mirror of https://github.com/webrecorder/pywb.git synced 2025-03-28 00:25:21 +01:00
Tessa Walsh c28941a0b6 Rework Vue banner UI
- Make Vue banner responsive with Bootstrap 4
- Add previous/next year arrows to calendar
- Make navbar background, text color, and button outlines configurable
via config.yaml
- Toggle calendar and timeline separately
- Fix bug preventing title from displaying
- Make app keyboard-navigable
- Fix banner background color configuration
- Comment out vue_navbar_background_hash
- Display linear timeline tooltip centrally on enter
- Improve header styling on small screens
- Add titles to font awesome icons
- Remove old default banner (calendar retained for advanced search
- Fix TimelineLinear TypeError that broke calendar
- Bump version to 2.7.0b2
- Set Cache-Control header on CDXJ API response to mark returned CDX as
stale after 1 day
- Add commented out UI values to config.yaml to aid users
- Remove timeline and calendar card borders
- Fix issues with snapshot navigation
- Center search bar and align with buttons
- Make Vue app bfcache-ineligible: By adding an empty unload event
listener, we make pages serving the Vue app ineligible for bfcache,
which prevents unexpected behavior when navigating via the browser's
back/forward buttons.
2022-11-21 12:46:09 -05:00

496 lines
19 KiB

from pywb.warcserver.test.testutils import BaseTestClass, TempDirTests, HttpBinLiveTests
from .base_config_test import CollsDirMixin
from pywb.utils.geventserver import GeventServer, RequestURIWSGIHandler
from pywb.apps.frontendapp import FrontEndApp
from pywb.manager.manager import main as manager
import os
import requests
import pytest
# ============================================================================
@pytest.fixture(params=['http', 'https'])
def scheme(request):
return request.param
# ============================================================================
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="seems to be failing with latest gevent")
class BaseTestProxy(TempDirTests, BaseTestClass):
def setup_class(cls, coll='pywb', config_file='config_test.yaml', recording=False,
proxy_opts={}, config_opts={}):
super(BaseTestProxy, cls).setup_class()
config_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), config_file)
cls.root_ca_file = os.path.join(cls.root_dir, 'pywb-ca-test.pem')
opts = {'ca_name': 'pywb test HTTPS Proxy CA',
'ca_file_cache': cls.root_ca_file,
'coll': coll,
'recording': recording,
custom_config = config_opts
custom_config['proxy'] = opts
cls.app = FrontEndApp(config_file=config_file,
cls.server = GeventServer(cls.app, handler_class=RequestURIWSGIHandler)
cls.proxies = cls.proxy_dict(cls.server.port)
def teardown_class(cls):
super(BaseTestProxy, cls).teardown_class()
def proxy_dict(cls, port, host='localhost'):
return {'http': 'http://{0}:{1}'.format(host, port),
'https': 'https://{0}:{1}'.format(host, port)
# ============================================================================
class TestProxy(BaseTestProxy):
def test_proxy_replay(self, scheme):
res = requests.get('{0}://example.com/'.format(scheme),
assert 'Example Domain' in res.text
# wb insert
assert 'WB Insert' in res.text
# no wombat.js and wombatProxyMode.js
assert 'wombat.js' not in res.text
assert 'wombatProxyMode.js' not in res.text
# no redirect check
assert 'window == window.top' not in res.text
# no auto fetch
assert 'wbinfo.enable_auto_fetch = false;' in res.text
assert res.headers['Link'] == '<http://example.com>; rel="memento"; datetime="Mon, 27 Jan 2014 17:12:51 GMT"; collection="pywb"'
assert res.headers['Memento-Datetime'] == 'Mon, 27 Jan 2014 17:12:51 GMT'
assert 'Content-Location' not in res.headers
def test_proxy_replay_cors(self, scheme):
res = requests.get('{0}://example.com/'.format(scheme),
headers={'Origin': '{0}://api.example.com/'.format(scheme)})
assert 'Example Domain' in res.text
