mirror of https://github.com/webrecorder/pywb.git synced 2025-03-23 06:32:24 +01:00
Ilya Kreymer cff2a9efc5
more locale fixes: (#653)
* more locale fixes:
- fix running wb-manager w/o i18n dependencies
- dependencies: move babel to extra_requires, show warning if locale used or 'wb-manager i18n' called and i18n are not installed
- not found page: don't language switch header banner on nested content frame
2021-06-18 14:58:21 -07:00

915 lines
34 KiB

from io import BytesIO
import requests
from fakeredis import FakeStrictRedis
from six.moves.urllib.parse import unquote, urlencode, urlsplit, urlunsplit
from warcio.bufferedreaders import BufferedReader
from warcio.recordloader import ArcWarcRecordLoader
from warcio.timeutils import http_date_to_timestamp, timestamp_to_http_date
from pywb.apps.wbrequestresponse import WbResponse
from pywb.rewrite.cookies import CookieTracker
from pywb.rewrite.default_rewriter import DefaultRewriter, RewriterWithJSProxy
from pywb.rewrite.rewriteinputreq import RewriteInputRequest
from pywb.rewrite.templateview import BaseInsertView, HeadInsertView, JinjaEnv, TopFrameView
from pywb.rewrite.url_rewriter import IdentityUrlRewriter, UrlRewriter
from pywb.rewrite.wburl import WbUrl
from pywb.utils.canonicalize import canonicalize
from pywb.utils.io import BUFF_SIZE, OffsetLimitReader, no_except_close
from pywb.utils.memento import MementoUtils
from pywb.utils.wbexception import NotFoundException, UpstreamException
from pywb.warcserver.index.cdxobject import CDXObject
# ============================================================================
class RewriterApp(object):
"""Primary application for rewriting the content served by pywb (if it is to be rewritten).
This class is also responsible rendering the archives templates
VIDEO_INFO_CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/vnd.youtube-dl_formats+json'
DEFAULT_CSP = "default-src 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline' 'self' data: blob: mediastream: ws: wss: ; form-action 'self'"
def __init__(self, framed_replay=False, jinja_env=None, config=None, paths=None):
"""Initialize a new instance of RewriterApp
:param bool framed_replay: Is rewriting happening in framed replay mode
:param JinjaEnv|None jinja_env: Optional JinjaEnv instance to be used for
rendering static files
:param dict|None config: Optional config dictionary
:param dict|None paths: Optional dictionary containing a mapping
of path names to URLs
self.loader = ArcWarcRecordLoader()
self.config = config or {}
self.paths = paths or {}
self.framed_replay = framed_replay
if framed_replay:
self.frame_mod = ''
self.replay_mod = 'mp_'
self.frame_mod = None
self.replay_mod = ''
self.enable_prefer = self.config.get('enable_prefer', False)
self.default_rw = DefaultRewriter(replay_mod=self.replay_mod,
self.js_proxy_rw = RewriterWithJSProxy(replay_mod=self.replay_mod)
if not jinja_env:
jinja_env = JinjaEnv(globals={'static_path': 'static'},
extensions=['jinja2.ext.i18n', 'jinja2.ext.with_'])
self.jinja_env = jinja_env
self.loc_map = {}
self.redirect_to_exact = config.get('redirect_to_exact')
self.banner_view = BaseInsertView(self.jinja_env, self._html_templ('banner_html'))
self.head_insert_view = HeadInsertView(self.jinja_env,
self.frame_insert_view = TopFrameView(self.jinja_env,
self.error_view = BaseInsertView(self.jinja_env, self._html_templ('error_html'))
self.not_found_view = BaseInsertView(self.jinja_env, self._html_templ('not_found_html'))
self.query_view = BaseInsertView(self.jinja_env, self._html_templ('query_html'))
self.use_js_obj_proxy = config.get('use_js_obj_proxy', True)
self.cookie_tracker = self._init_cookie_tracker()
self.enable_memento = self.config.get('enable_memento')
csp_header = self.config.get('csp-header', self.DEFAULT_CSP)
if csp_header:
self.csp_header = ('Content-Security-Policy', csp_header)
self.csp_header = None
# deprecated: Use X-Forwarded-Proto header instead!
self.force_scheme = config.get('force_scheme')
def _init_cookie_tracker(self, redis=None):
"""Initialize the CookieTracker
:param redis: Optional redis instance to be used
Defaults to FakeStrictRedis
:return: The initialized cookie tracker
:rtype: CookieTracker
if redis is None:
redis = FakeStrictRedis()
return CookieTracker(redis)
def add_csp_header(self, wb_url, status_headers):
"""Adds Content-Security-Policy headers to the supplied
StatusAndHeaders instance if the wb_url's mod is equal
to the replay mod
:param WbUrl wb_url: The WbUrl for the URL being operated on
:param warcio.StatusAndHeaders status_headers: The status and
headers instance for the reply to the URL
if self.csp_header and wb_url.mod == self.replay_mod:
def _html_templ(self, name):
"""Returns the html file name for the supplied
html template name.
