import test from 'ava'; import TestHelper from './helpers/testHelper'; /** * @type {TestHelper} */ let helper = null; test.before(async t => { helper = await TestHelper.init(t); }); test.beforeEach(async t => { /** * @type {Frame} */ t.context.sandbox = helper.sandbox(); /** * @type {fastify.FastifyInstance} */ t.context.server = helper.server(); }); test.after.always(async t => { await helper.stop(); }); test('should put _WBWombat on window', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const wbWombat = window._WBWombat; return { exists: wbWombat != null, type: typeof wbWombat }; }); t.deepEqual( result, { exists: true, type: 'function' }, '_WBWombat should be placed on window before initialization and should be a function' ); }); test('should not add __WB_replay_top to window', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(() => window.__WB_replay_top == null); t.true(result, '__WB_replay_top should not exist on window'); }); test('should not add _WB_wombat_location to window', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( () => window._WB_wombat_location == null ); t.true(result, '_WB_wombat_location should not exist on window'); }); test('should not add WB_wombat_location to window', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( () => window.WB_wombat_location == null ); t.true(result, 'WB_wombat_location should not exist on window'); }); test('should not add __WB_check_loc to window', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(() => window.__WB_check_loc == null); t.true(result, '__WB_check_loc should not exist on window'); }); test('should not add __orig_postMessage property on window', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( () => window.__orig_postMessage == null ); t.true(result, '__orig_postMessage should not exist on window'); }); test('should not add __WB_top_frame to window', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(() => window.__WB_top_frame == null); t.true(result, '__WB_top_frame should not exist on window'); }); test('should not add __wb_Date_now to window', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(() => window.__wb_Date_now == null); t.true(result, '__wb_Date_now should not exist on window'); }); test('should not expose CustomStorage', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(() => window.Storage.toString().includes('[native code]') ); t.true(result, 'CustomStorage should not exist on window'); }); test('should not expose FuncMap', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(() => window.FuncMap == null); t.true(result, 'FuncMap should not exist on window'); }); test('should not expose SameOriginListener', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( () => window.SameOriginListener == null ); t.true(result, 'SameOriginListener should not exist on window'); }); test('should not expose WrappedListener', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(() => window.WrappedListener == null); t.true(result, 'WrappedListener should not exist on window'); }); test('should not add the __WB_pmw property to Object.prototype', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( () => Object.prototype.__WB_pmw == null ); t.true(result, 'Object.prototype.__WB_pmw should be undefined'); }); test('should not add the WB_wombat_top property to Object.prototype', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( () => Object.prototype.WB_wombat_top == null && !Object.hasOwnProperty('WB_wombat_top') ); t.true(result, 'Object.prototype.WB_wombat_top should be undefined'); }); test('should not have patched Element.prototype.insertAdjacentHTML', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(() => window.Element.prototype.insertAdjacentHTML .toString() .includes('[native code]') ); t.true( result, 'Element.prototype.insertAdjacentHTML should not have been patched' ); });