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from wbarchivalurl import ArchivalUrl
import utils
import pprint
#WB Request and Response
class WbRequest:
>>> WbRequest.from_uri('/save/_embed/example.com/?a=b')
{'wb_url': ('latest_replay', '', '', 'http://_embed/example.com/?a=b', '/http://_embed/example.com/?a=b'), 'coll': 'save', 'wb_prefix': '/save/', 'request_uri': '/save/_embed/example.com/?a=b'}
>>> WbRequest.from_uri('/2345/20101024101112im_/example.com/?b=c')
{'wb_url': ('replay', '20101024101112', 'im_', 'http://example.com/?b=c', '/20101024101112im_/http://example.com/?b=c'), 'coll': '2345', 'wb_prefix': '/2345/', 'request_uri': '/2345/20101024101112im_/example.com/?b=c'}
>>> WbRequest.from_uri('/2010/example.com')
{'wb_url': ('latest_replay', '', '', 'http://example.com', '/http://example.com'), 'coll': '2010', 'wb_prefix': '/2010/', 'request_uri': '/2010/example.com'}
>>> WbRequest.from_uri('../example.com')
{'wb_url': ('latest_replay', '', '', 'http://example.com', '/http://example.com'), 'coll': '', 'wb_prefix': '/', 'request_uri': '../example.com'}
# Abs path
>>> WbRequest.from_uri('/2010/example.com', {'wsgi.url_scheme': 'https', 'HTTP_HOST': 'localhost:8080'}, use_abs_prefix = True)
{'wb_url': ('latest_replay', '', '', 'http://example.com', '/http://example.com'), 'coll': '2010', 'wb_prefix': 'https://localhost:8080/2010/', 'request_uri': '/2010/example.com'}
# No Scheme, so stick to relative
>>> WbRequest.from_uri('/2010/example.com', {'HTTP_HOST': 'localhost:8080'}, use_abs_prefix = True)
{'wb_url': ('latest_replay', '', '', 'http://example.com', '/http://example.com'), 'coll': '2010', 'wb_prefix': '/2010/', 'request_uri': '/2010/example.com'}
def from_uri(request_uri, env = {}, use_abs_prefix = False):
if not request_uri:
request_uri = env.get('REQUEST_URI')
parts = request_uri.split('/', 2)
# Has coll prefix
if len(parts) == 3:
wb_prefix = '/' + parts[1] + '/'
wb_url = '/' + parts[2]
coll = parts[1]
# No Coll Prefix
elif len(parts) == 2:
wb_prefix = '/'
wb_url = '/' + parts[1]
coll = ''
wb_prefix = '/'
wb_url = parts[0]
coll = ''
return WbRequest(env, request_uri, wb_prefix, wb_url, coll, use_abs_prefix)
def makeAbsPrefix(env, rel_prefix):
return env['wsgi.url_scheme'] + '://' + env['HTTP_HOST'] + rel_prefix
except KeyError:
return rel_prefix
def __init__(self, env, request_uri, wb_prefix, wb_url, coll, use_abs_prefix = False):
self.env = env
self.request_uri = request_uri if request_uri else env.get('REQUEST_URI')
self.wb_prefix = wb_prefix if not use_abs_prefix else WbRequest.makeAbsPrefix(env, wb_prefix)
self.wb_url = ArchivalUrl(wb_url)
self.coll = coll
self.referrer = env.get('HTTP_REFERER')
self.is_ajax = self._is_ajax()
self.customParams = {}
env['X_PERF'] = {}
def _is_ajax(self):
value = self.env.get('HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH')
if not value:
return False
if value.lower() == 'xmlhttprequest':
return True
if self.referrer and ('ajaxpipe' in self.env.get('QUERY_STRING')):
return True
return False
def __repr__(self):
#return "WbRequest(env, '" + (self.wb_url) + "', '" + (self.coll) + "')"
#return str(vars(self))
varlist = vars(self)
return str({k: varlist[k] for k in ('request_uri', 'wb_prefix', 'wb_url', 'coll')})
class WbResponse:
>>> WbResponse.text_response('Test')
{'body': ['Test'], 'status_headers': StatusAndHeaders(protocol = '', statusline = '200 OK', headers = [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])}
>>> WbResponse.text_stream(['Test', 'Another'], '404')
{'body': ['Test', 'Another'], 'status_headers': StatusAndHeaders(protocol = '', statusline = '404', headers = [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])}
>>> WbResponse.redir_response('http://example.com/otherfile')
{'body': [], 'status_headers': StatusAndHeaders(protocol = '', statusline = '302 Redirect', headers = [('Location', 'http://example.com/otherfile')])}
def __init__(self, status_headers, value = []):
self.status_headers = status_headers
self.body = value
def text_stream(text, status = '200 OK', content_type = 'text/plain'):
return WbResponse(StatusAndHeaders(status, [('Content-Type', content_type)]), value = text)
def text_response(text, status = '200 OK', content_type = 'text/plain'):
return WbResponse(StatusAndHeaders(status, [('Content-Type', content_type)]), value = [text])
def redir_response(location, status = '302 Redirect'):
return WbResponse(StatusAndHeaders(status, [('Location', location)]))
def stream_response(status_headers, stream, proc = None, firstBuff = None):
def streamGen():
buff = firstBuff if firstBuff else stream.read()
while buff:
if proc:
buff = proc(buff)
yield buff
buff = stream.read()
response = WbResponse(status_headers, value = streamGen())
response._stream = stream
return response
def __call__(self, env, start_response):
perfstats = env.get('X_PERF')
if perfstats:
self.status_headers.headers.append(('X-Archive-Perf-Stats', str(perfstats)))
start_response(self.status_headers.statusline, self.status_headers.headers)
if env['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'HEAD':
if hasattr(self.body, 'close'):
return []
if hasattr(self.body, '__iter__'):
return self.body
return [str(self.body)]
def __repr__(self):
return str(vars(self))
class StatusAndHeaders:
def __init__(self, statusline, headers, protocol = ''):
self.statusline = statusline
self.headers = headers
self.protocol = protocol
def getHeader(self, name):
nameLower = name.lower()
for value in self.headers:
if (value[0].lower() == nameLower):
return value[1]
return None
def __repr__(self):
return "StatusAndHeaders(protocol = '{0}', statusline = '{1}', headers = {2})".format(self.protocol, self.statusline, pprint.pformat(self.headers, indent = 2))
#return pprint.pformat(self.__dict__)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.statusline == other.statusline and self.headers == other.headers and self.protocol == other.protocol
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest