mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 00:25:21 +01:00
been inserted by the end (and if there was some content written -- don't insert for 0-length responses) Addresses missing head insert if only head tags are present and no head, as per hypothesis/via#9
256 lines
9.6 KiB
256 lines
9.6 KiB
from pywb.rewrite.rewrite_live import LiveRewriter
from pywb.rewrite.url_rewriter import UrlRewriter
from pywb.rewrite.wburl import WbUrl
from pywb import get_test_dir
from io import BytesIO
# This module has some rewriting tests against the 'live web'
# As such, the content may change and the test may break
urlrewriter = UrlRewriter('20131226101010/http://example.com/some/path/index.html', '/pywb/')
bn_urlrewriter = UrlRewriter('20131226101010bn_/http://example.com/some/path/index.html', '/pywb/')
def head_insert_func(rule, cdx):
if rule.js_rewrite_location != 'urls':
return '<script src="/static/__pywb/wombat.js"> </script>'
return ''
def test_csrf_token_headers():
rewriter = LiveRewriter()
env = {'HTTP_X_CSRFTOKEN': 'wrong', 'HTTP_COOKIE': 'csrftoken=foobar'}
req_headers = rewriter.translate_headers('http://example.com/', 'com,example)/', env)
assert req_headers == {'X-CSRFToken': 'foobar', 'Cookie': 'csrftoken=foobar'}
def test_forwarded_scheme():
rewriter = LiveRewriter()
env = {'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO': 'https', 'Other': 'Value'}
req_headers = rewriter.translate_headers('http://example.com/', 'com,example)/', env)
assert req_headers == {'X-Forwarded-Proto': 'http'}
def test_req_cookie_rewrite_1():
rewriter = LiveRewriter()
env = {'HTTP_COOKIE': 'A=B'}
urlkey = 'example,example,test)/'
url = 'test.example.example/'
req_headers = rewriter.translate_headers(url, urlkey, env)
assert req_headers == {'Cookie': 'A=B; FOO=&bar=1'}
def test_req_cookie_rewrite_2():
rewriter = LiveRewriter()
env = {'HTTP_COOKIE': 'FOO=goo'}
urlkey = 'example,example,test)/'
url = 'test.example.example/'
req_headers = rewriter.translate_headers(url, urlkey, env)
assert req_headers == {'Cookie': 'FOO=&bar=1'}
def test_req_cookie_rewrite_3():
rewriter = LiveRewriter()
env = {}
urlkey = 'example,example,test)/'
url = 'test.example.example/'
req_headers = rewriter.translate_headers(url, urlkey, env)
assert req_headers == {'Cookie': '; FOO=&bar=1'}
def test_local_1():
status_headers, buff = get_rewritten(get_test_dir() + 'text_content/sample.html',
# wombat insert added
assert '<head><script src="/static/__pywb/wombat.js"> </script>' in buff, buff
# JS location and JS link rewritten
assert 'window.WB_wombat_location = "/pywb/20131226101010/http:\/\/example.com/dynamic_page.html"' in buff
# link rewritten
assert '"/pywb/20131226101010/http://example.com/some/path/another.html"' in buff
def test_local_no_head():
status_headers, buff = get_rewritten(get_test_dir() + 'text_content/sample_no_head.html',
# wombat insert added
assert '<script src="/static/__pywb/wombat.js"> </script>' in buff
# location rewritten
assert 'window.WB_wombat_location = "/other.html"' in buff
# link rewritten
assert '"/pywb/20131226101010/http://example.com/some/path/another.html"' in buff
def test_local_no_head_only_title():
status_headers, buff = get_rewritten(get_test_dir() + 'text_content/sample_no_head_2.html',
# wombat insert added
assert '<script src="/static/__pywb/wombat.js"> </script>' in buff
def test_local_no_head_banner_only():
status_headers, buff = get_rewritten(get_test_dir() + 'text_content/sample_no_head.html',
# wombat insert added
assert '<script src="/static/__pywb/wombat.js"> </script>' in buff
# location NOT rewritten
assert 'window.location = "/other.html"' in buff
# link NOT rewritten
assert '"another.html"' in buff
def test_local_banner_only_no_rewrite():
status_headers, buff = get_rewritten(get_test_dir() + 'text_content/sample.html',
# wombat insert added
assert '<head><script src="/static/__pywb/wombat.js"> </script>' in buff
