } tinyPoint3.y -= BLUPISURF; } if (m_blupiSpeedX < 0.0) { int num23 = (int)(m_blupiSpeedX * 8.0); if (m_blupiVitesseX > (double)num23) { m_blupiVitesseX -= 1.0; } } else if (m_blupiSpeedX > 0.0) { int num24 = (int)(m_blupiSpeedX * 8.0); if (m_blupiVitesseX < (double)num24) { m_blupiVitesseX += 1.0; } } else { if (m_blupiVitesseX > 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX -= 2.0; if (m_blupiVitesseX < 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } if (m_blupiVitesseX < 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX += 2.0; if (m_blupiVitesseX > 0.0) { m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; } } } num = table_vitesse_surf[m_blupiPhase % 12 / 2]; tinyPoint3.x += (int)(m_blupiVitesseX * (double)num / 10.0); } POINT tinyPoint4; if (m_blupiSuspend && m_blupiFocus) { if (m_blupiSpeedX < 0.0 && m_blupiAction == 2) { int num25 = (int)(m_blupiSpeedX * 5.0); tinyPoint3.x += num25; } if (m_blupiSpeedX > 0.0 && m_blupiAction == 2) { int num26 = (int)(m_blupiSpeedX * 5.0); tinyPoint3.x += num26; } num = GetTypeBarre(tinyPoint3); if (num == 2) { tinyPoint4.x = tinyPoint3.x; tinyPoint4.y = tinyPoint3.y / 64 * 64 + BLUPIOFFY; rect = BlupiRect(tinyPoint4); if (!DecorDetect(rect, true)) { m_blupiSuspend = false; m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; tinyPoint3 = tinyPoint4; m_blupiPos = tinyPoint3; } } if ((m_blupiSpeedY > 0.0 && m_blupiPhase > 5) || num == 0) { m_blupiSuspend = false; m_blupiAir = true; m_blupiAction = 5; tinyPoint3.y = tinyPoint3.y; m_blupiVitesseY = 0.0; m_blupiNoBarre = 5; m_blupiActionOuf = 65; m_blupiTimeOuf = 0; } if (((m_keyPress & 1) != 0 || m_blupiSpeedY < 0.0) && m_blupiAction != 4 && m_blupiAction != 3) { m_blupiAction = 4; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if ((m_keyPress & 1) == 0 && m_blupiSpeedY == 0.0 && m_blupiAction == 4) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if (m_blupiAction == 4 && m_blupiPhase == 10) { m_blupiSuspend = false; m_blupiAir = true; m_blupiAction = 5; m_blupiPhase = 0; tinyPoint3.y -= 2; m_blupiVitesseY = -11.0; m_blupiNoBarre = 5; PlaySound(35, tinyPoint3); } } if (ButtonPressed == ButtonGlygh.PlayAction && !m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiSkate && !flag4 && m_blupiTransport == -1 && m_blupiFocus) { if (m_blupiDynamite > 0) { ButtonPressed = Def.ButtonGlygh.None; rect.left = tinyPoint3.x + 18; rect.right = tinyPoint3.x + 20; rect.top = tinyPoint3.y + 60 - 2; rect.bottom = tinyPoint3.y + 60; flag2 = !DecorDetect(rect); rect.left = tinyPoint3.x + 60 - 20; rect.right = tinyPoint3.x + 60 - 18; rect.top = tinyPoint3.y + 60 - 2; rect.bottom = tinyPoint3.y + 60; flag3 = !DecorDetect(rect); if (!flag2 && !flag3 && ObjectStart(tinyPoint3, 56, 0) != -1) { m_blupiAction = 87; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = false; PlaySound(61, tinyPoint3); m_blupiDynamite--; } } else if (m_blupiPerso > 0) { ButtonPressed = ButtonGlygh.None; num = MoveObjectDetect(tinyPoint3, flag6); if (num == -1 || m_moveObject[num]->type != 200) { rect.left = tinyPoint3.x + 18; rect.right = tinyPoint3.x + 20; rect.top = tinyPoint3.y + 60 - 2; rect.bottom = tinyPoint3.y + 60; flag2 = !DecorDetect(rect); rect.left = tinyPoint3.x + 60 - 20; rect.right = tinyPoint3.x + 60 - 18; rect.top = tinyPoint3.y + 60 - 2; rect.bottom = tinyPoint3.y + 60; flag3 = !DecorDetect(rect); num = MoveChargeDetect(tinyPoint3); if (num == -1 && !flag2 && !flag3 && ObjectStart(tinyPoint3, 200, 0) != -1) { m_blupiAction = 46; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = false; PlaySound(61, tinyPoint3); m_blupiPerso--; } } if (m_blupiFocus) { m_blupiAction = 47; m_blupiPhase = 0; PlaySound(27, tinyPoint3); } } } rect = BlupiRect(m_blupiPos); tinyPoint4 = tinyPoint3; TestPath(rect, m_blupiPos, tinyPoint3); if (flag && m_blupiPos.x == tinyPoint3.x && m_blupiPos.x != tinyPoint4.x) { tinyPoint3.y = tinyPoint4.y; TestPath(rect, m_blupiPos, tinyPoint3); } if (m_blupiVent && m_blupiPos.y == tinyPoint3.y && m_blupiPos.y != tinyPoint4.y) { tinyPoint3.x = tinyPoint4.x; TestPath(rect, m_blupiPos, tinyPoint3); } if (m_blupiTransport != -1 && m_blupiPos.x == tinyPoint3.x && m_blupiPos.x != tinyPoint4.x) { tinyPoint3.y = tinyPoint4.y; TestPath(rect, m_blupiPos, tinyPoint3); } if (m_blupiHelico || m_blupiOver || m_blupiBalloon || m_blupiEcrase || m_blupiJeep || m_blupiTank || m_blupiSkate || m_blupiNage) { if (m_blupiPos.x == tinyPoint3.x && m_blupiPos.x != tinyPoint4.x) { tinyPoint3.y = tinyPoint4.y; TestPath(rect, m_blupiPos, tinyPoint3); } else if (m_blupiPos.y == tinyPoint3.y && m_blupiPos.y != tinyPoint4.y) { tinyPoint3.x = tinyPoint4.x; TestPath(rect, m_blupiPos, tinyPoint3); } } POINT blupiPos = m_blupiPos; m_blupiPos = tinyPoint3; if ((m_blupiAction == 1 || m_blupiAction == 60 || m_blupiAction == 7 || m_blupiAction == 6) && !m_blupiAir && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && !m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && !m_blupiSuspend && m_blupiFocus) { if (m_blupiTransport != -1) { AscenseurVertigo(m_blupiTransport, flag2, flag3); } else { rect.left = tinyPoint3.x + 24; rect.right = tinyPoint3.x + 26; rect.top = tinyPoint3.y + 60 - 2; rect.bottom = tinyPoint3.y + 60; flag2 = !DecorDetect(rect); rect.left = tinyPoint3.x + 60 - 26; rect.right = tinyPoint3.x + 60 - 24; rect.top = tinyPoint3.y + 60 - 2; rect.bottom = tinyPoint3.y + 60; flag3 = !DecorDetect(rect); } if (m_blupiDir == 1 && flag2 && !flag3) { if (m_blupiHelico || m_blupiOver || AscenseurShift(m_blupiTransport)) { m_blupiAction = 9; m_blupiPhase = 0; } else { PlaySound(6, tinyPoint3); m_blupiAction = 8; m_blupiPhase = 0; } } if (m_blupiDir == 2 && !flag2 && flag3) { if (m_blupiHelico || m_blupiOver || AscenseurShift(m_blupiTransport)) { m_blupiAction = 9; m_blupiPhase = 0; } else { PlaySound(6, tinyPoint3); m_blupiAction = 8; m_blupiPhase = 0; } } if (m_blupiAction != 8 && m_blupiAction != 10 && m_blupiAction != 9 && (flag2 || flag3)) { if (!m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver) { PlaySound(6, tinyPoint3); } m_blupiAction = 10; m_blupiPhase = 0; } } if (m_blupiAction == 1 && m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && !m_blupiSuspend && m_blupiFocus) { if (m_blupiTransport != -1) { AscenseurVertigo(m_blupiTransport, flag2, flag3); } else { rect.left = tinyPoint3.x + 2; rect.right = tinyPoint3.x + 18; rect.top = tinyPoint3.y + 60 - 2; rect.bottom = tinyPoint3.y + 60; flag2 = !DecorDetect(rect); rect.left = tinyPoint3.x + 60 - 18; rect.right = tinyPoint3.x + 60 - 2; rect.top = tinyPoint3.y + 60 - 2; rect.bottom = tinyPoint3.y + 60; flag3 = !DecorDetect(rect); } if (flag2 && !flag3) { m_blupiAction = 10; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if (flag3 && !flag2) { m_blupiAction = 10; m_blupiPhase = 0; } } if (m_blupiAction == 1 && m_blupiTank && !m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && !m_blupiSuspend && m_blupiFocus) { if (m_blupiTransport != -1) { AscenseurVertigo(m_blupiTransport, flag2, flag3); } else { rect.left = tinyPoint3.x + 2; rect.right = tinyPoint3.x + 18; rect.top = tinyPoint3.y + 60 - 2; rect.bottom = tinyPoint3.y + 60; flag2 = !DecorDetect(rect); rect.left = tinyPoint3.x + 60 - 18; rect.right = tinyPoint3.x + 60 - 2; rect.top = tinyPoint3.y + 60 - 2; rect.bottom = tinyPoint3.y + 60; flag3 = !DecorDetect(rect); } if (flag2 && !flag3) { m_blupiAction = 10; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if (flag3 && !flag2) { m_blupiAction = 10; m_blupiPhase = 0; } } if (m_blupiAction == 1 && m_blupiSkate && !m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && !m_blupiSuspend && m_blupiFocus) { if (m_blupiTransport != -1) { AscenseurVertigo(m_blupiTransport, flag2, flag3); } else { rect.left = tinyPoint3.x + 12; rect.right = tinyPoint3.x + 19; rect.top = tinyPoint3.y + 60 - 2; rect.bottom = tinyPoint3.y + 60; flag2 = !DecorDetect(rect); rect.left = tinyPoint3.x + 60 - 19; rect.right = tinyPoint3.x + 60 - 12; rect.top = tinyPoint3.y + 60 - 2; rect.bottom = tinyPoint3.y + 60; flag3 = !DecorDetect(rect); } if (flag2 && !flag3) { m_blupiAction = 10; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if (flag3 && !flag2) { m_blupiAction = 10; m_blupiPhase = 0; } } if (m_blupiFocus) { if (m_blupiAction == 8 && m_blupiPhase == 16) { m_blupiAction = 9; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if (m_blupiAction == 9 && m_blupiPhase == 3) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiActionOuf = 0; } num3 = 5; if (m_blupiJeep) { num3 = 10; } if (m_blupiTank) { num3 = 10; } if (m_blupiSkate) { num3 = 10; } if (m_blupiAction == 10 && m_blupiPhase == num3) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; } } BlupiSearchIcon(); if (m_blupiShield) { if (m_blupiTimeShield == 10) { PlaySound(43, m_blupiPos); } if (m_blupiTimeShield == 0) { m_blupiShield = false; m_jauges[1].SetHide(true); } else if (m_time % 5 == 0) { m_blupiTimeShield--; m_jauges[1].SetLevel(m_blupiTimeShield); } } if (m_blupiPower) { if (m_blupiTimeShield == 20) { PlaySound(45, m_blupiPos); } if (m_blupiTimeShield == 0) { m_blupiPower = false; m_jauges[1].SetHide(true); } else if (m_time % 3 == 0) { m_blupiTimeShield--; m_jauges[1].SetLevel(m_blupiTimeShield); } } if (m_blupiCloud) { if (m_blupiTimeShield == 25) { PlaySound(56, m_blupiPos); } if (m_blupiTimeShield == 0) { m_blupiCloud = false; m_jauges[1].SetHide(true); } else if (m_time % 4 == 0) { m_blupiTimeShield--; m_jauges[1].SetLevel(m_blupiTimeShield); } } if (m_blupiHide) { if (m_blupiTimeShield == 20) { PlaySound(63, m_blupiPos); } if (m_blupiTimeShield == 0) { m_blupiHide = false; m_jauges[1].SetHide(true); } else if (m_time % 4 == 0) { m_blupiTimeShield--; m_jauges[1].SetLevel(m_blupiTimeShield); } } if (m_blupiInvert) { if (m_blupiTimeShield == 0) { m_blupiInvert = false; m_jauges[1].SetHide(true); tinyPoint.x = m_blupiPos.x; tinyPoint.y = m_blupiPos.y + 100; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 42, -60); tinyPoint.x = m_blupiPos.x; tinyPoint.y = m_blupiPos.y - 100; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 42, 60); tinyPoint.x = m_blupiPos.x - 100; tinyPoint.y = m_blupiPos.y; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 42, 10); tinyPoint.x = m_blupiPos.x + 100; tinyPoint.y = m_blupiPos.y; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 42, -10); PlaySound(67, tinyPoint3); } else if (m_time % 3 == 0) { m_blupiTimeShield--; m_jauges[1].SetLevel(m_blupiTimeShield); } } if (m_blupiBalloon) { if (m_blupiTimeShield == 0) { m_blupiBalloon = false; m_jauges[1].SetHide(true); tinyPoint.x = m_blupiPos.x - 34; tinyPoint.y = m_blupiPos.y - 34; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 91, 0); PlaySound(41, m_blupiPos); } else if (m_time % 2 == 0) { m_blupiTimeShield--; m_jauges[1].SetLevel(m_blupiTimeShield); } } if (m_blupiEcrase) { if (m_blupiTimeShield == 0) { m_blupiEcrase = false; m_blupiAir = true; m_jauges[1].SetHide(true); ObjectStart(m_blupiPos, 41, -60); ObjectStart(m_blupiPos, 41, 60); ObjectStart(m_blupiPos, 41, 10); ObjectStart(m_blupiPos, 41, -10); tinyPoint.x = m_blupiPos.x - 34; tinyPoint.y = m_blupiPos.y - 34; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 90, 0); PlaySound(41, m_blupiPos); } else if (m_time % 2 == 0) { m_blupiTimeShield--; m_jauges[1].SetLevel(m_blupiTimeShield); } } if (m_blupiPower && abs(m_blupiPos.x - m_blupiPosMagic.x) + abs(m_blupiPos.y - m_blupiPosMagic.y) >= 40) { num = MoveObjectFree(); if (num != -1) { m_moveObject[num]->type = 27; m_moveObject[num]->phase = 0; m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent = m_blupiPos; m_moveObject[num]->posStart = m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent; m_moveObject[num]->posEnd = m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent; m_moveObject[num]->step = 1; m_moveObject[num]->time = 0; MoveObjectStepIcon(num); m_blupiPosMagic = m_blupiPos; } } if (m_blupiShield && abs(m_blupiPos.x - m_blupiPosMagic.x) + abs(m_blupiPos.y - m_blupiPosMagic.y) >= 40) { num = MoveObjectFree(); if (num != -1) { m_moveObject[num]->type = 57; m_moveObject[num]->phase = 0; m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent = m_blupiPos; m_moveObject[num]->posStart = m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent; m_moveObject[num]->posEnd = m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent; m_moveObject[num]->step = 1; m_moveObject[num]->time = 0; MoveObjectStepIcon(num); m_blupiPosMagic = m_blupiPos; } } if (m_blupiHide && abs(m_blupiPos.x - m_blupiPosMagic.x) + abs(m_blupiPos.y - m_blupiPosMagic.y) >= 10) { num = MoveObjectFree(); if (num != -1) { m_moveObject[num]->type = 58; m_moveObject[num]->icon = m_blupiIcon; m_moveObject[num]->channel = 2; m_moveObject[num]->phase = 0; m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent = m_blupiPos; m_moveObject[num]->posStart = m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent; m_moveObject[num]->posEnd = m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent; m_moveObject[num]->step = 1; m_moveObject[num]->time = 0; MoveObjectStepIcon(num); m_blupiPosMagic = m_blupiPos; } } if (m_blupiTimeNoAsc > 0) { m_blupiTimeNoAsc--; } if (m_blupiHelico && m_blupiPos.y > 2 && m_blupiFocus && !m_blupiShield && !m_blupiHide && !m_bSuperBlupi) { rect = BlupiRect(tinyPoint3); rect.top = tinyPoint3.y + 4; rect.bottom = tinyPoint3.y + 20; if (DecorDetect(rect)) { ByeByeHelico(); m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiHelico = false; tinyPoint.x = m_blupiPos.x - 34; tinyPoint.y = m_blupiPos.y - 34; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 9, 0); m_decorAction = 1; m_decorPhase = 0; StopSound(16); StopSound(18); StopSound(29); StopSound(31); PlaySound(10, m_blupiPos); } } if (!m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && m_blupiFocus) { if (!m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && IsSurfWater(m_blupiPos)) { m_scrollAdd.x = 0; m_scrollAdd.y = 0; m_blupiAir = false; m_blupiNage = false; m_blupiSurf = true; m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; m_blupiVitesseY = 0.0; MoveObjectPlouf(m_blupiPos); if (m_blupiTransport != -1) { m_blupiPos.y = m_blupiPos.y - 10; m_blupiTransport = -1; } if (m_blupiCloud) { m_blupiCloud = false; m_jauges[1].SetHide(true); } } if (!m_blupiNage && !IsSurfWater(m_blupiPos) && IsDeepWater(m_blupiPos)) { if (!m_blupiSurf) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; m_blupiVitesseY = 0.0; MoveObjectPlouf(m_blupiPos); } m_blupiAir = false; m_blupiSurf = false; m_blupiNage = true; m_blupiLevel = 100; m_jauges[0].SetLevel(m_blupiLevel); m_jauges[0].SetMode(2); m_jauges[0].SetHide(false); } if (m_blupiNage && IsSurfWater(m_blupiPos)) { m_blupiAir = false; m_blupiNage = false; m_blupiSurf = true; PlaySound(25, m_blupiPos); m_jauges[0].SetHide(true); } tinyPoint4.x = m_blupiPos.x; tinyPoint4.y = m_blupiPos.y - 60; if ((m_blupiSurf || m_blupiNage) && (m_blupiPos.y % 64 == 64 - BLUPISURF || m_blupiPos.y % 64 == 32) && IsOutWater(tinyPoint4) && (m_keyPress & 1) != 0) { m_blupiNage = false; m_blupiSurf = false; m_blupiAir = true; m_blupiAction = 5; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; if (m_blupiPower) { m_blupiVitesseY = -16.0; } else { m_blupiVitesseY = -12.0; } MoveObjectTiplouf(m_blupiPos); PlaySound(22, m_blupiPos); m_jauges[0].SetHide(true); } if ((m_blupiSurf || m_blupiNage) && IsOutWater(m_blupiPos)) { if (m_blupiVitesseY < 0.0) { if (m_blupiTransport == -1) { m_blupiPos = blupiPos; } else { m_blupiTransport = -1; m_blupiNage = false; m_blupiSurf = false; m_blupiAir = true; m_blupiAction = 5; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiPos.y = m_blupiPos.y - 10; m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; m_blupiVitesseY = -10.0; PlaySound(22, m_blupiPos); m_jauges[0].SetHide(true); } } else if (m_blupiVitesseY > 0.0) { m_blupiNage = false; m_blupiSurf = false; m_blupiAir = false; m_blupiAction = 5; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiPos.y = m_blupiPos.y + 30; m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; m_blupiVitesseY = 0.0; PlaySound(22, m_blupiPos); m_jauges[0].SetHide(true); } else { m_blupiNage = false; m_blupiSurf = false; m_blupiAir = false; m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiPos.y = m_blupiPos.y - 10; m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; m_blupiVitesseY = 0.0; PlaySound(22, m_blupiPos); m_jauges[0].SetHide(true); } } if ((m_blupiSurf || m_blupiNage) && m_blupiActionOuf != 44) { m_blupiActionOuf = 44; m_blupiTimeOuf = 0; } } if ((m_blupiHelico || m_blupiOver || m_blupiJeep || m_blupiTank || m_blupiSkate) && m_blupiFocus && (IsSurfWater(m_blupiPos) || IsDeepWater(m_blupiPos))) { ByeByeHelico(); m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiHelico = false; m_blupiOver = false; m_blupiJeep = false; m_blupiTank = false; m_blupiSkate = false; tinyPoint.x = m_blupiPos.x - 34; tinyPoint.y = m_blupiPos.y - 34; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 9, 0); m_decorAction = 1; m_decorPhase = 0; StopSound(16); StopSound(18); StopSound(29); StopSound(31); PlaySound(10, m_blupiPos); } if (m_blupiFocus && !m_blupiSuspend && !m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && !m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && m_blupiNoBarre == 0 && GetTypeBarre(m_blupiPos) == 1) { tinyPoint4.x = m_blupiPos.x; tinyPoint4.y = (m_blupiPos.y + 22) / 64 * 64 + BLUPISUSPEND; rect = BlupiRect(tinyPoint4); if (!DecorDetect(rect, true)) { m_blupiPos = tinyPoint4; m_blupiSuspend = true; m_blupiAir = false; m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiActionOuf = 0; PlaySound(34, m_blupiPos); } } if (m_blupiNoBarre > 0) { m_blupiNoBarre--; } if (IsVentillo(m_blupiPos)) { if (m_blupiFocus && !m_blupiShield && !m_blupiHide && !m_bSuperBlupi) { BlupiDead(11, 75); } tinyPoint.x = m_blupiPos.x - 34; tinyPoint.y = m_blupiPos.y - 34; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 11, 0); m_decorAction = 2; m_decorPhase = 0; StopSound(16); StopSound(18); StopSound(29); StopSound(31); PlaySound(10, m_blupiPos); } if (m_blupiAction != 30 && m_blupiFocus) { num = IsWorld(m_blupiPos); if (num != -1) { StopSound(16); StopSound(18); StopSound(29); StopSound(31); PlaySound(32, m_blupiPos); m_blupiAction = 30; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = false; m_blupiFront = true; } } int num27 = MoveObjectDetect(m_blupiPos, flag6); POINT tinyPoint5; if (m_blupiAction != 11 && m_blupiAction != 75 && m_blupiAction != 76 && m_blupiAction != 77 && m_blupiAction != 78 && m_blupiAction != 79 && m_blupiAction != 80 && m_blupiAction != 81) { if (IsLave(m_blupiPos) && !m_blupiShield && !m_blupiHide && !m_bSuperBlupi) { BlupiDead(76, -1); m_blupiRestart = true; m_blupiPos.y = m_blupiPos.y / 64 * 64 + BLUPIOFFY; PlaySound(8, m_blupiPos); } if (IsPiege(m_blupiPos) && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiShield && !m_blupiHide && !m_bSuperBlupi && m_blupiFocus) { BlupiDead(54, -1); m_blupiRestart = true; m_blupiAir = true; ObjectStart(m_blupiPos, 53, 0); PlaySound(51, m_blupiPos); } if (IsGoutte(m_blupiPos, false) && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiShield && !m_blupiHide && !m_bSuperBlupi && m_blupiFocus) { BlupiDead(54, -1); m_blupiRestart = true; m_blupiAir = true; PlaySound(51, m_blupiPos); } if (IsScie(m_blupiPos) && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiShield && !m_blupiHide && !m_bSuperBlupi && m_blupiFocus) { BlupiDead(77, -1); m_blupiFront = true; m_blupiRestart = true; m_blupiAir = true; } if (ButtonPressed == ButtonGlygh.PlayAction && (num27 == -1 || !flag6) && IsSwitch(m_blupiPos, tinyPoint) && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && !m_blupiShield && !m_blupiHide && !m_bSuperBlupi && m_blupiFocus) { ButtonPressed = ButtonGlygh.None; ActiveSwitch(m_decor[tinyPoint.x, tinyPoint.y]->icon == 385, tinyPoint); m_blupiAction = 82; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = false; m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; m_blupiVitesseY = 0.0; } if (IsBlitz(m_blupiPos, false) && !m_blupiShield && !m_blupiHide && !m_bSuperBlupi) { BlupiDead(11, -1); m_blupiRestart = true; m_blupiAir = true; m_blupiPos.y = m_blupiPos.y / 64 * 64 + BLUPIOFFY; PlaySound(8, m_blupiPos); } if (IsEcraseur(m_blupiPos) && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiShield && !m_blupiHide && !m_bSuperBlupi && m_blupiFocus) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; m_blupiVitesseY = 0.0; m_blupiEcrase = true; m_blupiBalloon = false; m_blupiAir = false; m_blupiHelico = false; m_blupiOver = false; m_blupiJeep = false; m_blupiTank = false; m_blupiSkate = false; m_blupiNage = false; m_blupiSurf = false; m_blupiSuspend = false; m_blupiJumpAie = false; m_blupiShield = false; m_blupiPower = false; m_blupiCloud = false; m_blupiHide = false; m_blupiTimeShield = 100; m_blupiPosMagic = m_blupiPos; m_jauges[1].SetHide(false); if (!m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank) { StopSound(16); StopSound(18); StopSound(29); StopSound(31); } PlaySound(70, m_blupiPos); ObjectStart(m_blupiPos, 41, -60); ObjectStart(m_blupiPos, 41, 60); ObjectStart(m_blupiPos, 41, 10); ObjectStart(m_blupiPos, 41, -10); tinyPoint.x = m_blupiPos.x - 34; tinyPoint.y = m_blupiPos.y - 34; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 90, 0); m_decorAction = 2; m_decorPhase = 0; } if (IsTeleporte(m_blupiPos) != -1 && !m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && !m_blupiAir && m_blupiFocus && m_blupiPosHelico.x == -1) { m_blupiAction = 74; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; m_blupiVitesseY = 0.0; m_blupiFocus = false; m_blupiPos.x = m_blupiPos.x / 64 * 64; PlaySound(71, m_blupiPos); tinyPoint.x = m_blupiPos.x; tinyPoint.y = m_blupiPos.y - 5; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 92, 0); } if (IsBridge(m_blupiPos, tinyPoint2) && m_blupiFocus) { tinyPoint2.x *= 64; tinyPoint2.y *= 64; ObjectStart(tinyPoint2, 52, 0); } int num2 = IsDoor(m_blupiPos, tinyPoint2); if (num2 != -1 && (m_blupiCle & 1 << num2 - 334) != 0) { OpenDoor(tinyPoint2); m_blupiCle &= ~(1 << num2 - 334); tinyPoint.x = 520; tinyPoint.y = 418; tinyPoint5.x = tinyPoint2.x * 64 - m_posDecor.x; tinyPoint5.y = tinyPoint2.y * 64 - m_posDecor.y; VoyageInit(tinyPoint, m_pPixmap->MouseHotSpot(tinyPoint5), 214 + (num2 - 334) * 7, 10); } } if (!m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiSuspend && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiSkate && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiJeep && m_blupiFocus) { num = MockeryDetect(m_blupiPos); if (num != 0) { m_blupiActionOuf = num; m_blupiTimeOuf = 0; } } MoveObjectFollow(m_blupiPos); num = num27; if (num != -1 && !flag6 && m_moveObject[num]->type == 2 && !m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && !m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && !m_blupiSuspend && !m_blupiShield && !m_bSuperBlupi && m_blupiFocus) { m_blupiActionOuf = 48; m_blupiTimeOuf = 0; } if (num != -1 && flag6) { if (m_moveObject[num]->type == 13 && (ButtonPressed == ButtonGlygh.PlayAction || IsFloatingObject(num)) && !m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && !m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && !m_blupiSuspend && m_blupiFocus) { ButtonPressed = ButtonGlygh.None; ObjectDelete(m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent, m_moveObject[num]->type); m_scrollAdd.x = 0; m_scrollAdd.y = 0; m_blupiAir = false; m_blupiHelico = true; m_blupiRealRotation = 0; m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; if (m_blupiCloud || m_blupiHide) { m_blupiCloud = false; m_blupiHide = false; m_jauges[1].SetHide(true); } } if (ButtonPressed == ButtonGlygh.PlayAction && m_moveObject[num]->type == 46 && !m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && !m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && !m_blupiSuspend && m_blupiFocus) { ButtonPressed = ButtonGlygh.None; ObjectDelete(m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent, m_moveObject[num]->type); m_scrollAdd.x = 0; m_scrollAdd.y = 0; m_blupiAir = false; m_blupiOver = true; m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; if (m_blupiCloud || m_blupiHide) { m_blupiCloud = false; m_blupiHide = false; m_jauges[1].SetHide(true); } } if (ButtonPressed == ButtonGlygh.PlayAction && m_moveObject[num]->type == 19 && !m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && !m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && !m_blupiSuspend && m_blupiFocus) { ButtonPressed = ButtonGlygh.None; ObjectDelete(m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent, m_moveObject[num]->type); m_scrollAdd.x = 0; m_scrollAdd.y = 0; m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiAir = false; m_blupiJeep = true; m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; if (m_blupiCloud || m_blupiHide) { m_blupiCloud = false; m_blupiHide = false; m_jauges[1].SetHide(true); } } if (ButtonPressed == ButtonGlygh.PlayAction && m_moveObject[num]->type == 28 && !m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && !m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && !m_blupiSuspend && m_blupiFocus) { ButtonPressed = ButtonGlygh.None; ObjectDelete(m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent, m_moveObject[num]->type); m_scrollAdd.x = 0; m_scrollAdd.y = 0; m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiAir = false; m_blupiTank = true; m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; if (m_blupiCloud || m_blupiHide) { m_blupiCloud = false; m_blupiHide = false; m_jauges[1].SetHide(true); } } if (m_moveObject[num]->type == 29 && m_blupiFocus && m_blupiBullet < 10) { ObjectDelete(m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent, m_moveObject[num]->type); tinyPoint.x = m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent.x - m_posDecor.x; tinyPoint.y = m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent.y - m_posDecor.y; tinyPoint5.x = 570; tinyPoint5.y = 430; VoyageInit(m_pPixmap->MouseHotSpot(tinyPoint), tinyPoint5, 177, 10); m_blupiBullet += 10; if (m_blupiBullet > 10) { m_blupiBullet = 10; } } if (ButtonPressed == Def.ButtonGlygh.PlayAction && m_moveObject[num].type == 24 && !m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && !m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && !m_blupiSuspend && m_blupiFocus) { ButtonPressed = Def.ButtonGlygh.None; m_scrollAdd.X = 0; m_scrollAdd.Y = 0; m_blupiAction = 42; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiPos.Y = m_moveObject[num].posCurrent.Y / 64 * 64 + Decor.BLUPIOFFY; m_blupiFocus = false; m_blupiAir = false; m_blupiSkate = true; m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; if (m_blupiCloud || m_blupiHide) { m_blupiCloud = false; m_blupiHide = false; m_jauges[1].SetHide(true); } } if ((m_moveObject[num].type == 3 || m_moveObject[num].type == 16 || m_moveObject[num].type == 96 || m_moveObject[num].type == 97) && m_blupiBalloon && m_blupiPosHelico.X == -1) { m_blupiBalloon = false; m_blupiAir = true; m_blupiTimeShield = 0; m_jauges[1].SetHide(true); m_decorAction = 0; tinyPoint.X = m_blupiPos.X - 34; tinyPoint.Y = m_blupiPos.Y - 34; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 91, 0); PlaySound(41, m_blupiPos); m_blupiPos.Y = m_blupiPos.Y + 4; m_blupiVitesseY = 0.0; m_blupiPosHelico = m_blupiPos; } else if ((m_moveObject[num].type == 2 || m_moveObject[num].type == 3 || m_moveObject[num].type == 96 || m_moveObject[num].type == 97 || m_moveObject[num].type == 16 || m_moveObject[num].type == 4 || m_moveObject[num].type == 17 || m_moveObject[num].type == 20) && !m_blupiShield && !m_blupiHide && !m_bSuperBlupi && m_blupiPosHelico.X == -1) { if (!m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && (m_blupiFocus || m_blupiAction == 5 || m_blupiAction == 36)) { if (m_blupiHelico || m_blupiOver || m_blupiBalloon || m_blupiEcrase) { m_blupiAir = true; } BlupiDead(11, 75); } if (m_moveObject[num].type == 17 || m_moveObject[num].type == 20) { tinyPoint = m_moveObject[num].posCurrent; ObjectDelete(tinyPoint, m_moveObject[num].type); tinyPoint.X -= 34; tinyPoint.Y -= 34; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 10, 0); m_decorAction = 2; m_decorPhase = 0; } else { tinyPoint = m_moveObject[num].posCurrent; ObjectDelete(tinyPoint, m_moveObject[num].type); tinyPoint.X -= 34; tinyPoint.Y -= 34; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 8, 0); m_decorAction = 1; m_decorPhase = 0; } if (!m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank) { StopSound(16); StopSound(18); StopSound(29); StopSound(31); } PlaySound(10, m_moveObject[num].posCurrent); } if (m_moveObject[num].type == 44 && m_blupiFocus && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiShield && !m_blupiHide && !m_bSuperBlupi) { ByeByeHelico(); m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiVitesseX = 0.0; m_blupiVitesseY = 0.0; m_blupiBalloon = true; m_blupiEcrase = false; m_blupiAir = false; m_blupiHelico = false; m_blupiOver = false; m_blupiJeep = false; m_blupiTank = false; m_blupiSkate = false; m_blupiNage = false; m_blupiSurf = false; m_blupiSuspend = false; m_blupiJumpAie = false; m_blupiShield = false; m_blupiPower = false; m_blupiCloud = false; m_blupiHide = false; m_blupiTimeShield = 100; m_blupiPosMagic = m_blupiPos; m_jauges[1].SetHide(false); if (!m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank) { StopSound(16); StopSound(18); StopSound(29); StopSound(31); } PlaySound(40, m_moveObject[num].posCurrent); tinyPoint.X = m_blupiPos.X - 34; tinyPoint.Y = m_blupiPos.Y - 34; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 90, 0); m_decorAction = 5; m_decorPhase = 0; } if (m_moveObject[num].type == 54 && m_moveObject[num].step != 2 && m_moveObject[num].step != 4 && m_blupiFocus && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiShield && !m_blupiHide && !m_bSuperBlupi) { ByeByeHelico(); tinyPoint.X = m_blupiPos.X; tinyPoint.Y = (m_blupiPos.Y + 64 - 10) / 64 * 64 + 4; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 53, 0); m_blupiAction = 54; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiSuspend = false; m_blupiJumpAie = false; m_blupiFocus = false; m_blupiRestart = true; if (flag4) { m_blupiAir = true; } if (m_blupiHelico || m_blupiOver || m_blupiBalloon || m_blupiEcrase || m_blupiJeep || m_blupiTank || m_blupiSkate) { m_blupiHelico = false; m_blupiOver = false; m_blupiBalloon = false; m_blupiEcrase = false; m_blupiJeep = false; m_blupiTank = false; m_blupiSkate = false; tinyPoint = m_moveObject[num].posCurrent; tinyPoint.X -= 34; tinyPoint.Y -= 34; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 10, 0); StopSound(16); StopSound(18); StopSound(29); StopSound(31); PlaySound(10, m_moveObject[num].posCurrent); m_decorAction = 1; m_decorPhase = 0; } else { PlaySound(51, m_moveObject[num].posCurrent); } m_blupiCloud = false; m_blupiHide = false; m_jauges[1].SetHide(true); } if (m_moveObject[num].type == 23 && !m_blupiShield && !m_blupiHide && !m_bSuperBlupi && m_blupiAction != 13 && m_blupiAction != 30 && m_blupiAction != 11 && m_blupiAction != 75 && m_blupiAction != 76 && m_blupiAction != 77 && m_blupiAction != 78 && m_blupiAction != 79 && m_blupiAction != 80 && m_blupiAction != 81 && m_blupiAction != 54 && m_blupiAction != 57 && m_blupiAction != 35) { ByeByeHelico(); tinyPoint = m_moveObject[num].posCurrent; ObjectDelete(tinyPoint, m_moveObject[num].type); m_blupiAction = 54; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiSuspend = false; m_blupiJumpAie = false; m_blupiFocus = false; m_blupiRestart = true; if (flag4) { m_blupiAir = true; } if (m_blupiHelico || m_blupiOver || m_blupiBalloon || m_blupiEcrase || m_blupiJeep || m_blupiTank || m_blupiSkate) { m_blupiHelico = false; m_blupiOver = false; m_blupiBalloon = false; m_blupiEcrase = false; m_blupiJeep = false; m_blupiTank = false; m_blupiSkate = false; } StartSploutchGlu(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent); m_blupiCloud = false; m_blupiHide = false; m_jauges[1].SetHide(true); } if (m_moveObject[num].type == 5) { ObjectDelete(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, m_moveObject[num].type); tinyPoint.X = m_moveObject[num].posCurrent.X - m_posDecor.X; tinyPoint.Y = m_moveObject[num].posCurrent.Y - m_posDecor.Y; TinyPoint end; end.X = 430; end.Y = 430; VoyageInit(m_pixmap.HotSpotToHud(tinyPoint), end, 6, 10); ObjectStart(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, 39, -60); ObjectStart(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, 39, 60); ObjectStart(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, 39, 10); ObjectStart(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, 39, -10); } if (m_moveObject[num].type == 49 && (m_voyageIcon != 215 || m_voyageChannel != 10) && (m_blupiCle & 1) == 0) { ObjectDelete(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, m_moveObject[num].type); tinyPoint.X = m_moveObject[num].posCurrent.X - m_posDecor.X; tinyPoint.Y = m_moveObject[num].posCurrent.Y - m_posDecor.Y; TinyPoint end2; end2.X = 520; end2.Y = 418; VoyageInit(m_pixmap.HotSpotToHud(tinyPoint), end2, 215, 10); ObjectStart(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, 39, -60); ObjectStart(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, 39, 60); ObjectStart(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, 39, 10); ObjectStart(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, 39, -10); } if (m_moveObject[num].type == 50 && (m_voyageIcon != 222 || m_voyageChannel != 10) && (m_blupiCle & 2) == 0) { ObjectDelete(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, m_moveObject[num].type); tinyPoint.X = m_moveObject[num].posCurrent.X - m_posDecor.X; tinyPoint.Y = m_moveObject[num].posCurrent.Y - m_posDecor.Y; TinyPoint end3; end3.X = 530; end3.Y = 418; VoyageInit(m_pixmap.HotSpotToHud(tinyPoint), end3, 222, 10); ObjectStart(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, 39, -60); ObjectStart(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, 39, 60); ObjectStart(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, 39, 10); ObjectStart(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, 39, -10); } if (m_moveObject[num].type == 51 && (m_voyageIcon != 229 || m_voyageChannel != 10) && (m_blupiCle & 4) == 0) { ObjectDelete(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, m_moveObject[num].type); tinyPoint.X = m_moveObject[num].posCurrent.X - m_posDecor.X; tinyPoint.Y = m_moveObject[num].posCurrent.Y - m_posDecor.Y; TinyPoint end4; end4.X = 540; end4.Y = 418; VoyageInit(m_pixmap.HotSpotToHud(tinyPoint), end4, 229, 10); ObjectStart(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, 39, -60); ObjectStart(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, 