var colon = ':'; var usingWorkerStrat = typeof window.Worker === 'function' && typeof window.fetch === 'function' && typeof window.TextDecoder === 'function' && typeof window.ReadableStream === 'function'; var first = 1; /** * Class responsible for rendering the results of the query. If the query is considered regular * (no filter or match type query modifiers) the calender view is rendered otherwise the advanced search is rendered * @param {Object} init - Initialization info for rendering the results of the query */ function RenderCalendar(init) { if (!(this instanceof RenderCalendar)) return new RenderCalendar(init); this.prefix = init.prefix; this.cdxURL = this.prefix + 'cdx'; this.staticPrefix = init.staticPrefix; this.queryInfo = { calView: true, complete: false, cdxQueryURL: null, url: null, hasFilter: false, searchParams: { present: false, includeInURL: false } }; // references to the DOM structure elements that contain the to be rendered markup this.containers = { numCaptures: null, updatesSpinner: null, yearsListDiv: null, monthsListDiv: null, daysListDiv: null, advancedResultsList: null, countTextNode: null, versionsTextNode: null }; // ids of the to be created dom elements that are important to rendering the query results this.domStructureIds = { queryInfoId: 'display-query-type-info', capturesMount: 'captures', numCaptures: 'num-captures', updatesSpinner: 'still-updating-spinner' }; // memoized last active year month day tab information this.lastActiveYMD = {}; this.lastActiveDaysTab = null; // regular expressing for checking the URL when no query params are present this.starQueries = { regularStr: '/*/', dtFromTo: /\/([^-]+)-([^/]+)\/(.+)/i, dtFrom: /\/([^/]+)\/(.+)/i }; // regex for extracting the filter constraints and filter mods to human explanation this.filterRE = /filter([^a-z]+)([a-z]+):(.+)/i; this.filterMods = { '=': 'Contains', '==': 'Matches Exactly', '=~': 'Matches Regex', '=!': 'Does Not Contains', '=!=': 'Is Not', '=!~': 'Does Not Begins With' }; this.text = init.text; this.versionString = null; } /** * Initializes the rendering process and checks the our locations URL to determine which * result view to render (calendar or advanced) * @return {void} */ RenderCalendar.prototype.init = function() { // strip the prefix from our locations URL leaving us with /dt-info/url or /*?... var queryPart = location.href.substring(this.prefix.length - 1); // check for from the search interface if (queryPart.indexOf('/*?url=') === 0) { // the query info came from the collections query interface and since we are // mimicking the cdx api here we need to parse our locations URL using the // WHATWG URL Standard since is un-helpful here var searchURL = new URL(location.href); this.queryInfo.url = searchURL.searchParams.get('url'); var haveMatchType = searchURL.searchParams.has('matchType'); var haveFilter = searchURL.searchParams.has('filter'); if (!haveMatchType) { // be extra sure the user did not input a URL that includes the match type this.determineViewFromQInfoURL(); } else { this.queryInfo.searchParams.matchType = searchURL.searchParams.get( 'matchType' ); } if (this.queryInfo.calView) { this.queryInfo.calView = !(haveMatchType || haveFilter); } this.queryInfo.searchParams.from = searchURL.searchParams.get('from'); = searchURL.searchParams.get('to'); this.queryInfo.searchParams.present = true; this.queryInfo.rawSearch =; this.queryInfo.hasFilter = haveFilter; return this.makeCDXRequest(); } // check for /*/URL if (queryPart.indexOf(this.starQueries.regularStr) === 0) { this.queryInfo.url = queryPart.substring( queryPart.indexOf(this.starQueries.regularStr) + this.starQueries.regularStr.length ); this.determineViewFromQInfoURL(); return this.makeCDXRequest(); } // check for /fromDT*-toDT*/url* var maybeDTStarQ = this.maybeExtractDTStarQuery(queryPart); if (maybeDTStarQ) { this.queryInfo.searchParams.present = true; this.queryInfo.searchParams.includeInURL = true; this.queryInfo.searchParams.from = maybeDTStarQ.from; =; this.queryInfo.url = maybeDTStarQ.url; this.determineViewFromQInfoURL(); return this.makeCDXRequest(); } }; /** * Determines the match type from the query URL if it includes the shortcuts * @return {void} */ RenderCalendar.prototype.determineViewFromQInfoURL = function() { var purl; var domainMatch = this.queryInfo.url.charAt(this.queryInfo.url.length - 1) === '*'; try { // if parsing the query url via the WHATWG URL class fails (no scheme) // we are probably not rendering the date calendar purl = new URL(this.queryInfo.url); } catch (e) {} if (!purl) { // since purl is null we know we do not hav a valid URL and need to check // for the match type cases and if one is present update queryInfo var prefixMatch = this.queryInfo.url.substring(0, 2) === '*.'; return this.updateMatchType(prefixMatch, domainMatch); } if ( { // the URL we are querying with has some search params // in this case we know we can not check for match type domain because //* is valid and the * here is for the search param return; } // there are no search params and may have[*|/*] // indicating we are operating under match type domain return this.updateMatchType(null, domainMatch); }; /** * Updates the queryInfo's searchParams property to reflect if CDX query is * using a match type depending on the supplied T/falsy mPrefix and mDomain values * @param {?boolean} prefixMatch - T/falsy indicating if the match type prefix condition is satisfied * @param {?boolean} domainMatch - T/falsy indicating if the match type domain condition is satisfied * @return {void} */ RenderCalendar.prototype.updateMatchType = function(prefixMatch, domainMatch) { // if mPrefix && mDomain something weird is up and we got *[*|/*] // default to prefix just to be safe since we know we got that for sure if ((prefixMatch && domainMatch) || prefixMatch) { this.queryInfo.searchParams.present = true; this.queryInfo.searchParams.matchType = 'prefix'; this.queryInfo.calView = false; return; } if (domainMatch) { this.queryInfo.searchParams.present = true; this.queryInfo.searchParams.matchType = 'domain'; this.queryInfo.calView = false; } }; /** * Extracts the datetime information and url from the query part of our * locations URL if it exists otherwise returns null * @param {string} queryPart * @return {?{from: string, to?: string, url: string}} */ RenderCalendar.prototype.maybeExtractDTStarQuery = function(queryPart) { // check /from-to/url first var match = this.starQueries.dtFromTo.exec(queryPart); if (match) return { from: match[1], to: match[2], url: match[3] }; // lastly check /from/url first match = this.starQueries.dtFrom.exec(queryPart); if (match) return { from: match[1], url: match[2] }; return null; }; /** * Constructs and returns the URL for the CDX query. Also updates the * queryInfo's cdxQueryURL property with the constructed URL. * @return {string} */ RenderCalendar.prototype.makeCDXQueryURL = function() { var queryURL; if (this.queryInfo.rawSearch) { queryURL = this.cdxURL + this.queryInfo.rawSearch + '&output=json'; } else { queryURL = this.cdxURL + '?output=json&url=' + // ensure that any query params in the search URL are not considered // apart of the full query URL encodeURIComponent(this.queryInfo.url); } var querySearchParams = this.queryInfo.searchParams; if (querySearchParams.present && querySearchParams.includeInURL) { if (querySearchParams.from) { queryURL += '&from=' + querySearchParams.from.trim(); } if ( { queryURL += '&to=' +; } } this.queryInfo.cdxQueryURL = queryURL; return queryURL; }; /** * Performs the query by requesting the CDX information from the cdx server. * How the results are received from the CDX API is done by of two strategies: using a web worker or in the main thread. * This is due to the fact that the query results can be LARGE and extracting the results in the main thread is not * preformat and will lock up the browser. The determination for if we can use the web worker strategy is * by checking if the browser has the symbols Worker, fetch, TextDecoder, and ReadableStream defined and are functions. * If we can use the web worker strategy a worker is created and updates the result view as it sends us the queries * cdx info. Otherwise the query is executed in the main thread and the results are both parsed and rendered in the * main thread. * @return {void} */ RenderCalendar.prototype.makeCDXRequest = function() { // if we are rendering the calendar view (regular result view) we need memoizedYMDT to be an object otherwise nothing var memoizedYMDT = this.queryInfo.calView ? {} : null; var renderCal = this; // initialized the dom structure this.createContainers(); if (usingWorkerStrat) { // execute the query and render the results using the query worker var queryWorker = new window.Worker(this.staticPrefix + '/queryWorker.js'); var cdxRecordMsg = 'cdxRecord'; var done = 'finished'; var months = this.text.months; queryWorker.onmessage = function(msg) { var data =; var terminate = false; if (data.type === cdxRecordMsg) { data.timeInfo.month = months[data.timeInfo.month]; // render the results sent to us from the worker renderCal.displayedCountStr( data.recordCount, data.recordCountFormatted ); if (renderCal.queryInfo.calView) { renderCal.renderDateCalPart( memoizedYMDT, data.record, data.timeInfo, data.recordCount === first ); } else { renderCal.renderAdvancedSearchPart(data.record); } } else if (data.type === done) { // the worker has consumed the entirety of the response body terminate = true; // if there were no results we need to inform the user renderCal.displayedCountStr( data.recordCount, data.recordCountFormatted ); } if (terminate) { queryWorker.terminate(); var spinner = document.getElementById( renderCal.domStructureIds.updatesSpinner ); if (spinner && spinner.parentNode) { spinner.parentNode.removeChild(spinner); } } }; queryWorker.postMessage({ type: 'query', queryURL: this.makeCDXQueryURL() }); return; } // main thread processing $.ajax(this.makeCDXQueryURL(), { dataType: 'text', success: function(data) { var cdxLines = data ? data.trim().split('\n') : []; if (cdxLines.length === 0) { renderCal.displayedCountStr(0, '0'); return; } var numCdxEntries = cdxLines.length; renderCal.displayedCountStr( numCdxEntries, numCdxEntries.toLocaleString() ); for (var i = 0; i < numCdxEntries; ++i) { var cdxObj = JSON.parse(cdxLines[i]); if (renderCal.queryInfo.calView) { renderCal.renderDateCalPart( memoizedYMDT, cdxObj, renderCal.makeTimeInfo(cdxObj), i === 0 ); } else { renderCal.renderAdvancedSearchPart(cdxObj); } } var spinner = document.getElementById( renderCal.domStructureIds.updatesSpinner ); if (spinner && spinner.parentNode) { spinner.parentNode.removeChild(spinner); } } }); }; /** * Creates the DOM structure required for rendering the query results based on if we are rendering the * calendar view or the advanced query view and populates the containers object */ RenderCalendar.prototype.createContainers = function() { var queryResults = document.getElementById( this.domStructureIds.capturesMount ); var queryInfo = document.getElementById(this.domStructureIds.queryInfoId); var renderCal = this; if (this.queryInfo.calView) { // create regulars count structure this.createAndAddElementTo(queryInfo, { tag: 'h3', children: [ { tag: 'i', className: 'fas fa-spinner fa-pulse mr-2', id: this.domStructureIds.updatesSpinner }, { tag: 'b', child: { tag: 'textNode', value: '', ref: function(refToElem) { renderCal.containers.countTextNode = refToElem; } } }, { tag: 'textNode', value: ' ' }, { tag: 'textNode', value: '', ref: function(refToElem) { renderCal.containers.versionsTextNode = refToElem; } }, { tag: 'b', innerText: ' ' + this.queryInfo.url } ] }); // create the row that will hold the results of the regular query this.createAndAddElementTo(queryResults, { tag: 'div', className: 'row q-row', children: [ // years column and initial display structure { tag: 'div', className: 'col-12 col-sm-2 pr-1 pl-1 h-100', child: { tag: 'div', className: 'list-group h-100 auto-overflow', id: 'year-tab-list', attributes: { role: 'tablist' }, ref: function(refToElem) { renderCal.containers.yearsListDiv = refToElem; } } }, // months initial structure { tag: 'div', className: 'col-12 mt-2 col-sm-2 mt-sm-0 pr-1 pl-1 h-100', child: { tag: 'div', className: 'tab-content h-100', id: 'year-month-tab-list', ref: function(refToElem) { renderCal.containers.monthsListDiv = refToElem; } } }, // days initial structure { tag: 'div', className: 'col-12 mt-3 mb-3 pr-1 mt-sm-0 mb-sm-0 pr-sm-0 col-sm-8 pl-1 h-100', child: { tag: 'div', className: 'tab-content h-100', id: 'year-month-day-tab-list', ref: function(refToElem) { renderCal.containers.daysListDiv = refToElem; } } } ] }); this.containers.updatesSpinner = document.getElementById( this.domStructureIds.updatesSpinner ); return; } // create the advanced results query info DOM structure var forString = ' for '; var forElems; if (this.queryInfo.searchParams.matchType) { forString = ' ' + this.text.matching + ' '; forElems = [ { tag: 'b', innerText: this.queryInfo.url }, { tag: 'textNode', value: ' ' + + ' ' }, { tag: 'b', innerText: this.text.types[this.queryInfo.searchParams.matchType] } ]; } else { forElems = [{ tag: 'b', innerText: this.queryInfo.url }]; } this.createAndAddElementTo(queryInfo, { tag: 'div', className: 'col-12', child: { tag: 'h3', className: 'text-center', children: [ { tag: 'i', className: 'fas fa-spinner fa-pulse mr-2', id: this.domStructureIds.updatesSpinner }, { tag: 'b', child: { tag: 'textNode', value: '', ref: function(refToElem) { renderCal.containers.countTextNode = refToElem; } } }, { tag: 'textNode', value: ' ' }, { tag: 'textNode', value: '', ref: function(refToElem) { renderCal.containers.versionsTextNode = refToElem; } }, { tag: 'textNode', value: forString } ].concat(forElems) } }); // next we will display only the URL or the URL + match type or the URL + date range // if the executed query contained filters display the humanized version of them if (this.queryInfo.searchParams.from || { this.createAndAddElementTo(queryInfo, { tag: 'div', className: 'col-6 align-self-center', child: { tag: 'p', className: 'lead text-center', child: { tag: 'textNode', value: ' ' + this.niceDateRange() } } }); } if (this.queryInfo.hasFilter) { this.createAndAddElementTo(queryInfo, { tag: 'div', className: 'col-6', children: [ { tag: 'p', className: 'text-center mb-0 mt-1', innerText: 'Filtering by' }, { tag: 'ul', className: 'list-group auto-overflow', style: 'max-height: 150px', children: this.niceFilterDisplay() } ] }); } // create the advanced results DOM structure this.containers.advancedResultsList = this.createAndAddElementTo( queryResults, { tag: 'div', className: 'row q-row', child: { tag: 'ul', className: 'list-group h-100 auto-overflow w-100' } } ).firstElementChild; }; /** * Updates the calendar view with the supplied cdx information * @param {Object} memoizedYMDT - Object containing the counts for the captures * @param {Object} cdxObj - CDX object for this capture * @param {Object} timeInfo - Object containing the date time information for this capture * @param {boolean} active - Should we add the active classes to the markup rendered here */ RenderCalendar.prototype.renderDateCalPart = function( memoizedYMDT, cdxObj, timeInfo, active ) { if (memoizedYMDT[timeInfo.year] == null) { // we have not seen this year month day before // create the year month day structure (occurs once per result year) var timeVal = {}; timeVal[timeInfo.time] = 1; var dayVal = {}; dayVal[] = timeVal; var monthVal = {}; monthVal[timeInfo.month] = dayVal; memoizedYMDT[timeInfo.year] = monthVal; this.addRegYearListItem(timeInfo, active); this.addRegYearMonthListItem(timeInfo, active); return this.addRegYearMonthDayListItem(cdxObj, timeInfo, 1, active); } else if (memoizedYMDT[timeInfo.year][timeInfo.month] == null) { // we have seen the year before but not the month and day // create the month day structure (occurs for every new month encountered for an existing year) var timeVal = {}; timeVal[timeInfo.time] = 1; var dayVal = {}; dayVal[] = timeVal; memoizedYMDT[timeInfo.year][timeInfo.month] = dayVal; this.addRegYearMonthListItem(timeInfo, active); return this.addRegYearMonthDayListItem(cdxObj, timeInfo, 1, active); } // in cases 1 & 2 a new day at time entry is added otherwise only the captures count is updated (case 3) var count = 1; var month = memoizedYMDT[timeInfo.year][timeInfo.month]; if (month[] == null) { // never seen this day (case 1) var timeVal = {}; timeVal[timeInfo.time] = count; month[] = timeVal; } else if (month[][timeInfo.time] == null) { // we have seen this day before but not at this time (case 2) month[][timeInfo.time] = count; } else { // we have seen this day at time before so just increment the captures count (case 3) count = month[][timeInfo.time] + 1; month[][timeInfo.time] = count; } this.addRegYearMonthDayListItem(cdxObj, timeInfo, count, active); }; /** * Updates the advanced view with the supplied cdx information * @param {Object} cdxObj - CDX object for this capture */ RenderCalendar.prototype.renderAdvancedSearchPart = function(cdxObj) { // display the URL of the result var displayedInfo = [ { tag: 'small', innerText: this.text.dateTime + this.tsToDate(cdxObj.timestamp) } ]; // display additional information about the result under the URL if (cdxObj.mime) { displayedInfo.push({ tag: 'small', innerText: this.text.mimeType + cdxObj.mime }); } if (cdxObj.status) { displayedInfo.push({ tag: 'small', innerText: this.text.httpStatus + cdxObj.status }); } displayedInfo.push({ tag: 'a', attributes: { href: this.prefix + '*' + '/' + cdxObj.url, target: '_blank' }, child: { tag: 'small', innerText: this.text.viewAllCaptures } }); this.createAndAddElementTo(this.containers.advancedResultsList, { tag: 'li', className: 'list-group-item flex-column align-items-start w-100', children: [ { tag: 'a', className: 'w-100 text-small long-text', attributes: { href: this.prefix + cdxObj.timestamp + '/' + cdxObj.url, target: '_blank' }, innerText: cdxObj.url }, { tag: 'div', className: 'pt-1 d-flex w-100 justify-content-between', children: displayedInfo } ] }); }; /** * Creates and adds a year entry for the calendar view * @param {Object} timeInfo - Object containing the date time information for this capture * @param {boolean} active - Should we add the active classes to the markup rendered here */ RenderCalendar.prototype.addRegYearListItem = function(timeInfo, active) { // adds an year to div[id=year-tab-list] var renderCal = this; var year = timeInfo.year; this.createAndAddElementTo(this.containers.yearsListDiv, { tag: 'a', className: 'list-group-item list-group-item-action' + (active ? ' active' : ''), innerText: year, attributes: { role: 'tab', href: '#' + this.displayMonthsId(year) }, dataset: { toggle: 'list' }, events: { // add a click listener to ensure we display the correct year month days combination // when choosing a new year or month click: function() { renderCal.ensureCorrectActive(year); } } }); }; /** * Adds a years months to it's month list. If the years month list was not previously created it is created. * @param {Object} timeInfo - Object containing the date time information for this capture * @param {boolean} active - Should we add the active classes to the markup rendered here */ RenderCalendar.prototype.addRegYearMonthListItem = function(timeInfo, active) { var yeaMonthsId = this.displayMonthsId(timeInfo.year); // _year-Display-Month var yearMonthListId = this.displayMonthsListId(timeInfo.year); // _year-Month-Display-List var yml = document.getElementById(yearMonthListId); if (yml == null) { /* we have not created this years month list before before so we must create a tab pane for it and month list div[id=_year-Display-Months, role=tabpanel] div[id=_year-Display-Months-List, role=tablist] */ yml = this.createAndAddElementTo(this.containers.monthsListDiv, { tag: 'div', className: 'h-100 tab-pane' + (active ? ' active show' : ''), id: yeaMonthsId, attributes: { role: 'tabpanel' }, child: { tag: 'div', className: 'list-group h-100 auto-overflow', id: yearMonthListId, attributes: { role: 'tablist' } } }).firstElementChild; } var renderCal = this; var showDaysId = this.displayYearMonthDaysId(timeInfo.year, timeInfo.month); var year = timeInfo.year; // adds an years month to div[id=_year-Display-Months-List] this.createAndAddElementTo(yml, { tag: 'a', className: 'list-group-item list-group-item-action' + (active ? ' active' : ''), innerText: timeInfo.month, attributes: { role: 'tab', href: '#' + showDaysId // _year-month-Display-Days }, events: { click: function() { renderCal.lastActiveYMD[year] = { month: yeaMonthsId, days: showDaysId }; renderCal.lastActiveDaysTab = document.getElementById(showDaysId); } }, dataset: { toggle: 'list' } }); }; /** * Updates the number of captures for a day at time for a year month. If the years month month day at time list * was not previously created it is created. If the day was not present in it's years months days list it is created. * @param {Object} cdxObj - CDX object for this capture * @param {Object} timeInfo - Object containing the date time information for this capture * @param {number} numCaptures - How many captures do we have currently for this URL * @param {boolean} active - Should we add the active classes to the markup rendered here */ RenderCalendar.prototype.addRegYearMonthDayListItem = function( cdxObj, timeInfo, numCaptures, active ) { var yearMonthDaysListId = this.displayYearMonthDaysListId( timeInfo.year, timeInfo.month ); // _year-month-Display-Days-List var ymlDL = document.getElementById(yearMonthDaysListId); if (ymlDL == null) { /* we have not created this years months day tab and list before before so we must create a tab pane for it and days list div[id=_year-month-Display-Days, role=tabpanel] ul[id=_year-month-Display-Days-List] */ ymlDL = this.createAndAddElementTo(this.containers.daysListDiv, { tag: 'div', className: 'h-100 tab-pane' + (active ? ' active show' : ''), id: this.displayYearMonthDaysId(timeInfo.year, timeInfo.month), attributes: { role: 'tabpanel' }, child: { tag: 'ul', className: 'list-group h-100 auto-overflow', id: yearMonthDaysListId } }).firstElementChild; } // retrieve the existing days num captures display element var existingDayId = 'count_' + cdxObj.timestamp; var existingDayCount = document.getElementById(existingDayId); if (existingDayCount == null) { /* it does not exist so we have not displayed this day before li.list-group-item a[href="replay url"] span[id=count_ts].badge.badge-info.badge-pill.float-right */ const options = { dateStyle: 'long', timeStyle: 'medium', }; var dateTimeString = this.tsToDate(cdxObj.timestamp, false, options); this.createAndAddElementTo(ymlDL, { tag: 'li', className: 'list-group-item', children: [ { tag: 'a', attributes: { href: this.prefix + cdxObj.timestamp + '/' + cdxObj.url, target: '_blank' }, innerText: dateTimeString }, { tag: 'span', id: existingDayId, className: 'badge badge-info badge-pill float-right', ref: function(refToElem) { existingDayCount = refToElem; } } ] }); if (active) { // populate the lastActives with the selected correct year month days combination var daysID = this.displayYearMonthDaysId(timeInfo.year, timeInfo.month); this.lastActiveYMD[timeInfo.year] = { month: this.displayMonthsId(timeInfo.year), days: daysID }; this.lastActiveDaysTab = document.getElementById(daysID); } } existingDayCount.innerText = numCaptures + ''; }; /** * Ensures that we display the correct year month days combination when switching year's. * Updates the lastActiveDaysTab property. * @param {string} year - The year to be shown */ RenderCalendar.prototype.ensureCorrectActive = function(year) { // un-activates currently active year month day display tab if (this.lastActiveDaysTab != null) { this.lastActiveDaysTab.classList.remove('active', 'show'); } // activates the last year month day display tab for the current year chosen if (this.lastActiveYMD[year] && this.lastActiveYMD[year].days) { this.lastActiveDaysTab = document.getElementById( this.lastActiveYMD[year].days ); this.lastActiveDaysTab.classList.add('active', 