mirror of https://github.com/webrecorder/pywb.git synced 2025-03-28 08:32:29 +01:00
2025-03-06 15:23:08 -05:00

473 lines
18 KiB

from warcio.timeutils import timestamp_to_datetime, timestamp_to_sec
from warcio.timeutils import timestamp_now
from pywb.utils.loaders import load
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlsplit, quote
from jinja2 import Environment, TemplateNotFound, pass_context, select_autoescape
from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, PackageLoader, ChoiceLoader
from webassets.ext.jinja2 import AssetsExtension
from webassets.loaders import YAMLLoader
from webassets.env import Resolver
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
import os
import logging
import ujson as json
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
import json
# ============================================================================
class RelEnvironment(Environment):
"""Override join_path() to enable relative template paths."""
def join_path(self, template, parent):
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(parent), template)
# ============================================================================
class JinjaEnv(object):
"""Pywb JinjaEnv class that provides utility functions used by the templates,
configured template loaders and template paths, and contains the actual Jinja
env used by each template."""
def __init__(self, paths=None,
"""Construct a new JinjaEnv.
:param list[str] paths: List of paths to search for templates
:param list[str] packages: List of assets package names
:param str assets_path: Path to a yaml file containing assets
:param dict[str, str] globals: Dictionary of additional globals available during template rendering
:param overlay:
:param list extensions: List of webassets extension classes
:param str env_template_params_key: The full pywb package key for the template params
:param str env_template_dir_key: The full pywb package key for the template directory
if paths is None:
paths = ['templates', '.', '/']
if packages is None:
packages = ['pywb']
loader = ChoiceLoader(self._make_loaders(paths, packages))
self.env_template_params_key = env_template_params_key
self.env_template_dir_key = env_template_dir_key
extensions = extensions or []
if assets_path:
if overlay:
jinja_env = overlay.jinja_env.overlay(loader=loader,
jinja_env = RelEnvironment(loader=loader,
if globals:
self.jinja_env = jinja_env
# init assets
if assets_path:
assets_loader = YAMLLoader(load(assets_path))
assets_env = assets_loader.load_environment()
assets_env.resolver = PkgResResolver()
jinja_env.assets_environment = assets_env
self.default_locale = ''
def _make_loaders(self, paths, packages):
"""Initialize the template loaders based on the supplied paths and packages.
:param list[str] paths: List of paths to search for templates
:param list[str] packages: List of assets package names
:return: A list of loaders to be used for loading the template assets
:rtype: list[FileSystemLoader|PackageLoader]
loaders = []
# add loaders for paths
for path in paths:
# add loaders for all specified packages
for package in packages:
return loaders
def init_loc(self, locales_root_dir, locales, loc_map, default_locale):
locales = locales or []
locales_root_dir = locales_root_dir or os.path.join('i18n', 'translations')
default_locale = default_locale or 'en'
self.default_locale = default_locale
if locales:
from babel.support import Translations
for loc in locales:
loc_map[loc] = Translations.load(locales_root_dir, [loc, default_locale])
logging.warn("Ignoring Locales. You must install i18n extensions with 'pip install pywb[i18n]' to use localization features")
def get_translate(context):
loc = context.get('env', {}).get('pywb_lang', default_locale)
return loc_map.get(loc)
def override_func(jinja_env, name):
def get_override(context, text):
translate = get_translate(context)
if not translate:
return text
func = getattr(translate, name)
return func(text)
jinja_env.globals[name] = get_override
# standard gettext() translation function
override_func(self.jinja_env, 'gettext')
# single/plural form translation function
override_func(self.jinja_env, 'ngettext')
# Special _Q() function to return %-encoded text, necessary for use
# with text in banner
def quote_gettext(context, text):
translate = get_translate(context)
if not translate:
return text
text = translate.gettext(text)
return quote(text, safe='/: ')
self.jinja_env.globals['locales'] = list(loc_map.keys())
self.jinja_env.globals['_Q'] = quote_gettext
self.jinja_env.globals['default_locale'] = default_locale
def switch_locale(context, locale):
environ = context.get('env')
