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synced 2025-03-25 23:47:47 +01:00
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492 lines
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const PywbMonthLabels = {1:"Jan", 2:"Feb",3:"Mar",4:"Apr",5:"May",6:"Jun",7:"Jul",8:"Aug",9:"Sep",10:"Oct",11:"Nov",12:"Dec"};
const PywbPeriodIdDelimiter = '-';
export function PywbData(rawSnaps) {
const allTimePeriod = new PywbPeriod({type: PywbPeriod.Type.all, id: "all"});
const snapshots = [];
let lastSingle = null;
let lastYear, lastMonth, lastDay, lastHour;
rawSnaps.forEach((rawSnap, i) => {
const snap = new PywbSnapshot(rawSnap, i);
let year, month, day, hour, single;
if (!(year = allTimePeriod.getChildById(snap.year))) {
if (lastYear) lastYear.checkIfSingleSnapshotOnly();
lastYear = year = new PywbPeriod({type: PywbPeriod.Type.year, id: snap.year});
if (!(month = year.getChildById(snap.month))) {
if (lastMonth) lastMonth.checkIfSingleSnapshotOnly();
lastMonth = month = new PywbPeriod({type: PywbPeriod.Type.month, id: snap.month});
if (!(day = month.getChildById(snap.day))) {
if (lastDay) lastDay.checkIfSingleSnapshotOnly();
lastDay = day = new PywbPeriod({type: PywbPeriod.Type.day, id: snap.day});
const hourValue = Math.ceil((snap.hour + .0001) / (24/8)); // divide day in 4 six-hour periods (aka quarters)
if (!(hour = day.getChildById(hourValue))) {
if (lastHour) lastHour.checkIfSingleSnapshotOnly();
lastHour = hour = new PywbPeriod({type: PywbPeriod.Type.hour, id: hourValue});
if (!(single = hour.getChildById(snap.id))) {
single = new PywbPeriod({type: PywbPeriod.Type.snapshot, id: snap.id});
if (lastSingle) {
lastSingle = single;
this.timeline = allTimePeriod;
this.snapshots = snapshots;
this.getSnapshot = function(index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= this.snapshots.length) {
return null;
return this.snapshots[index];
this.getPreviousSnapshot = function(snapshot) {
const index = snapshot.index;
return this.getSnapshot(index-1);
this.getNextSnapshot = function(snapshot) {
const index = snapshot.index;
return this.getSnapshot(index+1);
/* ---------------- SNAP SHOT object ----------------- */
export class PywbSnapshot {
constructor(init, index) {
this.index = index;
this.year = parseInt(init.timestamp.substr(0, 4));
this.month = parseInt(init.timestamp.substr(4, 2));
this.day = parseInt(init.timestamp.substr(6, 2));
this.hour = parseInt(init.timestamp.substr(8, 2));
this.minute = parseInt(init.timestamp.substr(10, 2));
this.second = parseInt(init.timestamp.substr(12, 2));
this.id = parseInt(init.timestamp);
this.urlkey = init.urlkey;
this.url = init.url;
this.mime = init.mime;
this.status = init.status;
this.digest = init.digest;
this.redirect = init.redirect;
this.robotflags = init.robotflags;
this.length = init.length;
this.offset = init.offset;
this.filename = init.filename;
this.load_url = init.load_url;
this["source-col"] = init["source-col"];
this.access = init.access;
getTimeDateFormatted() {
return `${PywbMonthLabels[this.month]} ${this.day}, ${this.year} at ${this.getTimeFormatted()}`;
getDateFormatted() {
return `${this.year}-${PywbMonthLabels[this.month]}-${this.day}`;
getTimeFormatted() {
return (this.hour < 13 ? this.hour : (this.hour % 12)) + ":" + ((this.minute < 10 ? "0":"")+this.minute) + ":" + ((this.second < 10 ? "0":"")+this.second) + " " + (this.hour < 12 ? "am":"pm");
getParentIds() {
return [this.year, this.month, this.day, Math.ceil((this.hour + .0001) / (24/8))];
getFullId() {
