pywb 2.4.1 changelist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Minor fix: allow timegate content check in `#564 `_ to be ignored (for use with derived classes) pywb 2.4.0 changelist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This release includes significant update, specifically merging of branch into this release. A few selected improvements: * New Access Control System: * Support for Localization, configuring multiple languages (not enabled by default): * Support for OpenWayback-style XML-based index source (xmlquery) * Support for loading from WebHDFS via `webhdfs://` scheme. * Initial support for a new embeds/transclusions replay system, in combination with warcit: * Proxy mode improvements: handle OPTIONS requests and CORS `#520 `_ * Memento Prefer header: support for experimental `Prefer` header to select 'raw' or 'rewritten' memento * Other memento fixes: fix timemap including invalid mementos, correct timegate behavior on top frame `#564 `_ * Fixes for collection metadata display: `#509 `_ * Fix for incorrected WARC record length due to re-serialized headers: `#561 `_ * Filter invalid WARC records `#536 `_ * Updated fuzzy matching rules and wombat client-side rewriting. For the full changelist, see this PR: `#565 `_ * Access Control System pywb 2.3.5 changelist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * General auto-fetch fixes (#503) - Fixed issue that caused HTTP 404 errors to happen when parsing stylesheet hrefs as sheets (webrecorder/wombat #11) - Ensured that requests made are cached by the browser (webrecorder/wombat #13 & #15) - Ensured that the request made by the backing web worker when in proxy mode are not blocked by CORS (webrecorder/wombat #13 & #15) * SOCKS proxy fixes (#504) - simplify SOCKS config (avoiding global socket monkey patch), default to no cert verify to match non-proxy behavior - SOCKS proxy can be disabled dynamically by setting SOCKS_DISABLE pywb 2.3.4 changelist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Improvements to auto-fetch to support page fetch (webrecroder/wombat#5, #497) - Support fetching page with ``X-Wombat-History-Page`` and title ``X-Wombat-History-Title`` headers present. - Attempt to extract title and pass along with cdx to ``_add_history_page()`` callback in RewriterApp, to indicate a url is a page. (#498) - General auto-fetch fixes: queue messages if worker not yet inited (in proxy mode), only parse stylesheet hrefs as sheets. * Cookie Rewriting Fix: don't update cookie cache on service worker (``sw_`` modifier) responses (#499) * Rewriting: HTML Unescape Fix: Attempt to HTML-entity-decode urls and innline styles that contain ``&#`` to get correct rewriting of encoded urls (#500) pywb 2.3.3 changelist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Proxy Mode: Ensure head insert added even if no ```` tag, insert after first tag that is not ```` or ```` (#496) pywb 2.3.2 changelist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Eval rewriting fix: don't rewrite ``$eval``, only ``eval`` identifier (#493) * Cookie rewriting improvements: (#491) - Enable domain cookie cache for live index and recording modes using fakeredis, previously only available in Webrecorder - Don't add duplicate cookies to Set-Cookie or Cookie headers - Don't include cached Set-Cookie headers to serviceworkers for non-200 responses. - Add cookies for ``sw_/`` and ``wkrf_`` modifiers - Testing: add initial testing for domain cookie rewriting * Misc fixes: (#490) - Ensure SCRIPT_NAME never empty (#490) - Static Paths: load ``/index.html`` for paths ending in ``/``, ensure static_prefix always inited correctly - Docker: switch to designated $VOLUME_DIR before initializing - Rules: update rules for soundcloud pywb 2.3.1 changelist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix regression in wombat, new window.parent override from (webrecorder/wombat#2) was throwing exception if top-frame was cross-origin (webrecorder/wombat#3) * Update to latest wombat, v3.0.0 pywb 2.3.0 changelist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Wombat Improvements and modularization: - Client-side rewriting and auto-fetch systems moved to - Module-based setup and full testing for wombat - Continuous auto-fetch up to 20 requests (#484) * Replay / Fidelity Improvements (#451): - Introduced a new server-side rewriter, JSWorkerRewriter, that handles rewriting JS workers and service-workers - Improvements to JSOP Rewriter to handle empty query (#475) - Improvements to postMessage rewriting, override `eval(` while preserving scope (#475) - Fixes to ``this`` proxy rewrite to include ``, this`` * Misc Changes: - Versioning: switched