exports.TestedPropertyDescriptorUpdates = [ { docOrWin: 'document', props: ['title', 'domain', 'cookie'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' } }, { docOrWin: 'document', props: ['origin', 'referrer'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function' } }, { docOrWin: 'window', props: ['origin', 'localStorage', 'sessionStorage'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function' }, // original setter remains skipSet: ['origin'] }, { docOrWin: 'window', props: ['onmessage', 'onstorage'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.CSSStyleSheet.prototype', props: ['href'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.Document.prototype', props: ['URL', 'documentURI'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.Node.prototype', props: ['baseURI', 'ownerDocument'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.Attr.prototype', props: ['nodeValue', 'value'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function' }, skipSet: ['value'] }, { objPath: 'window.Element.prototype', props: ['innerHTML', 'outerHTML'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.HTMLIFrameElement.prototype', props: ['srcdoc'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.HTMLStyleElement.prototype', props: ['textContent'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.HTMLLinkElement.prototype', props: ['href'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.HTMLImageElement.prototype', props: ['src', 'srcset'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.HTMLIFrameElement.prototype', props: ['src'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.HTMLScriptElement.prototype', props: ['src'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.HTMLVideoElement.prototype', props: ['src', 'poster'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.HTMLAudioElement.prototype', props: ['src', 'poster'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.HTMLSourceElement.prototype', props: ['src', 'srcset'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.HTMLInputElement.prototype', props: ['src'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.HTMLEmbedElement.prototype', props: ['src'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.HTMLObjectElement.prototype', props: ['data'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.HTMLBaseElement.prototype', props: ['href'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.HTMLMetaElement.prototype', props: ['content'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.HTMLFormElement.prototype', props: ['action'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.HTMLHtmlElement.prototype', props: ['parentNode'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.HTMLFrameElement.prototype', props: ['src'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.HTMLQuoteElement.prototype', props: ['cite'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.HTMLModElement.prototype', props: ['cite'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.HTMLAreaElement.prototype', props: [ 'href', 'hash', 'pathname', 'host', 'hostname', 'protocol', 'origin', 'search', 'port' ], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.HTMLAnchorElement.prototype', props: [ 'href', 'hash', 'pathname', 'host', 'hostname', 'protocol', 'origin', 'search', 'port' ], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.Text.prototype', props: ['wholeText'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.Text.prototype', props: ['data'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' } }, { objPath: `window.