mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 06:32:24 +01:00
- Update and pin dependencies to specific versions that support Python 3.7-3.11 - Replace deprecated werkzeug.pop_path_info with wsgiref.shift_path_info - Use the latest httpbin from psf/httpbin - Remove unused flask test dependency - Drop Python 2 and Python <3.7 support - Ensure greenlet 2 is used for now, as psf/httpbin doesn't yet work with greenlet 3 --------- Co-authored-by: Tessa Walsh <tessa@bitarchivist.net>
940 lines
35 KiB
940 lines
35 KiB
from io import BytesIO
import requests
from fakeredis import FakeStrictRedis
from six.moves.urllib.parse import unquote, urlencode, urlsplit, urlunsplit, parse_qsl
from warcio.bufferedreaders import BufferedReader
from warcio.recordloader import ArcWarcRecordLoader
from warcio.timeutils import http_date_to_timestamp, timestamp_to_http_date
from pywb.apps.wbrequestresponse import WbResponse
from pywb.rewrite.cookies import CookieTracker
from pywb.rewrite.default_rewriter import DefaultRewriter, RewriterWithJSProxy
from pywb.rewrite.rewriteinputreq import RewriteInputRequest
from pywb.rewrite.templateview import BaseInsertView, HeadInsertView, JinjaEnv, TopFrameView
from pywb.rewrite.url_rewriter import IdentityUrlRewriter, UrlRewriter
from pywb.rewrite.wburl import WbUrl
from pywb.utils.canonicalize import canonicalize
from pywb.utils.io import BUFF_SIZE, OffsetLimitReader, no_except_close
from pywb.utils.memento import MementoUtils
from pywb.utils.wbexception import NotFoundException, UpstreamException
from pywb.warcserver.index.cdxobject import CDXObject
# ============================================================================
class RewriterApp(object):
"""Primary application for rewriting the content served by pywb (if it is to be rewritten).
This class is also responsible rendering the archives templates
VIDEO_INFO_CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/vnd.youtube-dl_formats+json'
DEFAULT_CSP = "default-src 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline' 'self' data: blob: mediastream: ws: wss: ; form-action 'self'"
def __init__(self, framed_replay=False, jinja_env=None, config=None, paths=None):
"""Initialize a new instance of RewriterApp
:param bool framed_replay: Is rewriting happening in framed replay mode
:param JinjaEnv|None jinja_env: Optional JinjaEnv instance to be used for
rendering static files
:param dict|None config: Optional config dictionary
:param dict|None paths: Optional dictionary containing a mapping
of path names to URLs
self.loader = ArcWarcRecordLoader()
self.config = config or {}
self.paths = paths or {}
self.framed_replay = framed_replay
if framed_replay:
self.frame_mod = ''
self.replay_mod = 'mp_'
self.frame_mod = None
self.replay_mod = ''
self.enable_prefer = self.config.get('enable_prefer', False)
self.default_rw = DefaultRewriter(replay_mod=self.replay_mod,
self.js_proxy_rw = RewriterWithJSProxy(replay_mod=self.replay_mod)
if not jinja_env:
jinja_env = JinjaEnv(globals={'static_path': 'static'},
self.jinja_env = jinja_env
self.loc_map = {}
self.redirect_to_exact = config.get('redirect_to_exact')
self.banner_view = BaseInsertView(self.jinja_env, self._html_templ('banner_html'))
self.custom_banner_view = BaseInsertView(self.jinja_env, self._html_templ('custom_banner_html'))
self.head_insert_view = HeadInsertView(self.jinja_env,
self.frame_insert_view = TopFrameView(self.jinja_env,
self.error_view = BaseInsertView(self.jinja_env, self._html_templ('error_html'))
self.not_found_view = BaseInsertView(self.jinja_env, self._html_templ('not_found_html'))
self.query_view = BaseInsertView(self.jinja_env, self._html_templ('query_html'))
self.use_js_obj_proxy = config.get('use_js_obj_proxy', True)
self.cookie_tracker = self._init_cookie_tracker()
self.enable_memento = self.config.get('enable_memento')
self.static_prefix = self.config.get('static_prefix', 'static')
csp_header = self.config.get('csp-header', self.DEFAULT_CSP)
if csp_header:
self.csp_header = ('Content-Security-Policy', csp_header)
