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synced 2025-03-26 15:59:23 +01:00
regex rewrite: include '==top?' for wombat rewrite rewrite css: if js_ modifier on text/css, treat as css
663 lines
19 KiB
663 lines
19 KiB
Copyright(c) 2013-2014 Ilya Kreymer. Released under the GNU General Public License.
This file is part of pywb, https://github.com/ikreymer/pywb
pywb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
pywb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with pywb. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// VidRw 1.0 -- video rewriting
var _pywbvid = "default";
var _pywb_yt_err = undefined;
if (window.location.hash) {
var m = window.location.hash.match(/_pywbvid=([\w]+)/);
if (m) {
_pywbvid = m[1];
if (_pywbvid == "html" || _pywbvid == "flash") {
var YT_W_E_RX = /^(https?:\/\/.*youtube.com)\/(watch|embed).*$/;
if (wbinfo.url.match(YT_W_E_RX)) {
// special case: prevent yt player from being inited
Object.defineProperty(window, 'yt', {writeable: false});
Object.defineProperty(window, 'ytplayer', {writeable: false});
__wbvidrw = (function() {
var found_embeds = false;
var FLASH_PLAYER = wbinfo.static_prefix + "/flowplayer/flowplayer-3.2.18.swf";
var replay_prefix = wbinfo.prefix;
if (wbinfo.mod) {
replay_prefix += wbinfo.mod + "/";
function check_videos() {
if (found_embeds) {
function handle_all_embeds() {
var embeds = document.getElementsByTagName("embed");
for (var i = 0; i < embeds.length; i++) {
function handle_all_objects() {
var objects = document.getElementsByTagName("object");
for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
found_embeds = true;
//window.setInterval(handle_all_embeds, 2000);
//_wb_wombat.add_tag_handler("embed", handle_all_embeds);
//_wb_wombat.add_tag_handler("object", handle_all_objects);
function handle_embed_tag(elem)
var src = elem.getAttribute("src");
if (!src) {
return false;
if (elem._vidrw) {
return false;
// already rewritten
if (elem.outerHTML.indexOf(FLASH_PLAYER) >= 0) {
return false;
elem._vidrw = true;
if (src.indexOf("ustream.tv/flash") >= 0) {
var flashvars = elem.getAttribute("flashvars");
var res = flashvars.match(/[vc]id=([\d]+)/);
if (res) {
src = "http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/" + res[1];
check_replacement(elem, src);
return true;
function handle_object_tag(elem)
var obj_url = undefined;
// already rewritten
if (elem.outerHTML.indexOf(FLASH_PLAYER) >= 0) {
return false;
for (var j = 0; j < elem.children.length; j++) {
var child = elem.children[j];
if (child.tagName == "EMBED") {
return false;
if (child.tagName == "PARAM" && !obj_url) {
var name = child.getAttribute("name");
name = name.toLowerCase();
if (name == "movie") {
var value = child.getAttribute("value");
obj_url = value;
//flashvars extraction: work in progress: for now, only ustream
if (name == "flashvars") {
if (wbinfo.url.indexOf("ustream") >= 0) {
var value = child.getAttribute("value");
var pairs = value.split('&');
var result = {};
pairs.forEach(function(pair) {
if (obj_url) {
pair = pair.split('=');
var qval = decodeURIComponent(pair[1] || '');
//TODO: allow for picking from multiple urls
if (qval.indexOf("http") == 0) {
obj_url = qval;
if (wbinfo.url.indexOf("livestream") >= 0) {
obj_url = wbinfo.url;
if (obj_url) {
if (elem._vidrw) {
return false;
elem._vidrw = true;
check_replacement(elem, obj_url);
return true;
return false;
var YT_W_E_RX = /^(https?:\/\/.*youtube.com)\/(watch|embed).*$/;
var YT_V_RX = /^(https?:\/\/.*youtube.com)\/v\/([^&?]+)(.*)$/;
var VIMEO_RX = /^https?:\/\/.*vimeo.*clip_id=([^&]+)/;
function remove_yt()
// yt special case
if (window.yt && window.yt.player && window.yt.player.getPlayerByElement) {
//yt.player.Application.create("player-api", ytplayer.config).dispose();
var elem = window.yt.player.getPlayerByElement("player-api");
if (!elem) {
elem = window.yt.player.getPlayerByElement("player");
if (elem) {
delete window.yt;
if (window.ytplayer) {
delete window.ytplayer;
// end yt special case
function handle_yt_videos(_pywbvid)
function do_yt_video_replace(elem)
while (elem.hasChildNodes()) {
//add placeholder child to remove
var placeholder = document.createElement("div", true);
check_replacement(placeholder, wbinfo.url);
// special case: yt
if (wbinfo.url.match(YT_W_E_RX)) {
//var ytvideo = document.getElementsByTagName("video");