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype`, props: [ 'cssText', 'background', 'backgroundImage', 'cursor', 'listStyle', 'listStyleImage', 'border', 'borderImage', 'borderImageSource', 'maskImage' ], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' }, skipGet: ['cssText'] }, { objPath: 'window.CSSRule.prototype', props: ['cssText'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' }, skipGet: ['cssText'] }, { objPath: 'window.Object.prototype', props: ['WB_wombat_location', 'WB_wombat_top', '__WB_pmw'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function', set: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.MessageEvent.prototype', props: [ 'target', 'srcElement', 'currentTarget', 'eventPhase', 'path', 'source' ], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.StorageEvent.prototype', props: ['storageArea'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.MouseEvent.prototype', props: ['view'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.Event.prototype', props: ['target'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function' } }, { objPath: 'window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype', props: ['responseURL'], expectedInterface: { configurable: 'boolean', enumerable: 'boolean', get: 'function' } }, { objPaths: ['window.MouseEvent.prototype', 'window.FontFace.prototype'], props: ['constructor'], expectedInterface: { value: 'function' } } ]; const maybeInitUIEvents = [ 'window.UIEvent', 'window.MouseEvent', 'window.TouchEvent', 'window.FocusEvent', 'window.KeyboardEvent', 'window.WheelEvent', 'window.InputEvent', 'window.CompositionEvent' ]; exports.TestFunctionChanges = [ { constructors: [ 'window.Date', 'window.Request', 'window.Audio', 'window.Worker', 'window.SharedWorker', 'window.FontFace' ].concat(maybeInitUIEvents) }, { objPath: 'window.history', fns: ['replaceState', 'pushState'], origs: ['_orig_replaceState', '_orig_pushState'] }, { fnPath: 'window.postMessage', oPath: 'window.__orig_postMessage' }, { objPath: 'window.Window.prototype', fns: ['postMessage'] }, { objPath: 'window.Document.prototype', fns: [ 'write', 'writeln', 'open', 'createElementNS', 'evaluate', 'createTreeWalker' ] }, { objPath: 'window.Node.prototype', fns: [ 'compareDocumentPosition', 'contains', 'replaceChild', 'appendChild', 'insertBefore' ] }, { objPath: 'window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype', fns: ['open'] }, { objPath: 'window.navigator', fns: ['sendBeacon', 'registerProtocolHandler'] }, { objPath: 'window.ServiceWorkerContainer.prototype', fns: ['register'] }, { objPath: 'window.navigator.serviceWorker', fns: ['register'] }, { objPath: 'window', fns: ['fetch', 'setInterval', 'setTimeout', 'getComputedStyle'] }, { objPath: 'window.Math', fns: ['random'] }, { objPath: 'window.crypto', fns: ['getRandomValues'] }, { objPath: 'window.Notification', fns: ['requestPermission'] }, { objPath: 'window.Crypto.prototype', fns: ['getRandomValues'] }, { objPath: 'window.Date', fns: ['now'] }, { objPath: 'window.Element.prototype', fns: [ 'getAttribute', 'setAttribute', 'insertAdjacentElement', 'insertAdjacentHTML' ] }, { objPath: 'window.SVGImageElement.prototype', fns: ['getAttribute', 'getAttributeNS', 'setAttribute', 'setAttributeNS'] }, { objPath: 'window.MutationObserver.prototype', fns: ['observe'] }, { objPath: 'window.Function.prototype', fns: ['apply'] }, { objPath: 'window.CSSStyleSheet.prototype', fns: ['insertRule'] }, { objPath: `window.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype`, fns: ['setProperty'] }, { objPath: 'window.Text.prototype', fns: ['appendData', 'insertData', 'replaceData'] }, { objPath: 'window.XSLTProcessor.prototype', fns: ['transformToFragment'] }, { objPath: 'document', fns: [ 'write', 'writeln', 'open', 'createElementNS', 'evaluate', 'createTreeWalker' ] }, { objPath: `window.EventTarget.prototype`, fns: ['addEventListener', 'removeEventListener'] }, { objPath: 'window.navigator.geolocation', fns: ['getCurrentPosition', 'watchPosition'] }, { objPath: 'window.Worklet.prototype', fns: ['addModule'] }, { objPath: 'window.StylePropertyMap.prototype', fns: ['set', 'append'] }, { objPath: 'window.UIEvent.prototype', fns: ['initUIEvent'] }, { objPath: 'window.MouseEvent.prototype', fns: ['initMouseEvent'] }, { objPath: 'window.KeyboardEvent.prototype', fns: ['initKeyboardEvent'] }, { objPath: 'window.CompositionEvent.prototype', fns: ['initCompositionEvent'] }, { objPath: 'window.Date', persisted: ['UTC', 'parse'] } ]; exports.URLParts = [ 'href', 'hash', 'pathname', 'host', 'hostname', 'protocol', 'origin', 'search', 'port' ]; const WB_PREFIX = `http://localhost:3030/live/20180803160549`; exports.WB_PREFIX = WB_PREFIX; exports.mpURL = url => `${WB_PREFIX}mp_/${url}`; exports.fullHTML = ({ prefix, onlyBody, onlyHead, onlyHTML } = {}) => { const cssPrefix = prefix != null ? `${prefix}cs_/` : ''; const jsPrefix = prefix != null ? `${prefix}js_/` : ''; const body = ``; if (onlyBody) return body; const headString = ``; let topMatter = `${headString}${body}`; let bottomMatter = ``; if (onlyHTML) { topMatter = `${headString}${body}`; bottomMatter = ``; } else if (onlyHead) { topMatter = headString; bottomMatter = ''; } return `${topMatter}${bottomMatter}`; }; exports.TextNodeTest = { fnTests: ['appendData', 'insertData', 'replaceData'], theStyle: '.hi { background-image: url(https://funky/png.png); }', theStyleRw: `.hi { background-image: url(${WB_PREFIX}mp_/https://funky/png.png); }`, evaluationFN(fn, theStyle, theStyleRw, inStyle) { const tn = document.createTextNode(''); const tnParent = document.createElement(inStyle ? 'style' : 'p'); tnParent.appendChild(tn); if (fn === 'insertData') { tn[fn](0, theStyle); } else if (fn === 'replaceData') { tn[fn](0, 0, theStyle); } else { tn[fn](theStyle); } const result = tnParent.innerText === (inStyle ? theStyleRw : theStyle); tnParent.remove(); return result; } }; exports.HTMLAssign = { innerOuterHTML: { tests: [ { which: 'innerHTML', unrw: 'hi', rw: `hi` }, { which: 'outerHTML', unrw: '
', rw: `
` }, { which: 'ShadowRoot.innerHTML', unrw: 'hi', rw: `hi` } ], assignmentFN(which, unrw, rw) { const div = document.createElement('div'); let results; document.body.appendChild(div); switch (which) { case 'innerHTML': div.innerHTML = unrw; div._no_rewrite = true; results = div.innerHTML === rw; break; case 'ShadowRoot.innerHTML': const shadowRoot = div.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }); shadowRoot.innerHTML = unrw; shadowRoot._no_rewrite = true; results = shadowRoot.innerHTML === rw; break; default: div.outerHTML = unrw; const elem = document.getElementById('oHTML'); elem._no_rewrite = true; results = elem.outerHTML === rw; break; } while (document.body.firstChild) { document.body.removeChild(document.body.firstChild); } return results; }, retrieval(which, unrw, rw) { const div = document.createElement('div'); let results; document.body.appendChild(div); switch (which) { case 'innerHTML': div.innerHTML = unrw; results = div.innerHTML; break; case 'ShadowRoot.innerHTML': const shadowRoot = div.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }); shadowRoot.innerHTML = unrw; results = shadowRoot.innerHTML; break; default: div.outerHTML = unrw; results = document.getElementById('oHTML').outerHTML; break; } while (document.body.firstChild) { document.body.removeChild(document.body.firstChild); } return results; }, assignmentToRetrieval(which, unrw, rw) { const div = document.createElement('div'); const div2 = document.createElement('div'); let results; document.body.appendChild(div); document.body.appendChild(div2); switch (which) { case 'innerHTML': div.innerHTML = unrw; div2.innerHTML = div.innerHTML; results = div2.innerHTML === unrw; break; case 'ShadowRoot.innerHTML': const shadowRoot = div.