mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 07:49:24 +01:00
(as opposed to regex matches) eg: filter:urlkey=com,example)/?example=1 matches exact string 'com,example)/?example=1' in the urlkey field (as opposed to applying it as a regex)
233 lines
6.4 KiB
233 lines
6.4 KiB
from cdxobject import CDXObject
from pywb.utils.timeutils import timestamp_to_sec
import bisect
import itertools
import re
from heapq import merge
from collections import deque
def cdx_text_out(cdx, fields):
if not fields:
return str(cdx)
return ' '.join(map(lambda x: cdx[x], fields.split(',')))
def cdx_load(sources, params):
cdx_iter = load_cdx_streams(sources, params)
cdx_iter = make_cdx_iter(cdx_iter)
if not params.get('proxy_all'):
resolve_revisits = params.get('resolve_revisits', False)
if resolve_revisits:
cdx_iter = cdx_resolve_revisits(cdx_iter)
filters = params.get('filter', None)
if filters:
cdx_iter = cdx_filter(cdx_iter, filters)
collapse_time = params.get('collapse_time', None)
if collapse_time:
cdx_iter = cdx_collapse_time_status(cdx_iter, collapse_time)
limit = int(params.get('limit', 1000000))
reverse = params.get('reverse', False)
if reverse:
cdx_iter = cdx_reverse(cdx_iter, limit)
closest_to = params.get('closest', None)
if closest_to:
cdx_iter = cdx_sort_closest(closest_to, cdx_iter, limit)
if limit:
cdx_iter = cdx_limit(cdx_iter, limit)
# output raw cdx objects
if params.get('output') == 'raw':
return cdx_iter
def write_cdx(fields):
for cdx in cdx_iter:
yield cdx_text_out(cdx, fields) + '\n'
return write_cdx(params.get('fields'))
# load and source merge cdx streams
def load_cdx_streams(sources, params):
# Optimize: no need to merge if just one input
if len(sources) == 1:
return sources[0].load_cdx(params)
source_iters = map(lambda src: src.load_cdx(params), sources)
merged_stream = merge(*(source_iters))
return merged_stream
# convert text cdx stream to CDXObject
def make_cdx_iter(text_iter):
return itertools.imap(lambda line: CDXObject(line), text_iter)
# limit cdx to at most limit
def cdx_limit(cdx_iter, limit):
for cdx, _ in itertools.izip(cdx_iter, xrange(limit)):
yield cdx
# reverse cdx
def cdx_reverse(cdx_iter, limit):
# optimize for single last
if limit == 1:
last = None
for cdx in cdx_iter:
last = cdx
return [last] if last else []
reverse_cdxs = deque(maxlen=limit)
for cdx in cdx_iter:
return reverse_cdxs
# filter cdx by regex if each filter is field:regex form,
# apply filter to cdx[field]
def cdx_filter(cdx_iter, filter_strings):
# Support single strings as well
if isinstance(filter_strings, str):
filter_strings = [filter_strings]
filters = []
class Filter:
def __init__(self, string):
# invert filter
self.invert = string.startswith('!')
if self.invert:
string = string[1:]
self.exact = string.startswith('=')
if self.exact:
string = string[1:]
parts = string.split(':', 1)
# no field set, apply filter to entire cdx
if len(parts) == 1:
self.field = ''
# apply filter to cdx[field]
self.field = parts[0]
string = parts[1]
if self.exact:
self.exact_str = string
self.regex = re.compile(string)
def __call__(self, cdx):
val = cdx[self.field] if self.field else str(cdx)
if self.exact:
matched = (self.exact_str == val)
matched = self.regex.match(val) is not None
return matched ^ self.invert
filters = map(Filter, filter_strings)
for cdx in cdx_iter:
if all(x(cdx) for x in filters):
yield cdx
# collapse by timestamp and status code
def cdx_collapse_time_status(cdx_iter, timelen=10):
timelen = int(timelen)
last_token = None
for cdx in cdx_iter:
curr_token = (cdx['timestamp'][:timelen], cdx['statuscode'])
# yield if last_dedup_time is diff, otherwise skip
if curr_token != last_token:
last_token = curr_token
yield cdx
# sort CDXCaptureResult by closest to timestamp
def cdx_sort_closest(closest, cdx_iter, limit=10):
closest_cdx = []
closest_sec = timestamp_to_sec(closest)
for cdx in cdx_iter:
sec = timestamp_to_sec(cdx['timestamp'])
key = abs(closest_sec - sec)
# create tuple to sort by key
bisect.insort(closest_cdx, (key, cdx))
if len(closest_cdx) == limit:
# assuming cdx in ascending order and keys have started increasing
if key > closest_cdx[-1]:
if len(closest_cdx) > limit:
return itertools.imap(lambda x: x[1], closest_cdx)
# resolve revisits
# Fields to append from cdx original to revisit
ORIG_TUPLE = ['length', 'offset', 'filename']
def cdx_resolve_revisits(cdx_iter):
originals = {}
for cdx in cdx_iter:
is_revisit = ((cdx['mimetype'] == 'warc/revisit') or
(cdx['filename'] == '-'))
digest = cdx['digest']
original_cdx = originals.get(digest)
if not original_cdx and not is_revisit:
originals[digest] = cdx
if original_cdx and is_revisit:
fill_orig = lambda field: original_cdx[field]
# Transfer mimetype and statuscode
cdx['mimetype'] = original_cdx['mimetype']
cdx['statuscode'] = original_cdx['statuscode']
fill_orig = lambda field: '-'
# Always add either the original or empty '- - -'
for field in ORIG_TUPLE:
cdx['orig.' + field] = fill_orig(field)
yield cdx