mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 06:32:24 +01:00
Changes WbUrl forms: /2013/im_/example.com -> 2013/im_/example.com /*/example.com -> */example.com /example.com -> example.com * also simplify scheme-agnostic url (//) handling by just eating up extra slashes * add additional doctests on route, with and w/o custom SCRIPT_NAME
323 lines
12 KiB
323 lines
12 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import re
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
from url_rewriter import UrlRewriter
from regex_rewriters import JSRewriter, CSSRewriter
# HTMLRewriter -- html parser for custom rewriting, also handlers for script and css
class HTMLRewriter(HTMLParser):
>>> parse('<HTML><A Href="page.html">Text</a></hTmL>')
<HTML><a href="/web/20131226101010/http://example.com/some/path/page.html">Text</a></html>
>>> parse('<body x="y"><img src="../img.gif"/><br/></body>')
<body x="y"><img src="/web/20131226101010im_/http://example.com/some/img.gif"/><br/></body>
>>> parse('<body x="y"><img src="/img.gif"/><br/></body>')
<body x="y"><img src="/web/20131226101010im_/http://example.com/img.gif"/><br/></body>
>>> parse('<input "selected"><img src></div>')
<input "selected"=""><img src=""></div>
>>> parse('<html><head><base href="http://example.com/some/path/index.html"/>')
<html><head><base href="/web/20131226101010/http://example.com/some/path/index.html"/>
# HTML Entities
>>> parse('<a href="">› ></div>')
<a href="">› ></div>
# Don't rewrite anchors
>>> parse('<HTML><A Href="#abc">Text</a></hTmL>')
<HTML><a href="#abc">Text</a></html>
# Unicode
>>> parse('<a href="http://испытание.испытание/">испытание</a>')
<a href="/web/20131226101010/http://испытание.испытание/">испытание</a>
# Meta tag
>>> parse('<META http-equiv="refresh" content="10; URL=/abc/def.html">')
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10; URL=/web/20131226101010/http://example.com/abc/def.html">
>>> parse('<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />')
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
>>> parse('<META http-equiv="refresh" content>')
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="">
# Script tag
>>> parse('<script>window.location = "http://example.com/a/b/c.html"</script>')
<script>window.WB_wombat_location = "/web/20131226101010/http://example.com/a/b/c.html"</script>
# Unterminated script tag auto-terminate
>>> parse('<script>window.location = "http://example.com/a/b/c.html"</sc>')
<script>window.WB_wombat_location = "/web/20131226101010/http://example.com/a/b/c.html"</sc></script>
>>> parse('<script>/*<![CDATA[*/window.location = "http://example.com/a/b/c.html;/*]]>*/"</script>')
<script>/*<![CDATA[*/window.WB_wombat_location = "/web/20131226101010/http://example.com/a/b/c.html;/*]]>*/"</script>
>>> parse('<div style="background: url(\'abc.html\')" onblah onclick="location = \'redirect.html\'"></div>')
<div style="background: url('/web/20131226101010/http://example.com/some/path/abc.html')" onblah="" onclick="WB_wombat_location = 'redirect.html'"></div>
>>> parse('<style>@import "styles.css" .a { font-face: url(\'myfont.ttf\') }</style>')
<style>@import "/web/20131226101010/http://example.com/some/path/styles.css" .a { font-face: url('/web/20131226101010/http://example.com/some/path/myfont.ttf') }</style>
# Unterminated style tag auto-terminate
>>> parse('<style>@import url(styles.css)')
<style>@import url(/web/20131226101010/http://example.com/some/path/styles.css)</style>
# Head Insertion
>>> parse('<html><head><script src="other.js"></script></head><body>Test</body></html>', head_insert = '<script src="cool.js"></script>')
<html><head><script src="cool.js"></script><script src="/web/20131226101010js_/http://example.com/some/path/other.js"></script></head><body>Test</body></html>
>>> parse('<body><div>SomeTest</div>', head_insert = '/* Insert */')
/* Insert */<body><div>SomeTest</div>
>>> parse('<link href="abc.txt"><div>SomeTest</div>', head_insert = '<script>load_stuff();</script>')
<link href="/web/20131226101010oe_/http://example.com/some/path/abc.txt"><script>load_stuff();</script><div>SomeTest</div>
'a': {'href': ''},
'applet': {'codebase': 'oe_',
'archive': 'oe_'},
'area': {'href': ''},
'base': {'href': ''},
'blockquote': {'cite': ''},
'body': {'background': 'im_'},
'del': {'cite': ''},
'embed': {'src': 'oe_'},
'head': {'': ''}, # for head rewriting
'iframe': {'src': 'if_'},
'img': {'src': 'im_'},
'ins': {'cite': ''},
'input': {'src': 'im_'},
'form': {'action': ''},
'frame': {'src': 'fr_'},
'link': {'href': 'oe_'},
'meta': {'content': ''},
'object': {'codebase': 'oe_',
'data': 'oe_'},
'q': {'cite': ''},
'ref': {'href': 'oe_'},
'script': {'src': 'js_'},
'div': {'data-src' : '',
'data-uri' : ''},
'li': {'data-src' : '',
'data-uri' : ''},
STATE_TAGS = ['script', 'style']