:param str name: The name of the html template
:return: The file name for the template
:rtype: str|None
value = self.config.get(name)
if not value:
value = name.replace('_html', '.html')
return value
def is_framed_replay(self, wb_url):
"""Returns T/F indicating if the rewriter app is configured to
be operating in framed replay mode and the supplied WbUrl
is also operating in framed replay mode
:param WbUrl wb_url: The WbUrl instance to check
:return: T/F if in framed replay mode
:rtype: bool
return (self.framed_replay and
wb_url.mod == self.frame_mod and
def _check_accept_dt(self, wb_url, environ):
"""Returns T/F indicating if the supplied WbUrl instance
is for a timegate request
:param WbUrl wb_url: The URL to be checked
:param dict environ: The wsgi environment object for the request
:return: T/F indicating if the WbUrl is for timegate request
:rtype: bool
is_timegate = False
if wb_url.is_latest_replay():
accept_dt = environ.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_DATETIME')
is_timegate = True
if accept_dt:
wb_url.timestamp = http_date_to_timestamp(accept_dt)
except Exception:
raise UpstreamException(400, url=wb_url.url, details='Invalid Accept-Datetime')
# return WbResponse.text_response('Invalid Accept-Datetime', status='400 Bad Request')
wb_url.type = wb_url.REPLAY
elif 'pywb_proxy_default_timestamp' in environ:
wb_url.timestamp = environ['pywb_proxy_default_timestamp']
wb_url.type = wb_url.REPLAY
return is_timegate
def _get_prefer_mod(self, wb_url, environ, content_rw, is_proxy):
"""Returns the default rewrite modifier and rewrite modifier based on the
value of the Prefer HTTP header if it is present
:param WbUrl wb_url: The WbUrl for the URL being rewritten
:param dict environ: The WSGI environment dictionary for the request
:param content_rw: The content rewriter instance
:param bool is_proxy: Is the rewrite operating in proxy mode
:return: A tuple containing the default rewrite modifier and rewrite modifier based
on the value of the Prefer HTTP header if it is present
:rtype: tuple[str|None, str|None]
if not self.enable_prefer:
return None, None
prefer = environ.get('HTTP_PREFER')
if not prefer:
return None, content_rw.mod_to_prefer(wb_url.mod)
mod = content_rw.prefer_to_mod(prefer)
if mod is None:
raise UpstreamException(400, url=wb_url.url, details='Invalid Prefer: ' + prefer)
if is_proxy and mod == self.replay_mod:
mod = 'bn_'
prefer = content_rw.mod_to_prefer('bn_')
return mod, prefer
def _check_range(self, inputreq, wb_url):
"""Checks the input request if it is a range request returning
the start and end of the range as well as T/F if the request should
be skipped as a tuple.
:param RewriteInputRequest inputreq: The input request to check range
:param WbUrl wb_url: The WbUrl associated with the request
:return: A tuple with the start, end, and T/F should skip request
:rtype: tuple[int|None, int|None, bool]
skip_record = False
range_start = None
range_end = None
rangeres = inputreq.extract_range()
if not rangeres:
return range_start, range_end, skip_record
mod_url, start, end, use_206 = rangeres
# remove the range and still proxy
if not use_206:
return range_start, range_end, skip_record
wb_url.url = mod_url
inputreq.url = mod_url
range_start = start
range_end = end
# if start with 0, load from upstream, but add range after
if start == 0:
del inputreq.env['HTTP_RANGE']
skip_record = True
return range_start, range_end, skip_record
def _add_range(self, record, wb_url, range_start, range_end):
if range_end is None and range_start is None:
if record.http_headers.get_statuscode() != '200':
content_length = (record.http_headers.