var player_div = document.getElementById("player-api");
if (!player_div) {
player_div = document.getElementById("player");
//if (ytvideo.length == 1 && ytvideo[0].getAttribute("data-youtube-id") != "") {
if (player_div) {
if (_pywbvid == "html" || _pywbvid == "flash") {
} else if (!wbinfo.is_live) {
var player = undefined;
if (window.yt && window.yt.player && window.yt.player.getPlayerByElement) {
player = window.yt.player.getPlayerByElement(player_div);
if (player) {
_pywb_yt_err = function() {
player.addEventListener("onError", "_pywb_yt_err");
setTimeout(function() {
if (!window.yt || !window.yt.player) {
var state = -1;
if (player && player.getPlayerState) {
state = player.getPlayerState();
// if no player or player is still buffering (is this ok), then replace
if (state < 0) {
}, 4000);
function check_replacement(elem, src, no_retry) {
if (!src || src.indexOf("javascript:") == 0) {
if (src.indexOf("blob:") == 0) {
src = wbinfo.url;
no_retry = true;
src = _wb_wombat.extract_orig(src);
// special cases
if (src.indexOf("dailymotion.com/swf/") > 0) {
src = src.replace("/swf/", "/video/");
src = src.replace(VIMEO_RX, "http://player.vimeo.com/video/$1");
if (_pywbvid == "orig") {
var repl_src = src.replace(YT_V_RX, "$1/embed/$2?$3&controls=0");
if (repl_src != src) {
do_replace_iframe(elem, repl_src);
// end special cases
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr._no_rewrite = true;
xhr.open('GET', wbinfo.prefix + 'vi_/' + src, true);
xhr.onload = function() {
if (xhr.status == 200) {
var videoinfo = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
// special cases
// Soundcloud
if (videoinfo._type == "playlist" && videoinfo.extractor == "soundcloud:playlist") {
var player_url = "https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?visual=true&show_artwork=true&url=" + encodeURIComponent(videoinfo.webpage_url);
do_replace_iframe(elem, player_url);
if (videoinfo._type == "playlist" && videoinfo.extractor == "livestream") {
if (videoinfo.entries && videoinfo.entries.length > 0) {
do_replace_video(elem, videoinfo.entries[0]);
if (!videoinfo.formats && videoinfo.url && videoinfo.ext && videoinfo.format_id) {
videoinfo.formats = [{ext: videoinfo.ext,
url: videoinfo.url,
format_id: videoinfo.format_id
if (videoinfo.formats) {
do_replace_video(elem, videoinfo);
// Retry with current page as last resort
if (!no_retry) {
check_replacement(elem, wbinfo.url, true);
function do_replace_iframe(elem, url) {
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
var dim = get_dim(elem);
iframe.width = dim[0];
iframe.height = dim[1];
iframe.src = url;
iframe.setAttribute("frameborder", 0);
do_replace_elem(elem, iframe);
function get_dim(elem) {
var width = elem.width;
if (!width) {
width = "100%";
var height = elem.height;
if (!height) {
height = "100%";
return [width, height];
function do_replace_elem(elem, replacement) {
var tag_name = elem.tagName.toLowerCase();
if (!elem.parentNode) {
console.warn("vidrw: Missing Parent Node for Video Replace!");
if (tag_name == "iframe" || tag_name == "object") {
elem.parentNode.replaceChild(replacement, elem);
} else if (tag_name == "embed") {
if (elem.parentElement && elem.parentElement.tagName.toLowerCase() == "object") {
elem = elem.parentElement;
elem.parentNode.replaceChild(replacement, elem);
} else {
elem.parentNode.replaceChild(replacement, elem);
function do_replace_video(elem, info) {
var thumb_url = null;
if (info.thumbnail) {
thumb_url = replay_prefix + info.thumbnail;
var tag_name = elem.tagName.toLowerCase();
var dim = get_dim(elem);
var width = dim[0], height = dim[1];
// sort in reverse preference
info.formats.sort(function(f1, f2) {
var pref1 = f1.preference ? f1.preference : 0;
var pref2 = f2.preference ? f2.preference : 0;
return pref2 - pref1;
// Try HTML5 Video
var htmlelem = document.createElement("video", true);
var replacement = null;
if (htmlelem.canPlayType) {
var type = can_play_video_or_audio(htmlelem, info);
if (type) {
if (type == "audio") {
htmlelem = document.createElement("audio", true);
if (_pywbvid != "flash") {
replacement = init_html_player(htmlelem, type, width, height, info, thumb_url);
var vidId = undefined;
if (!replacement) {
// check format, if this is just an swf file, and not a video, nothing to replace!