return [this.year, this.month, this.day, Math.ceil((this.hour + .0001) / (24/8)), this.id].join(PywbPeriodIdDelimiter);
/* ---------------- PERIOD object ----------------- */
export function PywbPeriod(init) {
this.type = init.type;
this.id = init.id;
this.fullId = ''; // full-id property that include string id of parents and self with a delimitor
this.childrenIds = {}; // allow for query by ID
this.children = []; // allow for sequentiality / order
this.maxGrandchildSnapshotCount = 0;
this.snapshotCount = 0;
PywbPeriod.Type = {all: 0,year: 1,month: 2,day: 3,hour: 4,snapshot:5};
PywbPeriod.TypeLabel = ["timeline","year","month","day","hour","snapshot"];
PywbPeriod.prototype.getTypeLabel = function() {
return PywbPeriod.TypeLabel[this.type];
PywbPeriod.GetTypeLabel = function(type) {
return PywbPeriod.TypeLabel[type] ? PywbPeriod.TypeLabel[type] : "";
PywbPeriod.prototype.getChildById = function(id) {
return this.children[this.childrenIds[id]];
// previous period (ONLY SET at the period level/type: snapshot)
PywbPeriod.prototype.getPreviousSnapshotPeriod = () => {};
PywbPeriod.prototype.setPreviousSnapshotPeriod = function(period) {
this.getPreviousSnapshotPeriod = () => period;
// next period (ONLY SET at the period level/type: snapshot)
PywbPeriod.prototype.getNextSnapshotPeriod = () => {};
PywbPeriod.prototype.setNextSnapshotPeriod = function(period) {
this.getNextSnapshotPeriod = () => period;
PywbPeriod.prototype.getFirstSnapshotPeriod = function() {
return this.getFirstLastSnapshotPeriod_("first");
PywbPeriod.prototype.getLastSnapshotPeriod = function() {
return this.getFirstLastSnapshotPeriod_("last");
PywbPeriod.prototype.getFirstLastSnapshotPeriod_ = function(direction) {
let period = this;
let iFailSafe = 100; // in case a parser has a bug and the snapshotCount is not correct; avoid infinite-loop
while (period.snapshotCount && period.type !== PywbPeriod.Type.snapshot) {
let i = 0;
for(i=0; i < period.children.length; i++) {
const ii = direction === "first" ? i : (period.children.length - 1 - i);
if (period.children[ii].snapshotCount) {
period = period.children[ii];
if (iFailSafe-- < 0) {
if (period.type === PywbPeriod.Type.snapshot && period.snapshot) {
return period;
return null;
PywbPeriod.prototype.getPrevious = function() {
const firstSnapshotPeriod = this.getFirstSnapshotPeriod();
if (!firstSnapshotPeriod) {
return null;
const previousSnapshotPeriod = firstSnapshotPeriod.getPreviousSnapshotPeriod();
if (!previousSnapshotPeriod) {
return null;
if (this.type === PywbPeriod.Type.snapshot) {
return previousSnapshotPeriod;
let parent = previousSnapshotPeriod.parent;
while(parent) {
if (parent.type === this.type) {
parent = parent.parent;
return parent;
PywbPeriod.prototype.getNext = function() {
const lastSnapshotPeriod = this.getLastSnapshotPeriod();
if (!lastSnapshotPeriod) {
return null;
const nextSnapshotPeriod = lastSnapshotPeriod.getNextSnapshotPeriod();
if (!nextSnapshotPeriod) {
return null;
if (this.type === PywbPeriod.Type.snapshot) {
return nextSnapshotPeriod;
let parent = nextSnapshotPeriod.parent;
while(parent) {
if (parent.type === this.type) {
parent = parent.parent;
return parent;
PywbPeriod.prototype.parent = null;
PywbPeriod.prototype.addChild = function(period) {
if (this.getChildById(period.id)) {
return false;
period.parent = this;
this.childrenIds[period.id] = this.children.length;
return true;
PywbPeriod.prototype.getChildrenRange = function() {
switch (this.type) {
case PywbPeriod.Type.all:
// year range: first to last year available