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }); shadowRoot.innerHTML = unrw; div2.innerHTML = shadowRoot.innerHTML; results = div2.innerHTML === unrw; break; default: div.outerHTML = unrw; div2.outerHTML = document.getElementById('oHTML').outerHTML; results = document.getElementById('oHTML').outerHTML === unrw; break; } while (document.body.firstChild) { document.body.removeChild(document.body.firstChild); } return results; } } }; exports.LinkAsTypes = { script: 'js_', worker: 'js_', style: 'cs_', image: 'im_', document: 'if_', fetch: 'mp_', font: 'oe_', audio: 'oe_', video: 'oe_', embed: 'oe_', object: 'oe_', track: 'oe_' }; exports.TagToMod = { elements: { a: { href: 'mp_' }, area: { href: 'mp_' }, audio: { src: 'oe_', poster: 'im_' }, base: { href: 'mp_' }, embed: { src: 'oe_' }, form: { action: 'mp_' }, frame: { src: 'fr_' }, iframe: { src: 'if_' }, img: { src: 'im_' }, input: { src: 'oe_' }, ins: { cite: 'mp_' }, meta: { content: 'mp_' }, object: { data: 'oe_', codebase: 'oe_' }, q: { cite: 'mp_' }, // covers both html and svg script element, script: { src: 'js_' }, source: { src: 'oe_' }, track: { src: 'oe_' }, video: { src: 'oe_', poster: 'im_' } }, testFNDirect(tag, attr, unRW) { const elem = document.createElement(tag); elem[attr] = unRW; return WombatTestUtil.getElementPropertyAsIs(elem, attr); }, testFNSetAttr(tag, attr, unRW) { const elem = document.createElement(tag); elem.setAttribute(attr, unRW); return WombatTestUtil.getElementPropertyAsIs(elem, attr); } }; exports.ElementGetSetAttribute = [ { elem: 'link', prop: 'href', unrw: 'http://example.com/whatever' }, { elem: 'img', props: ['src', 'srcset'], unrws: ['http://example.com/whatever', 'http://example.com/whatever'] }, { elem: 'iframe', props: ['src'], unrws: ['http://example.com/whatever'] }, { elem: 'script', props: ['src'], unrws: ['http://example.com/whatever.js'] }, { elem: 'video', props: ['src', 'poster'], unrws: ['http://example.com/whatever', 'http://example.com/whatever'] }, { elem: 'audio', props: ['src', 'poster'], unrws: ['http://example.com/whatever', 'http://example.com/whatever'] }, { elem: 'source', props: ['src', 'srcset'], unrws: ['http://example.com/whatever', 'http://example.com/whatever'] }, { elem: 'input', props: ['src'], unrws: ['http://example.com/whatever'] }, { elem: 'embed', props: ['src'], unrws: ['http://example.com/whatever'] }, { elem: 'base', props: ['href'], unrws: ['http://example.com/whatever'] }, { elem: 'meta', props: ['content'], unrws: ['http://example.com/whatever'] }, { elem: 'form', props: ['action'], unrws: ['http://example.com/whatever'] }, { elem: 'frame', props: ['src'], unrws: ['http://example.com/whatever'] }, { elem: 'track', props: ['src'], unrws: ['http://example.com/whatever'] }, { elem: 'area', props: ['href'], unrws: ['http://example.com/whatever'] }, { elem: 'a', props: ['href'], unrws: ['http://example.com/whatever'] } ]; const cssAttrImageUnrw = 'url("https://example.com/ping.png")'; const CSSAttrsToPropName = [ { attr: 'background', propName: 'background', unrw: cssAttrImageUnrw }, { attr: 'backgroundImage', propName: 'background-image', unrw: cssAttrImageUnrw }, { attr: 'border', propName: 'border', unrw: cssAttrImageUnrw }, { attr: 'borderImage', propName: 'border-image', unrw: `${cssAttrImageUnrw} 100% / 1 / 0 stretch` }, { attr: 'borderImageSource', propName: 'border-image-source', unrw: cssAttrImageUnrw }, { attr: 'cursor', propName: 'cursor', unrw: `${cssAttrImageUnrw}, pointer` }, { attr: 'listStyle', propName: 'list-style', unrw: cssAttrImageUnrw }, { attr: 'listStyleImage', propName: 'list-style-image', unrw: cssAttrImageUnrw }, { attr: 'maskImage', propName: 'mask-image', unrw: `image(${cssAttrImageUnrw})` } ]; const CSSRules = [ { name: '@import "url"', unrw: '@import "http://cssHeaven.com/angelic.css"' }, { name: '@import url("url")', unrw: '@import url("http://cssHeaven.com/angelic.css")' }, { name: '@import url(url)', unrw: '@import url(http://cssHeaven.com/angelic.css)' }, { name: '@font-face', unrw: `@font-face { font-family: 'TheDude'; src: url('https://theDude.com/Abides.woff2') format('woff2'); }` } ].concat( CSSAttrsToPropName.map(aTest => Object.assign({ name: aTest.propName }, aTest, { unrw: `.clzz { ${aTest.propName}: ${aTest.unrw} }` }) ) ); const CSSOmSkipped = new Set(['border', 'maskImage']); exports.CSS = { styleAttrs: { attrs: CSSAttrsToPropName, unrw: 'https://example.com/ping.png', testFNAttr(test) { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.style[test.attr] = test.unrw; return