if content_length is None:
content_length = content_length.split(',')[0]
content_length = int(content_length)
if not range_end:
range_end = content_length - 1
if range_start >= content_length or range_end >= content_length:
details = 'Invalid Range: {0} >= {2} or {1} >= {2}'.format(range_start, range_end, content_length)
raise UpstreamException(416, url=wb_url.url, details=details)
range_len = range_end - range_start + 1
record.http_headers.add_range(range_start, range_len,
record.http_headers.replace_header('Content-Length', str(range_len))
record.raw_stream = OffsetLimitReader(record.raw_stream, range_start, range_len)
return True
except (ValueError, TypeError):
def send_redirect(self, new_path, url_parts, urlrewriter):
scheme, netloc, path, query, frag = url_parts
path = new_path
url = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, frag))
resp = WbResponse.redir_response(urlrewriter.rewrite(url),
'307 Temporary Redirect')
if self.enable_memento:
resp.status_headers['Link'] = MementoUtils.make_link(url, 'original')
return resp
def render_content(self, wb_url, kwargs, environ):
wb_url = wb_url.replace('#', '%23')
wb_url = WbUrl(wb_url)
proto = environ.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO', self.force_scheme)
if proto:
environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = proto
history_page = environ.pop('HTTP_X_WOMBAT_HISTORY_PAGE', '')
if history_page:
wb_url.url = history_page
is_ajax = True
is_ajax = self.is_ajax(environ)
is_timegate = self._check_accept_dt(wb_url, environ)
host_prefix = self.get_host_prefix(environ)
rel_prefix = self.get_rel_prefix(environ)
full_prefix = host_prefix + rel_prefix
environ['pywb.host_prefix'] = host_prefix
pywb_static_prefix = host_prefix + environ.get('pywb.app_prefix', '') + environ.get(
'pywb.static_prefix', '/static/')
is_proxy = ('wsgiprox.proxy_host' in environ)
# if OPTIONS in proxy mode, just generate the proxy responss
if is_proxy and self.is_preflight(environ):
return WbResponse.options_response(environ)
environ['pywb.host_prefix'] = host_prefix
if self.use_js_obj_proxy:
content_rw = self.js_proxy_rw
content_rw = self.default_rw
# no redirects if in proxy
redirect_to_exact = self.redirect_to_exact and not is_proxy
# Check Prefer
pref_mod, pref_applied = self._get_prefer_mod(wb_url, environ,
content_rw, is_proxy)
response = None
keep_frame_response = False
# prefer overrides custom response?
if pref_mod is not None:
# fast-redirect to preferred
if redirect_to_exact and not is_timegate and pref_mod != wb_url.mod:
new_url = full_prefix + wb_url.to_str(mod=pref_mod)
headers = [('Preference-Applied', pref_applied),
('Vary', 'Prefer')]
return WbResponse.redir_response(new_url,
'307 Temporary Redirect',
wb_url.mod = pref_mod
if kwargs.get('output'):
response = self.handle_timemap(wb_url, kwargs, full_prefix)
elif wb_url.is_query():
response = self.handle_query(environ, wb_url, kwargs, full_prefix)
# don't return top-frame response for timegate with exact redirects
if not (is_timegate and redirect_to_exact):
response = self.handle_custom_response(environ, wb_url,
full_prefix, host_prefix,
keep_frame_response = not kwargs.get('no_timegate_check') and is_timegate and not redirect_to_exact and not is_proxy
if response and not keep_frame_response:
return self.format_response(response, wb_url, full_prefix, is_timegate, is_proxy)
if is_proxy:
environ['pywb_proxy_magic'] = environ['wsgiprox.proxy_host']
urlrewriter = IdentityUrlRewriter(wb_url, '')
framed_replay = False
urlrewriter = UrlRewriter(wb_url,
framed_replay = self.framed_replay
url_parts = urlsplit(wb_url.url)
if not url_parts.path:
return self.send_redirect('/', url_parts, urlrewriter)
self.unrewrite_referrer(environ, full_prefix)
urlkey = canonicalize(wb_url.url)
inputreq = RewriteInputRequest(environ, urlkey, wb_url.url, content_rw)
range_start, range_end, skip_record = self._check_range(inputreq, wb_url)
setcookie_headers = None
cookie_key = None
if self.cookie_tracker:
cookie_key = self.get_cookie_key(kwargs)
if cookie_key:
res = self.cookie_tracker.get_cookie_headers(wb_url.url,
environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE', ''))
