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synced 2025-03-23 06:32:24 +01:00
- allow redirect if current Host: matches - redirect request uri to host root, not current host path
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271 lines
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import urlparse
import re
import wbexceptions
from wbrequestresponse import WbRequest, WbResponse
from url_rewriter import UrlRewriter
from wburl import WbUrl
# ArchivalRouter -- route WB requests in archival mode
class ArchivalRouter:
def __init__(self, routes, hostpaths = None, abs_path = True, home_view = None, error_view = None):
self.routes = routes
self.fallback = ReferRedirect(hostpaths)
self.abs_path = abs_path
self.home_view = home_view
self.error_view = error_view
def __call__(self, env):
for route in self.routes:
result = route(env, self.abs_path)
if result:
return result
# Home Page
if env['REL_REQUEST_URI'] in ['/', '/index.html', '/index.htm']:
return self.render_home_page()
return self.fallback(env, self.routes) if self.fallback else None
def render_home_page(self):
# render the homepage!
if self.home_view:
return self.home_view.render_response(routes = self.routes)
# default home page template
text = '\n'.join(map(str, self.routes))
return WbResponse.text_response(text)
# Route by matching regex (or fixed prefix)
# of request uri (excluding first '/')
class Route:
# route with relative path
>>> Route('web', handlers.BaseHandler())({'REL_REQUEST_URI': '/web/test.example.com', 'SCRIPT_NAME': ''}, False)
{'wb_url': ('latest_replay', '', '', 'http://test.example.com', 'http://test.example.com'), 'coll': 'web', 'wb_prefix': '/web/', 'request_uri': '/web/test.example.com'}
# route with absolute path, running at script /my_pywb
>>> Route('web', handlers.BaseHandler())({'REL_REQUEST_URI': '/web/2013im_/test.example.com', 'SCRIPT_NAME': '/my_pywb', 'HTTP_HOST': 'localhost:8081', 'wsgi.url_scheme': 'https'}, True)
{'wb_url': ('replay', '2013', 'im_', 'http://test.example.com', '2013im_/http://test.example.com'), 'coll': 'web', 'wb_prefix': 'https://localhost:8081/my_pywb/web/', 'request_uri': '/web/2013im_/test.example.com'}
# not matching route -- skipped
>>> Route('web', handlers.BaseHandler())({'REL_REQUEST_URI': '/other/test.example.com', 'SCRIPT_NAME': ''}, False)
# match upto next / or ? or end
def __init__(self, regex, handler, coll_group = 0, config = {}, lookahead = SLASH_QUERY_LOOKAHEAD):
self.path = regex
self.regex = re.compile(regex + lookahead)
self.handler = handler
# collection id from regex group (default 0)
self.coll_group = coll_group
def __call__(self, env, use_abs_prefix):
wbrequest = self.parse_request(env, use_abs_prefix)
return self.handler(wbrequest) if wbrequest else None
def parse_request(self, env, use_abs_prefix, request_uri = None):
if not request_uri:
request_uri = env['REL_REQUEST_URI']
matcher = self.regex.match(request_uri[1:])
if not matcher:
return None
rel_prefix = matcher.group(0)
if rel_prefix:
wb_prefix = env['SCRIPT_NAME'] + '/' + rel_prefix + '/'
wb_url_str = request_uri[len(rel_prefix) + 2:] # remove the '/' + rel_prefix part of uri
wb_prefix = env['SCRIPT_NAME'] + '/'
wb_url_str = request_uri[1:] # the request_uri is the wb_url, since no coll
coll = matcher.group(self.coll_group)
wbrequest = WbRequest(env,
request_uri = request_uri,
wb_url_str = wb_url_str,
wb_prefix = wb_prefix,
coll = coll,
host_prefix = WbRequest.make_host_prefix(env) if use_abs_prefix else '',
wburl_class = self.handler.get_wburl_type())
# Allow for applying of additional filters
self._apply_filters(wbrequest, matcher)
return wbrequest
def _apply_filters(self, wbrequest, matcher):
for filter in self.filters:
last_grp = len(matcher.groups())
def _custom_init(self, config):
self.filters = config.get('filters', [])
def __str__(self):
#return '* ' + self.regex_str + ' => ' + str(self.handler)
return str(self.handler)
# ReferRedirect -- redirect urls that have 'fallen through' based on the referrer settings
class ReferRedirect:
>>> ReferRedirect('http://localhost:8080/').match_prefixs
>>> ReferRedirect(['http://example:9090/']).match_prefixs
>>> test_redir('http://localhost:8080/', '/diff_path/other.html', 'http://localhost:8080/coll/20131010/http://example.com/path/page.html')
>>> test_redir('http://localhost:8080/', '/../other.html', 'http://localhost:8080/coll/20131010/http://example.com/path/page.html')
>>> test_redir('http://localhost:8080/', '/../../other.html', 'http://localhost:8080/coll/20131010/http://example.com/index.html')
# Custom collection
>>> test_redir('http://localhost:8080/', '/other.html', 'http://localhost:8080/complex/123/20131010/http://example.com/path/page.html', coll='complex/123')
# With timestamp included
>>> test_redir('http://localhost:8080/', '/20131010/other.html', 'http://localhost:8080/coll/20131010/http://example.com/index.html')
# With timestamp included
>>> test_redir('http://localhost:8080/', '/20131010/path/other.html', 'http://localhost:8080/coll/20131010/http://example.com/some/index.html')
# Wrong Host
>>> test_redir('http://example:8080/', '/other.html', 'http://localhost:8080/coll/20131010/http://example.com/path/page.html')
# Right Host
>>> test_redir('http://localhost:8080/', '/other.html', 'http://example.com:8080/coll/20131010/http://example.com/path/page.html', http_host = 'example.com:8080')
# With custom SCRIPT_NAME
>>> test_redir('http://localhost:8080/', '/../other.html', 'http://localhost:8080/extra/coll/20131010/http://example.com/path/page.html', '/extra')
# With custom SCRIPT_NAME + timestamp
>>> test_redir('http://localhost:8080/', '/20131010/other.html', 'http://localhost:8080/extra/coll/20131010/http://example.com/path/page.html', '/extra')
# With custom SCRIPT_NAME, bad match
>>> test_redir('http://localhost:8080/', '/../other.html', 'http://localhost:8080/extra/coll/20131010/http://example.com/path/page.html', '/extr')
def __init__(self, match_prefixs):
if isinstance(match_prefixs, list):
self.match_prefixs = match_prefixs
self.match_prefixs = [match_prefixs]
def __call__(self, env, routes):
referrer = env.get('HTTP_REFERER')
# ensure there is a referrer
if referrer is None:
return None
# get referrer path name
ref_split = urlparse.urlsplit(referrer)
# ensure referrer starts with one of allowed hosts
if not any (referrer.startswith(i) for i in self.match_prefixs):
if ref_split.netloc != env.get('HTTP_HOST'):
return None
path = ref_split.path
app_path = env['SCRIPT_NAME']
if app_path:
# must start with current app name, if not root
if not path.startswith(app_path):
return None
path = path[len(app_path):]
for route in routes:
ref_request = route.parse_request(env, False, request_uri = path)
if ref_request:
# must have matched one of the routes
if not ref_request:
return None
# must have a rewriter
if not ref_request.urlrewriter:
return None
rewriter = ref_request.urlrewriter
rel_request_uri = env['REL_REQUEST_URI']
timestamp_path = '/' + rewriter.wburl.timestamp + '/'
# check if timestamp is already part of the path
if rel_request_uri.startswith(timestamp_path):
# remove timestamp but leave / to make host relative url
# 2013/path.html -> /path.html
rel_request_uri = rel_request_uri[len(timestamp_path) - 1:]
final_url = urlparse.urlunsplit((ref_split.scheme, ref_split.netloc, rewriter.rewrite(rel_request_uri), '', ''))
return WbResponse.redir_response(final_url)
import utils
if __name__ == "__main__" or utils.enable_doctests():
import handlers
def test_redir(match_host, request_uri, referrer, script_name = '', coll = 'coll', http_host = None):
env = {'REL_REQUEST_URI': request_uri, 'HTTP_REFERER': referrer, 'SCRIPT_NAME': script_name}
if http_host:
env['HTTP_HOST'] = http_host
routes = [Route(coll, handlers.BaseHandler())]
redir = ReferRedirect(match_host)
#req = WbRequest.from_uri(request_uri, env)
rep = redir(env, routes)
if not rep:
return False
return rep.status_headers.get_header('Location')
import doctest