HEAD_TAGS = ['html', 'head', 'base', 'link', 'meta', 'title', 'style', 'script', 'object', 'bgsound']
class AccumBuff:
def __init__(self):
self.buff = ''
def write(self, string):
self.buff += string
def __init__(self, url_rewriter, outstream = None, head_insert = None, js_rewriter_class = JSRewriter, css_rewriter_class = CSSRewriter):
self.url_rewriter = url_rewriter
self._wb_parse_context = None
self.out = outstream if outstream else self.AccumBuff()
self.js_rewriter = js_rewriter_class(url_rewriter)
self.css_rewriter = css_rewriter_class(url_rewriter)
self.head_insert = head_insert
# ===========================
META_REFRESH_REGEX = re.compile('^[\\d.]+\\s*;\\s*url\\s*=\\s*(.+?)\\s*$', re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE)
def _rewrite_meta_refresh(self, meta_refresh):
if not meta_refresh:
return None
m = self.META_REFRESH_REGEX.match(meta_refresh)
if not m:
return meta_refresh
meta_refresh = meta_refresh[:m.start(1)] + self._rewrite_url(m.group(1)) + meta_refresh[m.end(1):]
except Exception:
return meta_refresh
# ===========================
def _rewrite_url(self, value, mod = None):
return self.url_rewriter.rewrite(value, mod) if value else None
def _rewrite_css(self, css_content):
return self.css_rewriter.rewrite(css_content) if css_content else None
def _rewrite_script(self, script_content):
return self.js_rewriter.rewrite(script_content) if script_content else None
def has_attr(self, tag_attrs, attr):
name, value = attr
for attr_name, attr_value in tag_attrs:
if attr_name == name:
return value.lower() == attr_value.lower()
return False
def rewrite_tag_attrs(self, tag, tag_attrs, is_start_end):
# special case: script or style parse context
if (tag in self.STATE_TAGS) and (self._wb_parse_context == None):
self._wb_parse_context = tag
# special case: head insertion, non-head tags
elif (self.head_insert and (self._wb_parse_context == None) and (tag not in self.HEAD_TAGS)):
self.head_insert = None
# attr rewriting
handler = self.REWRITE_TAGS.get(tag)
if not handler:
handler = self.REWRITE_TAGS.get('')
if not handler:
return False
self.out.write('<' + tag)
for attr in tag_attrs:
attr_name, attr_value = attr
# special case: inline JS/event handler
if (attr_value and attr_value.startswith('javascript:')) or attr_name.startswith('on'):
attr_value = self._rewrite_script(attr_value)
# special case: inline CSS/style attribute
elif attr_name == 'style':
attr_value = self._rewrite_css(attr_value)
# special case: meta tag
elif (tag == 'meta') and (attr_name == 'content'):
if self.has_attr(tag_attrs, ('http-equiv', 'refresh')):
attr_value = self._rewrite_meta_refresh(attr_value)
# special case: base tag
if (tag == 'base') and (attr_name == 'href') and attr_value:
rw_mod = handler.get(attr_name)
if rw_mod is not None:
attr_value = self._rewrite_url(attr_value, rw_mod)
# parser doesn't differentiate between 'attr=""' and just 'attr'
# 'attr=""' is more common, so use that form
if attr_value:
self.out.write(' ' + attr_name + '="' + attr_value + '"')
self.out.write(' ' + attr_name + '=""')
self.out.write('/>' if is_start_end else '>')
# special case: head tag
if (self.head_insert) and (self._wb_parse_context == None) and (tag == 'head'):
self.head_insert = None
return True
def parse_data(self, data):
if self._wb_parse_context == 'script':
data = self._rewrite_script(data)
elif self._wb_parse_context == 'style':
data = self._rewrite_css(data)
def rewrite(self, string):
if not self.out:
self.out = self.AccumBuff()
result = self.out.buff
# Clear buffer to create new one for next rewrite()
self.out = None
return result
# HTMLParser overrides below
def close(self):
if (self._wb_parse_context):
result = self.rewrite('</' + self._wb_parse_context + '>')
self._wb_parse_context = None
result = ''
return result
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
if not self.rewrite_tag_attrs(tag, attrs, False):
def handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs):
if not self.rewrite_tag_attrs(tag, attrs, True):
def handle_endtag(self, tag):
if (tag == self._wb_parse_context):
self._wb_parse_context = None
self.out.write('</' + tag + '>')
def handle_data(self, data):
def handle_entityref(self, data):
self.out.write('&' + data + ';')
def handle_charref(self, data):
self.out.write('&#' + data + ';')
def handle_comment(self, data):
def handle_decl(self, data):
self.out.write('<!' + data + '>')
def handle_pi(self, data):
self.out.write('<?' + data + '>')
def unknown_decl(self, data):
import utils
if __name__ == "__main__" or utils.enable_doctests():
url_rewriter = UrlRewriter('20131226101010/http://example.com/some/path/index.html', '/web/')
def parse(data, head_insert = None):
parser = HTMLRewriter(url_rewriter, head_insert = head_insert)
print parser.rewrite(data) + parser.close()
import doctest