assert res.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] == 'GET, POST, PUT, OPTIONS, DELETE, PATCH, HEAD, TRACE, CONNECT'
assert res.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'] == 'true'
assert res.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] == '{0}://api.example.com/'.format(scheme)
assert 'Content-Location' not in res.headers
def test_proxy_replay_change_dt(self, scheme):
headers = {'Accept-Datetime': 'Mon, 26 Dec 2011 17:12:51 GMT'}
res = requests.get('{0}://example.com/'.format(scheme),
assert 'WB Insert' in res.text
assert 'Example Domain' in res.text
# no wombat.js and wombatProxyMode.js
assert 'wombat.js' not in res.text
assert 'wombatProxyMode.js' not in res.text
# no auto fetch
assert 'wbinfo.enable_auto_fetch = false;' in res.text
# banner
assert 'vueui.js' in res.text
# no redirect check
assert 'window == window.top' not in res.text
assert res.headers['Link'] == '<http://test@example.com/>; rel="memento"; datetime="Mon, 29 Jul 2013 19:51:51 GMT"; collection="pywb"'
assert res.headers['Memento-Datetime'] == 'Mon, 29 Jul 2013 19:51:51 GMT'
# ============================================================================
class TestProxyDefaultDate(BaseTestProxy):
def setup_class(cls):
super(TestProxyDefaultDate, cls).setup_class(proxy_opts={'default_timestamp': '20111226181251'})
def test_proxy_default_replay_dt(self, scheme):
res = requests.get('{0}://example.com/'.format(scheme),
assert 'WB Insert' in res.text
assert 'Example Domain' in res.text
# no wombat.js and wombatProxyMode.js
assert 'wombat.js' not in res.text
assert 'wombatProxyMode.js' not in res.text
# no auto fetch
assert 'wbinfo.enable_auto_fetch = false;' in res.text
# banner
assert 'vueui.js' in res.text
# no redirect check
assert 'window == window.top' not in res.text
assert res.headers['Link'] == '<http://test@example.com/>; rel="memento"; datetime="Mon, 29 Jul 2013 19:51:51 GMT"; collection="pywb"'
assert res.headers['Memento-Datetime'] == 'Mon, 29 Jul 2013 19:51:51 GMT'
assert 'Content-Location' not in res.headers
# ============================================================================
class TestRedirectClassicProxy(TestProxy):
def setup_class(cls):
super(TestRedirectClassicProxy, cls).setup_class('pywb', config_file='config_test_redirect_classic.yaml')
def test_proxy_replay_prefer_raw(self, scheme):
headers = {'Prefer': 'raw'}
res = requests.get('{0}://example.com/'.format(scheme),
# no rewriting
assert 'WB Insert' not in res.text
assert 'wbinfo' not in res.text
# content
assert 'Example Domain' in res.text
# no wombat.js
assert 'wombat.js' not in res.text
# no redirect check
assert 'window == window.top' not in res.text
assert res.headers['Link'] == '<http://example.com>; rel="memento"; datetime="Mon, 27 Jan 2014 17:12:51 GMT"; collection="pywb"'
assert res.headers['Memento-Datetime'] == 'Mon, 27 Jan 2014 17:12:51 GMT'
assert res.headers['Preference-Applied'] == 'raw'
assert 'Content-Location' not in res.headers
def test_proxy_replay_prefer_rewritten_to_banner_only(self, scheme):
headers = {'Prefer': 'rewritten'}
res = requests.get('{0}://example.com/'.format(scheme),
assert 'WB Insert' in res.text
assert 'Example Domain' in res.text
# no wombat.js
assert 'wombat.js' not in res.text
# no redirect check
assert 'window == window.top' not in res.text
assert res.headers['Link'] == '<http://example.com>; rel="memento"; datetime="Mon, 27 Jan 2014 17:12:51 GMT"; collection="pywb"'
assert res.headers['Memento-Datetime'] == 'Mon, 27 Jan 2014 17:12:51 GMT'
assert res.headers['Preference-Applied'] == 'banner-only'
assert 'Content-Location' not in res.headers
def test_proxy_replay_prefer_banner_only(self, scheme):
headers = {'Prefer': 'banner-only'}
res = requests.get('{0}://example.com/'.format(scheme),
assert 'WB Insert' in res.text
assert 'Example Domain' in res.text
# no wombat.js
assert 'wombat.js' not in res.text
# no redirect check
assert 'window == window.top' not in res.text
