Recorder ======== The recorder component acts a proxy component, intercepting requests to and response from the :ref:`warcserver` and recording them to a WARC file on disk. The recorder uses the :class:`pywb.recorder.multifilewarcwriter.MultiFileWARCWriter` which extends the base :class:`warcio.warcwriter.WARCWriter` from :mod:`warcio` and provides support for: * appending to multiple WARC files at once * WARC 'rollover' based on maximum size idle time * indexing (CDXJ) on write Many of the features of the Recorder are created for use with Webrecorder project, although the core recorder is used to provide a basic recording via ``/record/`` endpoint. (See: :ref:`recording-mode`) Deduplication Filters --------------------- The core recorder class provides for optional deduplication using the :class:`pywb.recorder.redisindexer.WritableRedisIndexer` class which requires Redis to store the index, and can be used to either: * write duplicates responses. * write ``revisit`` records. * ignore duplicates and don't write to WARC. Custom Filtering ---------------- The recorder filter system also includes a filtering system to allow for not writing certain requests and responses. Filters include: * Skipping by regex applied to source (``Warcserver-Source-Coll`` header from Warcserver) * Skipping if ``Recorder-Skip: 1`` header is provided * Skipping if ``Range`` request header is provided * Filtering out certain HTTP headers, for example, http-only cookies The additional recorder functionality will be enchanced in a future version. For a more detailed examples, please consult the tests in :mod:`pywb.recorder.test.test_recorder`