inputreq.extra_cookie, setcookie_headers = res
r = self._do_req(inputreq, wb_url, kwargs, skip_record)
if r.status_code >= 400:
error = None
error = r.raw.read()
except Exception:
if error:
error = error.decode('utf-8')
error = ''
details = dict(args=kwargs, error=error)
if r.status_code == 404:
raise NotFoundException(url=wb_url.url, msg=details)
raise UpstreamException(r.status_code, url=wb_url.url, details=details)
cdx = CDXObject(r.headers.get('Warcserver-Cdx').encode('utf-8'))
cdx_url_parts = urlsplit(cdx['url'])
if cdx_url_parts.path.endswith('/') and not url_parts.path.endswith('/'):
# add trailing slash
new_path = url_parts.path + '/'
return self.send_redirect(new_path, url_parts, urlrewriter)
# return top-frame timegate response, with timestamp from cdx
if response and keep_frame_response:
return self.format_response(response, wb_url, full_prefix, is_timegate, is_proxy, cdx['timestamp'])
stream = BufferedReader(r.raw, block_size=BUFF_SIZE)
record = self.loader.parse_record_stream(stream,
memento_dt = r.headers.get('Memento-Datetime')
target_uri = r.headers.get('WARC-Target-URI')
# cdx['urlkey'] = urlkey
# cdx['timestamp'] = http_date_to_timestamp(memento_dt)
# cdx['url'] = target_uri
set_content_loc = False
# Check if Fuzzy Match
if target_uri != wb_url.url and cdx.get('is_fuzzy') == '1':
set_content_loc = True
# if redirect to exact timestamp, bit only if not live
if redirect_to_exact and not cdx.get('is_live'):
if set_content_loc or is_timegate or wb_url.timestamp != cdx.get('timestamp'):
new_url = urlrewriter.get_new_url(url=target_uri,
resp = WbResponse.redir_response(new_url, '307 Temporary Redirect')
if self.enable_memento:
if is_timegate and not is_proxy:
self._add_memento_links(target_uri, full_prefix,
memento_dt, cdx['timestamp'],
is_timegate, is_proxy,
resp.status_headers['Link'] = MementoUtils.make_link(target_uri, 'original')
return resp
self._add_custom_params(cdx, r.headers, kwargs, record)
if self._add_range(record, wb_url, range_start, range_end):
wb_url.mod = 'id_'
if is_ajax:
head_insert_func = None
urlrewriter.rewrite_opts['is_ajax'] = True
top_url = self.get_top_url(full_prefix, wb_url, cdx, kwargs)
head_insert_func = (self.head_insert_view.
coll=kwargs.get('coll', ''),
metadata=kwargs.get('metadata', {}),
cookie_rewriter = None
if self.cookie_tracker and cookie_key:
# skip add cookie if service worker is not 200
# it seems cookie headers from service workers are not applied, so don't update in cache
if wb_url.mod == 'sw_':
cookie_key = None
cookie_rewriter = self.cookie_tracker.get_rewriter(urlrewriter,
urlrewriter.rewrite_opts['ua_string'] = environ.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT')
result = content_rw(record, urlrewriter, cookie_rewriter, head_insert_func, cdx, environ)
status_headers, gen, is_rw = result
if history_page:
title = DefaultRewriter._extract_title(gen)
if not title:
title = unquote(environ.get('HTTP_X_WOMBAT_HISTORY_TITLE', ''))
if not title:
title = history_page
self._add_history_page(cdx, kwargs, title)
return WbResponse.json_response({'title': title})
if setcookie_headers:
if ' ' not in status_headers.statusline:
status_headers.statusline += ' None'
if not is_ajax and self.enable_memento:
self._add_memento_links(cdx['url'], full_prefix,
memento_dt, cdx['timestamp'], status_headers,
is_timegate, is_proxy, cdx.get('source-coll'),
mod=pref_mod, pref_applied=pref_applied)
set_content_loc = True
if set_content_loc and not redirect_to_exact and not is_proxy:
status_headers.headers.append(('Content-Location', urlrewriter.get_new_url(timestamp=cdx['timestamp'],
if not is_proxy:
self.add_csp_header(wb_url, status_headers)
response = WbResponse(status_headers, gen)
if is_proxy and environ.get('HTTP_ORIGIN'):
if r.status_code == 200 and kwargs.get('cache') == 'always' and environ.get('HTTP_REFERER'):
response.status_headers['Cache-Control'] = 'public, max-age=31536000, immutable'
return response
def format_response(self, response, wb_url, full_prefix, is_timegate, is_proxy, timegate_closest_ts=None):
memento_ts = None
if not isinstance(response, WbResponse):
content_type = 'text/html'
# if not replay outer frame, specify utf-8 charset
if not self.is_framed_replay(wb_url):
