import test from 'ava'; import TestHelper from './helpers/testHelper'; import { NativeFnTest, SaveSrcSetDataSrcSet } from './helpers/testedValues'; /** * @type {TestHelper} */ let helper = null; test.before(async t => { helper = await TestHelper.init(t, true); }); test.beforeEach(async t => { t.context.sandbox = helper.sandbox(); t.context.testPage = helper.testPage(); t.context.server = helper.server(); await helper.initWombat(); }); test.after.always(async t => { await helper.stop(); }); test('getPageUnderModifier: should return the modifier the page is under', async t => { const { sandbox } = t.context; const testResult = await sandbox.evaluate(() => wombat.getPageUnderModifier() );, 'mp_'); }); test('isNativeFunction: should return T/F indicating if a function is a native function or not', async t => { const { sandbox } = t.context; const testResult = await sandbox.evaluate(NativeFnTest.testFN); t.deepEqual(testResult, NativeFnTest.expectedValue); }); for (let i = 0; i < SaveSrcSetDataSrcSet.values.length; i++) { const value = SaveSrcSetDataSrcSet.values[i]; test(`isSavedSrcSrcset: should return '${value.expected}' for '${ }'`, async t => { const { sandbox } = t.context; const testResult = await sandbox.evaluate( SaveSrcSetDataSrcSet.testFnSS, value.tagName, value.parentElement );, value.expected); }); test(`isSavedDataSrcSrcset: should return '${value.expected}' for '${ }' if it has data.srcset and 'false' when it does not`, async t => { const { sandbox } = t.context; const testResult = await sandbox.evaluate( SaveSrcSetDataSrcSet.testFnDSS, value.tagName, value.parentElement ); t.deepEqual(testResult, { with: value.expected, without: false }); }); } test('isArgumentsObj: should return T/F indicating if the supplied object is the arguments object', async t => { const { sandbox } = t.context; const testResult = await sandbox.evaluate(() => ({ null: wombat.isArgumentsObj(null), undefined: wombat.isArgumentsObj(undefined), objToStringNotFn: wombat.isArgumentsObj({ toString: 1 }), objToStringNotArgumentsObject: wombat.isArgumentsObj({}), actualArgumentsObject: wombat.isArgumentsObj( (function() { return arguments; })() ) })); t.deepEqual(testResult, { null: false, undefined: false, objToStringNotFn: false, objToStringNotArgumentsObject: false, actualArgumentsObject: true }); }); test('deproxyArrayHandlingArgumentsObj: should deproxy elements in both an array and the arguments object', async t => { const { sandbox } = t.context; const testResult = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const makeProxy = returnWhat => new Proxy( {}, { get(target, p, receiver) { if (p === '__WBProxyRealObj__') return returnWhat; return null; } } ); const argumentsObjWithProxies = (function() { return arguments; })(makeProxy(1), makeProxy(2)); const argumentsDeproxied = wombat.deproxyArrayHandlingArgumentsObj( argumentsObjWithProxies ); const justAnArrayWithProxies = [makeProxy(3), makeProxy(4)]; const justArrayDeproxied = wombat.deproxyArrayHandlingArgumentsObj( justAnArrayWithProxies ); return { argsDeproxied: Array.isArray(argumentsDeproxied) && argumentsDeproxied !== argumentsObjWithProxies && argumentsDeproxied[0] === 1 && argumentsDeproxied[1] === 2, arrayDeproxied: Array.isArray(justArrayDeproxied) && justArrayDeproxied === justAnArrayWithProxies && justArrayDeproxied[0] === 3 && justArrayDeproxied[1] === 4 }; }); t.deepEqual(testResult, { argsDeproxied: true, arrayDeproxied: true }); }); test('deproxyArrayHandlingArgumentsObj: should return the original argument if it is falsy, a NodeList, has not elements, or the length property is falsy', async t => { const { sandbox } = t.context; const testResult = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const nl = document.querySelectorAll('*'); const dpNL = wombat.deproxyArrayHandlingArgumentsObj(nl); const zeroLenArray = []; const zeroLenArguments = (function() { return arguments; })(); const falsyLength = {}; return { falsey: wombat.deproxyArrayHandlingArgumentsObj(null) === null, nodeList: dpNL instanceof NodeList && dpNL === nl, zeroLenArray: wombat.deproxyArrayHandlingArgumentsObj(zeroLenArray) === zeroLenArray, zeroLenArguments: wombat.deproxyArrayHandlingArgumentsObj(zeroLenArguments) === zeroLenArguments, falsyLength: wombat.deproxyArrayHandlingArgumentsObj(falsyLength) === falsyLength }; }); t.deepEqual(testResult, { falsey: true, nodeList: true, zeroLenArray: true, zeroLenArguments: true, falsyLength: true }); });