mirror of https://github.com/webrecorder/pywb.git synced 2025-03-14 15:53:28 +01:00
Ilya Kreymer 2528ee0a7c refactoring of binsearch and cdxserver into seperate packages
also move complicated doctests and integration tests to tests/
2014-02-12 13:16:07 -08:00

462 lines
16 KiB

import itertools
import utils
import urllib2
import StringIO
import urlparse
import collections
import wbexceptions
from wbrequestresponse import StatusAndHeaders
# load a reader from http
class HttpLoader:
Load content over http with range request and optional signature
def __init__(self, hmac = None, hmac_duration = 30):
self.hmac = hmac
self.hmac_duration = hmac_duration
def load(self, url, offset, length):
if length > 0:
range_header = 'bytes={0}-{1}'.format(offset, offset + length - 1)
range_header = 'bytes={0}-'.format(offset)
headers = {}
headers['Range'] = range_header
if self.hmac:
headers['Cookie'] = self.hmac(self.hmac_duration)
request = urllib2.Request(url, headers = headers)
return urllib2.urlopen(request)
# load a reader from local filesystem
class FileLoader:
Load content from local file-system
# Ensure attempt to read more than 100 bytes, only reads 100 bytes
>>> len(FileLoader().load(utils.test_data_dir() + 'warcs/iana.warc.gz', 0, 100).read('400'))
def load(self, url, offset, length):
if url.startswith('file://'):
url = url[len('file://'):]
afile = open(url, 'rb')
if length > 0:
return LimitReader(afile, length)
return afile
# A reader which will not read past the specified limit
class LimitReader:
>>> LimitReader(StringIO.StringIO('abcdefghjiklmnopqrstuvwxyz'), 10).read(26)
>>> LimitReader(StringIO.StringIO('abcdefghjiklmnopqrstuvwxyz'), 8).readline(26)
>>> test_multiple_reads(LimitReader(StringIO.StringIO('abcdefghjiklmnopqrstuvwxyz'), 10), [2, 2, 20])
def __init__(self, stream, limit):
self.stream = stream
self.limit = limit
if not self.limit:
self.limit = 1
def read(self, length = None):
length = min(length, self.limit) if length else self.limit
buff = self.stream.read(length)
self.limit -= len(buff)
return buff
def readline(self, length = None):
length = min(length, self.limit) if length else self.limit
buff = self.stream.readline(length)
self.limit -= len(buff)
return buff
def close(self):
WBArchiveRecord = collections.namedtuple('WBArchiveRecord', 'type, rec_headers, stream, status_headers')
class ArchiveLoader:
>>> load_test_archive('example.warc.gz', '333', '1043')
(('warc', 'response'),
StatusAndHeaders(protocol = 'WARC/1.0', statusline = '', headers = [ ('WARC-Type', 'response'),
('WARC-Record-ID', '<urn:uuid:6d058047-ede2-4a13-be79-90c17c631dd4>'),
('WARC-Date', '2014-01-03T03:03:21Z'),
('Content-Length', '1610'),
('Content-Type', 'application/http; msgtype=response'),
('WARC-Payload-Digest', 'sha1:B2LTWWPUOYAH7UIPQ7ZUPQ4VMBSVC36A'),
('WARC-Target-URI', 'http://example.com?example=1'),
('WARC-Warcinfo-ID', '<urn:uuid:fbd6cf0a-6160-4550-b343-12188dc05234>')]),
StatusAndHeaders(protocol = 'HTTP/1.1', statusline = '200 OK', headers = [ ('Accept-Ranges', 'bytes'),
('Cache-Control', 'max-age=604800'),
('Content-Type', 'text/html'),
('Date', 'Fri, 03 Jan 2014 03:03:21 GMT'),
('Etag', '"359670651"'),
('Expires', 'Fri, 10 Jan 2014 03:03:21 GMT'),
('Last-Modified', 'Fri, 09 Aug 2013 23:54:35 GMT'),
('Server', 'ECS (sjc/4FCE)'),
('X-Cache', 'HIT'),
('x-ec-custom-error', '1'),
('Content-Length', '1270'),
('Connection', 'close')]))