content_type += '; charset=utf-8'
memento_ts = timegate_closest_ts or wb_url.timestamp
response = WbResponse.text_response(response, content_type=content_type)
if self.enable_memento and response.status_headers.statusline.startswith('200'):
self._add_memento_links(wb_url.url, full_prefix, None, memento_ts,
response.status_headers, is_timegate, is_proxy, is_memento=not is_timegate)
return response
def _add_memento_links(self, url, full_prefix, memento_dt, memento_ts,
status_headers, is_timegate, is_proxy, coll=None,
pref_applied=None, mod=None, is_memento=True):
"""Adds the memento link headers to supplied StatusAndHeaders instance
:param str url: The URI-R being rewritten
:param str full_prefix: The replay prefix
:param str|None memento_dt: The memento datetime for the URI-R being rewritten
:param str memento_ts: The memento timestamp
:param warcio.StatusAndHeaders status_headers:
:param bool is_timegate: Are we returning a response for a timegate
:param bool is_proxy: Are we operating in proxy mode
:param str|None coll: The collection the URI-R is from
:param str|None pref_applied:
:param str|None mod: The rewrite modifier
:param bool is_memento:
:rtype: None
replay_mod = mod or self.replay_mod
# memento url + header
if not memento_dt and memento_ts:
memento_dt = timestamp_to_http_date(memento_ts)
if memento_dt:
if is_memento:
status_headers.headers.append(('Memento-Datetime', memento_dt))
if is_proxy:
memento_url = url
memento_url = full_prefix + memento_ts + replay_mod
memento_url += '/' + url
memento_url = None
timegate_url, timemap_url = self._get_timegate_timemap(url, full_prefix, mod)
link = []
if not is_proxy:
link.append(MementoUtils.make_link(url, 'original'))
link.append(MementoUtils.make_link(timegate_url, 'timegate'))
link.append(MementoUtils.make_link(timemap_url, 'timemap'))
if memento_dt:
link.append(MementoUtils.make_memento_link(memento_url, 'memento', memento_dt, coll))
link_str = ', '.join(link)
status_headers.headers.append(('Link', link_str))
vary = ''
if is_timegate:
vary = 'accept-datetime'
if pref_applied:
vary = 'Prefer' if not vary else vary + ', Prefer'
status_headers.headers.append(('Preference-Applied', pref_applied))
if vary:
status_headers.headers.append(('Vary', vary))
def _get_timegate_timemap(self, url, full_prefix, mod):
# timegate url
timegate_url = full_prefix
mod = ''
if mod:
timegate_url += mod + '/'
timegate_url += url
# timemap url
timemap_url = full_prefix + 'timemap/link/' + url
return timegate_url, timemap_url
def get_top_url(self, full_prefix, wb_url, cdx, kwargs):
top_url = full_prefix + wb_url.to_str(mod='')
return top_url
def handle_error(self, environ, wbe):
if isinstance(wbe, NotFoundException):
return self._not_found_response(environ, wbe.url)
return self._error_response(environ, wbe)
def _not_found_response(self, environ, url):
resp = self.not_found_view.render_to_string(environ, url=url, err_msg="Not Found")
return WbResponse.text_response(resp, status='404 Not Found', content_type='text/html')
def _error_response(self, environ, wbe):
status = wbe.status()
resp = self.error_view.render_to_string(environ,
return WbResponse.text_response(resp, status=status, content_type='text/html')
def _do_req(self, inputreq, wb_url, kwargs, skip_record):
req_data = inputreq.reconstruct_request(wb_url.url)
headers = {'Content-Length': str(len(req_data)),
'Content-Type': 'application/request'}
if skip_record:
headers['Recorder-Skip'] = '1'
if wb_url.is_latest_replay():
closest = 'now'
closest = wb_url.timestamp
params = {'url': wb_url.url, 'closest': closest, 'matchType': 'exact'}
if wb_url.mod == 'vi_':
params['content_type'] = self.VIDEO_INFO_CONTENT_TYPE
upstream_url = self.get_upstream_url(wb_url, kwargs, params)
r = requests.post(upstream_url,
return r
def do_query(self, wb_url, kwargs):
"""Performs the timemap query request for the supplied WbUrl
returning the response
:param WbUrl wb_url: The WbUrl to be queried
:param dict kwargs: Optional keyword arguments
:return: The queries response
:rtype: requests.Response
params = {
'url': wb_url.url,
'output': kwargs.get('output', 'json'),
'from': wb_url.timestamp,