# JS location NOT rewritten, JS link NOT rewritten
assert 'window.location = "http:\/\/example.com/dynamic_page.html"' in buff, buff
# link NOT rewritten
assert '"another.html"' in buff
def test_local_2_link_only_rewrite():
status_headers, buff = get_rewritten(get_test_dir() + 'text_content/sample.html',
# no wombat insert
assert '<head><script src="/static/__pywb/wombat.js"> </script>' not in buff
# JS location NOT rewritten, JS link rewritten
assert 'window.location = "/pywb/20131226101010/http:\/\/example.com/dynamic_page.html"' in buff
# still link rewrite
assert '"/pywb/20131226101010/http://example.com/some/path/another.html"' in buff
def test_local_2_js_loc_only_rewrite():
status_headers, buff = get_rewritten(get_test_dir() + 'text_content/sample.html',
# wombat insert added
assert '<script src="/static/__pywb/wombat.js"> </script>' in buff
# JS location rewritten, JS link NOT rewritten
assert 'window.WB_wombat_location = "http:\/\/example.com/dynamic_page.html"' in buff
# still link rewrite in HTML
assert '"/pywb/20131226101010/http://example.com/some/path/another.html"' in buff
def test_local_2_no_rewrite():
status_headers, buff = get_rewritten(get_test_dir() + 'text_content/sample.html',
# wombat insert added
assert '<script src="/static/__pywb/wombat.js"> </script>' in buff
# JS location NOT rewritten, JS link NOT rewritten
assert 'window.location = "http:\/\/example.com/dynamic_page.html"' in buff
# still link rewrite in HTML
assert '"/pywb/20131226101010/http://example.com/some/path/another.html"' in buff
def test_local_unclosed_script():
status_headers, buff = get_rewritten(get_test_dir() + 'text_content/sample_unclosed_script.html',
# wombat insert added
assert '<head><script src="/static/__pywb/wombat.js"> </script>' in buff, buff
# JS location and JS link rewritten
assert 'window.WB_wombat_location = "/pywb/20131226101010/http:\/\/example.com/dynamic_page.html";\n}\n</script>' in buff, buff
def test_example_1():
status_headers, buff = get_rewritten('http://example.com/', urlrewriter, req_headers={'Connection': 'close'})
# verify header rewriting
assert (('X-Archive-Orig-connection', 'close') in status_headers.headers), status_headers
# verify utf-8 charset detection
assert status_headers.get_header('content-type') == 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
assert '/pywb/20131226101010/http://www.iana.org/domains/example' in buff, buff
def test_example_2_redirect():
status_headers, buff = get_rewritten('http://httpbin.org/redirect-to?url=http://example.com/', urlrewriter)
# redirect, no content
assert status_headers.get_statuscode() == '302'
assert len(buff) == 0
def test_example_3_rel():
status_headers, buff = get_rewritten('//example.com/', urlrewriter)
assert status_headers.get_statuscode() == '200'
def test_example_4_rewrite_err():
# may occur in case of rewrite mismatch, the /// gets stripped off
status_headers, buff = get_rewritten('http://localhost:8080///example.com/', urlrewriter)
assert status_headers.get_statuscode() == '200'
def test_example_domain_specific_3():
status_headers, buff = get_rewritten('http://facebook.com/digitalpreservation', urlrewriter, follow_redirects=True)
# comment out Bootloader.configurePage, if it is still there
if 'Bootloader.configurePage' in buff:
assert '/* Bootloader.configurePage' in buff
def test_wombat_top():
#status_headers, buff = get_rewritten('https://assets-cdn.github.com/assets/github-0f06d0f46fe7bcfbf31f2380f23aec15ba21b8ec.js', urlrewriter)
status_headers, buff = get_rewritten(get_test_dir() + 'text_content/toptest.js', urlrewriter)
assert 'WB_wombat_top!==window' in buff
def test_post():
buff = BytesIO('ABC=DEF')
'HTTP_ORIGIN': 'http://httpbin.org',
'HTTP_HOST': 'httpbin.org',
'wsgi.input': buff}
status_headers, resp_buff = get_rewritten('http://httpbin.org/post', urlrewriter, env=env)
assert status_headers.get_statuscode() == '200', status_headers
def get_rewritten(*args, **kwargs):
return LiveRewriter().get_rewritten(remote_only=False, *args, **kwargs)