>>> load_test_archive('example.warc.gz', '1864', '553')
(('warc', 'revisit'),
StatusAndHeaders(protocol = 'WARC/1.0', statusline = '', headers = [ ('WARC-Type', 'revisit'),
('WARC-Record-ID', '<urn:uuid:3619f5b0-d967-44be-8f24-762098d427c4>'),
('WARC-Date', '2014-01-03T03:03:41Z'),
('Content-Length', '340'),
('Content-Type', 'application/http; msgtype=response'),
('WARC-Payload-Digest', 'sha1:B2LTWWPUOYAH7UIPQ7ZUPQ4VMBSVC36A'),
('WARC-Target-URI', 'http://example.com?example=1'),
('WARC-Warcinfo-ID', '<urn:uuid:fbd6cf0a-6160-4550-b343-12188dc05234>'),
( 'WARC-Profile',
('WARC-Refers-To-Target-URI', 'http://example.com?example=1'),
('WARC-Refers-To-Date', '2014-01-03T03:03:21Z')]),
StatusAndHeaders(protocol = 'HTTP/1.1', statusline = '200 OK', headers = [ ('Accept-Ranges', 'bytes'),
('Cache-Control', 'max-age=604800'),
('Content-Type', 'text/html'),
('Date', 'Fri, 03 Jan 2014 03:03:41 GMT'),
('Etag', '"359670651"'),
('Expires', 'Fri, 10 Jan 2014 03:03:41 GMT'),
('Last-Modified', 'Fri, 09 Aug 2013 23:54:35 GMT'),
('Server', 'ECS (sjc/4FCE)'),
('X-Cache', 'HIT'),
('x-ec-custom-error', '1'),
('Content-Length', '1270'),
('Connection', 'close')]))
# Standard ARC headers
ARC_HEADERS = ["uri", "ip-address", "creation-date", "content-type", "length"]
# Since loading a range request, can only determine gzip-ness based on file extension
'.warc.gz': ('warc', True),
'.arc.gz': ('arc', True),
'.warc': ('warc', False),
'.arc': ('arc', False),
def create_default_loaders(hmac = None):
http = HttpLoader(hmac)
file = FileLoader()
return {
'http': http,
'https': http,
'file': file,
'': file
def __init__(self, loaders = {}, hmac = None, chunk_size = 8192):
self.loaders = loaders if loaders else ArchiveLoader.create_default_loaders(hmac)
self.chunk_size = chunk_size
self.arc_parser = ARCHeadersParser(ArchiveLoader.ARC_HEADERS)
self.warc_parser = StatusAndHeadersParser(['WARC/1.0', 'WARC/0.17', 'WARC/0.18'])
self.http_parser = StatusAndHeadersParser(['HTTP/1.0', 'HTTP/1.1'])
def load(self, url, offset, length):
url_parts = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
loader = self.loaders.get(url_parts.scheme)
if not loader:
raise wbexceptions.UnknownLoaderProtocolException(url)
the_format = None
for ext, iformat in ArchiveLoader.FORMAT_MAP.iteritems():
if url.endswith(ext):
the_format = iformat
if the_format is None:
raise wbexceptions.UnknownArchiveFormatException(url)
(a_format, is_gzip) = the_format
decomp = utils.create_decompressor() if is_gzip else None
length = int(length)
length = -1
raw = loader.load(url, long(offset), length)
stream = LineReader(raw, length, self.chunk_size, decomp)
if a_format == 'arc':
rec_headers = self.arc_parser.parse(stream)
rec_type = 'response'
empty = (rec_headers.get_header('length') == 0)
elif a_format == 'warc':
rec_headers = self.warc_parser.parse(stream)
rec_type = rec_headers.get_header('WARC-Type')
empty = (rec_headers.get_header('Content-Length') == '0')
# special case: empty w/arc record (hopefully a revisit)
if empty:
status_headers = StatusAndHeaders('204 No Content', [])
# special case: warc records that are not expected to have http headers
# attempt to add 200 status and content-type
elif rec_type == 'metadata' or rec_type == 'resource':
status_headers = StatusAndHeaders('200 OK', [('Content-Type', rec_headers.get_header('Content-Type'))])
# special case: http 0.9 response, no status or headers
#elif rec_type == 'response':
