import test from 'ava'; import TestHelper from './helpers/testHelper'; /** * @type {TestHelper} */ let helper = null; test.before(async t => { helper = await TestHelper.init(t, true); }); test.beforeEach(async t => { t.context.sandbox = helper.sandbox(); t.context.testPage = helper.testPage(); t.context.server = helper.server(); await t.context.sandbox.evaluate(() => { window.fakeWombat = { $wbwindow: { WB_wombat_location: { href: 'bogus url' } }, storage_listeners: { sEvents: [], map(sEvent) { this.sEvents.push(sEvent); } } }; }); }); test.after.always(async t => { await helper.stop(); }); test('Storage - creation: should not throw errors', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const creationPromise = sandbox.evaluate(() => { new Storage(); }); await t.notThrowsAsync(creationPromise); }); test('Storage - post creation: internal values should not be exposed', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const testResult = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const storage = new Storage(window.fakeWombat, 'bogus value'); return { }; }); t.deepEqual(testResult, {}); }); test('Storage - getItem: the item set should be retrievable', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const testResult = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const storage = new Storage(window.fakeWombat, 'bogus value'); const key = 'a'; const value = 'b'; storage.setItem(key, value); return storage.getItem(key) === value; }); t.true(testResult); }); test('Storage - setItem: the item set should be mapped and an storage event fired', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const testResult = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const storage = new Storage(window.fakeWombat, 'bogus value'); const key = 'a'; const value = 'b'; storage.setItem(key, value); const events = window.fakeWombat.storage_listeners.sEvents; const event = events[0]; return { stored:[key] === value, numEvents: events.length, key: event.key === key, newValue: event.newValue === value, oldValue: event.oldValue === null, storageArea: event.storageArea === storage, url: event.url === 'bogus url' }; }); t.deepEqual(testResult, { stored: true, numEvents: 1, key: true, newValue: true, oldValue: true, storageArea: true, url: true }); }); test('Storage - removeItem: the item set should be removable and an event should be fired indicating removal', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const testResult = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const storage = new Storage(window.fakeWombat, 'bogus value'); const key = 'a'; const value = 'b'; storage.setItem(key, value); storage.removeItem(key); const events = window.fakeWombat.storage_listeners.sEvents; const event = events[1]; return { stored:[key] === undefined, numEvents: events.length, key: event.key === key, newValue: event.newValue === null, oldValue: event.oldValue === value, storageArea: event.storageArea === storage, url: event.url === 'bogus url' }; }); t.deepEqual(testResult, { stored: true, numEvents: 2, key: true, newValue: true, oldValue: true, storageArea: true, url: true }); }); test('Storage - clear: should clear all stored items and an event should be fired indicating clearing', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const testResult = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const storage = new Storage(window.fakeWombat, 'bogus value'); const key = 'a'; const value = 'b'; storage.setItem(key, value); storage.clear(); const events = window.fakeWombat.storage_listeners.sEvents; const event = events[1]; return { numEvents: events.length, key: event.key === null, newValue: event.newValue === null, oldValue: event.oldValue === null, storageArea: event.storageArea === storage, url: event.url === 'bogus url' }; }); t.deepEqual(testResult, { numEvents: 2, key: true, newValue: true, oldValue: true, storageArea: true, url: true }); }); test('Storage - key: should return the correct key given the keys index', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const testResult = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const storage = new Storage(window.fakeWombat, 'bogus value'); const key1 = 'a1'; const key2 = 'a2'; const value1 = 'b1'; const value2 = 'b2'; storage.setItem(key1, value1); storage.setItem(key2, value2); return ( storage.key(0) === key1 && storage.key(1) === key2 && storage.key(2) === null ); }); t.true(testResult); }); test('Storage - fireEvent: should fire a StorageEvent with the supplied arguments', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const testResult = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const storage = new Storage(window.fakeWombat, 'bogus value'); storage.fireEvent('a', 'b', 'c'); const events = window.fakeWombat.storage_listeners.sEvents; const event = events[0]; return { numEvents: events.length, key: event.key === 'a', newValue: event.newValue === 'c', oldValue: event.oldValue === 'b', storageArea: event.storageArea === storage, url: event.url === 'bogus url' }; }); t.deepEqual(testResult, { numEvents: 1, key: true, newValue: true, oldValue: true, storageArea: true, url: true }); }); test('Storage - valueOf: should return the correct value', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const testResult = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const storage = new Storage(window.fakeWombat, 'bogus value'); fakeWombat.$wbwindow['bogus value'] = storage; return storage.valueOf() === storage; }); t.true(testResult); }); test('Storage - length: should return the correct value', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const testResult = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const storage = new Storage(window.fakeWombat, 'bogus value'); const key1 = 'a1'; const key2 = 'a2'; const value1 = 'b1'; const value2 = 'b2'; storage.setItem(key1, value1); storage.setItem(key2, value2); return storage.length; });, 2); });