self.csp_header = None
# deprecated: Use X-Forwarded-Proto header instead!
self.force_scheme = config.get('force_scheme')
def _init_cookie_tracker(self, redis=None):
"""Initialize the CookieTracker
:param redis: Optional redis instance to be used
Defaults to FakeStrictRedis
:return: The initialized cookie tracker
:rtype: CookieTracker
if redis is None:
redis = FakeStrictRedis()
return CookieTracker(redis)
def add_csp_header(self, wb_url, status_headers):
"""Adds Content-Security-Policy headers to the supplied
StatusAndHeaders instance if the wb_url's mod is equal
to the replay mod
:param WbUrl wb_url: The WbUrl for the URL being operated on
:param warcio.StatusAndHeaders status_headers: The status and
headers instance for the reply to the URL
if self.csp_header and wb_url.mod == self.replay_mod:
def _html_templ(self, name):
"""Returns the html file name for the supplied
html template name.
:param str name: The name of the html template
:return: The file name for the template
:rtype: str|None
value = self.config.get(name)
if not value:
value = name.replace('_html', '.html')
return value
def is_framed_replay(self, wb_url):
"""Returns T/F indicating if the rewriter app is configured to
be operating in framed replay mode and the supplied WbUrl
is also operating in framed replay mode
:param WbUrl wb_url: The WbUrl instance to check
:return: T/F if in framed replay mode
:rtype: bool
return (self.framed_replay and
wb_url.mod == self.frame_mod and
def _check_accept_dt(self, wb_url, environ):
"""Returns T/F indicating if the supplied WbUrl instance
is for a timegate request
:param WbUrl wb_url: The URL to be checked
:param dict environ: The wsgi environment object for the request
:return: T/F indicating if the WbUrl is for timegate request
:rtype: bool
is_timegate = False
if wb_url.is_latest_replay():
accept_dt = environ.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_DATETIME')
is_timegate = True
if accept_dt:
wb_url.timestamp = http_date_to_timestamp(accept_dt)
except Exception:
raise UpstreamException(400, url=wb_url.url, details='Invalid Accept-Datetime')
# return WbResponse.text_response('Invalid Accept-Datetime', status='400 Bad Request')
wb_url.type = wb_url.REPLAY
elif 'pywb_proxy_default_timestamp' in environ:
wb_url.timestamp = environ['pywb_proxy_default_timestamp']
wb_url.type = wb_url.REPLAY
return is_timegate
def _get_prefer_mod(self, wb_url, environ, content_rw, is_proxy):
"""Returns the default rewrite modifier and rewrite modifier based on the
value of the Prefer HTTP header if it is present
:param WbUrl wb_url: The WbUrl for the URL being rewritten
:param dict environ: The WSGI environment dictionary for the request
:param content_rw: The content rewriter instance
:param bool is_proxy: Is the rewrite operating in proxy mode
:return: A tuple containing the default rewrite modifier and rewrite modifier based
on the value of the Prefer HTTP header if it is present
:rtype: tuple[str|None, str|None]
if not self.enable_prefer:
return None, None
prefer = environ.get('HTTP_PREFER')
if not prefer:
return None, content_rw.mod_to_prefer(wb_url.mod)
mod = content_rw.prefer_to_mod(prefer)
if mod is None:
raise UpstreamException(400, url=wb_url.url, details='Invalid Prefer: ' + prefer)
if is_proxy and mod == self.replay_mod:
mod = 'bn_'
prefer = content_rw.mod_to_prefer('bn_')
return mod, prefer
def _check_range(self, inputreq, wb_url):
"""Checks the input request if it is a range request returning
the start and end of the range as well as T/F if the request should
be skipped as a tuple.