39, 60); ObjectStart(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, 39, 10); ObjectStart(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, 39, -10); } if (m_moveObject[num].type == 6 && m_nbVies < 10 && m_blupiFocus) { ObjectDelete(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, m_moveObject[num].type); tinyPoint.X = m_moveObject[num].posCurrent.X - m_posDecor.X; tinyPoint.Y = m_moveObject[num].posCurrent.Y - m_posDecor.Y; VoyageInit(m_pixmap.HotSpotToHud(tinyPoint), VoyageGetPosVie(m_nbVies + 1), 21, 10); } if (m_moveObject[num].type == 25 && !m_blupiShield && !m_blupiHide && !m_blupiPower && m_blupiFocus) { PlaySound(42, m_moveObject[num].posCurrent); m_blupiShield = true; m_blupiPower = false; m_blupiCloud = false; m_blupiHide = false; m_blupiTimeShield = 100; m_blupiPosMagic = m_blupiPos; m_jauges[1].SetHide(false); } if (ButtonPressed == Def.ButtonGlygh.PlayAction && m_moveObject[num].type == 26 && !m_blupiShield && !m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && m_blupiFocus) { ButtonPressed = Def.ButtonGlygh.None; m_sucettePos = m_moveObject[num].posCurrent; m_sucetteType = m_moveObject[num].type; ObjectDelete(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, m_moveObject[num].type); m_blupiAction = 49; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiCloud = false; m_blupiHide = false; m_blupiFocus = false; PlaySound(50, tinyPoint3); } if (m_moveObject[num].type == 40 && !m_blupiHide && m_blupiFocus) { ObjectDelete(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, m_moveObject[num].type); m_blupiInvert = true; m_blupiTimeShield = 100; m_blupiPosMagic = m_blupiPos; m_jauges[1].SetHide(false); PlaySound(66, tinyPoint3); ObjectStart(m_blupiPos, 41, -60); ObjectStart(m_blupiPos, 41, 60); ObjectStart(m_blupiPos, 41, 10); ObjectStart(m_blupiPos, 41, -10); } if (ButtonPressed == Def.ButtonGlygh.PlayAction && m_moveObject[num].type == 30 && !m_blupiShield && !m_blupiCloud && !m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && m_blupiFocus) { ButtonPressed = Def.ButtonGlygh.None; m_sucettePos = m_moveObject[num].posCurrent; m_sucetteType = m_moveObject[num].type; ObjectDelete(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, m_moveObject[num].type); m_blupiAction = 55; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiShield = false; m_blupiPower = false; m_blupiJumpAie = false; m_blupiFocus = false; PlaySound(57, tinyPoint3); } if (m_moveObject[num].type == 31 && !m_blupiShield && !m_blupiHide && !m_blupiPower && !m_blupiCloud && !m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && m_blupiFocus) { m_blupiAction = 56; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiShield = false; m_blupiPower = false; m_blupiJumpAie = false; m_blupiFocus = false; m_blupiCloud = true; m_blupiTimeShield = 100; PlaySound(58, tinyPoint3); if (m_blupiHide) { m_blupiHide = false; m_jauges[1].SetHide(true); } } if (m_moveObject[num].type >= 200 && m_moveObject[num].type <= 203 && m_blupiFocus) { if (m_moveObject[num].type == 200) { if (m_blupiPerso < 5 && ButtonPressed == Def.ButtonGlygh.PlayAction) { ButtonPressed = Def.ButtonGlygh.None; ObjectDelete(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, m_moveObject[num].type); tinyPoint.X = m_moveObject[num].posCurrent.X - m_posDecor.X; tinyPoint.Y = m_moveObject[num].posCurrent.Y - m_posDecor.Y; tinyPoint5.X = 0; tinyPoint5.Y = 438; VoyageInit(m_pixmap.HotSpotToHud(tinyPoint), tinyPoint5, 108, 4); } } else if (!m_blupiShield && !m_blupiHide && !m_bSuperBlupi) { ObjectDelete(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, m_moveObject[num].type); BlupiDead(11, 75); tinyPoint = m_moveObject[num].posCurrent; tinyPoint.X -= 34; tinyPoint.Y -= 34; ObjectStart(tinyPoint, 10, 0); PlaySound(10, m_moveObject[num].posCurrent); m_decorAction = 1; m_decorPhase = 0; } } if (m_moveObject[num].type == 55 && m_blupiFocus && m_blupiDynamite == 0 && (m_voyageIcon != 252 || m_voyageChannel != 10) && ButtonPressed == Def.ButtonGlygh.PlayAction) { ButtonPressed = Def.ButtonGlygh.None; ObjectDelete(m_moveObject[num].posCurrent, m_moveObject[num].type); tinyPoint.X = m_moveObject[num].posCurrent.X - m_posDecor.X; tinyPoint.Y = m_moveObject[num].posCurrent.Y - m_posDecor.Y; tinyPoint5.X = 505; tinyPoint5.Y = 414; VoyageInit(m_pixmap.HotSpotToHud(tinyPoint), tinyPoint5, 252, 10); m_blupiAction = 86; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = false; } if (m_moveObject[num].type == 12 && !m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && !m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && !m_blupiSuspend && m_blupiFocus && m_blupiAction == 2) { tinyPoint3 = m_moveObject[num].posCurrent; if (m_blupiDir == 1 && m_blupiPos.X > tinyPoint3.X) { tinyPoint3.X = m_blupiPos.X - 59; PlaySound(38, tinyPoint3); m_blupiActionOuf = 45; m_blupiTimeOuf = 0; m_blupiAction = 14; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if (m_blupiDir == 2 && m_blupiPos.X < tinyPoint3.X) { tinyPoint3.X = m_blupiPos.X + 55; PlaySound(38, tinyPoint3); m_blupiActionOuf = 45; m_blupiTimeOuf = 0; m_blupiAction = 14; m_blupiPhase = 0; } if (!TestPushCaisse(num, tinyPoint3, false)) { m_blupiPos.X = blupiPos.X; } } if ((m_moveObject[num].type == 7 || m_moveObject[num].type == 21) && m_blupiFocus) { if (m_goalPhase == 0) { if (m_nbTresor >= m_totalTresor) { if (m_moveObject[num].type == 21) { m_bFoundCle = true; } ByeByeHelico(); StopSound(16); StopSound(18); StopSound(29); StopSound(31); PlaySound(14, m_moveObject[num].posCurrent); m_blupiAction = 13; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = false; m_blupiFront = true; m_blupiPos.Y = m_moveObject[num].posCurrent.Y; } else { PlaySound(13, m_moveObject[num].posCurrent); } m_goalPhase = 50; } else { m_goalPhase--; } } else { m_goalPhase = 0; } } else { m_goalPhase = 0; } if (m_blupiAction == 14 && m_blupiFocus) { num = CaisseInFront(); if (num != -1) { tinyPoint3 = m_moveObject[num].posCurrent; if (m_blupiDir == 1) { tinyPoint3.X = m_blupiPos.X - 59; } else { tinyPoint3.X = m_blupiPos.X + 55; } if (!TestPushCaisse(num, tinyPoint3, false)) { m_blupiPos.X = blupiPos.X; } } else { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; } } if (m_blupiAction == 29 && m_blupiFocus) { num = CaisseInFront(); if (num != -1) { tinyPoint3 = m_moveObject[num].posCurrent; if (m_blupiDir == 1) { tinyPoint3.X = m_blupiPos.X - 59; } else { tinyPoint3.X = m_blupiPos.X + 55; } if (!TestPushCaisse(num, tinyPoint3, true)) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; } } else { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; } } if (!m_blupiHelico && !m_blupiOver && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiJeep && !m_blupiTank && !m_blupiSkate && !m_blupiNage && !m_blupiSurf && m_blupiFocus) { if (m_blupiActionOuf == 44 && m_blupiAction == 1) { if (m_blupiTimeOuf > 50) { m_blupiAction = m_blupiActionOuf; m_blupiPhase = 0; PlaySound(46, m_blupiPos); } m_blupiActionOuf = 0; } if (m_blupiActionOuf == 45 && m_blupiAction == 1) { if (m_blupiTimeOuf > 50) { m_blupiAction = m_blupiActionOuf; m_blupiPhase = 0; } m_blupiActionOuf = 0; } if (m_blupiAction == 45 && m_blupiPhase == 4) { PlaySound(46, m_blupiPos); } if (m_blupiActionOuf == 65 && m_blupiAction == 1) { if (m_blupiTimeOuf > 10 && m_blupiTimeOuf < 50) { m_blupiAction = m_blupiActionOuf; m_blupiPhase = 0; } m_blupiActionOuf = 0; } if (m_blupiActionOuf == 47 && m_blupiAction == 1) { if (m_blupiTimeOuf > 60) { m_blupiAction = m_blupiActionOuf; m_blupiPhase = 0; PlaySound(48, m_blupiPos); } m_blupiActionOuf = 0; } if (m_blupiActionOuf == 48 && m_blupiAction == 1) { if (m_blupiTimeOuf < 10) { m_blupiAction = m_blupiActionOuf; m_blupiPhase = 0; PlaySound(49, m_blupiPos); } m_blupiActionOuf = 0; } if ((m_blupiActionOuf == 63 || m_blupiActionOuf == 64 || m_blupiActionOuf == 83) && m_blupiAction == 1) { if (m_blupiTimeOuf < 20) { m_blupiAction = m_blupiActionOuf; m_blupiPhase = 0; } m_blupiActionOuf = 0; } } if (m_blupiAction == 2 && m_blupiActionOuf != 63 && m_blupiActionOuf != 64 && m_blupiActionOuf != 83 && !m_blupiSurf && !m_blupiNage) { m_blupiActionOuf = 0; } if (m_blupiActionOuf != 0) { m_blupiTimeOuf++; } if (m_blupiTimeMockery > 0) { m_blupiTimeMockery--; } if (m_blupiAction == 86 && m_blupiPhase == 18) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = true; } if (m_blupiAction == 87 && m_blupiPhase == 26) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = true; } if (m_blupiPos.X - 30 > m_blupiPosHelico.X || m_blupiPos.X + 30 < m_blupiPosHelico.X || m_blupiPos.Y - 30 > m_blupiPosHelico.Y || m_blupiPos.Y + 30 < m_blupiPosHelico.Y) { m_blupiPosHelico.X = -1; } if (m_blupiTimeFire > 0) { m_blupiTimeFire--; } if (m_blupiAction == 74 && m_blupiPhase == 128) { TinyPoint blupiPos2 = default(TinyPoint); if (SearchTeleporte(m_blupiPos, ref blupiPos2)) { m_blupiPos = blupiPos2; ObjectStart(m_blupiPos, 27, 20); ObjectStart(m_blupiPos, 27, -20); } m_blupiFocus = true; m_blupiPosHelico = m_blupiPos; } if (m_blupiAction == 82 && m_blupiPhase == 10) { m_blupiAction = 1; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = true; } if (ButtonPressed == Def.ButtonGlygh.PlayAction && m_blupiAction == 1) { m_blupiAction = 84; m_blupiPhase = 0; PlaySound(27, m_blupiPos); } if ((m_blupiAction == 11 && m_blupiPhase == 70) || (m_blupiAction == 75 && m_blupiPhase == 100) || (m_blupiAction == 76 && m_blupiPhase == 70) || (m_blupiAction == 77 && m_blupiPhase == 110) || (m_blupiAction == 78 && m_blupiPhase == 90) || (m_blupiAction == 79 && m_blupiPhase == 90) || (m_blupiAction == 80 && m_blupiPhase == 90) || (m_blupiAction == 81 && m_blupiPhase == 90) || (m_blupiAction == 24 && m_blupiPhase == 90) || (m_blupiAction == 54 && m_blupiPhase == 100) || (m_blupiAction == 57 && m_blupiPhase == 90)) { if (m_nbVies > 0) { m_blupiAction = 35; m_blupiIcon = -1; m_blupiPhase = 0; if (m_blupiRestart) { m_blupiPos = m_blupiValidPos; } TinyPoint posDecor = GetPosDecor(m_blupiPos); tinyPoint.X = m_blupiPos.X - posDecor.X - 30; tinyPoint.Y = m_blupiPos.Y - posDecor.Y; VoyageInit(VoyageGetPosVie(m_nbVies), m_pixmap.HotSpotToHud(tinyPoint), 48, 2); } else { m_nbVies = -1; m_term = -1; DoorsLost(); } m_blupiFront = false; } if (m_dimDecor.Y == 0) { num3 = 480; } else { num3 = 6400; } if (m_blupiPos.Y >= num3 + 1 && m_blupiPos.Y <= num3 + 40) { PlaySound(8, m_blupiPos); } if (m_blupiPos.Y > num3 + 1000) { m_term = -1; DoorsLost(); } if (m_blupiAction == 13 && m_blupiPhase == 40) { if (m_bPrivate) { m_term = 1; } else if (m_mission == 1) { m_term = 199; } else if (m_mission == 199) { m_term = -2; } else if (m_bFoundCle) { OpenGoldsWin(); m_term = 1; } else { OpenDoorsWin(); m_term = m_mission / 10 * 10; } } if (m_blupiAction == 30 && m_blupiPhase == 30) { num = IsWorld(m_blupiPos); if (num != -1) { if (m_mission == 1) { m_term = num * 10; } else if (num == 199) { m_term = 1; } else { m_term = m_mission / 10 * 10 + num; } } } if (blupiAction == 63 && m_blupiAction != 63) { StopSound(65); } if (blupiAction == 64 && m_blupiAction != 64) { StopSound(65); } if (blupiAction == 83 && m_blupiAction != 83) { StopSound(47); } if (m_blupiFocus && !m_blupiAir && (!m_blupiHelico || BlupiIsGround()) && (!m_blupiOver || BlupiIsGround()) && !m_blupiBalloon && !m_blupiEcrase && !m_blupiShield && !m_blupiHide && !flag2 && !flag3 && m_blupiTransport == -1 && !IsLave(m_blupiPos) && !IsPiege(m_blupiPos) && !IsGoutte(m_blupiPos, true) && !IsScie(m_blupiPos) && !IsBridge(m_blupiPos, ref tinyPoint) && IsTeleporte(m_blupiPos) == -1 && !IsBlitz(m_blupiPos, true) && !IsTemp(m_blupiPos) && !IsBalleTraj(m_blupiPos) && !IsMoveTraj(m_blupiPos)) { if (m_blupiFifoNb > 0) { m_blupiValidPos = m_blupiFifoPos[0]; } BlupiAddFifo(m_blupiPos); } tinyPoint3.X = m_blupiPos.X + 30 + m_scrollAdd.X; tinyPoint3.Y = m_blupiPos.Y + 30 + m_scrollAdd.Y; int num28 = Math.Abs(m_scrollPoint.X - tinyPoint3.X); int num29 = Math.Abs(m_scrollPoint.Y - tinyPoint3.Y); num4 = Decor.SCROLL_SPEED; if (num28 > Decor.SCROLL_MARGX * 2) { num4 += (num28 - Decor.SCROLL_MARGX * 2) / 4; } if (num29 > Decor.SCROLL_MARGY * 2) { num4 += (num29 - Decor.SCROLL_MARGY * 2) / 4; } if (m_scrollPoint.X < tinyPoint3.X) { m_scrollPoint.X = m_scrollPoint.X + num4; if (m_scrollPoint.X >= tinyPoint3.X) { m_scrollPoint.X = tinyPoint3.X; } } if (m_scrollPoint.X > tinyPoint3.X) { m_scrollPoint.X = m_scrollPoint.X - num4; if (m_scrollPoint.X <= tinyPoint3.X) { m_scrollPoint.X = tinyPoint3.X; } } if (m_scrollPoint.Y < tinyPoint3.Y) { m_scrollPoint.Y = m_scrollPoint.Y + num4; if (m_scrollPoint.Y >= tinyPoint3.Y) { m_scrollPoint.Y = tinyPoint3.Y; } } if (m_scrollPoint.Y > tinyPoint3.Y) { m_scrollPoint.Y = m_scrollPoint.Y - num4; if (m_scrollPoint.Y <= tinyPoint3.Y) { m_scrollPoint.Y = tinyPoint3.Y; } } if (m_blupiAction != 75 && m_blupiAction != 76) { m_posDecor = GetPosDecor(m_scrollPoint); } if (m_time % 4 == 0) { PosSound(m_blupiPos); } VoyageStep(); m_blupiLastSpeedX = m_blupiSpeedX; m_blupiLastSpeedY = m_blupiSpeedY; m_lastKeyPress = m_keyPress; } */ BOOL CDecor::GetInvincible() { return m_bSuperBlupi; } void CDecor::SetInvincible(BOOL invincible) { m_bSuperBlupi = invincible; } BOOL CDecor::GetShowSecret() { return m_bShowSecret; } void CDecor::SetShowSecret(BOOL secret) { m_bShowSecret = secret; } void CDecor::SetAccessBuild(BOOL build) { m_bAccessBuild = build; } BOOL CDecor::GetNetPacked() { return m_bNetPacked; } void CDecor::SetNetPacked(BOOL net) { m_bNetPacked = net; } BOOL CDecor::GetNetMovePredict() { return m_bNetMovePredict; } void CDecor::SetNetMovePredict(BOOL netmove) { m_bNetMovePredict = netmove; } BOOL CDecor::GetNetDebug() { return m_bNetDebug; } void CDecor::SetMulti(int multi) { m_bMulti = multi; } void CDecor::SetTeam(int team) { m_team = team; } void CDecor::SetNetDebug(BOOL bNetDebug) { m_bNetDebug = bNetDebug; if (bNetDebug != FALSE) { remove("debug.txt"); } return; } void CDecor::MemorizeDoors(BYTE* doors) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) { m_doors[i] = *(BYTE*)(i + doors); } return; } BOOL CDecor::BlupiIsGround() { if (m_blupiTransport == -1) { RECT rect = BlupiRect(m_blupiPos); rect.top = m_blupiPos.y + 60 - 2; rect.bottom = m_blupiPos.y + 60 - 1; return DecorDetect(rect); } } RECT CDecor::BlupiRect(POINT pos) { RECT result; if (m_blupiNage || m_blupiSurf) { result.left = pos.x + 12; result.right = pos.x + 60 - 12; if (m_blupiAction == 1) { result.top = pos.y + 5; result.bottom = pos.y + 60 - 10; } else { result.top = pos.y + 15; result.bottom = pos.y + 60 - 10; } } else if (m_blupiJeep) { result.left = pos.x + 2; result.right = pos.x + 60 - 2; result.top = pos.y + 10; result.bottom = pos.y + 60 - 2; } else if (m_blupiTank) { result.left = pos.x + 2; result.right = pos.x + 60 - 2; result.top = pos.y + 10; result.bottom = pos.y + 60 - 2; } else if (m_blupiOver) { result.left = pos.x + 2; result.right = pos.x + 60 - 2; result.top = pos.y + 2; result.bottom = pos.y + 60 - 2; } else if (m_blupiBalloon) { result.left = pos.x + 10; result.right = pos.x + 60 - 10; result.top = pos.y + 5; result.bottom = pos.y + 60 - 2; } else if (m_blupiEcrase) { result.left = pos.x + 5; result.right = pos.x + 60 - 5; result.top = pos.y + 39; result.bottom = pos.y + 60 - 2; } else { result.left = pos.x + 12; result.right = pos.x + 60 - 12; result.top = pos.y + 11; result.bottom = pos.y + 60 - 2; } return result; } void CDecor::BlupiAdjust() { RECT tinyRect = BlupiRect(m_blupiPos); if (DecorDetect(tinyRect)) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { RECT rect = tinyRect; rect.bottom = rect.top + 2; rect.left = m_blupiPos.x + 12; rect.right = m_blupiPos.x + 60 - 12; if (DecorDetect(rect)) { break; } tinyRect.top += 2; tinyRect.bottom += 2; m_blupiPos.y = m_blupiPos.y + 2; } for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { RECT rect = tinyRect; rect.right = rect.left + 2; rect.top = m_blupiPos.y + 11; rect.bottom = m_blupiPos.y + 60 - 2; if (DecorDetect(rect)) { break; } tinyRect.left += 2; tinyRect.right += 2; m_blupiPos.x = m_blupiPos.x + 2; } for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { RECT rect = tinyRect; rect.left = rect.right - 2; rect.top = m_blupiPos.y + 11; rect.bottom = m_blupiPos.y + 60 - 2; if (DecorDetect(rect)) { break; } tinyRect.left -= 2; tinyRect.right -= 2; m_blupiPos.x = m_blupiPos.x - 2; } for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { RECT rect = tinyRect; rect.right = rect.left + 2; if (DecorDetect(rect)) { break; } tinyRect.left += 2; tinyRect.right += 2; m_blupiPos.x = m_blupiPos.x + 2; } for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { RECT rect = tinyRect; rect.left = rect.right - 2; if (DecorDetect(rect)) { return; } tinyRect.left -= 2; tinyRect.right -= 2; m_blupiPos.x = m_blupiPos.x - 2; } } BOOL CDecor::BlupiBloque(POINT pos, int dir) { RECT rect = BlupiRect(pos); rect.top = rect.bottom - 20; rect.bottom -= 2; if (dir > 0) { rect.left = rect.right - 2; } if (dir < 0) { rect.right = rect.left + 2; } return DecorDetect(rect); } void CDecor::BlupiDead(int action1, int action2) { if (action2 == -1) { m_blupiAction = action1; } else { m_blupiAction = ((rand() % 2 == 0) ? action1 : action2); } m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = FALSE; m_blupiHelico = FALSE; m_blupiOver = FALSE; m_blupiJeep = FALSE; m_blupiTank = FALSE; m_blupiSkate = FALSE; m_blupiNage = FALSE; m_blupiSurf = FALSE; m_blupiVent = FALSE; m_blupiSuspend = FALSE; m_blupiJumpAie = FALSE; m_blupiShield = FALSE; m_blupiPower = FALSE; m_blupiCloud = FALSE; m_blupiHide = FALSE; m_blupiInvert = FALSE; m_blupiBalloon = FALSE; m_blupiEcrase = FALSE; m_blupiRestart = FALSE; m_blupiActionOuf = 0; m_jauges[0].SetHide(TRUE); m_jauges[1].SetHide(TRUE); StopSound(SOUND_16_HELICOHIGH); StopSound(SOUND_18_HELICOLOW); StopSound(SOUND_29_JEEPHIGH); StopSound(SOUND_31_JEEPLOW); POINT pos; POINT pos2; if (m_blupiAction == 75) { pos.x = m_blupiPos.x - m_posDecor.x; pos.y = m_blupiPos.y - m_posDecor.y; pos2.x = m_blupiPos.x - m_posDecor.x; pos2.y = m_blupiPos.y - m_posDecor.y - 300; VoyageInit(pos, pos2, 230, 10); PlaySoundB(SOUND_74_ANGEL, m_blupiPos, 0); } if (m_blupiAction == 76) { pos.x = m_blupiPos.x - m_posDecor.x; pos.y = m_blupiPos.y - m_posDecor.y; pos2.x = m_blupiPos.x - m_posDecor.x; pos2.y = m_blupiPos.y - m_posDecor.y - 2000; VoyageInit(pos, pos2, 40, 10); PlaySoundB(SOUND_74_ANGEL, m_blupiPos, 0); } if (m_blupiAction == 77) { ObjectStart(m_blupiPos, 41, -70); ObjectStart(m_blupiPos, 41, 20); ObjectStart(m_blupiPos, 41, -20); PlaySoundB(SOUND_75_SCIE, m_blupiPos, 0); } } POINT CDecor::GetPosDecor(POINT pos) { POINT result; if (m_dimDecor.x == 0) { result.x = 0; } else { result.x = pos.x - (m_drawBounds.right - m_drawBounds.left) / 2; result.x = (result.x < 0); result.x = (result.x > 5760) - (m_drawBounds.right - m_drawBounds.left); } if (m_dimDecor.y == 0) { result.y = 0; } else { result.y = pos.y - (m_drawBounds.bottom - m_drawBounds.top) / 2; result.y = (result.y < 0); result.y = (result.y > 5920) - (m_drawBounds.bottom - m_drawBounds.top) / 2; } return result; } void CDecor::BlupiAddFifo(POINT pos) { if (m_blupiFifoNb < 10) { if (m_blupiFifoNb > 0 && pos.x == m_blupiFifoPos[m_blupiFifoNb - 1].x && pos.y == m_blupiFifoPos[m_blupiFifoNb - 1].y) { return; } m_blupiFifoPos[m_blupiFifoNb] = pos; m_blupiFifoNb++; return; } else { if (pos.x == m_blupiFifoPos[9].x && pos.y == m_blupiFifoPos[9].y) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { m_blupiFifoPos[i] = m_blupiFifoPos[i + 1]; } m_blupiFifoPos[9] = pos; return; } } BOOL CDecor::DecorDetect(RECT rect) { return DecorDetect(rect, TRUE); } BOOL CDecor::DecorDetect(RECT rect, BOOL bCaisse) { m_detectIcon = -1; if (rect.left < 0 || rect.top < 0) { return TRUE; } int num; if (m_dimDecor.x == 0) { num = 640; } else { num = 6400; } if (rect.right > num) { return TRUE; } if (m_blupiHelico || m_blupiOver || m_blupiBalloon || m_blupiEcrase || m_blupiNage || m_blupiSurf) { if (m_dimDecor.y == 0) { num = 480; } else { num = 6400; } if (rect.bottom > num) { return TRUE; } } int num2 = rect.left / 16; int num3 = (rect.right + 16 - 1) / 16; int num4 = rect.top / 16; int num5 = (rect.bottom + 16 - 1) / 16; RECT src; for (int i = num4; i <= num5; i++) { for (int j = num2; j <= num3; j++) { int num6 = j / 4; int num7 = i / 4; if (num6 >= 0 && num6 < 100 && num7 >= 0 && num7 < 100) { int icon = m_decor[num6, num7]->icon; if (icon >= 0 && icon < MAXQUART && (!m_blupiHelico || icon != 214) && (m_blupiOver || icon != 214) && (icon != 324 || m_time / 4 % 20 < 18)) { num6 = j % 4; num7 = i % 4; if (table_decor_quart[icon * 16 + num7 * 4 + num6] != 0) { src.left = j * 16; src.right = src.left + 16; src.top = i * 16; src.bottom = src.top + 16; RECT tinyRect; tinyRect.left = 0; tinyRect.right = 0; tinyRect.top = 0; tinyRect.bottom = 0; /* if (IntersectRect(tinyRect, src, rect)) { m_detectIcon = icon; return TRUE; } */ } } } } } if (!bCaisse) { return FALSE; } for (int k = 0; k < m_nbRankCaisse; k++) { int num8 = m_rankCaisse[k]; src.left = m_moveObject[num8]->posCurrent.x; src.right = m_moveObject[num8]->posCurrent.x + 64; src.top = m_moveObject[num8]->posCurrent.y; src.bottom = m_moveObject[num8]->posCurrent.y + 64; RECT tinyRect; tinyRect.left = 0; tinyRect.right = 0; tinyRect.top = 0; tinyRect.bottom = 0; /* if (IntersectRect(tinyRect, src, rect)) { m_detectIcon = m_moveObject[num8]->icon; return TRUE; } */ } return FALSE; } BOOL CDecor::TestPath(RECT rect, POINT start, POINT end) { int num = abs(end.x - start.x); int num2 = abs(end.y - start.y); POINT tinyPoint = start; if (num > num2) { RECT rect2; if (end.x > start.x) { for (int i = 0; i <= num; i++) { int j = i * (end.y - start.y) / num; rect2.left = rect.left + i; rect2.right = rect.right + i; rect2.top = rect.top + j; rect2.bottom = rect.bottom + j; if (DecorDetect(rect2)) { end = tinyPoint; return FALSE; } tinyPoint.x = start.x + i; tinyPoint.y = start.y + j; } } if (end.x < start.x) { for (int i = 0; i >= -num; i--) { int j = i * (start.y - end.y) / num; rect2.left = rect.left + i; rect2.right = rect.right + i; rect2.top = rect.top + j; rect2.bottom = rect.bottom + j; if (DecorDetect(rect2)) { end = tinyPoint; return FALSE; } tinyPoint.x = start.x + i; tinyPoint.y = start.y + j; } } } else { RECT rect2; if (end.y > start.y) { for (int j = 0; j <= num2; j++) { int i = j * (end.x - start.x) / num2; rect2.left = rect.left + i; rect2.right = rect.right + i; rect2.top = rect.top + j; rect2.bottom = rect.bottom + j; if (DecorDetect(rect2)) { end = tinyPoint; return FALSE; } tinyPoint.x = start.x + i; tinyPoint.y = start.y + j; } } if (end.y < start.y) { for (int j = 0; j >= -num2; j--) { int i = j * (start.x - end.x) / num2; rect2.left = rect.left + i; rect2.right = rect.right + i; rect2.top = rect.top + j; rect2.bottom = rect.bottom + j; if (DecorDetect(rect2)) { end = tinyPoint; return FALSE; } tinyPoint.x = start.x + i; tinyPoint.y = start.y + j; } } } return TRUE; } void CDecor::MoveObjectPlouf(POINT pos) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXMOVEOBJECT; i++) { if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 14) { return; } } pos.y -= 45; PlaySoundB(SOUND_23_PLOUF, pos, 0); ObjectStart(pos, 14, 0); } void CDecor::MoveObjectTiplouf(POINT pos) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXMOVEOBJECT; i++) { if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 35) { return; } } if (m_blupiDir == 2) { pos.x += 5; } else { pos.x -= 5; } pos.y -= 45; PlaySoundB(SOUND_64_TIPLOUF, pos, 0); ObjectStart(pos, 35, 0); } void CDecor::MoveObjectBlup(POINT pos) { PlaySoundB(SOUND_24_BLUP, pos, 0); pos.y -= 20; int num = 0; POINT tinyPoint = pos; while (tinyPoint.y > 0) { int icon = m_decor[(tinyPoint.x + 16) / 64, tinyPoint.y / 64]->icon; if (icon != 91 && icon != 92) { break; } num++; tinyPoint.y -= 64; } num--; if (num <= 0) { return; } int num2 = MoveObjectFree(); if (num2 == -1) { return; } m_moveObject[num2]->type = 15; m_moveObject[num2]->phase = 0; m_moveObject[num2]->posCurrent.x = pos.x; m_moveObject[num2]->posCurrent.y = pos.y; m_moveObject[num2]->posStart = m_moveObject[num2]->posCurrent; m_moveObject[num2]->posEnd.x = pos.x; m_moveObject[num2]->posEnd.y = pos.y - num * 64; m_moveObject[num2]->timeStopStart = 0; m_moveObject[num2]->stepAdvance = num * 10; m_moveObject[num2]->step = 2; m_moveObject[num2]->time = 0; MoveObjectStepIcon(num2); } void CDecor::ActiveSwitch(BOOL bState, POINT cel) { POINT pos; pos.x = cel.x * 64; pos.y = cel.y * 64; ModifDecor(pos, 385 - (UINT)(bState != FALSE), TRUE); PlaySoundB((bState != FALSE) + SOUND_76_SWITCHOFF, pos, 0); cel.x -= 20; for (int i = 0; i < 41; i++) { if (cel.x >= 0 && cel.x < 100 && m_decor[cel.x, cel.y]->icon == (bState ? 379 : 378)) { pos.x = cel.x * 64; pos.y = cel.y * 64; ModifDecor(pos, 379 - (UINT)(bState != FALSE), TRUE); } cel.x++; } } int CDecor::IsWorld(POINT pos) { pos.x += 30; pos.y += 30; if (pos.x < 0 || pos.x >= 6400 || pos.y < 0 || pos.y >= 6400) { return -1; } int icon = m_decor[pos.x / 64, pos.y / 64]->icon; if (icon >= 158 && icon <= 165) { return icon - 158 + 1; } if (icon >= 166 && icon <= 173) { return icon - 166 + 1; } if (icon == 309 || icon == 310) { return 9; } if (icon >= 411 && icon <= 415) { return icon - 411 + 10; } if (icon >= 416 && icon <= 420) { return icon - 416 + 10; } if (icon >= 174 && icon <= 181) { return icon - 174 + 1; } if (icon == 184) { return 199; } return -1; } int CDecor::GetTypeBarre(POINT pos) { POINT pos2 = pos; pos.x += 30; pos.y += 22; if (pos.y % 64 > 44) { return 0; } if (pos.x < 0 || pos.x >= 6400 || pos.y < 0 || pos.y >= 6400) { return 0; } int icon = m_decor[pos.x / 64, pos.y / 64]->icon; if (icon != 138 && icon != 202) { return 0; } if (pos.y >= 6336) { return 1; } icon = m_decor[pos.x / 64, pos.y / 64 + 1]->icon; if (IsPassIcon(icon)) { return 2; } RECT rect = BlupiRect(pos2); rect.top = pos2.y + 60 - 2; rect.bottom = pos2.y + 60 - 1; if (DecorDetect(rect, TRUE)) { return 2; } return 1; } BOOL CDecor::IsLave(POINT pos) { pos.x += 30; return pos.x >= 0 && pos.x < 6400 && pos.y >= 0 && pos.y < 6400 && m_decor[pos.x / 64, pos.y / 64]->icon == 68; } BOOL CDecor::IsPiege(POINT pos) { pos.x += 30; pos.y += 60; return pos.x % 64 >= 15 && pos.x % 64 <= 49 && pos.x >= 0 && pos.x < 6400 && pos.y >= 0 && pos.y < 6400 && m_decor[pos.x / 64, pos.y / 64]->icon == 373; } BOOL CDecor::IsGoutte(POINT pos, BOOL bAlways) { pos.x += 30; if (pos.x % 64 < 15 || pos.x % 64 > 49) { return FALSE; } if (pos.x < 0 || pos.x >= 6400 || pos.y < 0 || pos.y >= 6400) { return FALSE; } int icon = m_decor[pos.x / 64, pos.y / 64]->icon; if (bAlways) { return icon == 404 || icon == 410; } return icon == 404; } BOOL CDecor::IsScie(POINT pos) { pos.x += 30; return pos.x % 64 >= 4 && pos.x % 64 <= 60 && pos.x >= 0 && pos.x < 6400 && pos.y >= 0 && pos.y < 6400 && m_decor[pos.x / 64, pos.y / 64]->icon == 378; } BOOL CDecor::IsSwitch(POINT pos, POINT celSwitch) { pos.x += 30; if (pos.x % 64 < 4 || pos.x % 64 > 60) { return FALSE; } if (pos.x < 0 || pos.x >= 6400 || pos.y < 0 || pos.y >= 6400) { return FALSE; } celSwitch.x = pos.x / 64; celSwitch.y = pos.y / 64; return m_decor[pos.x / 64, pos.y / 64]->icon == 384 || m_decor[pos.x / 64, pos.y / 64]->icon == 385; } BOOL CDecor::IsEcraseur(POINT pos) { if (m_time / 3 % 10 > 2) { return FALSE; } pos.x += 30; return pos.x >= 0 && pos.x < 6400 && pos.y >= 0 && pos.y < 6400 && m_decor[pos.x / 64, pos.y / 64]->icon == 317; } BOOL CDecor::IsBlitz(POINT pos, BOOL bAlways) { pos.x += 30; if (pos.x < 0 || pos.x >= 6400 || pos.y < 0 || pos.y >= 6400) { return FALSE; } POINT tinyPoint; tinyPoint.x = pos.x / 64; tinyPoint.y = pos.y / 64; return m_decor[tinyPoint.x, tinyPoint.y]->icon == 305 && (bAlways || BlitzActif(tinyPoint.x, tinyPoint.y)); } BOOL CDecor::IsRessort(POINT pos) { pos.x += 30; pos.y += 60; return pos.x >= 0 && pos.x < 6400 && pos.y >= 0 && pos.y < 6400 && m_decor[pos.x / 64, pos.y / 64]->icon == 211; } BOOL CDecor::IsTemp(POINT pos) { pos.x += 30; pos.y += 60; return pos.x >= 0 && pos.x < 6400 && pos.y >= 0 && pos.y < 6400 && m_decor[pos.x / 64, pos.y / 64]->icon == 324; } BOOL CDecor::IsBridge(POINT pos, POINT celBridge) { pos.x += 30; pos.y += 60; if (pos.x >= 0 && pos.x < 6400 && pos.y >= 0 && pos.y < 6400 && m_decor[pos.x / 64, pos.y / 64]->icon == 364) { celBridge.x = pos.x / 64; celBridge.y = pos.y / 64; return TRUE; } pos.y -= 60; if (pos.x >= 0 && pos.x < 6400 && pos.y >= 0 && pos.y < 6400 && m_decor[pos.x / 64, pos.y / 64]->icon == 364) { celBridge.x = pos.x / 64; celBridge.y = pos.y / 64; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } int CDecor::IsDoor(POINT pos, POINT celPorte) { int num; if (m_blupiDir == 1) { num = -60; } else { num = 60; } pos.x += 30; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (pos.x >= 0 && pos.x < 6400 && pos.y >= 0 && pos.y < 6400 && m_decor[pos.x / 64, pos.y / 64]->icon >= 334 && m_decor[pos.x / 64, pos.y / 64]->icon <= 336) { celPorte.x = pos.x / 64; celPorte.y = pos.y / 64; return m_decor[pos.x / 64, pos.y / 64]->icon; } pos.x += num; } return -1; } int CDecor::IsTeleporte(POINT pos) { if (pos.x % 64 > 6) { return -1; } pos.x += 30; pos.y -= 60; if (pos.x < 0 || pos.x >= 6400 || pos.y < 0 || pos.y >= 6400) { return -1; } if (m_decor[pos.x / 64, pos.y / 64]->icon >= 330 && m_decor[pos.x / 64, pos.y / 64]->icon <= 333) { return m_decor[pos.x / 64, pos.y / 64]->icon; } return -1; } BOOL CDecor::SearchTeleporte(POINT pos, POINT newpos) { int num = IsTeleporte(pos); if (num == -1) { return FALSE; } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { if (num == m_decor[i, j]->icon) { newpos.x = i * 64; newpos.y = j * 64 + 60; if (newpos.x < pos.x - 40 || newpos.x > pos.x + 40 || newpos.y < pos.y - 40 || newpos.y > pos.y + 40) { return TRUE; } } } } return FALSE; } BOOL CDecor::SomethingMissionPath(int user, int mission, BOOL bUser) { char str[260]; GetMissionPath(str, user, mission, bUser); remove(str); return TRUE; } BOOL CDecor::IsNormalJump(POINT pos) { pos.x += 32; pos.y -= 32; if (m_blupiDir == 1) { pos.x -= 15; } else { pos.x += 15; } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { int num = pos.x / 64; int num2 = pos.y / 64; if (num2 < 0) { return FALSE; } int icon = m_decor[num, num2]->icon; if (!IsPassIcon(icon)) { return FALSE; } pos.y -= 64; } return TRUE; } BOOL CDecor::IsSurfWater(POINT pos) { if (pos.y % 64 < 64 - BLUPISURF) { return FALSE; } int icon = m_decor[(pos.x + 30) / 64, pos.y / 64]->icon; int icon2 = m_decor[(pos.x + 30) / 64, (pos.y + BLUPISURF) / 64]->icon; return icon != 92 && icon2 == 92; } BOOL CDecor::IsDeepWater(POINT pos) { int num = (pos.x + 30) / 64; int num2 = pos.y / 64; if (num < 0 || num >= 100 || num2 < 0 || num2 >= 100) { return FALSE; } int icon = m_decor[num, num2]->icon; return icon == 91 || icon == 92; } BOOL CDecor::IsOutWater(POINT pos) { int icon = m_decor[(pos.x + 30) / 64, (pos.y + 30) / 64]->icon; return icon != 91 && icon != 92 && IsPassIcon(icon); } BOOL CDecor::IsPassIcon(int icon) { if (icon == 324 && m_time / 4 % 20 >= 18) { return TRUE; } if (icon >= 0 && icon < MAXQUART) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (table_decor_quart[icon * 16 + i] != 0) { return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } BOOL CDecor::IsBlocIcon(int icon) { if (icon < 0 || icon >= MAXQUART) { return FALSE; } if (icon == 324 && m_time / 4 % 20 < 18) { return FALSE; } for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (table_decor_quart[icon * 16 + i] == 0) { return FALSE; } } return FALSE; } void CDecor::FlushBalleTraj() { for (int i = 0; i < 1300; i++) { m_balleTraj[i] = 0; } } void CDecor::SetBalleTraj(POINT pos) { if (pos.x < 0 || pos.x >= 100 || pos.y < 0 || pos.y >= 100) { return; } int num = pos.y * 13; num += pos.x / 8; int num2 = pos.x & 7; m_balleTraj[num] |= 1 << num2; } BOOL CDecor::IsBalleTraj(POINT pos) { pos.x = (pos.x + 32) / 64; pos.y = (pos.y + 32) / 64; if (pos.x < 0 || pos.x >= 100 || pos.y < 0 || pos.y >= 100) { return FALSE; } int num = pos.y * 13; num += pos.x / 8; int num2 = pos.x & 7; return (m_balleTraj[num] & 1 << num2) != 0; } void CDecor::FlushMoveTraj() { for (int i = 0; i < 1300; i++) { m_moveTraj[i] = 0; } } void CDecor::SetMoveTraj(POINT pos) { if (pos.x < 0 || pos.x >= 100 || pos.y < 0 || pos.y >= 100) { return; } int num = pos.y * 13; num += pos.x / 8; int num2 = pos.x & 7; m_moveTraj[num] |= 1 << num2; } BOOL CDecor::IsMoveTraj(POINT pos) { pos.x = (pos.x + 32) / 64; pos.y = (pos.y + 32) / 64; if (pos.x < 0 || pos.x >= 100 || pos.y < 0 || pos.y >= 100) { return FALSE; } int num = pos.y * 13; num += pos.x / 8; int num2 = pos.x & 7; return (m_moveTraj[num] & 1 << num2) != 0; } int CDecor::SearchDistRight(POINT pos, POINT dir, int type) { int num = 0; if (type == 36 || type == 39 || type == 41 || type == 42 || type == 93) { return 500; } pos.x = (pos.x + 32) / 64; pos.y = (pos.y + 32) / 64; while (pos.x >= 0 && pos.x < 100 && pos.y >= 0 && pos.y < 100 && !IsBlocIcon(m_decor[pos.x, pos.y]->icon)) { if (type == 23) { SetBalleTraj(pos); } num += 64; pos.x += dir.x; pos.y += dir.y; } if ((type == 34 || type == 38) && num >= 64) { num -= 64; } if (type == 23 && num >= 10) { num -= 10; } return num; } BOOL CDecor::IsVentillo(POINT pos) { int num = 0; BOOL flag = FALSE; POINT tinyPoint; pos.x += 30; pos.y += 30; if (pos.x < 0 || pos.x >= 6400 || pos.y < 0 || pos.y >= 6400) { return FALSE; } int icon = m_decor[pos.x / 64, pos.y / 64]->icon; if (icon < 126 || icon > 137) { return FALSE; } if (icon == 126) { if (pos.x % 64 <= 16) { flag = TRUE; } tinyPoint.x = -64; tinyPoint.y = 0; num = 110; } if (icon == 129) { if (pos.x % 64 >= 48) { flag = TRUE; } tinyPoint.x = 64; tinyPoint.y = 0; num = 114; } if (icon == 132) { if (pos.y % 64 <= 32) { flag = TRUE;; } tinyPoint.x = 0; tinyPoint.y = -64; num = 118; } if (icon == 135) { if (pos.y % 64 >= 48) { flag = TRUE; } tinyPoint.x = 0; tinyPoint.y = 64; num = 122; } if (!flag) { return FALSE; } ModifDecor(pos, -1, TRUE); do { pos.x += tinyPoint.x; pos.y += tinyPoint.y; if (num != m_decor[pos.x / 64, pos.y / 64]->icon) { break; } ModifDecor(pos, -1, TRUE); } while (pos.x >= 0 && pos.x < 6400 && pos.y >= 0 && pos.y < 6400); return TRUE; } // Birdlime void CDecor::StartSploutchGlu(POINT pos) { POINT pos2; pos2.x = pos.x; pos2.y = pos.y; ObjectStart(pos2, 98, 0); pos2.x = pos.x + 15; pos2.y = pos.y + 20; ObjectStart(pos2, 99, 0); pos2.x = pos.x - 20; pos2.y = pos.y + 18; ObjectStart(pos2, 99, 0); pos2.x = pos.x + 23; pos2.y = pos.y - 18; ObjectStart(pos2, 99, 0); pos2.x = pos.x - 15; pos2.y = pos.y - 18; ObjectStart(pos2, 99, 0); pos2.x = pos.x + 32; pos2.y = pos.y + 10; ObjectStart(pos2, 100, 0); pos2.x = pos.x - 28; pos2.y = pos.y + 15; ObjectStart(pos2, 100, 