const cp = require('child_process'); const path = require('path'); const os = require('os'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const readline = require('readline'); const chromeFinder = require('chrome-launcher/dist/chrome-finder'); const criHelper = require('chrome-remote-interface-extra/lib/helper'); const CHROME_PROFILE_PATH = path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'temp_chrome_profile-'); const winPos = !process.env.NO_MOVE_WINDOW ? '--window-position=2000,0' : ''; const chromeArgs = userDataDir => [ '--enable-automation', '--force-color-profile=srgb', '--remote-debugging-port=9222', '--disable-background-networking', '--disable-background-timer-throttling', '--disable-renderer-backgrounding', '--disable-backgrounding-occluded-windows', '--disable-ipc-flooding-protection', '--enable-features=NetworkService,NetworkServiceInProcess', '--disable-client-side-phishing-detection', '--disable-default-apps', '--disable-extensions', '--disable-popup-blocking', '--disable-hang-monitor', '--disable-prompt-on-repost', '--disable-sync', '--disable-domain-reliability', '--disable-infobars', '--disable-features=site-per-process,TranslateUI', '--disable-breakpad', '--disable-backing-store-limit', '--metrics-recording-only', '--no-first-run', '--safebrowsing-disable-auto-update', '--password-store=basic', '--use-mock-keychain', '--mute-audio', '--autoplay-policy=no-user-gesture-required', `--user-data-dir=${userDataDir}`, winPos, 'about:blank' ]; const preferredExes = { linux: [ 'google-chrome-unstable', 'google-chrome-beta', 'google-chrome-stable' ], darwin: ['Chrome Canary', 'Chrome'], win32: [] }; function findChrome() { const findingFn = chromeFinder[process.platform]; if (findingFn == null) { throw new Error( `Can not find chrome exe, unsupported platform - ${process.platform}` ); } const exes = findingFn(); const preferred = preferredExes[process.platform] || []; let exe; for (let i = 0; i < preferred.length; i++) { exe = exes.find(anExe => anExe.includes(preferred[i])); if (exe) return exe; } return exes[0]; } /** * * @return {Promise<{chromeProcess: ChildProcess, killChrome: function(): void}>} */ async function initChrome() { const executable = findChrome(); const userDataDir = await fs.mkdtemp(CHROME_PROFILE_PATH); const chromeArguments = chromeArgs(userDataDir); const chromeProcess = cp.spawn(executable, chromeArguments, { stdio: ['ignore', 'ignore', 'pipe'], env: process.env, detached: process.platform !== 'win32' }); const maybeRemoveUDataDir = () => { try { fs.removeSync(userDataDir); } catch (e) {} }; let killed = false; const killChrome = () => { if (killed) { return; } killed = true; chromeProcess.kill('SIGKILL'); // process.kill(, 'SIGKILL') maybeRemoveUDataDir(); }; process.on('exit', killChrome); chromeProcess.once('exit', maybeRemoveUDataDir); process.on('SIGINT', () => { killChrome(); process.exit(130); }); process.once('SIGTERM', killChrome); process.once('SIGHUP', killChrome); await waitForWSEndpoint(chromeProcess, 15 * 1000); return { chromeProcess, killChrome }; } module.exports = initChrome; // module.exports = initChrome function waitForWSEndpoint(chromeProcess, timeout) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: chromeProcess.stderr }); let stderr = ''; const listeners = [ criHelper.helper.addEventListener(rl, 'line', onLine), criHelper.helper.addEventListener(rl, 'close', onClose), criHelper.helper.addEventListener(chromeProcess, 'exit', onClose), criHelper.helper.addEventListener(chromeProcess, 'error', onClose) ]; const timeoutId = timeout ? setTimeout(onTimeout, timeout) : 0; function onClose() { cleanup(); reject(new Error(['Failed to launch chrome!', stderr].join('\n'))); } function onTimeout() { cleanup(); reject( new Error( `Timed out after ${timeout} ms while trying to connect to Chrome!` ) ); } /** * @param {string} line */ function onLine(line) { stderr += line + '\n'; const match = line.match(/^DevTools listening on (ws:\/\/.*)$/); if (!match) { return; } cleanup(); resolve(match[1]); } function cleanup() { if (timeoutId) { clearTimeout(timeoutId); } criHelper.helper.removeEventListeners(listeners); rl.close(); } }); }