mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 10:19:37 +01:00
instead of overriden version. reconstruct header block from httplib header pairs list move ReadFullyStream to utils
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from webagg.inputrequest import DirectWSGIInputRequest, POSTInputRequest
from bottle import route, request, response, abort, Bottle
import bottle
import requests
import traceback
import json
JSON_CT = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
class ResAggApp(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.application = Bottle()
self.application.default_error_handler = self.err_handler
self.route_dict = {}
def list_routes():
return self.route_dict
def add_route(self, path, handler):
@self.application.route([path, path + '/<mode:path>'], 'ANY')
def direct_input_request(mode=''):
params = dict(request.query)
params['mode'] = mode
params['_input_req'] = DirectWSGIInputRequest(request.environ)
return handler(params)
@self.application.route([path + '/postreq', path + '/<mode:path>/postreq'], 'POST')
def post_fullrequest(mode=''):
params = dict(request.query)
params['mode'] = mode
params['_input_req'] = POSTInputRequest(request.environ)
return handler(params)
handler_dict = handler.get_supported_modes()
self.route_dict[path] = handler_dict
self.route_dict[path + '/postreq'] = handler_dict
def err_handler(self, exc):
if bottle.debug:
response.status = exc.status_code
response.content_type = JSON_CT
err_msg = json.dumps({'message': exc.body})
response.headers['ResErrors'] = err_msg
return err_msg
def wrap_error(func):
def wrap_func(*args, **kwargs):
out_headers, res, errs = func(*args, **kwargs)
if out_headers:
for n, v in out_headers.items():
response.headers[n] = v
if res:
if errs:
response.headers['ResErrors'] = json.dumps(errs)
return res
last_exc = errs.pop('last_exc', None)
if last_exc:
if bottle.debug:
response.status = last_exc.status()
message = last_exc.msg
response.status = 404
message = 'No Resource Found'
response.content_type = JSON_CT
res = {'message': message}
if errs:
res['errors'] = errs
err_msg = json.dumps(res)
response.headers['ResErrors'] = err_msg
return err_msg
except Exception as e:
if bottle.debug:
abort(500, 'Internal Error: ' + str(e))
return wrap_func