curr_loc = environ.get('pywb_lang', '')
request_uri = environ.get('REQUEST_URI', environ.get('PATH_INFO'))
if curr_loc and request_uri.startswith('/' + curr_loc + '/'):
return request_uri.replace(curr_loc, locale, 1)
app_prefix = environ.get('pywb.app_prefix', '')
if app_prefix and request_uri.startswith(app_prefix):
request_uri = request_uri.replace(app_prefix, '')
return app_prefix + '/' + locale + request_uri
def get_locale_prefixes(context):
environ = context.get('env')
locale_prefixes = {}
orig_prefix = environ.get('pywb.app_prefix', '')
coll = environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '')
if orig_prefix and coll.startswith(orig_prefix):
coll = coll[len(orig_prefix):]
curr_loc = environ.get('pywb_lang', '')
if curr_loc and coll.startswith('/' + curr_loc):
coll = coll[len(curr_loc) + 1:]
for locale in loc_map.keys():
locale_prefixes[locale] = orig_prefix + '/' + locale + coll + '/'
return locale_prefixes
self.jinja_env.globals['switch_locale'] = switch_locale
self.jinja_env.globals['get_locale_prefixes'] = get_locale_prefixes
def template_filter(self, param=None):
"""Returns a decorator that adds the wrapped function to dictionary of template filters.
The wrapped function is keyed by either the supplied param (if supplied)
or by the wrapped functions name.
:param param: Optional name to use instead of the name of the function to be wrapped
:return: A decorator to wrap a template filter function
:rtype: callable
def deco(func):
name = param or func.__name__
self.filters[name] = func
return func
return deco
def _init_filters(self):
"""Initialize the default pywb provided Jninja filters available during template rendering"""
self.filters = {}
def format_ts(value, format_='%a, %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S'):
"""Formats the supplied timestamp using format_
:param str value: The timestamp to be formatted
:param str format_: The format string
:return: The correctly formatted timestamp as determined by format_
:rtype: str
if format_ == '%s':
return timestamp_to_sec(value)
value = timestamp_to_datetime(value)
return value.strftime(format_)
def get_urlsplit(url):
"""Splits the supplied URL
:param str url: The url to be split
:return: The split url
:rtype: urllib.parse.SplitResult
split = urlsplit(url)
return split
def tojson(obj):
"""Converts the supplied object/array/any to a JSON string if it can be JSONified
:param any obj: The value to be converted to a JSON string
:return: The JSON string representation of the supplied value
:rtype: str
return json.dumps(obj)
def tobool(bool_val):
"""Converts a python boolean to a JS "true" or "false" string
:param any obj: A value to be evaluated as a boolean
:return: The string "true" or "false" to be inserted into JS
return 'true' if bool_val else 'false'
# ============================================================================
class BaseInsertView(object):
"""Base class of all template views used by Pywb"""
def __init__(self, jenv, insert_file, banner_view=None):
"""Create a new BaseInsertView.
:param JinjaEnv jenv: The instance of pywb.rewrite.templateview.JinjaEnv to be used
:param str insert_file: The name of the template file
:param BaseInsertView banner_view: The banner_view property of pywb.apps.RewriterApp
self.jenv = jenv
self.insert_file = insert_file
self.banner_view = banner_view
def render_to_string(self, env, **kwargs):
"""Render this template.
:param dict env: The WSGI environment associated with the request causing this template to be rendered
:param any kwargs: The keyword arguments to be supplied to the Jninja template render method
:return: The rendered template
:rtype: str
template = None
template_path = env.get(self.jenv.env_template_dir_key)
if template_path:
# jinja paths are not os paths, always use '/' as separator
# https://github.com/pallets/jinja/issues/411
template_path = template_path + '/' + self.insert_file
template = self.jenv.jinja_env.get_template(template_path)
except TemplateNotFound as te:
if not template:
template = self.jenv.jinja_env.get_template(self.insert_file)
params = env.get(self.jenv.env_template_params_key)
if params:
kwargs['env'] = env
kwargs['static_prefix'] = env.get('pywb.static_prefix', '/static')
return template.render(**kwargs)
# ============================================================================
class HeadInsertView(BaseInsertView):
"""The template view class associated with rendering the HTML inserted
into the head of the pages replayed (WB Insert)."""
def create_insert_func(self, wb_url,
"""Create the function used to render the header insert template for the current request.