return [this.children[0].id, this.children[this.children.length-1].id];
case PywbPeriod.Type.year:
// month is simple: 1 to 12
return [1,12];
case PywbPeriod.Type.month: {
// days in month: 1 to last day in month
const y = this.parent.id; const m = this.id;
const lastDateInMonth = (new Date((new Date(y, m, 1)).getTime() - 1000)).getDate(); // 1 sec earlier
return [1, lastDateInMonth];
case PywbPeriod.Type.day:
// hours: 0 to 23
// return [1,4];
return [1,8];
return null;
PywbPeriod.prototype.fillEmptyGrancChildPeriods = function() {
if (this.hasFilledEmptyGrandchildPeriods) {
this.children.forEach(c => {
this.hasFilledEmptyGrandchildPeriods = true;
PywbPeriod.prototype.fillEmptyChildPeriods = function(isFillEmptyGrandChildrenPeriods=false) {
if (this.snapshotCount === 0 || this.type > PywbPeriod.Type.day) {
if (isFillEmptyGrandChildrenPeriods) {
if (this.hasFilledEmptyChildPeriods) {
this.hasFilledEmptyChildPeriods = true;
const idRange = this.getChildrenRange();
if (!idRange) {
let i = 0;
for (let newId = idRange[0]; newId <= idRange[1]; newId++) {
if (i < this.children.length) {
// if existing and new id match, skip, item already in place
// else
if (this.children[i].id !== newId) {
const empty = new PywbPeriod({type: this.type + 1, id: newId});
if (newId < this.children[i].id) {
// insert new before existing
this.children.splice(i, 0, empty);
} else {
// insert new after existing
this.children.splice(i+1, 0, empty);
// manually push children (no need to reverse link parent
//empty.parent = this;
} else {
const empty = new PywbPeriod({type: this.type + 1, id: newId});
// manually push children (no need to reverse link parent
//empty.parent = this;
// re-calculate indexes
for(let i=0;i<this.children.length;i++) {
this.childrenIds[this.children[i].id] = i;
return idRange;
PywbPeriod.prototype.getParents = function(skipAllTime=false) {
let parents = [];
let parent = this.parent;
while(parent) {
parent = parent.parent;
parents = parents.reverse();
if (skipAllTime) {
parents.shift(); // skip first "all-time"
return parents;
PywbPeriod.prototype.contains = function(periodOrSnapshot) {
if (this.type === 0) {
return true; // all-time contains everything
if (periodOrSnapshot instanceof PywbPeriod) {
return periodOrSnapshot.getParents(true).slice(0,this.type).map(p => p.id).join(PywbPeriodIdDelimiter) === this.fullId;
if (periodOrSnapshot instanceof PywbSnapshot) {
if (this.type === PywbPeriod.Type.snapshot) {
return periodOrSnapshot.getFullId() === this.fullId;
} else {
return periodOrSnapshot.getParentIds(true).slice(0,this.type).join(PywbPeriodIdDelimiter) === this.fullId;
return false;
PywbPeriod.prototype.snapshot = null;
PywbPeriod.prototype.snapshotPeriod = null;
PywbPeriod.prototype.checkIfSingleSnapshotOnly = function() {
if (this.snapshotCount === 1) {
let snapshotPeriod = this;
let failSafe = PywbPeriod.Type.snapshot;
while(!snapshotPeriod.snapshot) {
if (--failSafe <=0) break;
snapshotPeriod = snapshotPeriod.children[0];
this.snapshot = snapshotPeriod.snapshot;
this.snapshotPeriod = snapshotPeriod;
PywbPeriod.prototype.setSnapshot = function(snap) {
this.snapshot = snap;
let parent = this.parent;
let child = this;
while (parent) {
let grandParent = parent.parent;
if (grandParent) { // grandparent
grandParent.maxGrandchildSnapshotCount = Math.max(grandParent.maxGrandchildSnapshotCount, child.snapshotCount);
child = parent;
parent = parent.parent;
PywbPeriod.prototype.getSnapshotPeriodsFlat = function(flatArray=false) {
if (!flatArray) {
flatArray = [];
if (!this.snapshotCount) {
