mirror of https://github.com/webrecorder/pywb.git synced 2025-03-25 23:47:47 +01:00
Ilya Kreymer f1acad53fc wsgi wrapper reorg!
support pluggable wsgi apps
utils: BlockLoader() supports loading from package
exceptions: base WbException moved to utils
2014-03-02 19:26:06 -08:00

161 lines
5.5 KiB

import itertools
import urlparse
import collections
from pywb.utils.statusandheaders import StatusAndHeaders
from pywb.utils.statusandheaders import StatusAndHeadersParser
from pywb.utils.statusandheaders import StatusAndHeadersParserException
from pywb.utils.loaders import BlockLoader
from pywb.utils.bufferedreaders import DecompressingBufferedReader
from pywb.utils.wbexception import WbException
ArcWarcRecord = collections.namedtuple('ArchiveRecord',
'type, rec_headers, ' +
'stream, status_headers')
class ArchiveLoadFailed(WbException):
def __init__(self, reason, filename=''):
super(ArchiveLoadFailed, self).__init__(filename + ':' + str(reason))
#self.filename = filename
#self.reason = reason
def status(self):
return '503 Service Unavailable'
class ArcWarcRecordLoader:
# Standard ARC headers
ARC_HEADERS = ["uri", "ip-address", "creation-date",
"content-type", "length"]
def __init__(self, loader=None, cookie_maker=None, block_size=8192):
if not loader:
loader = BlockLoader(cookie_maker)
self.loader = loader
self.block_size = block_size
self.arc_parser = ARCHeadersParser(self.ARC_HEADERS)
warc_types = ['WARC/1.0', 'WARC/0.17', 'WARC/0.18']
self.warc_parser = StatusAndHeadersParser(warc_types)
self.http_parser = StatusAndHeadersParser(['HTTP/1.0', 'HTTP/1.1'])
def load(self, url, offset, length):
url_parts = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
#loader = self.loaders.get(url_parts.scheme)
#if not loader:
# raise ArchiveLoadFailed('Unknown Protocol', url)
length = int(length)
length = -1
raw = self.loader.load(url, long(offset), length)
decomp_type = 'gzip'
# Create decompressing stream
stream = DecompressingBufferedReader(stream=raw,
(the_format, rec_headers) = self._detect_type_load_headers(stream)
if the_format == 'arc':
rec_type = 'response'
empty = (rec_headers.get_header('length') == 0)
elif the_format == 'warc':
rec_type = rec_headers.get_header('WARC-Type')
empty = (rec_headers.get_header('Content-Length') == '0')
# special case: empty w/arc record (hopefully a revisit)
if empty:
status_headers = StatusAndHeaders('204 No Content', [])
# special case: warc records that are not expected to have http headers
# attempt to add 200 status and content-type
elif rec_type == 'metadata' or rec_type == 'resource':
content_type = [('Content-Type',
status_headers = StatusAndHeaders('200 OK', content_type)
# special case: http 0.9 response, no status or headers
#elif rec_type == 'response':
# content_type = rec_headers.get_header('Content-Type')
# if content_type and (';version=0.9' in content_type):
# status_headers = StatusAndHeaders('200 OK', [])
# response record: parse HTTP status and headers!
#(statusline, http_headers) = self.parse_http_headers(stream)
status_headers = self.http_parser.parse(stream)
return ArcWarcRecord((the_format, rec_type),
rec_headers, stream, status_headers)
def _detect_type_load_headers(self, stream):
Try parsing record as WARC, then try parsing as ARC.
if neither one succeeds, we're out of luck.
statusline = None
# try as warc first
rec_headers = self.warc_parser.parse(stream)
return 'warc', rec_headers
except StatusAndHeadersParserException as se:
statusline = se.statusline
# now try as arc
rec_headers = self.arc_parser.parse(stream, statusline)
return 'arc', rec_headers
except StatusAndHeadersParserException as se:
msg = 'Unknown archive format, first line: ' + se.statusline
raise ArchiveLoadFailed(msg)
class ARCHeadersParser:
def __init__(self, headernames):
self.headernames = headernames
def parse(self, stream, headerline=None):
# if headerline passed in, use that
if not headerline:
headerline = stream.readline().rstrip()
parts = headerline.split()
headernames = self.headernames
if len(parts) != len(headernames):
msg = 'Wrong # of headers, expected arc headers {0}, Found {1}'
msg = msg.format(headernames, parts)
raise StatusAndHeadersParserException(msg, headernames)
headers = []
for name, value in itertools.izip(headernames, parts):
headers.append((name, value))
return StatusAndHeaders(statusline='',