:param RewriteInputRequest inputreq: The input request to check range
:param WbUrl wb_url: The WbUrl associated with the request
:return: A tuple with the start, end, and T/F should skip request
:rtype: tuple[int|None, int|None, bool]
skip_record = False
range_start = None
range_end = None
rangeres = inputreq.extract_range()
if not rangeres:
return range_start, range_end, skip_record
mod_url, start, end, use_206 = rangeres
# remove the range and still proxy
if not use_206:
return range_start, range_end, skip_record
wb_url.url = mod_url
inputreq.url = mod_url
range_start = start
range_end = end
# if start with 0, load from upstream, but add range after
if start == 0:
del inputreq.env['HTTP_RANGE']
skip_record = True
return range_start, range_end, skip_record
def _add_range(self, record, wb_url, range_start, range_end):
if range_end is None and range_start is None:
if record.http_headers.get_statuscode() != '200':
content_length = (record.http_headers.
if content_length is None:
content_length = content_length.split(',')[0]
content_length = int(content_length)
if not range_end:
range_end = content_length - 1
if range_start >= content_length or range_end >= content_length:
details = 'Invalid Range: {0} >= {2} or {1} >= {2}'.format(range_start, range_end, content_length)
raise UpstreamException(416, url=wb_url.url, details=details)
range_len = range_end - range_start + 1
record.http_headers.add_range(range_start, range_len,
record.http_headers.replace_header('Content-Length', str(range_len))
record.raw_stream = OffsetLimitReader(record.raw_stream, range_start, range_len)
return True
except (ValueError, TypeError):
def send_redirect(self, new_path, url_parts, urlrewriter):
scheme, netloc, path, query, frag = url_parts
path = new_path
url = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, frag))
resp = WbResponse.redir_response(urlrewriter.rewrite(url),
'307 Temporary Redirect')
if self.enable_memento:
resp.status_headers['Link'] = MementoUtils.make_link(url, 'original')
return resp
def prepare_env(self, environ):
""" setup environ path prefixes and scheme """
if 'pywb.host_prefix' in environ:
proto = environ.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO', self.force_scheme)
if proto:
environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = proto
environ['pywb.host_prefix'] = self.get_host_prefix(environ)
environ['pywb.app_prefix'] = environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '')
environ['pywb.static_prefix'] = environ['pywb.host_prefix'] + environ['pywb.app_prefix'] + '/' + self.static_prefix
def render_content(self, wb_url, kwargs, environ):
wb_url = wb_url.replace('#', '%23')
wb_url = WbUrl(wb_url)
history_page = environ.pop('HTTP_X_WOMBAT_HISTORY_PAGE', '')
if history_page:
wb_url.url = history_page
is_ajax = True
is_ajax = self.is_ajax(environ)
is_timegate = self._check_accept_dt(wb_url, environ)
host_prefix = environ['pywb.host_prefix']
rel_prefix = self.get_rel_prefix(environ)
full_prefix = host_prefix + rel_prefix
pywb_static_prefix = environ['pywb.static_prefix'] + '/'
is_proxy = ('wsgiprox.proxy_host' in environ)
# if OPTIONS in proxy mode, just generate the proxy responss
if is_proxy and self.is_preflight(environ):
return WbResponse.options_response(environ)
if self.use_js_obj_proxy:
content_rw = self.js_proxy_rw
content_rw = self.default_rw
# no redirects if in proxy
redirect_to_exact = self.redirect_to_exact and not is_proxy
# Check Prefer
pref_mod, pref_applied = self._get_prefer_mod(wb_url, environ,
content_rw, is_proxy)