if (get_format_ext(info) == "swf") {
replacement = document.createElement("div", true);
vidId = "_wb_vid" + Date.now() + Math.random();
replacement.setAttribute("id", vidId);
do_replace_elem(elem, replacement);
if (vidId) {
init_flash_player(vidId, replacement, width, height, info, thumb_url);
function get_format_ext(info_format) {
if (info_format.ext == "unknown_video") {
return info_format.format_id;
} else {
return info_format.ext;
function can_play_video_or_audio(elem, info) {
var types = ["video", "audio"];
var type = undefined;
// include main url
info._wb_avail = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < info.formats.length; i++) {
// Skip DASH formats
if (info.formats[i].format_note && info.formats[i].format_note.indexOf("DASH") >= 0) {
for (var j = 0; j < types.length; j++) {
var ext = get_format_ext(info.formats[i]);
if (can_play(elem, ext, types[j])) {
info.formats[i]._wb_canPlay = true;
type = types[j];
return type;
function can_play(elem, ext, type) {
var canplay = elem.canPlayType(type + "/" + ext);
if (canplay === "probably" || canplay === "maybe") {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function init_html_player(htmlelem, type, width, height, info, thumb_url)
htmlelem.setAttribute("width", width);
htmlelem.setAttribute("height", height);
htmlelem.setAttribute("controls", "1");
htmlelem.style.backgroundColor = "#000";
htmlelem.style.visibility = "visible";
if (thumb_url) {
htmlelem.setAttribute("poster", thumb_url);
var num_failed = 0;
var fallback = function() {
// only handle if all have failed
if (num_failed < info._wb_avail) {
var replacement = document.createElement("div", true);
var vidId = "_wb_vid" + Date.now();
replacement.setAttribute("id", vidId);
htmlelem.parentNode.replaceChild(replacement, htmlelem);
init_flash_player(vidId, replacement, width, height, info, thumb_url);
for (var i = -1; i < info.formats.length; i++) {
var source = document.createElement("source", true);
var url, format;
if (i < 0) {
url = info.url;
format = get_format_ext(info);
} else {
if (!info.formats[i]._wb_canPlay) {
url = info.formats[i].url;
format = get_format_ext(info.formats[i]);
url = replay_prefix + url;
format = type + "/" + format;
source.setAttribute("src", url);
source.setAttribute("type", format);
source.addEventListener("error", fallback);
htmlelem.addEventListener("error", fallback);
return htmlelem;
function init_flash_player(div_id, elem, width, height, info, thumb_url)
if (width[width.length - 1] != '%') {
width += "px";
if (height[height.length - 1] != '%') {
height += "px";
var style = 'width: ' + width + '; height: ' + height + '; display: block; visibility: visible !important';
elem.style.cssText += ';' + style;
var url;
if (wbinfo.is_live) {
url = info.url;
} else {
url = info.url;
url = replay_prefix + url;
var config = {
clip: {
url: url,
plugins: {
rangeRequests: true
var opts = {
onFail: function() { console.log("FAILED"); }
var do_embed = function() {
var flash = window.flashembed(div_id, opts, {"config": config});
if (!window.flashembed) {
var script = document.createElement("script", true);
script._no_rewrite = true;
script.onload = do_embed;
script.setAttribute("src", wbinfo.static_prefix + "/flowplayer/toolbox.flashembed.js");
} else {
function init_node_insert_obs(window)
function do_handle(te, func)
setTimeout(function() { func(te); }, 100);
var m = new MutationObserver(function(records, observer)
for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
var r = records[i];
if (r.type == "childList") {
for (var j = 0; j < r.addedNodes.length; j++) {
var elem = r.addedNodes[j];
if (elem.tagName) {
if (elem.tagName == "OBJECT") {
do_handle(elem, handle_object_tag);
} else if (elem.tagName == "EMBED") {
do_handle(elem, handle_embed_tag);
m.observe(window.document.documentElement, {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
if (!window.MutationObserver) {
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
window.setTimeout(check_videos, 200);
} else {