:param rewrite.wburl.WbUrl wb_url: The WbUrl for the request this template is being rendered for
:param str wb_prefix: The URL prefix pywb is serving the content using (e.g. http://localhost:8080/live/)
:param str host_prefix: The host URL prefix pywb is running on (e.g. http://localhost:8080)
:param str top_url: The full URL for this request (e.g. http://localhost:8080/live/http://example.com)
:param dict env: The WSGI environment dictionary for this request
:param bool is_framed: Is pywb or a specific collection running in framed mode
:param str coll: The name of the collection this request is associated with
:param bool include_ts: Should a timestamp be included in the rendered template
:param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be supplied to the Jninja template render method
:return: A function to be used to render the header insert for the request this template is being rendered for
:rtype: callable
params = kwargs
params['host_prefix'] = host_prefix
params['wb_prefix'] = wb_prefix
params['wb_url'] = wb_url
params['top_url'] = top_url
params['coll'] = coll
params['is_framed'] = is_framed
def make_head_insert(rule, cdx):
params['wombat_ts'] = cdx['timestamp'] if include_ts else ''
params['wombat_sec'] = timestamp_to_sec(cdx['timestamp'])
params['is_live'] = cdx.get('is_live')
if self.banner_view:
banner_html = self.banner_view.render_to_string(env, cdx=cdx, **params)
params['custom_banner_html'] = banner_html
return self.render_to_string(env, cdx=cdx, **params)
return make_head_insert
# ============================================================================
class TopFrameView(BaseInsertView):
"""The template view class associated with rendering the replay iframe"""
def get_top_frame(self, wb_url,
:param rewrite.wburl.WbUrl wb_url: The WbUrl for the request this template is being rendered for
:param str wb_prefix: The URL prefix pywb is serving the content using (e.g. http://localhost:8080/live/)
:param str host_prefix: The host URL prefix pywb is running on (e.g. http://localhost:8080)
:param dict env: The WSGI environment dictionary for the request this template is being rendered for
:param str frame_mod: The modifier to be used for framing (e.g. if_)
:param str replay_mod: The modifier to be used in the URL of the page being replayed (e.g. mp_)
:param bool client_side_replay: Boolean indicating whether to use wabac.js-based client side replay
:param str coll: The name of the collection this template is being rendered for
:param dict extra_params: Additional parameters to be supplied to the Jninja template render method
:return: The frame insert string
:rtype: str
embed_url = wb_url.to_str(mod=replay_mod)
timestamp = ''
if wb_url.timestamp:
timestamp = wb_url.timestamp
# timestamp = timestamp_now()
is_proxy = 'wsgiprox.proxy_host' in env
params = {'host_prefix': host_prefix,
'wb_prefix': wb_prefix,
'wb_url': wb_url,
'coll': coll,
'options': {'frame_mod': frame_mod,
'replay_mod': replay_mod},
'embed_url': embed_url,
'is_proxy': is_proxy,
'client_side_replay': client_side_replay,
'timestamp': timestamp,
'url': wb_url.get_url()
if extra_params:
if self.banner_view:
banner_html = self.banner_view.render_to_string(env, **params)
params['banner_html'] = banner_html
return self.render_to_string(env, **params)
# ============================================================================
class PkgResResolver(Resolver):
"""Class for resolving pywb package resources when install via pypi or setup.py"""
def get_pkg_path(self, item):
"""Get the package path for the
:param str item: A resources full package path
:return: The netloc and path from the items package path
:rtype: tuple[str, str]
if not isinstance(item, str):
return None
parts = urlsplit(item)
if parts.scheme == 'pkg' and parts.netloc:
return (parts.netloc, parts.path)
return None
def resolve_source(self, ctx, item):
pkg = self.get_pkg_path(item)
if pkg:
filename = resource_filename(pkg[0], pkg[1])
if filename:
return filename
return super(PkgResResolver, self).resolve_source(ctx, item)