response = None
keep_frame_response = False
# prefer overrides custom response?
if pref_mod is not None:
# fast-redirect to preferred
if redirect_to_exact and not is_timegate and pref_mod != wb_url.mod:
new_url = full_prefix + wb_url.to_str(mod=pref_mod)
headers = [('Preference-Applied', pref_applied),
('Vary', 'Prefer')]
return WbResponse.redir_response(new_url,
'307 Temporary Redirect',
wb_url.mod = pref_mod
if kwargs.get('output'):
response = self.handle_timemap(wb_url, kwargs, full_prefix)
elif wb_url.is_query():
response = self.handle_query(environ, wb_url, kwargs, full_prefix)
response = self.handle_custom_response(environ, wb_url,
full_prefix, host_prefix,
keep_frame_response = (not kwargs.get('no_timegate_check') and is_timegate and not is_proxy) or redirect_to_exact
if response and not keep_frame_response:
return self.format_response(response, wb_url, full_prefix, is_timegate, is_proxy)
if is_proxy:
environ['pywb_proxy_magic'] = environ['wsgiprox.proxy_host']
urlrewriter = IdentityUrlRewriter(wb_url, '')
framed_replay = False
urlrewriter = UrlRewriter(wb_url,
framed_replay = self.framed_replay
url_parts = urlsplit(wb_url.url)
if not url_parts.path:
return self.send_redirect('/', url_parts, urlrewriter)
self.unrewrite_referrer(environ, full_prefix)
urlkey = canonicalize(wb_url.url)
inputreq = RewriteInputRequest(environ, urlkey, wb_url.url, content_rw)
range_start, range_end, skip_record = self._check_range(inputreq, wb_url)
setcookie_headers = None
cookie_key = None
if self.cookie_tracker:
cookie_key = self.get_cookie_key(kwargs)
if cookie_key:
res = self.cookie_tracker.get_cookie_headers(wb_url.url,
environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE', ''))
inputreq.extra_cookie, setcookie_headers = res
r = self._do_req(inputreq, wb_url, kwargs, skip_record)
if r.status_code >= 400:
error = None
error = r.raw.read()
except Exception:
if error:
error = error.decode('utf-8')
error = ''
details = dict(args=kwargs, error=error)
if r.status_code == 404:
raise NotFoundException(url=wb_url.url, msg=details)
raise UpstreamException(r.status_code, url=wb_url.url, details=details)
cdx = CDXObject(r.headers.get('Warcserver-Cdx').encode('utf-8'))
cdx_url_parts = urlsplit(cdx['url'])
if cdx_url_parts.path.endswith('/') and not url_parts.path.endswith('/'):
# add trailing slash
new_path = url_parts.path + '/'
return self.send_redirect(new_path, url_parts, urlrewriter)
# only redirect to exact if not live, otherwise set to false
redirect_to_exact = redirect_to_exact and not cdx.get('is_live')
# return top-frame timegate response, with timestamp from cdx
if response and keep_frame_response and (not redirect_to_exact or not is_timegate):
return self.format_response(response, wb_url, full_prefix, is_timegate, is_proxy, cdx['timestamp'])
stream = BufferedReader(r.raw, block_size=BUFF_SIZE)
record = self.loader.parse_record_stream(stream,
memento_dt = r.headers.get('Memento-Datetime')
target_uri = r.headers.get('WARC-Target-URI')
# cdx['urlkey'] = urlkey
# cdx['timestamp'] = http_date_to_timestamp(memento_dt)
# cdx['url'] = target_uri
set_content_loc = False
# Check if Fuzzy Match
if target_uri != wb_url.url and cdx.get('is_fuzzy') == '1':
set_content_loc = True
# if redirect to exact timestamp (only set if not live)
if redirect_to_exact:
if set_content_loc or is_timegate or wb_url.timestamp != cdx.get('timestamp'):
new_url = urlrewriter.get_new_url(url=target_uri,
resp = WbResponse.redir_response(new_url, '307 Temporary Redirect')
if self.enable_memento:
if is_timegate and not is_proxy:
self._add_memento_links(target_uri, full_prefix,
memento_dt, cdx['timestamp'],
is_timegate, is_proxy,
resp.status_headers['Link'] = MementoUtils.make_link(target_uri, 'original')
return resp
self._add_custom_params(cdx, r.headers, kwargs, record)
if self._add_range(record, wb_url, range_start, range_end):
wb_url.mod = 'id_'
if is_ajax:
head_insert_func = None
urlrewriter.rewrite_opts['is_ajax'] = True
top_url = self.get_top_url(full_prefix, wb_url, cdx, kwargs)
head_insert_func = (self.head_insert_view.