div.style[test.attr]; }, testFNPropName(test) { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.style[test.propName] = test.unrw; return div.style[test.propName]; }, testFNSetProp(prop, unrw) { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.style.setProperty(prop, unrw); return div.style[prop]; }, testFNCssText(aTest) { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.style.cssText = `${aTest.propName}: ${aTest.unrw}`; return div.style.cssText; } }, styleTextContent: { tests: CSSRules, testFN(unrw) { const style = document.createElement('style'); style.textContent = unrw; return style.textContent; } }, StyleSheetInsertRule: { tests: CSSRules, testFN(unrw) { const style = document.createElement('style'); style.textContent = '.dummy {}'; document.body.appendChild(style); style.sheet.insertRule(unrw, 0); const cssText = style.sheet.rules[0].cssText; style.remove(); return cssText; } }, CSSRuleCSSText: { tests: CSSRules, testFN(unrw) { const style = document.createElement('style'); style.textContent = '.dummy {}'; document.body.appendChild(style); style.sheet.rules[0].cssText = unrw; const cssText = style.sheet.rules[0].cssText; style.remove(); return cssText; } }, StylePropertyMap: { noAppend: new Set([ 'background', 'cursor', 'listStyle', 'listStyleImage', 'borderImage', 'borderImageSource' ]), tests: CSSAttrsToPropName.filter(it => !CSSOmSkipped.has(it.attr)), testFNSet(prop, unrw) { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.attributeStyleMap.set(prop, unrw); return div.attributeStyleMap.get(prop).toString(); }, testFNAppend(prop, unrw) { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.attributeStyleMap.append(prop, unrw); return div.attributeStyleMap.get(prop).toString(); } }, CSSKeywordValue: { tests: CSSAttrsToPropName, testFN(prop, unrw) { const cssValue = new CSSKeywordValue(prop, unrw); return cssValue.toString(); } }, CSSStyleValue: { tests: CSSAttrsToPropName, skipped: new Set(['border', 'maskImage']), testFNParse(prop, unrw) { const result = CSSStyleValue.parse(prop, unrw); return result.toString(); }, testFNParseAll(prop, unrw) { const result = CSSStyleValue.parseAll(prop, unrw); return result[0].toString(); } } }; exports.NativeFnTest = { testFN() { const funkyFunction = function() {}; funkyFunction.toString = function() { throw new Error('blah'); }; return { native: wombat.isNativeFunction(blur), notNative: wombat.isNativeFunction(() => {}), funkyFn: wombat.isNativeFunction(funkyFunction), null: wombat.isNativeFunction(null), undefined: wombat.isNativeFunction(undefined), obj: wombat.isNativeFunction({}) }; }, expectedValue: { native: true, notNative: false, funkyFn: false, null: false, undefined: false, obj: false } }; exports.SaveSrcSetDataSrcSet = { values: [ { name: 'IMG', tagName: 'IMG', expected: true }, { name: 'VIDEO', tagName: 'VIDEO', expected: true }, { name: 'AUDIO', tagName: 'AUDIO', expected: true }, { name: 'SOURCE with no parent', tagName: 'SOURCE', expected: false }, { name: 'SOURCE with PICTURE parent', tagName: 'SOURCE', parentElement: 'PICTURE', expected: true }, { name: 'SOURCE with VIDEO parent', tagName: 'SOURCE', parentElement: 'VIDEO', expected: true }, { name: 'SOURCE with AUDIO parent', tagName: 'SOURCE', parentElement: 'AUDIO', expected: true }, { name: 'IFRAME', tagName: 'IFRAME', expected: false }, { name: 'SOURCE with DIV parent', tagName: 'SOURCE', parentElement: 'DIV', expected: false } ], testFnSS(tagName, parentElementTagName) { const testValue = { tagName }; if (parentElementTagName) { testValue.parentElement = { tagName: parentElementTagName }; } return wombat.isSavedSrcSrcset(testValue); }, testFnDSS(tagName, parentElementTagName) { const testValue = { tagName }; if (parentElementTagName) { testValue.parentElement = { tagName: parentElementTagName }; } return { without: wombat.isSavedDataSrcSrcset(testValue), with: wombat.isSavedSrcSrcset( Object.assign( { dataset: { srcset: true } }, testValue ) ) }; } };