# pywb config file
# ========================================
# Settings for each collection

    # <name>: <cdx_path>
    # collection will be accessed via /<name>
    # <cdx_path> is a string or list of:
    #  - string or list of one or more local .cdx file
    #  - string or list of one or more local dirs with .cdx files
    #  - a string value indicating remote http cdx server
    pywb: ./sample_archive/cdx/

    # ex with filtering: filter CDX lines by filename starting with 'dupe'
    #pywb-filt: {'index_paths': './sample_archive/cdx/', 'filters': ['filename:dupe*']}

# indicate if cdx files are sorted by SURT keys -- eg: com,example)/
# SURT keys are recommended for future indices, but non-SURT cdxs
# are also supported
#   * Set to true if cdxs start with surts: com,example)/
#   * Set to false if cdx start with urls: example.com)/
# default:
# surt_ordered: true

# list of paths prefixes for pywb look to 'resolve'  WARC and ARC filenames
# in the cdx to their absolute path
# if path is:
#   * local dir, use path as prefix
#   * local file, lookup prefix in tab-delimited sorted index
#   * http:// path, use path as remote prefix
#   * redis:// path, use redis to lookup full path for w:<warc> as key

archive_paths: ./sample_archive/warcs/

# The following are default settings -- uncomment to change
# Set to '' to disable the ui

# ==== UI: HTML/Jinja2 Templates ====

# template for <head> insert into replayed html content
#head_insert_html: ui/head_insert.html

# template to for 'calendar' query,
# eg, a listing of captures  in response to a ../*/<url>
# may be a simple listing or a more complex 'calendar' UI
# if omitted, will list raw cdx in plain text
#query_html: ui/query.html

# template for search page, which is displayed when no search url is entered
# in a collection
#search_html: ui/search.html

# template for home page.
# if no other route is set, this will be rendered at /, /index.htm and /index.html
#home_html: ui/index.html

# error page temlpate for may formatting error message and details
# if omitted, a text response is returned
#error_html: ui/error.html

# ==== Other Paths ====

# list of host names that pywb will be running from to detect
# 'fallthrough' requests based on referrer
# eg: an incorrect request for http://localhost:8080/image.gif with a referrer
# of http://localhost:8080/pywb/index.html, pywb can correctly redirect
# to http://localhost:8080/pywb/image.gif

#hostpaths: ['http://localhost:8080']

# Rewrite urls with absolute paths instead of relative
#absoulte_paths: true

# List of route names:
# <route>: <package or file path>
# default route static/default for pywb defaults
          static/default: pywb/static/

# ==== New / Experimental Settings ====
# Not yet production ready -- used primarily for testing

# Enable simple http proxy mode
enable_http_proxy: true

# enable cdx server api for querying cdx directly (experimental)
enable_cdx_api: true

# custom rules for domain specific matching
# set to false to disable
#domain_specific_rules: rules.yaml

# Memento support, enable
enable_memento: true

# Use lxml parser, if available
use_lxml_parser: true