coll=kwargs.get('coll', ''),
metadata=kwargs.get('metadata', {}),
ui=kwargs.get('ui', {}),
cookie_rewriter = None
if self.cookie_tracker and cookie_key:
# skip add cookie if service worker is not 200
# it seems cookie headers from service workers are not applied, so don't update in cache
if wb_url.mod == 'sw_':
cookie_key = None
cookie_rewriter = self.cookie_tracker.get_rewriter(urlrewriter,
urlrewriter.rewrite_opts['ua_string'] = environ.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT')
result = content_rw(record, urlrewriter, cookie_rewriter, head_insert_func, cdx, environ)
status_headers, gen, is_rw = result
if history_page:
title = DefaultRewriter._extract_title(gen)
if not title:
title = unquote(environ.get('HTTP_X_WOMBAT_HISTORY_TITLE', ''))
if not title:
title = history_page
self._add_history_page(cdx, kwargs, title)
return WbResponse.json_response({'title': title})
if setcookie_headers:
if ' ' not in status_headers.statusline:
status_headers.statusline += ' None'
if not is_ajax and self.enable_memento:
self._add_memento_links(cdx['url'], full_prefix,
memento_dt, cdx['timestamp'], status_headers,
is_timegate, is_proxy, cdx.get('source-coll'),
mod=pref_mod, pref_applied=pref_applied)
set_content_loc = True
if set_content_loc and not redirect_to_exact and not is_proxy:
status_headers.headers.append(('Content-Location', urlrewriter.get_new_url(timestamp=cdx['timestamp'],
if not is_proxy:
self.add_csp_header(wb_url, status_headers)
response = WbResponse(status_headers, gen)
if is_proxy and environ.get('HTTP_ORIGIN'):
if r.status_code == 200 and kwargs.get('cache') == 'always' and environ.get('HTTP_REFERER'):
response.status_headers['Cache-Control'] = 'public, max-age=31536000, immutable'
return response
def format_response(self, response, wb_url, full_prefix, is_timegate, is_proxy, timegate_closest_ts=None):
memento_ts = None
if not isinstance(response, WbResponse):
content_type = 'text/html'
# if not replay outer frame, specify utf-8 charset
if not self.is_framed_replay(wb_url):
content_type += '; charset=utf-8'
memento_ts = timegate_closest_ts or wb_url.timestamp
response = WbResponse.text_response(response, content_type=content_type)
if self.enable_memento and response.status_headers.statusline.startswith('200'):
self._add_memento_links(wb_url.url, full_prefix, None, memento_ts,
response.status_headers, is_timegate, is_proxy, is_memento=not is_timegate)
return response
def _add_memento_links(self, url, full_prefix, memento_dt, memento_ts,
status_headers, is_timegate, is_proxy, coll=None,
pref_applied=None, mod=None, is_memento=True):
"""Adds the memento link headers to supplied StatusAndHeaders instance
:param str url: The URI-R being rewritten
:param str full_prefix: The replay prefix
:param str|None memento_dt: The memento datetime for the URI-R being rewritten
:param str memento_ts: The memento timestamp
:param warcio.StatusAndHeaders status_headers:
:param bool is_timegate: Are we returning a response for a timegate
:param bool is_proxy: Are we operating in proxy mode
:param str|None coll: The collection the URI-R is from
:param str|None pref_applied:
:param str|None mod: The rewrite modifier
:param bool is_memento:
:rtype: None
replay_mod = mod or self.replay_mod
# memento url + header
if not memento_dt and memento_ts:
memento_dt = timestamp_to_http_date(memento_ts)
if memento_dt:
if is_memento:
status_headers.headers.append(('Memento-Datetime', memento_dt))
if is_proxy:
memento_url = url
memento_url = full_prefix + memento_ts + replay_mod
memento_url += '/' + url