'to': wb_url.end_timestamp
if 'memento_format' in kwargs:
params['memento_format'] = kwargs['memento_format']
if 'limit' in kwargs:
params['limit'] = kwargs['limit']
upstream_url = self.get_upstream_url(wb_url, kwargs, params)
upstream_url = upstream_url.replace('/resource/postreq', '/index')
r = requests.get(upstream_url)
return r
def make_timemap(self, wb_url, res, full_prefix, output):
wb_url.type = wb_url.QUERY
content_type = res.headers.get('Content-Type')
text = res.text
if not res.text:
status = '404 Not Found'
elif res.status_code:
status = str(res.status_code) + ' ' + res.reason
if res.status_code == 200 and output == 'link':
timegate, timemap = self._get_timegate_timemap(wb_url.url, full_prefix, wb_url.mod)
text = MementoUtils.wrap_timemap_header(wb_url.url,
return WbResponse.text_response(text,
def handle_timemap(self, wb_url, kwargs, full_prefix):
output = kwargs.get('output')
kwargs['memento_format'] = full_prefix + '{timestamp}' + self.replay_mod + '/{url}'
res = self.do_query(wb_url, kwargs)
return self.make_timemap(wb_url, res, full_prefix, output)
def handle_query(self, environ, wb_url, kwargs, full_prefix):
prefix = self.get_full_prefix(environ)
params = dict(url=wb_url.url,
return self.query_view.render_to_string(environ, **params)
def get_host_prefix(self, environ):
scheme = environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] + '://'
# proxy
host = environ.get('wsgiprox.proxy_host')
if host:
return scheme + host
# default
host = environ.get('HTTP_HOST')
if host:
return scheme + host
# if no host
host = environ['SERVER_NAME']
if environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] == 'https':
if environ['SERVER_PORT'] != '443':
host += ':' + environ['SERVER_PORT']
if environ['SERVER_PORT'] != '80':
host += ':' + environ['SERVER_PORT']
return scheme + host
def get_rel_prefix(self, environ):
# return request.script_name
return environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME') + '/'
def get_full_prefix(self, environ):
return self.get_host_prefix(environ) + self.get_rel_prefix(environ)
def unrewrite_referrer(self, environ, full_prefix):
referrer = environ.get('HTTP_REFERER')
if not referrer:
return False
if referrer.startswith(full_prefix):
referrer = referrer[len(full_prefix):]
if referrer:
environ['HTTP_REFERER'] = WbUrl(referrer).url
return True
return False
def is_ajax(self, environ):
value = environ.get('HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH')
value = value or environ.get('HTTP_X_PYWB_REQUESTED_WITH')
if value and value.lower() == 'xmlhttprequest':
return True
# additional checks for proxy mode only
if not ('wsgiprox.proxy_host' in environ):
return False
# if Chrome Sec-Fetch-Mode is set and is set to 'cors', then
# a fetch / ajax request
sec_fetch_mode = environ.get('HTTP_SEC_FETCH_MODE')
if sec_fetch_mode and sec_fetch_mode == 'cors':
return True
return False
def is_preflight(self, environ):
if environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD') != 'OPTIONS':
return False
if not environ.get('HTTP_ORIGIN'):
return False
return False
return True
def get_base_url(self, wb_url, kwargs):
type_ = kwargs.get('type')
return self.paths[type_].format(**kwargs)
def get_upstream_url(self, wb_url, kwargs, params):
base_url = self.get_base_url(wb_url, kwargs)
param_str = urlencode(params, True)
if param_str:
q_char = '&' if '?' in base_url else '?'
base_url += q_char + param_str
return base_url
def get_cookie_key(self, kwargs):
# note: currently this is per-collection, so enabled only for live or recording
# to support multiple users recording/live, would need per user cookie
if kwargs.get('index') == '$live' or kwargs.get('type') == 'record':
return 'cookie:' + kwargs['coll']
return None
def _add_history_page(self, cdx, kwargs, doc_title):
def _add_custom_params(self, cdx, headers, kwargs, record):
def get_top_frame_params(self, wb_url, kwargs):
return {'metadata': kwargs.get('metadata', {})}
def handle_custom_response(self, environ, wb_url, full_prefix, host_prefix, kwargs):
if self.is_framed_replay(wb_url):
extra_params = self.get_top_frame_params(wb_url, kwargs)
return self.frame_insert_view.get_top_frame(wb_url,
return None