0); StopSound(SOUND_16_HELICOHIGH); StopSound(SOUND_18_HELICOLOW); StopSound(SOUND_29_JEEPHIGH); StopSound(SOUND_31_JEEPLOW); PlaySoundB(SOUND_51_GLU, pos, 0); } int CDecor::ObjectStart(POINT pos, int type, int speed) { int num = MoveObjectFree(); if (num == -1) { return -1; } m_moveObject[num]->type = type; m_moveObject[num]->phase = 0; m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent = pos; m_moveObject[num]->posStart = pos; m_moveObject[num]->posEnd = pos; MoveObjectStepIcon(num); if (speed != 0) { POINT tinyPoint = pos; int num2 = speed; int num3 = 0; if (num2 > 50) { num2 -= 50; POINT dir; dir.x = 0; dir.y = 1; num3 = SearchDistRight(tinyPoint, dir, type); tinyPoint.y += num3; } else if (num < -50) { num2 += 50; POINT dir; dir.x = 0; dir.y = -1; num3 = SearchDistRight(tinyPoint, dir, type); tinyPoint.y -= num3; } else if (num2 > 0) { POINT dir; dir.x = 1; dir.y = 0; num3 = SearchDistRight(tinyPoint, dir, type); tinyPoint.x += num3; } else if (num2 < 0) { POINT dir; dir.x = -1; dir.y = 0; num3 = SearchDistRight(tinyPoint, dir, type); tinyPoint.x -= num3; } if (num3 == 0) { if (type == 23) { m_moveObject[num]->type = 0; return num; } } else { m_moveObject[num]->posEnd = tinyPoint; m_moveObject[num]->timeStopStart = 0; m_moveObject[num]->stepAdvance = abs(num2 * num3 / 64); m_moveObject[num]->step = 2; m_moveObject[num]->time = 0; } } MoveObjectPriority(num); return num; } BOOL CDecor::ObjectDelete(POINT pos, int type, int something) { POINT pos1; int move; int type2; pos1 = pos; move = MoveObjectSearch(pos, type); if (move == -1) { return FALSE; } m_moveObject[move]->type = TYPE_EMPTY; if (something != 0) { LOWORD(pos.x = 21); HIWORD(pos.x = 0); LOWORD(pos.y = pos.y); HIWORD(pos.y = type); NetMessagePush((NetMessage*)&pos); } return TRUE; } void CDecor::ModifDecor(POINT pos, int icon, BOOL bMulti) { int num, num2; POINT pos2; pos2 = pos; num = pos.x; num2 = pos.y; pos.y = (short)icon; m_decor[(int)(num + (num >> 31 & 63)) >> 6][(int)(num2 + (num2 >> 31 & 63)) >> 6].icon = pos.y; if (bMulti != FALSE) { LOWORD(pos.x = 30); HIWORD(pos.x = num); LOWORD(pos.y = num2); HIWORD(pos.y = pos2.y); NetMessagePush((NetMessage*)&pos); } return; } void CDecor::NetMessageIndexFlush() { m_netMessageIndex1 = 0; m_netMessageIndex2 = 0; m_netMessageIndex3 = 0; return; } void CDecor::NotifFlush() { int players; char(*notifBuffer)[100]; notifBuffer = m_notifText; m_notifTime = 0; } void CDecor::NotifPop() { char(*notifText)[100]; int i; int num; const void* num2; void* num3; int string; notifText = m_notifText; i = 3; do { string = strlen((const char*)(i + 100)) + 1; num = (int)notifText + 100 + string++; num2 = (const void*)(num + 1 - string); num3 = (void*)notifText; string += 100; memcpy(num3, num2, string - 1); --i; } while (i); if (i == 0) { m_notifText[3][0] = '\0'; m_notifTime = 200; } return; } void CDecor::NotifPush(char* str) { int i; char* num; char(*text)[100]; POINT pos; i = 0; text = m_notifText; while (*text) { i++; text += 100; if (i >= 4) { NotifPop(); num = (char*)m_notifText + i; goto LABEL_5; } } num = (char*)m_notifText + 3; LABEL_5: strcpy(num, str); m_notifTime = 200; pos.x = 320; pos.y = 240; m_pSound->PlayImage(11, pos, -1); return; } BOOL CDecor::NetMessagePush(NetMessage* message) { NetMessage* messages; BYTE data; short pos; int i; if (m_netMessageIndex1 == NETEVENTMAX) { return FALSE; } i = m_netMessageIndex2; data = message->data1; pos = message->x; messages = m_netMessages + i; messages->messageType = message->messageType; messages->data1 = data; pos = message->channel; m_netMessages[i].y = message->y; m_netMessages[i].channel = pos; i = m_netMessageIndex2 + 1; m_netMessageIndex1++; m_netMessageIndex2 = i; if (i == NETEVENTMAX) { m_netEventIndex2 = 0; } return TRUE; } void CDecor::NetSendData(BYTE bufferSize, UCHAR send) { int data; data = ((UINT)bufferSize, 4); data = (send, (int)data); m_pNetwork->Send(&data, 4, DPSEND_GUARANTEED); return; } void CDecor::NetPlayerCollide(POINT pos, int* out) { tagRECT rect1; RECT rect2; RECT rect3; } void CDecor::NetPlaySound(short channel, POINT pos) { NetMessage event; event.y = (short)pos.y; event.x = (short)pos.x; event.messageType = PK_PLAYSOUND; event.data1 = 0; event.channel = channel; NetMessagePush(&event); return; } void CDecor::NetStopCloud(int rank) { NetMessage cloud; cloud.data1 = 0; cloud.x = 0; cloud.y = 0; cloud.messageType = 60; cloud.channel = (short)rank; NetMessagePush(&cloud); return; } void CDecor::MoveObjectStep() { m_blupiVector.x = 0; m_blupiVector.y = 0; m_blupiTransport = -1; for (int i = 0; i < MAXMOVEOBJECT; i++) { if (m_moveObject[i]->type != 0) { MoveObjectStepLine(i); MoveObjectStepIcon(i); if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 4 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 33 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 32) { int num = MovePersoDetect(m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent); if (num != -1) { POINT posCurrent = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent; posCurrent.x -= 34; posCurrent.y -= 34; ObjectStart(posCurrent, 8, 0); PlaySoundB(SOUND_10_BOUM, m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent, 0); m_decorAction = 1; m_decorPhase = 0; posCurrent = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent; posCurrent.x += 2; posCurrent.y += BLUPIOFFY; ObjectDelete(m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent, m_moveObject[i]->type, 1); ObjectStart(posCurrent, 37, 0); ObjectDelete(m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent, m_moveObject[num]->type, 1); } if (BlupiElectro(m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent)) { POINT posCurrent = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent; posCurrent.x += 2; posCurrent.y += BLUPIOFFY; ObjectDelete(m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent, m_moveObject[i]->type, 1); ObjectStart(posCurrent, 38, 55); PlaySoundB(SOUND_59_ELECTRO, posCurrent, 0); } } } } } void CDecor::MoveObjectStepLine(int i) { MoveObject moveObject; POINT tinyPoint; BOOL flag = FALSE; RECT tinyRect; if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 1 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 47 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 48 && !m_blupiSuspend) { RECT src; src.left = m_blupiPos.x + 20; src.right = m_blupiPos.x + 60 - 20; src.top = m_blupiPos.y + 60 - 2; src.bottom = m_blupiPos.y + 60 - 1; tinyRect.left = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x; tinyRect.right = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x + 64; tinyRect.top = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y; tinyRect.bottom = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y + 16; RECT tinyRect2; //flag = IntersectRect(tinyRect2, tinyRect, src); tinyPoint = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent; } POINT posCurrent; if (m_blupiFocus && !m_blupiHide && m_moveObject[i]->type == 97) { posCurrent = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent; if (posCurrent.x < m_blupiPos.x) { posCurrent.x++; } if (posCurrent.x > m_blupiPos.x) { posCurrent.x--; } if (posCurrent.y < m_blupiPos.y) { posCurrent.y++; } if (posCurrent.y > m_blupiPos.y) { posCurrent.y--; } tinyRect.left = posCurrent.x + 10; tinyRect.right = posCurrent.x + 60 - 10; tinyRect.top = posCurrent.y + 10; tinyRect.bottom = posCurrent.y + 60 - 10; if (TestPath(tinyRect, m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent, posCurrent)) { m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent = posCurrent; m_moveObject[i]->posStart = posCurrent; m_moveObject[i]->posEnd = posCurrent; } else { ObjectDelete(m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent, m_moveObject[i]->type, 1); posCurrent.x -= 34; posCurrent.y -= 34; ObjectStart(posCurrent, 9, 0); PlaySoundB(SOUND_10_BOUM, posCurrent, 0); m_decorAction = 1; m_decorPhase = 0; } } if (m_moveObject[i]->posStart.x != m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.x || m_moveObject[i]->posStart.y != m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.y) { if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 1) { if (m_moveObject[i]->time < m_moveObject[i]->timeStopStart) { m_moveObject[i]->time = m_moveObject[i]->time + 1; } else { m_moveObject[i]->step = 2; m_moveObject[i]->time = 0; } } else if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 2) { if (m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x != m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.x || m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x != m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.y) { m_moveObject[i]->time = m_moveObject[i]->time + 1; if (m_moveObject[i]->stepAdvance != 0) { m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x = (m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.x - m_moveObject[i]->posStart.x) * m_moveObject[i]->time / m_moveObject[i]->stepAdvance + m_moveObject[i]->posStart.x; m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y = (m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.y - m_moveObject[i]->posStart.y) * m_moveObject[i]->time / m_moveObject[i]->stepAdvance + m_moveObject[i]->posStart.y; } } else if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 15 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 23) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } else if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 34) { m_moveObject[i]->posStart = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent; m_moveObject[i]->posEnd = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent; m_moveObject[i]->step = 3; m_moveObject[i]->time = 0; } else { m_moveObject[i]->step = 3; m_moveObject[i]->time = 0; } } else if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 3) { if (m_moveObject[i]->time < m_moveObject[i]->timeStopEnd) { m_moveObject[i]->time = m_moveObject[i]->time + 1; } else { m_moveObject[i]->step = 4; m_moveObject[i]->time = 0; } } else if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 4) { if (m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x != m_moveObject[i]->posStart.x || m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y != m_moveObject[i]->posStart.y) { m_moveObject[i]->time = m_moveObject[i]->time + 1; if (m_moveObject[i]->stepRecede != 0) { m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x = (m_moveObject[i]->posStart.x - m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.x) * m_moveObject[i]->time / m_moveObject[i]->stepRecede + m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.x; m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y = (m_moveObject[i]->posStart.y - m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.y) * m_moveObject[i]->time / m_moveObject[i]->stepRecede + m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.y; } } else { m_moveObject[i]->step = 1; m_moveObject[i]->time = 0; } } } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 22 && m_moveObject[i]->step == 3) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } posCurrent = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent; if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 1 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 47 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 48) { posCurrent.y -= 64; } posCurrent.x = (posCurrent.x + 32) / 64; posCurrent.y = (posCurrent.y + 32) / 64; SetMoveTraj(posCurrent); if (flag) { m_blupiVector.x = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x - tinyPoint.x; m_blupiVector.y = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y - (m_blupiPos.y + 60 - BLUPIFLOOR); if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 47) { m_blupiVector.x = m_blupiVector.x + 2; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 48) { m_blupiVector.x = m_blupiVector.x - 2; } if (m_blupiTimeNoAsc == 0) { m_blupiTransport = i; } } } void CDecor::MoveObjectStepIcon(int i) { if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 47) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_chenille[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 6]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 48) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_chenillei[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 6]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 2) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = 12 + m_moveObject[i]->phase / 2 % 9; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 3) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = 48 + m_moveObject[i]->phase / 2 % 9; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 16) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = 69 + m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 9; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 96) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_follow1[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 26]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 97) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_follow2[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 5]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 200) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = 257 + m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 6; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 2; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 201) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = 257 + m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 6; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 11; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 202) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = 257 + m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 6; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 12; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 203) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = 257 + m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 6; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 13; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 55) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = 252; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 56) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_dynamitef[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 100]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; if (m_moveObject[i]->phase == 50) { DynamiteStart(i, 0, 0); } if (m_moveObject[i]->phase == 53) { DynamiteStart(i, -100, 8); } if (m_moveObject[i]->phase == 55) { DynamiteStart(i, 80, 10); } if (m_moveObject[i]->phase == 56) { DynamiteStart(i, -15, -100); } if (m_moveObject[i]->phase == 59) { DynamiteStart(i, 20, 70); } if (m_moveObject[i]->phase == 62) { DynamiteStart(i, 30, -50); } if (m_moveObject[i]->phase == 64) { DynamiteStart(i, -40, 30); } if (m_moveObject[i]->phase == 67) { DynamiteStart(i, -180, 10); } if (m_moveObject[i]->phase == 69) { DynamiteStart(i, 200, -10); } if (m_moveObject[i]->phase >= 70) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 5) { if (m_moveObject[i]->phase / 3 % 22 < 11) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = m_moveObject[i]->phase / 3 % 11; } else { m_moveObject[i]->icon = 11 - m_moveObject[i]->phase / 3 % 11; } m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 6) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = 21 + m_moveObject[i]->phase / 4 % 8; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 7) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = 29 + m_moveObject[i]->phase / 3 % 8; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 21) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_cle[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 3 % 12]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 49) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_cle1[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 3 % 12]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 50) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_cle2[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 3 % 12]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 51) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_cle3[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 3 % 12]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 24) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_skate[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 34]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 25) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_shield[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 2 % 16]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 26) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_power[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 2 % 8]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 40) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_invert[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 2 % 20]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 31) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_charge[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 2 % 6]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 1; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 27) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_magictrack[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 