# content_type = rec_headers.get_header('Content-Type')
# if content_type and (';version=0.9' in content_type):
# status_headers = StatusAndHeaders('200 OK', [])
# response record: parse HTTP status and headers!
#(statusline, http_headers) = self.parse_http_headers(stream)
status_headers = self.http_parser.parse(stream)
return WBArchiveRecord((a_format, rec_type), rec_headers, stream, status_headers)
class StatusAndHeadersParser:
def __init__(self, statuslist):
self.statuslist = statuslist
def parse(self, stream):
statusline = stream.readline().rstrip()
protocol_status = utils.split_prefix(statusline, self.statuslist)
if not protocol_status:
raise wbexceptions.InvalidArchiveRecordException('Expected Status Line, Found: ' + statusline)
headers = []
line = stream.readline().rstrip()
while line and line != '\r\n':
name, value = line.split(':', 1)
header = (name, value.strip())
line = stream.readline().rstrip()
return StatusAndHeaders(statusline = protocol_status[1].strip(), headers = headers, protocol = protocol_status[0])
class ARCHeadersParser:
def __init__(self, headernames):
self.headernames = headernames
def parse(self, stream):
headerline = stream.readline().rstrip()
parts = headerline.split()
headernames = self.headernames
if len(parts) != len(headernames):
raise wbexceptions.InvalidArchiveRecordException('Wrong # of heaeders, expected arc headers {0}, Found {1}'.format(headernames, parts))
headers = []
for name, value in itertools.izip(headernames, parts):
headers.append((name, value))
return StatusAndHeaders(statusline = '', headers = headers, protocol = 'ARC/1.0')
class LineReader:
def __init__(self, stream, max_len = 0, chunk_size = 1024, decomp = None):
self.stream = stream
self.chunk_size = chunk_size
self.decomp = decomp
self.buff = None
self.num_read = 0
self.max_len = max_len
def _fillbuff(self, chunk_size = None):
if not chunk_size:
chunk_size = self.chunk_size
if not self.buff or self.buff.pos >= self.buff.len:
to_read = min(self.max_len - self.num_read, self.chunk_size) if (self.max_len > 0) else self.chunk_size
data = self.stream.read(to_read)
def _process_read(self, data):
if self.decomp and data:
data = self.decomp.decompress(data)
except Exception:
# if first read attempt, assume non-gzipped stream
if self.num_read == 0:
self.decomp = False
# otherwise (partly decompressed), something is wrong
self.num_read += len(data)
self.buff = StringIO.StringIO(data)
def read(self, length = None):
return self.buff.read(length)
def readline(self, length = None):
return self.buff.readline(length)
def close(self):
if self.stream:
self.stream = None
class ChunkedDataException(Exception):
class ChunkedLineReader(LineReader):
Properly formatted chunked data:
>>> c=ChunkedLineReader(StringIO.StringIO("4\r\n1234\r\n0\r\n\r\n")); c.read()+c.read()
Non-chunked data:
>>> ChunkedLineReader(StringIO.StringIO("xyz123!@#")).read()
Starts like chunked data, but isn't:
>>> c=ChunkedLineReader(StringIO.StringIO("1\r\nxyz123!@#")); c.read()+c.read()
Chunked data cut off part way through:
>>> c=ChunkedLineReader(StringIO.StringIO("4\r\n1234\r\n4\r\n12"));c.read()+c.read()
all_chunks_read = False
not_chunked = False
raise_chunked_data_exceptions = False # if False, we'll use best-guess fallback for parse errors
def _fillbuff(self, chunk_size = None):
if self.not_chunked:
return LineReader._fillbuff(self, chunk_size)
if self.all_chunks_read:
if not self.buff or self.buff.pos >= self.buff.len:
length_header = self.stream.readline(64)
data = ''
# decode length header
chunk_size = int(length_header.strip().split(';')[0], 16)
except ValueError:
raise ChunkedDataException("Couldn't decode length header '%s'" % length_header)
if chunk_size:
# read chunk
while len(data) < chunk_size:
new_data = self.stream.read(chunk_size - len(data))
# if we unexpectedly run out of data, either raise an exception or just stop reading, assuming file was cut off
if not new_data:
if self.raise_chunked_data_exceptions:
raise ChunkedDataException("Ran out of data before end of chunk")
chunk_size = len(data)
self.all_chunks_read = True
data += new_data
# if we successfully read a block without running out, it should end in \r\n
if not self.all_chunks_read:
clrf = self.stream.read(2)
if clrf != '\r\n':
raise ChunkedDataException("Chunk terminator not found.")
if self.decomp:
data = self.decomp.decompress(data)
# chunk_size 0 indicates end of file
self.all_chunks_read = True
data = ''
except ChunkedDataException:
if self.raise_chunked_data_exceptions:
# Can't parse the data as chunked.
# It's possible that non-chunked data is set with a Transfer-Encoding: chunked
# Treat this as non-chunk encoded from here on
self._process_read(length_header + data)
self.not_chunked = True
import utils
if __name__ == "__main__" or utils.enable_doctests():
import os
import pprint
testloader = ArchiveLoader()
def load_test_archive(test_file, offset, length):
path = utils.test_data_dir() + 'warcs/' + test_file
archive = testloader.load(path, offset, length)
pprint.pprint((archive.type, archive.rec_headers, archive.status_headers))
def test_multiple_reads(reader, inc_reads):
result = None
for x in inc_reads:
result = reader.read(x)
return result
import doctest