mirror of https://github.com/webrecorder/pywb.git synced 2025-03-24 15:09:54 +01:00
Ilya Kreymer 4f9310fe4d rewrite: add support for js rewriting ';http:\\/' urls
add 'parse_comments' rule options for parsing comment contents via regex
banner: simplify banner insertion check, only insert for top frame, and check
for canon_url matching current href at top before redirecting to top
replace em_ -> mp_ as default embedded mod
2014-08-05 01:47:52 -07:00

195 lines
5.7 KiB

import re
import sys
import itertools
from url_rewriter import UrlRewriter
class RegexRewriter(object):
#def comment_out(string):
# return '/*' + string + '*/'
def format(template):
return lambda string: template.format(string)
def remove_https(string):
return string.replace("https", "http")
def add_prefix(prefix):
return lambda string: prefix + string
def archival_rewrite(rewriter):
return lambda string: rewriter.rewrite(string, 'mp_')
#def replacer(other):
# return lambda m, string: other
HTTPX_MATCH_STR = r'https?:\\?/\\?/[A-Za-z0-9:_@.-]+'
#DEFAULT_OP = add_prefix
def __init__(self, rules):
#rules = self.create_rules(http_prefix)
# Build regexstr, concatenating regex list
regex_str = '|'.join(['(' + rx + ')' for rx, op, count in rules])
# ensure it's not middle of a word, wrap in non-capture group
regex_str = '(?<!\w)(?:' + regex_str + ')'
self.regex = re.compile(regex_str, re.M)
self.rules = rules
def filter(self, m):
return True
def rewrite(self, string):
return self.regex.sub(lambda x: self.replace(x), string)
def close(self):
return ''
def replace(self, m):
i = 0
for _, op, count in self.rules:
i += 1
full_m = i
while count > 0:
i += 1
count -= 1
if not m.group(i):
# Optional filter to skip matches
if not self.filter(m):
return m.group(0)
# Custom func
#if not hasattr(op, '__call__'):
# op = RegexRewriter.DEFAULT_OP(op)
result = op(m.group(i))
final_str = result
# if extracting partial match
if i != full_m:
final_str = m.string[m.start(full_m):m.start(i)]
final_str += result
final_str += m.string[m.end(i):m.end(full_m)]
return final_str
def parse_rules_from_config(config):
def parse_rule(obj):
match = obj.get('match')
replace = RegexRewriter.format(obj.get('replace', '{0}'))
group = obj.get('group', 0)
result = (match, replace, group)
return result
return map(parse_rule, config)
class JSLinkOnlyRewriter(RegexRewriter):
JS Rewriter which rewrites absolute http://, https:// and // urls
at the beginning of a string
JS_HTTPX = r'(?<="|\'|;)(?:https?:)?\\{0,4}/\\{0,4}/[A-Za-z0-9:_@.-]+'
def __init__(self, rewriter, rules=[]):
rules = rules + [
(self.JS_HTTPX, RegexRewriter.archival_rewrite(rewriter), 0)
super(JSLinkOnlyRewriter, self).__init__(rules)
class JSLinkAndLocationRewriter(JSLinkOnlyRewriter):
JS Rewriter which also rewrites location and domain to the
specified prefix (default: 'WB_wombat_')
def __init__(self, rewriter, rules=[], prefix='WB_wombat_'):
rules = rules + [
(r'(?<!/)\blocation\b', RegexRewriter.add_prefix(prefix), 0),
(r'(?<=document\.)domain', RegexRewriter.add_prefix(prefix), 0),
(r'(?<=document\.)referrer', RegexRewriter.add_prefix(prefix), 0),
(r'(?<=document\.)cookie', RegexRewriter.add_prefix(prefix), 0),
#todo: move to mixin?
RegexRewriter.add_prefix(prefix), 1),
RegexRewriter.add_prefix(prefix), 0),
# (r'\b(top)\b[!=\W]+(?:self|window)',
# RegexRewriter.add_prefix(prefix), 1),
#RegexRewriter.add_prefix(prefix), 1),
super(JSLinkAndLocationRewriter, self).__init__(rewriter, rules)
# Set 'default' JSRewriter
JSRewriter = JSLinkAndLocationRewriter
class XMLRewriter(RegexRewriter):
def __init__(self, rewriter, extra=[]):
rules = self._create_rules(rewriter)
super(XMLRewriter, self).__init__(rules)
# custom filter to reject 'xmlns' attr
def filter(self, m):
attr = m.group(1)
if attr and attr.startswith('xmlns'):
return False
return True
def _create_rules(self, rewriter):
return [
('([A-Za-z:]+[\s=]+)?["\'\s]*(' +
RegexRewriter.HTTPX_MATCH_STR + ')',
RegexRewriter.archival_rewrite(rewriter), 2),
class CSSRewriter(RegexRewriter):
CSS_URL_REGEX = "url\\s*\\(\\s*[\\\\\"']*([^)'\"]+)[\\\\\"']*\\s*\\)"
CSS_IMPORT_NO_URL_REGEX = ("@import\\s+(?!url)\\(?\\s*['\"]?" +
def __init__(self, rewriter):
rules = self._create_rules(rewriter)
super(CSSRewriter, self).__init__(rules)
def _create_rules(self, rewriter):
return [
RegexRewriter.archival_rewrite(rewriter), 1),
RegexRewriter.archival_rewrite(rewriter), 1),