return flatArray;
if (this.snapshotCount === 1) {
flatArray.push(this.snapshotPeriod || this);
return flatArray;
this.children.forEach(child => {
return flatArray;
* Return the "full" id, which includes all parents ID and self ID, delimited by a ${PywbPeriodIdDelimiter}
* @returns {string}
PywbPeriod.prototype.initFullId = function() {
const ids = this.getParents(true).map(p => p.id);
this.fullId = ids.join(PywbPeriodIdDelimiter);
* Find a period by its full ID (of all ancestors and self, delimited by a hyphen). Start by locating the great-grand-parent (aka timeline), then looping on all IDs and finding the period in loop
* @param {string} fullId
* @returns {boolean}
PywbPeriod.prototype.findByFullId = function(fullId) {
let parent = this;
if (this.type !== PywbPeriod.Type.all) {
parent = this.getParents()[0];
const ids = fullId.split(PywbPeriodIdDelimiter);
let found = false;
for(let i=0; i<ids.length; i++) {
parent = parent.getChildById(ids[i]);
if (parent) {
// if last chunk of ID in loop, the period is found
if (i === ids.length - 1) {
found = parent;
} else {
// if no parent is found with ID chunk, abort "mission"
return found;
PywbPeriod.prototype.getFullReadableId = function(hasDayCardinalSuffix) {
// remove "all-time" from parents (getParents(true) when printing readable id (of all parents and currrent
switch (this.type) {
case PywbPeriod.Type.all:
return "";
case PywbPeriod.Type.year:
return this.id;
case PywbPeriod.Type.month:
return this.getReadableId(hasDayCardinalSuffix) + ' ' + this.parent.id;
case PywbPeriod.Type.day: {
return this.parent.getReadableId(hasDayCardinalSuffix) + ' ' + this.getReadableId(hasDayCardinalSuffix) + ', ' + this.parent.parent.id;
case PywbPeriod.Type.hour:
return this.parent.parent.getReadableId(hasDayCardinalSuffix) + ' ' + this.parent.getReadableId(hasDayCardinalSuffix) + ', ' + this.parent.parent.parent.id + ' at ' + this.getReadableId(hasDayCardinalSuffix);
case PywbPeriod.Type.snapshot:
return this.parent.parent.getReadableId(hasDayCardinalSuffix) + ' ' + this.parent.getReadableId(hasDayCardinalSuffix) + ', ' + this.parent.parent.parent.id + ' at ' + this.snapshot.getTimeFormatted();
PywbPeriod.prototype.getReadableId = function(hasDayCardinalSuffix) {
switch (this.type) {
case PywbPeriod.Type.all:
return "All-time";
case PywbPeriod.Type.year:
return this.id;
case PywbPeriod.Type.month:
return PywbMonthLabels[this.id];
case PywbPeriod.Type.day: {
let suffix = "";
if (hasDayCardinalSuffix) {
const singleDigit = this.id % 10;
const isTens = Math.floor(this.id / 10) === 1;
const suffixes = {1:"st", 2:"nd",3:"rd"};
suffix = (isTens || !suffixes[singleDigit]) ? "th" : suffixes[singleDigit];
return this.id + suffix;
case PywbPeriod.Type.hour:
return ({1:"12 am", 2: "3 am", 3: "6 am", 4: "9 am", 5: "noon", 6: "3 pm", 7: "6 pm", 8: "9 pm"})[this.id];
//return ({1:'midnight', 2: '6 am', 3: 'noon', 4: '6 pm'})[this.id];
//return (this.id < 13 ? this.id : this.id % 12) + ' ' + (this.id < 12 ? 'am':'pm');
case PywbPeriod.Type.snapshot:
return this.snapshot.getTimeFormatted();
PywbPeriod.prototype.getYear = function() { this.get(PywbPeriod.Type.year); };
PywbPeriod.prototype.getMonth = function() { this.get(PywbPeriod.Type.month); };
PywbPeriod.prototype.getDay = function() { this.get(PywbPeriod.Type.day); };
PywbPeriod.prototype.getHour = function() { this.get(PywbPeriod.Type.hour); };
PywbPeriod.prototype.get = function(type) {
if (this.type === type) {
return this;
} else if (this.type > type) {
return this.getParents()[type];