assert res.headers['Link'] == '<http://example.com>; rel="memento"; datetime="Mon, 27 Jan 2014 17:12:51 GMT"; collection="pywb"'
assert res.headers['Memento-Datetime'] == 'Mon, 27 Jan 2014 17:12:51 GMT'
assert res.headers['Preference-Applied'] == 'banner-only'
def test_proxy_replay_prefer_invalid(self, scheme):
headers = {'Prefer': 'invalid'}
res = requests.get('{0}://example.com/'.format(scheme),
assert 'Preference-Applied' not in res.headers
assert res.status_code == 400
# ============================================================================
class TestRecordingProxy(HttpBinLiveTests, CollsDirMixin, BaseTestProxy):
def setup_class(cls, coll='pywb', config_file='config_test.yaml'):
super(TestRecordingProxy, cls).setup_class('test', 'config_test_record.yaml', recording=True)
manager(['init', 'test'])
def teardown_class(cls):
if cls.app.recorder:
super(TestRecordingProxy, cls).teardown_class()
def test_proxy_record(self, scheme):
archive_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir, '_test_colls', 'test', 'archive')
assert os.path.isdir(archive_dir)
res = requests.get('{0}://httpbin.org/'.format(scheme),
assert 'is_live = true' in res.text
assert 'httpbin(1)' in res.text
assert len(os.listdir(archive_dir)) == 1
def test_proxy_replay_recorded(self, scheme):
manager(['reindex', 'test'])
self.app.proxy_prefix = '/test/bn_/'
res = requests.get('{0}://httpbin.org/'.format(scheme),
assert 'is_live = false' in res.text
assert 'httpbin(1)' in res.text
def test_proxy_record_keep_percent(self, scheme):
self.app.proxy_prefix = '/test/record/bn_/'
res = requests.get('{0}://example.com/path/%2A%2Ftest'.format(scheme),
# ensure %-encoded url stays as is
assert '"{0}://example.com/path/%2A%2Ftest"'.format(scheme) in res.text
# ============================================================================
class TestProxyNoBanner(BaseTestProxy):
def setup_class(cls):
super(TestProxyNoBanner, cls).setup_class(proxy_opts={'enable_banner': False})
def test_proxy_replay(self, scheme):
res = requests.get('{0}://example.com/'.format(scheme),
# content
assert 'Example Domain' in res.text
# head insert
assert 'WB Insert' in res.text
# no banner
assert 'vueui.js' not in res.text
# no wombat.js and wombatProxyMode.js
assert 'wombat.js' not in res.text
assert 'wombatProxyMode.js' not in res.text
# no auto fetch
assert 'wbinfo.enable_auto_fetch = false;' in res.text
# no redirect check
assert 'window == window.top' not in res.text
assert res.headers['Link'] == '<http://example.com>; rel="memento"; datetime="Mon, 27 Jan 2014 17:12:51 GMT"; collection="pywb"'
assert res.headers['Memento-Datetime'] == 'Mon, 27 Jan 2014 17:12:51 GMT'
# ============================================================================
class TestProxyNoHeadInsert(BaseTestProxy):
def setup_class(cls):
super(TestProxyNoHeadInsert, cls).setup_class(proxy_opts={'enable_content_rewrite': False})
def test_proxy_replay(self, scheme):
res = requests.get('{0}://example.com/'.format(scheme),
# content
assert 'Example Domain' in res.text
# no head insert
assert 'WB Insert' not in res.text
# no banner
assert 'vueui.js' not in res.text
# no wombat.js and wombatProxyMode.js
assert 'wombat.js' not in res.text
assert 'wombatProxyMode.js' not in res.text
# no redirect check
assert 'window == window.top' not in res.text
assert res.headers['Link'] == '<http://example.com>; rel="memento"; datetime="Mon, 27 Jan 2014 17:12:51 GMT"; collection="pywb"'
assert res.headers['Memento-Datetime'] == 'Mon, 27 Jan 2014 17:12:51 GMT'
# ============================================================================
class TestProxyIncludeBothWombatAutoFetchWorker(BaseTestProxy):
def setup_class(cls):
super(TestProxyIncludeBothWombatAutoFetchWorker, cls).setup_class(
proxy_opts={'enable_wombat': True}, config_opts={'enable_auto_fetch': True}
def test_include_both_wombat_auto_fetch_worker(self, scheme):