'show'); } }; /** * Creates a DOM element(s) based on the supplied creation options. * Creation options: * - tag: The name of the tag to be created (supplied to doc.createElement) or 'textNode' to create a text * node using doc.createTextNode [required] * - value: A string used as the contents for the to be created text node (only used if tag == 'textNode') * - id: An string used to set the `id` of the element * - className: An string of CSS class names used to set the elements `className` property * - style: An string containing style definition(s) used to set the elements `style` property * - innerText: An string used to set the elements `innerText` property * - innerHTML: An string used to set the elements `innerHTML` property * - attributes: An object containing string key value pairs that will be used to set the elements attributes * using element.setAttribute(key, value) * - dataset: An object containing string key value pairs that will be used to set the elements attributes * using element.dataset[key] = value * - events: An object containing string keys and function value pairs that will be used to add event listeners * on the element using addEventListener.addEventListener(key, value) * - child: An object (same properties as the creationOptions parameter for this function) that represent a child * element of the element created using this function, added via element.appendChild once created * - children: An array of objects (same properties as the creationOptions parameter for this function) that * represent a child element of the element created using this function, added via element.appendChild once created * - ref: An function that if supplied will be called with the created element as the only argument * @param {Object} creationOptions - Options for new element creation * @return {HTMLElement|Node} - The newly created element */ RenderCalendar.prototype.createElement = function(creationOptions) { if (creationOptions.tag === 'textNode') { var tn = document.createTextNode(creationOptions.value); if (creationOptions.ref) { creationOptions.ref(tn); } return tn; } var elem = document.createElement(creationOptions.tag); if ( { =; } if (creationOptions.className) { elem.className = creationOptions.className; } if ( { =; } if (creationOptions.innerText) { elem.innerText = creationOptions.innerText; } if (creationOptions.innerHTML) { elem.innerHTML = creationOptions.innerHTML; } if (creationOptions.attributes) { var atts = creationOptions.attributes; for (var attributeName in atts) { elem.setAttribute(attributeName, atts[attributeName]); } } if (creationOptions.dataset) { var dataset = creationOptions.dataset; for (var dataName in dataset) { elem.dataset[dataName] = dataset[dataName]; } } if ( { var events =; for (var eventName in events) { elem.addEventListener(eventName, events[eventName]); } } if (creationOptions.child) { elem.appendChild(this.createElement(creationOptions.child)); } if (creationOptions.children) { var kids = creationOptions.children; for (var i = 0; i < kids.length; i++) { elem.appendChild(this.createElement(kids[i])); } } if (creationOptions.ref) { creationOptions.ref(elem); } return elem; }; /** * Adds the newly created element to the supplied existing element. * @param {Node} addTo - The DOM node the newly created element will be added to via addTo.appendChild * @param {Object} creationOptions - Options for creating the new element. * See the description of {@link createElement} for more information. * @return {HTMLElement|Node} - The newly created element */ RenderCalendar.prototype.createAndAddElementTo = function( addTo, creationOptions ) { var created = this.createElement(creationOptions); addTo.appendChild(created); return created; }; /** * Returns element creation options for the humanized filtering options of the advanced view * @returns {Array} */ RenderCalendar.prototype.niceFilterDisplay = function() { var filterList = []; var qSplit ='&'); for (var i = 0; i < qSplit.length; i++) { var match = this.filterRE.exec(qSplit[i]); if (match) { filterList.push({ tag: 'li', className: 'list-group-item', innerText: match[2] + ' ' + this.filterMods[match[1]] + ' ' + match[3] }); } } return filterList; }; /** * Returns a humanized representation of an advanced queries from or to constraints * @returns {string} */ RenderCalendar.prototype.niceDateRange = function() { var from = this.queryInfo.searchParams.from; var to =; if (from && to) { return 'From ' + from + ' to ' + to; } else if (from) { return 'From ' + from + ' until ' + 'present'; } return 'From earliest until ' + to; }; /** * Returns the id for a years months tab * @param {string} year - The year part for the id * @returns {string} */ RenderCalendar.prototype.displayMonthsId = function(year) { return '_' + year + '-Display-Month'; }; /** * Returns the id for displaying a years months list within a years month tab * @param {string} year - The year part for the id * @returns {string} */ RenderCalendar.prototype.displayMonthsListId = function(year) { return '_' + year + '-Month-Display-List'; }; /** * Returns the id for a year month days tab * @param {string} year - The year part for the id * @param {string} month - The month part for the id * @returns {string} */ RenderCalendar.prototype.displayYearMonthDaysId = function(year, month) { return '_' + year + '-' + month + '-Display-Days'; }; /** * Returns the id for displaying a year month days list within a year month days tab * @param {string} year - The year part for the id * @param {string} month - The month part for the id * @returns {string} */ RenderCalendar.prototype.displayYearMonthDaysListId = function(year, month) { return '_' + year + '-' + month + '-Display-Days-List'; }; /** * Converts the supplied timestamp to either a local data string or a gmt string (if is_gmt is true) * @param {string} ts - The timestamp to be converted to a string * @param {boolean} [is_gmt] - Should the timestamp be converted to a gmt string * @param {Object} [options] - String formatting options * @returns {string} */ RenderCalendar.prototype.tsToDate = function(ts, is_gmt, options) { if (ts.length < 14) return ts; var datestr = ts.substring(0, 4) + '-' + ts.substring(4, 6) + '-' + ts.substring(6, 8) + 'T' + ts.substring(8, 10) + colon + ts.substring(10, 12) + colon + ts.substring(12, 14) + '-00:00'; var date = new Date(datestr); return is_gmt ? date.toUTCString() : date.toLocaleString(document.documentElement.lang, options); }; /** * Extracts the time information for a cdx object's timestamp * @param {Object} cdxObj - The cdx object to have its timestamp information extracted from * @returns {{month: string, year: string, time: string, day: string}} */ RenderCalendar.prototype.makeTimeInfo = function(cdxObj) { var ts = cdxObj.timestamp; var day = ts.substring(6, 8); return { year: ts.substring(0, 4), month: this.text.months[ts.substring(4, 6)], day: day.charAt(0) === '0' ? day.charAt(1) : day, time: ts.substring(8, 10) + colon + ts.substring(10, 12) + colon + ts.substring(12, 14) }; }; /** * Updates the displayed number of query results. * * The version(s) text that is displayed only needs to be updated a maximum of two times. * When count (1) === first (1) we are displaying the first or only result and need the * singular version text. Otherwise we are displaying result zero or n and need the * plural version text. After these two version text updates we are needlessly modifying * the element displaying the versions text with the same version. * @param {number} count - The number of query results * @param {string} countFormatted - The number of query results formatted for display * @returns {string} */ RenderCalendar.prototype.displayedCountStr = function(count, countFormatted) { = countFormatted; if (count === first) { = this.queryInfo.calView ? this.text.version : this.text.result; } else if (!this.versionString) { // case count = 0 or first nth record this.versionString = this.queryInfo.calView ? this.text.versions : this.text.results; = this.versionString; } };