memento_url = None
timegate_url, timemap_url = self._get_timegate_timemap(url, full_prefix, mod)
link = []
if not is_proxy:
link.append(MementoUtils.make_link(url, 'original'))
link.append(MementoUtils.make_link(timegate_url, 'timegate'))
link.append(MementoUtils.make_link(timemap_url, 'timemap'))
if memento_dt:
link.append(MementoUtils.make_memento_link(memento_url, 'memento', memento_dt, coll))
link_str = ', '.join(link)
status_headers.headers.append(('Link', link_str))
vary = ''
if is_timegate:
vary = 'accept-datetime'
if pref_applied:
vary = 'Prefer' if not vary else vary + ', Prefer'
status_headers.headers.append(('Preference-Applied', pref_applied))
if vary:
status_headers.headers.append(('Vary', vary))
def _get_timegate_timemap(self, url, full_prefix, mod):
# timegate url
timegate_url = full_prefix
mod = ''
if mod:
timegate_url += mod + '/'
timegate_url += url
# timemap url
timemap_url = full_prefix + 'timemap/link/' + url
return timegate_url, timemap_url
def get_top_url(self, full_prefix, wb_url, cdx, kwargs):
top_url = full_prefix + wb_url.to_str(mod='')
return top_url
def handle_error(self, environ, wbe):
if isinstance(wbe, NotFoundException):
return self._not_found_response(environ, wbe.url)
return self._error_response(environ, wbe)
def _not_found_response(self, environ, url):
resp = self.not_found_view.render_to_string(environ, url=url, err_msg="Not Found")
return WbResponse.text_response(resp, status='404 Not Found', content_type='text/html')
def _error_response(self, environ, wbe):
status = wbe.status()
resp = self.error_view.render_to_string(environ,
return WbResponse.text_response(resp, status=status, content_type='text/html')
def _do_req(self, inputreq, wb_url, kwargs, skip_record):
req_data = inputreq.reconstruct_request(wb_url.url)
headers = {'Content-Length': str(len(req_data)),
'Content-Type': 'application/request'}
if skip_record:
headers['Recorder-Skip'] = '1'
if wb_url.is_latest_replay():
closest = 'now'
closest = wb_url.timestamp
params = {'url': wb_url.url, 'closest': closest, 'matchType': 'exact'}
if wb_url.mod == 'vi_':
params['content_type'] = self.VIDEO_INFO_CONTENT_TYPE
upstream_url = self.get_upstream_url(wb_url, kwargs, params)
r = requests.post(upstream_url,
return r
def do_query(self, wb_url, kwargs):
"""Performs the timemap query request for the supplied WbUrl
returning the response
:param WbUrl wb_url: The WbUrl to be queried
:param dict kwargs: Optional keyword arguments
:return: The queries response
:rtype: requests.Response
params = {
'url': wb_url.url,
'output': kwargs.get('output', 'json'),
'from': wb_url.timestamp,
'to': wb_url.end_timestamp
if 'memento_format' in kwargs:
params['memento_format'] = kwargs['memento_format']
if 'limit' in kwargs:
params['limit'] = kwargs['limit']
upstream_url = self.get_upstream_url(wb_url, kwargs, params)
upstream_url = upstream_url.replace('/resource/postreq', '/index')
r = requests.get(upstream_url)
return r
def make_timemap(self, wb_url, res, full_prefix, output):
wb_url.type = wb_url.QUERY
content_type = res.headers.get('Content-Type')
text = res.text
if not res.text:
status = '404 Not Found'
elif res.status_code:
status = str(res.status_code) + ' ' + res.reason
if res.status_code == 200 and output == 'link':
timegate, timemap = self._get_timegate_timemap(wb_url.url, full_prefix, wb_url.mod)
text = MementoUtils.wrap_timemap_header(wb_url.url,
return WbResponse.text_response(text,
def handle_timemap(self, wb_url, kwargs, full_prefix):
output = kwargs.get('output')