back to semver to more easily keep track of versions (#488) - Improved handling of open http connections and file handles (#463) - Fixes for latest urllib3, not verifying SSL certs (#467), (#469) - Better logging for invalid cdxlines and cookies (#477), (#478) - Fix warning in yaml.load (#472) - Index invalid form-data as binary (#471) pywb 2.2.20190410 changelist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Improved rewriting of JSONP, support matching JSONP with ``//`` comments (fixes #459) pywb 2.2.20190311 changelist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Support for setting timestamp in proxy mode via ``--proxy-default-timestamp`` (fixes #452) * Remove any ``WB_wombat_`` found in POST requests from old versions of pywb. * Fixes new query UI when loading traditional calendar ``/*/`` pages (#455, #456) pywb 2.2.x changelist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * New Versioning System: (#445) - Switching to hybrid semantic / calendar ``major.minor.yyyymmdd`` versioning. - The ``major.minor`` version will be updated for larger changes. - The ``.yyyymmdd`` date component will be updated for smaller incremental releases, for fidelity improvements and smaller bug fixes. * Auto Fetch System: - Added ``picture > source[srcset]`` extraction and increased the robustness of relative srcset URLs resolution (#415) - Enabled auto-fetching of video, audio resources (#427) - Expoxed AutoFetchWorker api in proxy mode to allow external JS to initiate checks (#389) * Build / CI Improvements: - Tweaked usage of wr-tests in CI (#431) - Ensured that usage of XVFB works on (#436) - Updated Docker image to support - Python 3.7 support and CI testing (#447) * Docker: - Updated Docker image to Python 3.7.2, match docker user uid/gid to that of existing volume (#446) - Add documentation for using Docker image and automated images (#448) * Fuzzy Matching: - Added an additional Facebook rule targeting timeline replay (#440) * Memento: - Fixed regression in FrontendApp when handling TimeMap requests (#423) * Recording: - Remove Transer-Encoding from internal response (#437) - If brotli decoding package can't be loaded, remove ``br`` from ``Accept-Encoding`` header (#444) * Replay / Fidelity Improvements: - Wombat now uses the actual page scheme instead of defaulting to http when extracting the original url (#404) - Improved URL rewriting in web workers (#420) - Improved replay of content coming from a frameset's frame (#438) - Updated rules for facebook (#440) - Introduce new banner behavior and ensured that banner does not become stuck displaying "Loading..." (#418) * Server-Side Rewriting: - Improved the rewriting process of HTTP headers that are encoded in the non-standard ``UTF-8`` encoding (#402) - Improved the JavaScript rewriter's rewrites of the ``location`` symbol in order to avoid rewriting ``$location`` (#403) - Added an additional check of ``text/html`` content to ensure that it is actually ``html`` (#428) - Fixed HTML detection for UTF-8 files starting with BOM (#441) - Fixed parsing of invalid conditional comments, eg. treat '' as '' (#441) * UI: - New Query UI with support for prefix queries, forms for advanced search via cdx server api, incremental results loading (#421) pywb 2.1.0 changelist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Replay Fidelity Improvements: - Improved wombat web worker rewriting overrides, use custom modifier ``wkr_`` (#351) - Added checks to wombat that preserve the behavior of non-wombat added polyfills to native functions (#350) - Framed replay: Ensured the page title and favicon are displayed in the top-frame (#356, #369) - Improved replay of request sent as ``text/html`` but are actually ``application/json``` (#367) - Added replay of compressed resources by forcing decompression if the UA did not indicate it could handle the resources encoding (#372) - Added ``window.origin``, and ``setTimeout``, ``setInterval`` overrides to wombat to handle the non-function callback case (#381) - Added ``CSSStyleSheet.insertRule`` and ```Text``` overrides to wombat improve rewriting of dynamically added/modification of CSS (#382) - Remove extra ``window.frames`` override to avoid extra override if ``window.frames === window`` (#383) - Wombat inited via ``window._WBWombatInit(wbinfo);``, allows for reinit if inited 'synethically' and not from the page html insert (#383) - Added ``document.evaluate`` override in-order to deproxy the context node (#385) - Optimized argument de-proxying in wombat (#385) - Improved iframe srcdoc rewriting in wombat (#386) - Improved rewriting strings of full HTML by making the check case insensitive and looking for `` and