res = requests.get('{0}://example.com/'.format(scheme),
# content
assert 'Example Domain' in res.text
# yes head insert
assert 'WB Insert' in res.text
# no wombat.js, yes wombatProxyMode.js
assert 'wombat.js' not in res.text
assert 'wombatProxyMode.js' in res.text
assert 'wbinfo.enable_auto_fetch = true;' in res.text
# ============================================================================
class TestProxyIncludeWombatNotAutoFetchWorker(BaseTestProxy):
def setup_class(cls):
super(TestProxyIncludeWombatNotAutoFetchWorker, cls).setup_class(
proxy_opts={'enable_wombat': True}, config_opts={'enable_auto_fetch': False}
def test_include_wombat_not_auto_fetch_worker(self, scheme):
res = requests.get('{0}://example.com/'.format(scheme),
# content
assert 'Example Domain' in res.text
# yes head insert
assert 'WB Insert' in res.text
# no wombat.js, yes wombatProxyMode.js
assert 'wombat.js' not in res.text
assert 'wombatProxyMode.js' in res.text
assert 'wbinfo.enable_auto_fetch = false;' in res.text
# ============================================================================
class TestProxyIncludeAutoFetchWorkerNotWombat(BaseTestProxy):
def setup_class(cls):
super(TestProxyIncludeAutoFetchWorkerNotWombat, cls).setup_class(
proxy_opts={'enable_wombat': False}, config_opts={'enable_auto_fetch': True}
def test_include_auto_fetch_worker_not_wombat(self, scheme):
res = requests.get('{0}://example.com/'.format(scheme),
# content
assert 'Example Domain' in res.text
# yes head insert
assert 'WB Insert' in res.text
assert 'wombat.js' not in res.text
# auto fetch worker requires wombatProxyMode.js
assert 'wombatProxyMode.js' in res.text
assert 'wbinfo.enable_auto_fetch = true;' in res.text
# ============================================================================
class TestProxyAutoFetchWorkerEndPoints(CollsDirMixin, BaseTestProxy):
def setup_class(cls):
super(TestProxyAutoFetchWorkerEndPoints, cls).setup_class(
proxy_opts={'enable_wombat': True}, config_opts={'enable_auto_fetch': True},
manager(['init', 'test2'])
def test_proxy_fetch_options_request(self, scheme):
expected_origin = '{0}://example.com'.format(scheme)
res = requests.options('{0}://pywb.proxy/proxy-fetch/{1}'.format(scheme, expected_origin),
proxies=self.proxies, verify=self.root_ca_file)
assert res.ok
assert res.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin') == expected_origin
def test_proxy_fetch(self, scheme):
expected_origin = '{0}://example.com'.format(scheme)
res = requests.get('{0}://pywb.proxy/proxy-fetch/{1}'.format(scheme, expected_origin),
proxies=self.proxies, verify=self.root_ca_file)
assert res.ok
assert 'Example Domain' in res.text
res = requests.get('{0}://pywb.proxy/proxy-fetch/{1}'.format(scheme, expected_origin),
proxies=self.proxies, verify=self.root_ca_file)
assert res.ok
assert 'Example Domain' in res.text
def test_proxy_worker_options_request(self, scheme):
expected_origin = '{0}://example.com'.format(scheme)
res = requests.options('{0}://pywb.proxy/static/autoFetchWorker.js'.format(scheme),
proxies=self.proxies, verify=self.root_ca_file)
assert res.ok
assert res.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin') == expected_origin
def test_proxy_worker_fetch(self, scheme):
origin = '{0}://example.com'.format(scheme)
url = '{0}://pywb.proxy/static/autoFetchWorker.js'.format(scheme)
res = requests.get(url,
proxies=self.proxies, verify=self.root_ca_file)
assert res.ok
assert res.headers.get('Content-Type') == 'application/javascript'
assert res.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin') == origin
assert 'function handleSrcsetProxyMode' in res.text
res = requests.get(url, proxies=self.proxies, verify=self.root_ca_file)
assert res.ok
assert res.headers.get('Content-Type') == 'application/javascript'
assert res.headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin') == '*'
assert 'function handleSrcsetProxyMode' in res.text