kwargs['memento_format'] = full_prefix + '{timestamp}' + self.replay_mod + '/{url}'
res = self.do_query(wb_url, kwargs)
return self.make_timemap(wb_url, res, full_prefix, output)
def handle_query(self, environ, wb_url, kwargs, full_prefix):
prefix = self.get_full_prefix(environ)
res = dict(parse_qsl(environ.get("QUERY_STRING")))
is_advanced = res.get("matchType", "exact") != "exact" or res.get("url", "").endswith("*")
# vue ui not supported for advanced search for now
ui = kwargs.get("ui", {})
if is_advanced:
ui["vue_calendar_ui"] = False
params = dict(url=wb_url.url,
return self.query_view.render_to_string(environ, **params)
def get_host_prefix(self, environ):
scheme = environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] + '://'
# proxy
host = environ.get('wsgiprox.proxy_host')
if host:
return scheme + host
# default
host = environ.get('HTTP_HOST')
if host:
return scheme + host
# if no host
host = environ['SERVER_NAME']
if environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] == 'https':
if environ['SERVER_PORT'] != '443':
host += ':' + environ['SERVER_PORT']
if environ['SERVER_PORT'] != '80':
host += ':' + environ['SERVER_PORT']
return scheme + host
def get_rel_prefix(self, environ):
# return request.script_name
return environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '') + '/'
def get_full_prefix(self, environ):
return self.get_host_prefix(environ) + self.get_rel_prefix(environ)
def unrewrite_referrer(self, environ, full_prefix):
referrer = environ.get('HTTP_REFERER')
if not referrer:
return False
if referrer.startswith(full_prefix):
referrer = referrer[len(full_prefix):]
if referrer:
environ['HTTP_REFERER'] = WbUrl(referrer).url
return True
return False
def is_ajax(self, environ):
value = environ.get('HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH')
value = value or environ.get('HTTP_X_PYWB_REQUESTED_WITH')
if value and value.lower() == 'xmlhttprequest':
return True
# additional checks for proxy mode only
if not ('wsgiprox.proxy_host' in environ):
return False
# if Chrome Sec-Fetch-Mode is set and is set to 'cors', then
# a fetch / ajax request
sec_fetch_mode = environ.get('HTTP_SEC_FETCH_MODE')
if sec_fetch_mode and sec_fetch_mode == 'cors':
return True
return False
def is_preflight(self, environ):
if environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD') != 'OPTIONS':
return False
if not environ.get('HTTP_ORIGIN'):
return False
return False
return True
def get_base_url(self, wb_url, kwargs):
type_ = kwargs.get('type')
return self.paths[type_].format(**kwargs)
def get_upstream_url(self, wb_url, kwargs, params):
base_url = self.get_base_url(wb_url, kwargs)
param_str = urlencode(params, True)
if param_str:
q_char = '&' if '?' in base_url else '?'
base_url += q_char + param_str
return base_url
def get_cookie_key(self, kwargs):
# note: currently this is per-collection, so enabled only for live or recording
# to support multiple users recording/live, would need per user cookie
if kwargs.get('index') == '$live' or kwargs.get('type') == 'record':
return 'cookie:' + kwargs['coll']
return None
def _add_history_page(self, cdx, kwargs, doc_title):
def _add_custom_params(self, cdx, headers, kwargs, record):
def get_top_frame_params(self, wb_url, kwargs):
return {'metadata': kwargs.get('metadata', {}),
'ui': kwargs.get('ui', {})
def handle_custom_response(self, environ, wb_url, full_prefix, host_prefix, kwargs):
if self.is_framed_replay(wb_url):
extra_params = self.get_top_frame_params(wb_url, kwargs)
return self.frame_insert_view.get_top_frame(wb_url,
return None