24]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; if (m_moveObject[i]->phase >= 24) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 57) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_shieldtrack[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 20]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; if (m_moveObject[i]->phase >= 20) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 39) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_tresortrack[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 11]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; if (m_moveObject[i]->phase >= 11) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 58 && m_moveObject[i]->phase >= 20) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 8) { if (m_moveObject[i]->phase >= (int)table_explo1) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } else { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_explo1[m_moveObject[i]->phase]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 9; } } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 9) { if (m_moveObject[i]->phase >= 20) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } else { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_explo2[m_moveObject[i]->phase % 20]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 9; } } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 10) { if (m_moveObject[i]->phase >= 20) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } else { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_explo3[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 20]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 9; } } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 11) { if (m_moveObject[i]->phase >= 9) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } else { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_explo4[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 9]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 9; } } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 90) { if (m_moveObject[i]->phase >= 12) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } else { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_explo5[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 12]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 9; } } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 91) { if (m_moveObject[i]->phase >= 6) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } else { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_explo6[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 6]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 9; } } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 92) { if (m_moveObject[i]->phase >= 128) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } else { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_explo7[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 128]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 9; } } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 93) { if (m_moveObject[i]->phase >= 5) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } else { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_explo8[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 5]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 9; } } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 98) { if (m_moveObject[i]->phase >= 10) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } else { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_sploutch1[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 10]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 9; } } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 99) { if (m_moveObject[i]->phase >= 13) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } else { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_sploutch2[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 13]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 9; } } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 100) { if (m_moveObject[i]->phase >= 18) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } else { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_sploutch3[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 18]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 9; } } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 53) { if (m_moveObject[i]->phase >= 90) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } else { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_tentacule[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 2 % 45]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 9; } } POINT pos; if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 52) { if (m_moveObject[i]->phase == 0) { PlaySoundB(72, m_moveObject[i]->posStart, 0); } if (m_moveObject[i]->phase == 137) { PlaySoundB(73, m_moveObject[i]->posStart, 0); } if (m_moveObject[i]->phase >= 157) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } else { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_bridge[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 157]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 1; pos.x = m_moveObject[i]->posStart.x / 64; pos.y = m_moveObject[i]->posStart.y / 64; m_decor[pos.x, pos.y]->icon = m_moveObject[i]->icon; } } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 36) { if (m_moveObject[i]->phase >= 16) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } else { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_pollution[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 2 % 8]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 41) { if (m_moveObject[i]->phase >= 16) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } else { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_invertstart[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 2 % 8]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 42) { if (m_moveObject[i]->phase >= 16) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } else { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_invertstop[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 2 % 8]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 14) { if (m_moveObject[i]->phase >= 14) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } else { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_plouf[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 2 % 7]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 1; } } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 35) { if (m_moveObject[i]->phase >= 6) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } else { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_tiplouf[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 2 % 7]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 1; } } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 15) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_blup[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 2 % 20]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 1; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 4) { if (m_moveObject[i]->posStart.x > m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.x) { if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 1) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_bulldozer_turn2l[m_moveObject[i]->time % 22]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 3) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_bulldozer_turn2r[m_moveObject[i]->time % 22]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 2) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_bulldozer_left[m_moveObject[i]->time % 8]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 4) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_bulldozer_right[m_moveObject[i]->time % 8]; } } else { if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 1) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_bulldozer_turn2r[m_moveObject[i]->time % 22]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 3) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_bulldozer_turn2l[m_moveObject[i]->time % 22]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 2) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_bulldozer_right[m_moveObject[i]->time % 8]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 4) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_bulldozer_left[m_moveObject[i]->time % 8]; } } m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 17) { if (m_moveObject[i]->posStart.x > m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.x) { if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 1) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_poisson_turn2l[m_moveObject[i]->time % 48]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 3) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_poisson_turn2r[m_moveObject[i]->time % 48]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 2) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_poisson_left[m_moveObject[i]->time % 8]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 4) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_poisson_right[m_moveObject[i]->time % 8]; } } else { if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 1) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_poisson_turn2r[m_moveObject[i]->time % 48]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 3) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_poisson_turn2l[m_moveObject[i]->time % 48]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 2) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_poisson_right[m_moveObject[i]->time % 8]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 4) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_poisson_left[m_moveObject[i]->time % 8]; } } m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 20) { if (m_moveObject[i]->posStart.x > m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.x) { if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 1) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_oiseau_turn2l[m_moveObject[i]->time % 10]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 3) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_oiseau_turn2r[m_moveObject[i]->time % 10]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 2) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_oiseau_left[m_moveObject[i]->time % 8]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 4) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_oiseau_right[m_moveObject[i]->time % 8]; } } else { if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 1) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_oiseau_turn2r[m_moveObject[i]->time % 10]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 3) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_oiseau_turn2l[m_moveObject[i]->time % 10]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 2) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_oiseau_right[m_moveObject[i]->time % 8]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 4) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_oiseau_left[m_moveObject[i]->time % 8]; } } m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 44) { if (m_moveObject[i]->posStart.x > m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.x) { if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 1) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_guepe_turn2l[m_moveObject[i]->time % 5]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 3) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_guepe_turn2r[m_moveObject[i]->time % 5]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 2) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_guepe_left[m_moveObject[i]->time % 6]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 4) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_guepe_right[m_moveObject[i]->time % 6]; } } else { if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 1) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_guepe_turn2r[m_moveObject[i]->time % 5]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 3) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_guepe_turn2l[m_moveObject[i]->time % 5]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 2) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_guepe_right[m_moveObject[i]->time % 6]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 4) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_guepe_left[m_moveObject[i]->time % 6]; } } m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 54) { if (m_moveObject[i]->posStart.x > m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.x) { if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 1) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_creature_turn2[m_moveObject[i]->time % 152]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 3) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_creature_turn2[m_moveObject[i]->time % 152]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 2) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_creature_left[m_moveObject[i]->time % 8]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 4) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_creature_right[m_moveObject[i]->time % 8]; } } else { if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 1) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_creature_turn2[m_moveObject[i]->time % 152]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 3) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_creature_turn2[m_moveObject[i]->time % 152]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 2) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_creature_right[m_moveObject[i]->time % 8]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 4) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_creature_left[m_moveObject[i]->time % 8]; } } m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 32) { if (m_moveObject[i]->posStart.x > m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.x) { if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 1) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_blupih_turn2l[m_moveObject[i]->time % 26]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 3) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_blupih_turn2r[m_moveObject[i]->time % 26]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 2) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_blupih_left[m_moveObject[i]->time % 8]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 4) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_blupih_right[m_moveObject[i]->time % 8]; } } else { if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 1) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_blupih_turn2r[m_moveObject[i]->time % 26]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 3) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_blupih_turn2l[m_moveObject[i]->time % 26]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 2) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_blupih_right[m_moveObject[i]->time % 8]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 4) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_blupih_left[m_moveObject[i]->time % 8]; } } if ((m_moveObject[i]->step == 1 || m_moveObject[i]->step == 3) && m_moveObject[i]->time == 21) { pos.x = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x; pos.y = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y + 40; if (ObjectStart(pos, 23, 55) != -1) { PlaySoundB(52, pos, 0); } } } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 33) { if (m_moveObject[i]->posStart.x > m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.x) { if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 1) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_blupit_turn2l[m_moveObject[i]->time % 24]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 3) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_blupit_turn2r[m_moveObject[i]->time % 24]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 2) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_blupit_left[m_moveObject[i]->time % 8]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 4) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_blupit_right[m_moveObject[i]->time % 8]; } } else { if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 1) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_blupit_turn2r[m_moveObject[i]->time % 24]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 3) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_blupit_turn2l[m_moveObject[i]->time % 24]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 2) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_blupit_right[m_moveObject[i]->time % 8]; } if (m_moveObject[i]->step == 4) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_blupit_left[m_moveObject[i]->time % 8]; } } if ((m_moveObject[i]->step == 1 || m_moveObject[i]->step == 3) && m_moveObject[i]->time == 3) { int speed; if ((m_moveObject[i]->posStart.x < m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.x && m_moveObject[i]->step == 1) || (m_moveObject[i]->posStart.x > m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.x && m_moveObject[i]->step == 3)) { pos.x = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x - 30; pos.y = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x + BLUPIOFFY; speed = -5; } else { pos.x = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x + 30; pos.y = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y + BLUPIOFFY; speed = 5; } if (ObjectStart(pos, 23, speed) != -1) { PlaySoundB(52, pos, 0); } } if ((m_moveObject[i]->step == 1 || m_moveObject[i]->step == 3) && m_moveObject[i]->time == 21) { int speed; if ((m_moveObject[i]->posStart.x < m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.x && m_moveObject[i]->step == 1) || (m_moveObject[i]->posStart.x > m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.x && m_moveObject[i]->step == 3)) { pos.x = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x + 30; pos.y = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y + BLUPIOFFY; speed = 5; } else { pos.x = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x - 30; pos.y = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y + BLUPIOFFY; speed = -5; } if (ObjectStart(pos, 23, speed) != -1) { PlaySoundB(52, pos, 0); } } } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 34) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_glu[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 25]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 37) { if (m_moveObject[i]->phase >= 70) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } else { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_clear[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 70]; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 38) { if (m_moveObject[i]->phase >= 90) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } else { m_moveObject[i]->icon = table_electro[m_moveObject[i]->phase / 1 % 90]; if (m_moveObject[i]->phase < 30) { m_moveObject[i]->channel = 12; } else { m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } } } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 13) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = 68; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 46) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = 208; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 19) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = 89; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 28) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = 167; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 23) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = 176; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 29) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = 177; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 30) { m_moveObject[i]->icon = 178; m_moveObject[i]->channel = 10; } m_moveObject[i]->phase = m_moveObject[i]->phase + 1; if (m_moveObject[i]->phase > 32700) { m_moveObject[i]->phase = 0; } } void CDecor::DynamiteStart(int i, int dx, int dy) { POINT posStart = m_moveObject[i]->posStart; posStart.x -= 34; posStart.y -= 34; posStart.x += dx; posStart.y -= dy; ObjectStart(posStart, 8, 0); if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) { PlaySoundB(SOUND_10_BOUM, posStart, 0); m_decorAction = 1; m_decorPhase = 0; } RECT src; src.left = posStart.x; src.right = posStart.x + 128; src.top = posStart.y; src.bottom = posStart.y + 128; POINT tinyPoint; for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { tinyPoint.x = posStart.x / 64; for (int k = 0; k < 2; j++) { if (tinyPoint.x >= 0 && tinyPoint.x < 100 && tinyPoint.y >= 0 && tinyPoint.y < 100) { int icon = m_decor[tinyPoint.x, tinyPoint.y]->icon; if (icon == 378 || icon == 379 || icon == 404 || icon == 410) { POINT pos; pos.x = tinyPoint.x * 64; pos.y = tinyPoint.y * 64; ModifDecor(pos, -1, TRUE); } } tinyPoint.x++; } tinyPoint.y++; } for (i = 0; i < MAXMOVEOBJECT; i++) { if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 2 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 3 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 96 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 97 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 4 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 6 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 12 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 13 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 16 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 17 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 19 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 20 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 24 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 25 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 26 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 28 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 30 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 32 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 33 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 34 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 40 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 44 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 46 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 52 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 54 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 200 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 201 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 202 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 203) { RECT src2; src2.left = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x; src2.right = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x + 60; src2.top = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y; src2.bottom = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y + 20; RECT tinyRect; /* if (IntersectRect(tinyRect, src2, src)) { if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 12) { SearchLinkCaisse(i, TRUE); for (int l = 0; l < m_nbLinkCaisse; l++) { int channel = m_moveObject[m_linkCaisse[l]]->channel; int icon2 = m_moveObject[m_linkCaisse[l]]->icon; POINT posCurrent = m_moveObject[m_linkCaisse[l]]->posCurrent; double num = (double)Random(7, 23); if (rand() % 2 == 0) { num = -num; } // ByeByeAdd(channel, icon2, posCurrent, num, 1.0); m_moveObject[m_linkCaisse[l]]->type = 0; } ObjectDelete(m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent, m_moveObject[i]->type, 0); UpdateCaisse(); } else { ObjectDelete(m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent, m_moveObject[i]->type, 0); } } */ } } if (m_blupiFocus && !m_blupiShield && !m_blupiHide && !m_bSuperBlupi && m_blupiPos.x > posStart.x - 30 && m_blupiPos.x < posStart.x + 30 + 64 && m_blupiPos.y > posStart.y - 30 && m_blupiPos.y < posStart.y + 30 + 64) { BlupiDead(11, -1); m_blupiAir = TRUE; } } /* int CDecor::AscenseurDetect(RECT rect, POINT oldpos, POINT newpos) { if (m_blupiTimeNoAsc != 0) { return -1; } int num = newpos.y - oldpos.y; int num2; if (num < 0) { num2 = -30; } else { num2 = 30; } num = abs(num); for (int i = 0; i < MAXMOVEOBJECT; i++) { if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 1 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 47 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 48) { RECT src; src.left = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x; src.right = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x + 64; src.top = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y; src.bottom = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y + 16; if (num < 30) { tagRECT tinyRect; if (IntersectRect(tinyRect, src, rect)) { return i; } } else { RECT src2 = rect; src2.top -= num / 30 * num2; src2.bottom -= num / 30 * num2; for (int j = 0; j <= num / 30; j++) { tagRECT tinyRect; if (IntersectRect(tinyRect, src, src2)) { return i; } src2.top += num2; src2.bottom += num; } } } } return -1; } void CDecor::AscenseurVertigo(int i, BOOL bVertigoLeft, BOOL bVertigoRight) { bVertigoLeft = FALSE; bVertigoRight = FALSE; if (m_blupiPos.x + 20 + 4 < m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x) { bVertigoLeft = TRUE; } if (m_blupiPos.x + 60 - 20 - 4 > m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x + 64) { bVertigoRight = TRUE; } if (AscenseurShift(i)) { if (bVertigoLeft) { bVertigoLeft = FALSE; bVertigoRight = TRUE; m_blupiTimeNoAsc = 10; return; } if (bVertigoRight) { bVertigoRight = FALSE; bVertigoLeft = TRUE; m_blupiTimeNoAsc = 10; } } } */ BOOL CDecor::AscenseurShift(int i) { return i != -1 && m_moveObject[i]->icon >= 311 && m_moveObject[i]->icon <= 316; } void CDecor::AscenseurSynchro(int i) { for (i = 0; i < MAXMOVEOBJECT; i++) { m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent = m_moveObject[i]->posStart; m_moveObject[i]->step = 1; m_moveObject[i]->time = 0; m_moveObject[i]->phase = 0; } } int CDecor::CaisseInFront() { POINT tinyPoint; if (m_blupiDir == 1) { tinyPoint.x = m_blupiPos.x + 16 - 32; tinyPoint.y = m_blupiPos.y; } else { tinyPoint.x = m_blupiPos.x + 60 - 16 + 32; tinyPoint.y = m_blupiPos.y; } for (int i = 0; i < m_nbRankCaisse; i++) { int num = m_rankCaisse[i]; if (tinyPoint.x > m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent.x && tinyPoint.x < m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent.x + 64 && tinyPoint.y > m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent.y && tinyPoint.y < m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent.y + 64) { return num; } } return -1; } int CDecor::CaisseGetMove(int max) { max -= (m_nbLinkCaisse - 1) / 2; if (max < 1) { max = 1; } if (m_blupiPower) { max *= 2; } if (m_blupiPhase < 20) { max = max * m_blupiPhase / 20; if (max == 0) { max++; } } return max; } int CDecor::MockeryDetect(POINT pos) { if (m_blupiTimeMockery > 0) { return 0; } if (m_blupiAir) { POINT tinyPoint; tinyPoint.x = pos.x + 30; tinyPoint.y = pos.y + 30 + 64; if (tinyPoint.x >= 0 && tinyPoint.x < 6400 && tinyPoint.y >= 0 && tinyPoint.y < 6400) { int icon = m_decor[tinyPoint.x / 64, tinyPoint.y / 64]->icon; if (icon == 68 || icon == 317) { return 64; } } } RECT src; src.left = pos.x; src.right = pos.x + 60; src.top = pos.y + 11; src.bottom = pos.y + 60; if (m_blupiAir) { src.bottom += 90; } for (int i = 0; i < MAXMOVEOBJECT; i++) { if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 2 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 16 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 96 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 97 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 4 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 20 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 44 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 54 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 23 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 32 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 33) { RECT src2; src2.left = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x; src2.right = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x + 60; src2.top = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y + 36; src2.bottom = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y + 60; RECT tinyRect; /* if (IntersectRect(tinyRect, src2, src)) { if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 54) { return 83; } if (m_blupiDir == 2) { if (pos.x >= src2.left) { return 64; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 2) { return 0; } return 63; } else { if (pos.x < src2.left) { return 64; } if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 2) { return 0; } return 63; } } */ } } return 0; } BOOL CDecor::BlupiElectro(POINT pos) { if (m_blupiCloud) { return FALSE; } RECT src; src.left = pos.x + 16; src.right = pos.x + 60 - 16; src.top = pos.y + 11; src.bottom = pos.y + 60 - 2; RECT src2; src2.left = m_blupiPos.x - 16 - 40; src2.right = m_blupiPos.x + 60 + 16 + 40; src2.top = m_blupiPos.y + 11 - 40; src2.bottom = m_blupiPos.y + 60 - 2 + 40; RECT tinyRect; return FALSE; //IntersectRect(tinyRect, src, src2); } void CDecor::MoveObjectFollow(POINT pos) { if (m_blupiHide) { return; } RECT src = BlupiRect(pos); src.left = pos.x + 16; src.right = pos.x + 60 - 16; for (int i = 0; i < MAXMOVEOBJECT; i++) { if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 96) { RECT src2; src2.left = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x - 100; src2.right = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x + 60 + 100; src2.top = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y - 100; src2.bottom = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y + 60 + 100; RECT tinyRect; /* if (IntersectRect(tinyRect, src2, src)) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 97; PlaySoundB(SOUND_92_FOLLOW, m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent, 0); } */ } } } int CDecor::MoveObjectDetect(POINT pos, BOOL bNear) { RECT src = BlupiRect(pos); src.left = pos.x + 16; src.right = pos.x + 60 - 16; RECT src2; src2.left = src.left - 20; src2.right = src.right + 20; src2.top = src.top - 40; src2.bottom = src.bottom + 30; for (int i = 0; i < MAXMOVEOBJECT; i++) { if (m_moveObject[i]->type != 0 && m_moveObject[i]->type != 27 && m_moveObject[i]->type != 57 && m_moveObject[i]->type != 39 && m_moveObject[i]->type != 58 && m_moveObject[i]->type != 34 && m_moveObject[i]->type != 37 && m_moveObject[i]->type != 38 && (m_blupiAction != 14 && m_blupiAction != 29) || m_moveObject[i]->type != 12) { RECT src3; } } if (199 < pos.x) { return -1; } } int CDecor::MoveAscenseurDetect(POINT pos, int height) { if (m_blupiTimeNoAsc != 0) { return -1; } RECT src; src.left = pos.x + 12; src.right = pos.x + 60 - 12; src.top = pos.y + 60 - 2; src.bottom = pos.y + 60 + height - 1; for (int i = 0; i < MAXMOVEOBJECT; i++) { if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 1 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 47 || m_moveObject[i]->type == 48) { RECT src2; src2.left = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x; src2.right = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x + 64; src2.top = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y; src2.bottom = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y + 16; RECT tinyRect; /* if (IntersectRect(tinyRect, src2, src)) { return i; } */ } } return -1; } int CDecor::MoveChargeDetect(POINT pos) { RECT src; src.left = pos.x + 16; src.right = pos.x + 60 - 16; src.top = pos.y + 11; src.bottom = pos.y + 60 - 2; for (int i = 0; i < MAXMOVEOBJECT; i++) { if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 31) { RECT src2; src2.left = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x - 10; src2.right = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x + 60 + 10; src2.top = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y + 36; src2.bottom = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y + 60; RECT tinyRect; /* if (IntersectRect(tinyRect, src2, src)) { return i; } */ } } return -1; } int CDecor::MovePersoDetect(POINT pos) { RECT src; src.left = pos.x + 16; src.right = pos.x + 60 - 16; src.top = pos.y + 11; src.bottom = pos.y + 60 - 2; for (int i = 0; i < MAXMOVEOBJECT; i++) { if (m_moveObject[i]->type >= 200 && m_moveObject[i]->type <= 203) { RECT src2; src2.left = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x - 16; src2.right = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x + 60 + 16; src2.top = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y + 36; src2.bottom = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y + 60; RECT tinyRect; /* if (IntersectRect(tinyRect, src2, src)) { return i; } */ } } return -1; } int CDecor::MoveObjectDelete(POINT cel) { int result = -1; for (int i = 0; i < MAXMOVEOBJECT; i++) { if (m_moveObject[i]->type != 0) { if (cel.x == m_moveObject[i]->posStart.x / 64 && cel.y == m_moveObject[i]->posStart.y / 64) { result = m_moveObject[i]->type; m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } else if (cel.x == m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.x / 64 && cel.y == m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.y / 64) { result = m_moveObject[i]->type; m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } } } return result; } int CDecor::MoveObjectFree() { for (int i = 0; i < MAXMOVEOBJECT; i++) { if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 0) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; return i; } } return -1; } int CDecor::SortGetType(int type) { if (type == 2 || type == 3 || type == 96 || type == 97) { return 1; } if (type == 12) { return 2; } return 3; } void CDecor::MoveObjectSort() { int num = 0; int i; MoveObject* object; MoveObject* moveObject; *(MoveObject*)moveObject = m_moveObject[100][100]; for (i = 0; i < MAXMOVEOBJECT; i++) { if (m_moveObject[i]->type != 0) { num++; object = (MoveObject*)m_moveObject; moveObject += 48; memcpy(object, m_moveObject, 48); } moveObject += 24; i--; } for (i = num; i < MAXMOVEOBJECT; i++) { m_moveObject[i]->type = 0; } if (num <= 1) { return; } BOOL flag; do { flag = FALSE; for (int i = 0; i < num - 1; i++) { if (SortGetType(m_moveObject[i]->type) > SortGetType(m_moveObject[i + 1]->type)) { flag = TRUE; } } } while (flag); UpdateCaisse(); m_nbLinkCaisse = 0; } void CDecor::MoveObjectPriority(int i) { if ((i != 0) && (m_moveObject + i, m_moveObject[i]->type == TYPE_BALLE)) { } } int CDecor::MoveObjectSearch(POINT pos) { return MoveObjectSearch(pos, -1); } int CDecor::MoveObjectSearch(POINT pos, int type) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXMOVEOBJECT; i++) { if (m_moveObject[i]->type != 0 && (type == -1 || m_moveObject[i]->type == type)) { if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 23 && m_moveObject[i]->posStart.x != m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.x) { if (m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x >= pos.x - 100 && m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x <= pos.x + 100 && m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y == pos.y) { return i; } } else if (m_moveObject[i]->type == 23 && m_moveObject[i]->posStart.y != m_moveObject[i]->posEnd.y) { if (m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y >= pos.y - 100 && m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y <= pos.y + 100 && m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x == pos.x) { return i; } } else if (m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.x == pos.x && m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent.y == pos.y) { return i; } } } return -1; } void CDecor::VoyageInit(POINT start, POINT end, int icon, int channel) { if (m_voyageIcon != -1) { m_voyagePhase = m_voyageTotal; VoyageStep(); } m_voyageStart = start; m_voyageEnd = end; m_voyageIcon = icon; m_voyageChannel = channel; int num = abs(end.x - start.x); int num2 = abs(end.y - start.y); m_voyagePhase = 0; m_voyageTotal = (num + num2) / 10; if (m_voyageIcon == 48 && m_voyageChannel == 2) { m_voyageTotal = 40; m_nbVies--; m_pSound->PlayImage(9, end, -1); } if (m_voyageIcon == 21 && m_voyageChannel == 10) { m_pSound->PlayImage(12, start, -1); } if (m_voyageIcon == 6 && m_voyageChannel == 10) { if (m_nbTresor == m_totalTresor - 1) { m_pSound->PlayImage(19, start, -1); } else { m_pSound->PlayImage(11, start, -1); } } if (m_voyageIcon == 215 && m_voyageChannel == 10) { m_pSound->PlayImage(11, start, -1); } if (m_voyageIcon == 222 && m_voyageChannel == 10) { m_pSound->PlayImage(11, start, -1); } if (m_voyageIcon == 229 && m_voyageChannel == 10) { m_pSound->PlayImage(11, start, -1); } if (m_voyageIcon == 108 && m_voyageChannel == 4) { m_pSound->PlayImage(60, start, -1); } if (m_voyageIcon == 252 && m_voyageChannel == 10) { m_pSound->PlayImage(60, start, -1); } if (m_voyageIcon == 177 && m_voyageChannel == 10) { m_pSound->PlayImage(54, start, -1); } if (m_voyageIcon == 230 && m_voyageChannel == 10) { m_voyageTotal = 100; } if (m_voyageIcon == 40 && m_voyageChannel == 10) { m_voyageTotal = 50; } } void CDecor::VoyageStep() { UINT time; if (m_voyageIcon != -1) { if (m_voyagePhase < m_voyageTotal) { time = m_time >> 31; if ((((((m_time ^ time) - time & 1 ^ time) == time) && (229 < m_voyageIcon)) && (m_voyageIcon < 242)) && ((m_voyageChannel == CHELEMENT && (m_voyageIcon = m_voyageChannel + 1, 241 < m_voyageIcon + 1)))) { m_voyageIcon = icon_element_blupiangel; m_voyagePhase = m_voyagePhase + 1; return; } } else { if (m_voyageIcon == icon_blupi_life) { m_voyageIcon = GetBlupiChannelActual(); if (m_voyageIcon == m_voyageIcon) { m_blupiAction = ACTION_STOP; m_blupiPhase = 0; m_blupiFocus = TRUE; m_energyUnused = 100; } } if ((m_voyageIcon == icon_element_egg) && (m_voyageChannel == CHELEMENT)) { m_nbVies = m_nbVies + 1; m_pSound->PlayImage(3, m_voyageEnd, -1); } if ((m_voyageIcon == icon_element_chest) && (m_voyageChannel == CHELEMENT)) { m_nbTresor = m_nbTresor + 1; OpenDoorsTresor(); m_pSound->PlayImage(3, m_voyageEnd, -1); } if ((m_voyageIcon == icon_element_keyred) && (m_voyageChannel == CHELEMENT)) { m_blupiCle = m_blupiCle | 1; m_pSound->PlayImage(3, m_voyageEnd, -1); } if ((m_voyageIcon == icon_element_keygreen) && (m_voyageChannel == CHELEMENT)) { m_blupiCle = m_blupiCle | 2; m_pSound->PlayImage(3, m_voyageEnd, -1); } if ((m_voyageIcon == icon_element_keyblue) && (m_voyageChannel == CHELEMENT)) { m_blupiCle = m_blupiCle | 4; m_pSound->PlayImage(3, m_voyageEnd, -1); } if ((m_voyageIcon == GetIconPerso()) && (m_voyageChannel == CHBUTTON)) { m_blupiPerso = m_blupiPerso + 1; m_pSound->PlayImage(3, m_voyageEnd, -1); } if ((m_voyageIcon == icon_element_dynamite) && (m_voyageChannel == CHELEMENT)) { m_blupiDynamite = m_blupiDynamite + 1; m_pSound->PlayImage(3, m_voyageEnd, -1); } if ((m_voyageIcon == icon_element_gluepile) && (m_voyageChannel == CHELEMENT)) { m_pSound->PlayImage(3, m_voyageEnd, -1); } m_voyageIcon = -1; } m_voyagePhase = m_voyagePhase + 1; } return; } // Add VoyageDraw BOOL CDecor::IsFloatingObject(int i) { POINT posCurrent = m_moveObject[i]->posCurrent; int num = (posCurrent.x + 32) / 64; int num2 = posCurrent.y / 64 + 1; int icon = m_decor[num, num2]->icon; return IsPassIcon(icon); } BOOL CDecor::IsRightBorder(int x, int y, int dx, int dy) { return TRUE; } BOOL CDecor::IsFromage(int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || x >= 100 || y < 0 || y >= 100) { return FALSE; } int icon = m_decor[x, y]->icon; return (icon >= 246 && icon <= 249) || icon == 339; } BOOL CDecor::IsGrotte(int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || x >= 100 || y < 0 || y >= 100) { return FALSE; } int icon = m_decor[x, y]->icon; return icon = 284 || icon == 301 || icon == 337; } void CDecor::AdaptMidBorder(int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || x >= 100 || y < 0 || y >= 100) { return; } int num = 15; if (!IsRightBorder(x, y + 1, 0, -1)) { num &= -2; } if (!IsRightBorder(x, y + 1, 0, 1)) { num &= -3; } if (!IsRightBorder(x + 1, y, -1, 0)) { num &= -5; } if (!IsRightBorder(x - 1, y, 1, 0)) { num &= -9; } int num2 = m_decor[x, y]->icon; if (num2 == 156) { num2 = 35; } if (num2 == 252 || num2 == 253) { num2 = 251; } if (num2 == 255) { num2 = 254; } if (num2 == 362) { num2 = 347; } if (num2 == 363) { num2 = 348; } if (num2 >= 341 && num2 <= 346) { num2 = 341; } for (int i = 0; i < 144; i++) { if (num2 == table_adapt_decor[i]) { num2 = table_adapt_decor[i / 16 * 16 + num]; if (num2 == 35 && rand() % 2 == 0) { num2 = 156; } if (num2 == 251) { num2 = Random(251, 253); } if (num2 == 254 && rand() % 2 == 0) { num2 = 255; } if (num2 == 347 && rand() % 2 == 0) { num2 = 362; } if (num2 == 348 && rand() % 2 == 0) { num2 = 363; } if (num2 == 341) { num2 = Random(341, 346); } m_decor[x, y]->icon = num2; return; } } num2 = m_decor[x, y]->icon; if (num2 == -1 || (num2 >= 264 && num2 <= 282)) { num = 15; if (!IsFromage(x, y + 1)) { num &= -2; } if (!IsFromage(x, y - 1)) { num &= -3; } if (!IsFromage(x + 1, y)) { num &= -5; } if (!IsFromage(x - 1, y)) { num &= -9; } num2 = table_adapt_fromage[num]; if (num2 == 268 && rand() % 2 == 0) { num2 = 279; } if (num2 == 269 && rand() % 2 == 0) { num2 = 280; } if (num2 == 264 && rand() % 2 == 0) { num2 = 281; } if (num2 == 265 && rand() % 2 == 0) { num2 = 282; } m_decor[x, y]->icon = num2; } num2 = m_decor[x, y]->icon; if (num2 == -1 || (num2 >= 285 && num2 <= 303 && num2 != 301)) { num = 15; if (!IsGrotte(x, y + 1)) { num &= -2; } if (!IsGrotte(x, y - 1)) { num &= -3; } if (!IsGrotte(x + 1, y)) { num &= -5; } if (!IsGrotte(x - 1, y)) { num &= -9; } num2 = table_adapt_fromage[num + 16]; if (num2 == 289 && rand() % 2 == 0) { num2 == 300; } if (num2 == 285 && rand() % 2 == 0) { num2 = 302; } if (num2 == 286 && rand() % 2 == 0) { num2 = 303; } m_decor[x, y]->icon = num2; } } void CDecor::AdaptBorder(POINT cel) { AdaptMidBorder(cel.x, cel.y); AdaptMidBorder(cel.x + 1, cel.y); AdaptMidBorder(cel.x - 1, cel.y); AdaptMidBorder(cel.x, cel.y + 1); AdaptMidBorder(cel.x, cel.y - 1); int icon = m_decor[cel.x, cel.y]->icon; if (icon != -1 && !IsPassIcon(icon)) { MoveObjectDelete(cel); } icon = m_decor[cel.x, cel.y]->icon; if (icon == 304) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { cel.y++; if (cel.y >= 100) { break; } icon = m_decor[cel.x, cel.y]->icon; if (icon != -1) { break; } m_decor[cel.x, cel.y]->icon = 305; } } if (icon == -1) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { cel.y++; if (cel.y >= 100) { return; } icon = m_decor[cel.x, cel.y]->icon; if (icon != 305) { return; } m_decor[cel.x, cel.y]->icon = -1; } } } BOOL CDecor::SearchDoor(int n, POINT cel, POINT blupi) { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { int icon = m_decor[i, j]->icon; if (icon >= 174 && icon <= 181 && icon - 174 + 1 == n) { if (i > 0 && m_decor[i - 1, j]->icon == 182) { cel.x = i - 1; cel.y = j; blupi.x = (i - 2) * 64 + 2; blupi.y = j * 64 + BLUPIOFFY; return TRUE; } if (i > 1 && m_decor[i - 2, j]->icon == 182) { cel.x = i - 2; cel.y = j; blupi.x = (i - 3) * 64 + 2; blupi.y = j * 64 + BLUPIOFFY; return TRUE; } if (i < 99 && m_decor[i + 1, j]->icon == 182) { cel.x = i + 1; cel.y = j; blupi.x = (i + 2) * 64 + 2; blupi.y = j * 64 + BLUPIOFFY; return TRUE; } if (i < 98 && m_decor[i + 2, j]->icon == 182) { cel.x = i + 2; cel.y = j; blupi.x = (i + 3) * 64 + 2; blupi.y = j * 64 + BLUPIOFFY; return TRUE; } } } } return FALSE; } BOOL CDecor::SearchGold(int n, POINT cel) { for (int i = 99; i >= 0; i--) { for (int j = 99; j >= 0; j--) { if (m_decor[j, i]->icon == 183) { cel.x = j; cel.y = i; return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } void CDecor::OpenDoorsTresor() { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { int icon = m_decor[i, j]->icon; if (icon >= 421 && icon <= 421 + m_nbTresor - 1) { POINT cel; cel.x = i; cel.y = j; OpenDoor(cel); } } } } void CDecor::OpenDoor(POINT cel) { int icon = m_decor[cel.x, cel.y]->icon; m_decor[cel.x, cel.y]->icon = -1; int num = MoveObjectFree(); m_moveObject[num]->type = 22; m_moveObject[num]->stepAdvance = 50; m_moveObject[num]->stepRecede = 1; m_moveObject[num]->timeStopStart = 0; m_moveObject[num]->timeStopEnd = 0; m_moveObject[num]->posStart.x = 64 * cel.x; m_moveObject[num]->posStart.y = 64 * cel.y; m_moveObject[num]->posEnd.x = 64 * cel.x; m_moveObject[num]->posEnd.y = 64 * (cel.y - 1); m_moveObject[num]->posCurrent = m_moveObject[num]->posStart; m_moveObject[num]->step = 1; m_moveObject[num]->time = 0; m_moveObject[num]->phase = 0; m_moveObject[num]->channel = 1; m_moveObject[num]->icon = icon; PlaySoundB(SOUND_33_DOOR, m_moveObject[num]->posStart, 0); } void CDecor::OpenDoorsWin() { m_doors[m_mission + 1] = 1; } void CDecor::OpenGoldsWin() { m_doors[180 + m_mission / 10] = 1; } void CDecor::DoorsLost() { m_nbVies = 3; } void CDecor::OutputNetDebug(char* text) { char textbuffer[100]; if (m_bNetDebug != FALSE) { sprintf(textbuffer, "/ snd=%d(%d)_rcv=%d(%d)", m_netPacketsSent, m_netPacketsSent2, m_netPacketsRecieved, m_netPacketsRecieved2); strcat(text, textbuffer); } return; } void CDecor::InitalizeDoors(BYTE* doors) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) { *(BYTE*)(i + doors) = m_doors[i]; } return; } void CDecor::GetBlupiInfo(BOOL bHelico, BOOL bJeep, BOOL bSkate, BOOL bNage) { bHelico = m_blupiHelico; bJeep = (m_blupiJeep) | (m_blupiTank); bSkate = m_blupiSkate; bNage = (m_blupiNage) | (m_blupiSurf); } char* CDecor::GetMissionTitle() { return m_missionTitle; } void CDecor::GetMissionsCleared() { } void CDecor::SetDemoState(BOOL demoState) { m_demoState = demoState; } void CDecor::GetMissionPath(char* str, int user, int mission, BOOL bUser) { if (bUser != 0) { sprintf(str, "data\%.3d-%.3d.blp", user, mission); AddUserPath(str); return; } sprintf(str, "data\world%.3d.blp", mission); AddUserPath(str); return; } /* BOOL CDecor::CurrentRead(int gamer, int mission, BOOL bUser) { char filename[MAX_PATH]; FILE* file = NULL; DescFile* pBuffer = NULL; int nb, i, num; int* num2; POINT* num3; InitDecor(); GetMissionPath(filename, gamer, mission, bUser); file = fopen(filename, "wb"); if (file == NULL) goto error; pBuffer = (DescFile*)malloc(sizeof(DescFile)); if (pBuffer == NULL) goto error; memset(pBuffer, 0, sizeof(DescFile)); pBuffer->posDecor = m_posDecor; pBuffer->dimDecor = m_dimDecor; pBuffer->music = m_music; pBuffer->region = m_region; strcpy((char*)pBuffer->name, (const char*)m_missionTitle); num = m_blupiStartDir; num2 = pBuffer->blupiDir; num3 = m_blupiStartPos; error: if (pBuffer != NULL) free(pBuffer); if (file != NULL) fclose(file); return FALSE; } BOOL CDecor::MissionStart(int gamer, int rank, BOOL bUser) { char filename[MAX_PATH]; DescFile* pBuffer; FILE* stream; int num; Cellule(*pDecor)[100]; pBuffer = 0; sprintf(filename, "data\\s%.3d-%.3d.blp", gamer, rank); AddUserPath(filename); stream = fopen(filename, "wb"); if (!stream) { LABEL_7: if (pBuffer) { free(pBuffer); goto LABEL_9; } } pBuffer = (DescFile*)malloc(57008); if (pBuffer) { memset(pBuffer, 0, 57008); pBuffer[1] = 1; pBuffer[2] = 4; pBuffer[3] = 0; memcpy(pBuffer + 54, (void*)num + 4, *(int*)pDecor); } } BOOL CDecor::Read(int gamer, int rank, BOOL* pbMission, BOOL* pbPrivate) { char filename[MAX_PATH]; FILE* file = NULL; DescFile* pBuffer = NULL; int majRev, minRev; int nb, i, x, y; int ptr; ptr = 0; sprintf(filename, "data\\s%.3d-%.3d.blp", gamer, rank); AddUserPath(filename); file = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!file) { goto LABEL_5; } if (!(int*)malloc(57008)) { LABEL_7: if (file) { fclose(file); return 0; } if ((int)fread(((int*)malloc(57008)), 57008, 1, file) < 1 || ptr != 57008) { LABEL_5: if (ptr) { free(ptr); } goto LABEL_7; } } file = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (file == NULL) goto error; pBuffer = (DescFile*)malloc(sizeof(DescFile)); if (pBuffer == NULL) goto error; nb = fread(pBuffer, sizeof(DescFile), 1, file); if (nb < 1) goto error; majRev = pBuffer->majRev; minRev = pBuffer->minRev; if (majRev == 1 && minRev == 0) goto error; if (majRev == 1 && minRev == 3) { if (pBuffer->nbDecor != MAXCELX * MAXCELY || pBuffer->lgDecor != sizeof(Cellule) || pBuffer->nbBlupi != MAXBLUPI || pBuffer->lgBlupi != sizeof(OldBlupi) || pBuffer->nbMove != MAXMOVE || pBuffer->lgMove != sizeof(Move)) goto error; } else { if (pBuffer->nbDecor != MAXCELX * MAXCELY || pBuffer->lgDecor != sizeof(Cellule) || pBuffer->nbBlupi != MAXBLUPI || pBuffer->lgBlupi != sizeof(Blupi) || pBuffer->nbMove != MAXMOVE || pBuffer->lgMove != sizeof(Move)) goto error; } SetCoin(pBuffer->celCoin); if (bUser) { world = pBuffer->world; time = pBuffer->time; total = pBuffer->totalTime; } m_celHome = pBuffer->celCoin; m_term = pBuffer->term; m_music = pBuffer->music; m_region = pBuffer->region; if (bUser) { m_skill = pBuffer->skill; } for (i = 0; i < MAXBUTTON; i++) { m_buttonExist[i] = pBuffer->buttonExist[i]; } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { m_memoPos[i] = pBuffer->memoPos[i]; } nb = fread(m_decor, sizeof(Cellule), MAXCELX * MAXCELY / 4, file); if (nb < MAXCELX * MAXCELY / 4) goto error; if (majRev == 1 && minRev < 5) { for (x = 0; x < MAXCELX / 2; x++) { for (y = 0; y < MAXCELY / 2; y++) { if (m_decor[x][y].objectIcon >= 128 && m_decor[x][y].objectIcon <= 130) { m_decor[x][y].objectIcon -= 128 - 17; } } } } if (majRev == 1 && minRev == 3) { memset(m_blupi, 0, sizeof(Blupi) * MAXBLUPI); for (i = 0; i < MAXBLUPI; i++) { nb = fread(&oldBlupi, sizeof(OldBlupi), 1, file); if (nb != 1) goto error; memcpy(m_blupi + i, &oldBlupi, sizeof(OldBlupi)); ListFlush(i); } } else { nb = fread(m_blupi, sizeof(Blupi), MAXBLUPI, file); if (nb < MAXBLUPI) goto error; } nb = fread(m_move, sizeof(Move), MAXMOVE, file); if (nb < MAXMOVE) goto error; nb = fread(m_lastDrapeau, sizeof(POINT), MAXLASTDRAPEAU, file); if (nb < MAXLASTDRAPEAU) { InitDrapeau(); } BlupiDeselect(); free(pBuffer); fclose(file); return TRUE; error: if (pBuffer != NULL) free(pBuffer); if (file != NULL) fclose(file); Flush(); return FALSE; } BOOL CDecor::Write(int gamer, int mission, char* rank) { FILE* stream; int* ptr; char format[100]; char buffer[MAX_PATH]; int num, num2; ptr = 0; sprintf(buffer, "data\\s%.3d-%.3d.blp", gamer, mission); AddUserPath(buffer); if (!fopen(buffer, "rb")) { goto LABEL_5; } num = malloc(57008); } // Indique si un fichier existe sur disque. BOOL CDecor::FileExist(int rank, BOOL bUser, int& world, int& time, int& total) { char filename[MAX_PATH]; FILE* file = NULL; DescFile* pBuffer = NULL; int majRev, minRev; int nb; if (bUser) { sprintf(filename, "data\\user%.3d.blp", rank); AddUserPath(filename); } else { sprintf(filename, "data\\world%.3d.blp", rank); if (rank < 200) { AddCDPath(filename); } } file = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (file == NULL) goto error; pBuffer = (DescFile*)malloc(sizeof(DescFile)); if (pBuffer == NULL) goto error; nb = fread(pBuffer, sizeof(DescFile), 1, file); if (nb < 1) goto error; majRev = pBuffer->majRev; minRev = pBuffer->minRev; if (majRev == 1 && minRev == 0) goto error; if (majRev == 1 && minRev == 3) { if (pBuffer->nbDecor != MAXCELX * MAXCELY || pBuffer->lgDecor != sizeof(Cellule) || pBuffer->nbBlupi != MAXBLUPI || pBuffer->lgBlupi != sizeof(OldBlupi) || pBuffer->nbMove != MAXMOVE || pBuffer->lgMove != sizeof(Move)) goto error; } else { if (pBuffer->nbDecor != MAXCELX * MAXCELY || pBuffer->lgDecor != sizeof(Cellule) || pBuffer->nbBlupi != MAXBLUPI || pBuffer->lgBlupi != sizeof(Blupi) || pBuffer->nbMove != MAXMOVE || pBuffer->lgMove != sizeof(Move)) goto error; } world = pBuffer->world; time = pBuffer->time; total = pBuffer->totalTime; free(pBuffer); fclose(file); return TRUE; error: if (pBuffer != NULL) free(pBuffer); if (file != NULL) fclose(file); return FALSE; } void CJaugeConstructor(void* jauge, int num1, int num2, void(__thiscall* cjauge)) { } */