from pywb.warcserver.index.indexsource import FileIndexSource from pywb.warcserver.index.aggregator import DirectoryIndexSource, CacheDirectoryMixin from pywb.warcserver.index.aggregator import SimpleAggregator from pywb.warcserver.index.cdxobject import CDXObject from pywb.utils.binsearch import search from pywb.utils.merge import merge from warcio.timeutils import timestamp_to_datetime from datetime import datetime, timedelta from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta import os # ============================================================================ class FileAccessIndexSource(FileIndexSource): """An Index Source class specific to access control lists""" @staticmethod def rev_cmp(a, b): """Performs a comparison between two items using the algorithm of the removed builtin cmp :param a: A value to be compared :param b: A value to be compared :return: The result of the comparison :rtype: int """ return (a < b) - (a > b) def _do_iter(self, fh, params): """Iterates over the supplied file handle to an access control list yielding the results of the search for the params key :param TextIO fh: The file handle to an access control list :param dict params: The params of the :return: A generator yielding the results of the param search """ exact_suffix = params.get('exact_match_suffix') key = params['key'] if exact_suffix: key += exact_suffix for line in search(fh, key, prev_size=1, compare_func=self.rev_cmp): yield line # ============================================================================ class ReverseMergeMixin(object): """A mixin that provides revered merge functionality""" def _merge(self, iter_list): """Merges the supplied list of iterators in reverse :param iter_list: The list of iterators to be merged :return: An iterator that yields the results of the reverse merge """ return merge(*(iter_list), reverse=True) # ============================================================================ class AccessRulesAggregator(ReverseMergeMixin, SimpleAggregator): """An Aggregator specific to access control""" # ============================================================================ class DirectoryAccessSource(ReverseMergeMixin, DirectoryIndexSource): """An directory index source specific to access control""" INDEX_SOURCES = [('.aclj', FileAccessIndexSource)] # type: list[tuple] # ============================================================================ class CacheDirectoryAccessSource(CacheDirectoryMixin, DirectoryAccessSource): """An cache directory index source specific to access control""" # ============================================================================ class AccessChecker(object): """An access checker class""" EXACT_SUFFIX = '###' # type: str EXACT_SUFFIX_B = b'###' # type: bytes # rules in the ACL file are followed by a white space (U+0020): # for searching we need a match suffix which sorts/compares after # (resp. before because we use the rev_cmp function). Simply add # another '#' (U+0023 > U+0020) EXACT_SUFFIX_SEARCH_B = b'####' # type: bytes def __init__(self, access_source, default_access='allow', embargo=None): """Initialize a new AccessChecker :param str|list[str]|AccessRulesAggregator access_source: An access source :param str default_access: The default access action (allow) :param dict embargo: A dict specifying optional embargo setting """ if isinstance(access_source, str): self.aggregator = self.create_access_aggregator([access_source]) elif isinstance(access_source, list): self.aggregator = self.create_access_aggregator(access_source) else: self.aggregator = access_source self.default_rule = CDXObject() self.default_rule['urlkey'] = '' self.default_rule['timestamp'] = '-' self.default_rule['access'] = default_access self.default_rule['default'] = 'true' self.embargo = self.parse_embargo(embargo) def parse_embargo(self, embargo): if not embargo: return None value = embargo.get('before') if value: embargo['before'] = timestamp_to_datetime(str(value)) value = embargo.get('after') if value: embargo['after'] = timestamp_to_datetime(str(value)) value = embargo.get('older') if value: delta = relativedelta( years=value.get('years', 0), months=value.get('months', 0), weeks=value.get('weeks', 0), days=value.get('days', 0)) embargo['older'] = delta value = embargo.get('newer') if value: delta = relativedelta( years=value.get('years', 0), months=value.get('months', 0), weeks=value.get('weeks', 0), days=value.get('days', 0)) embargo['newer'] = delta return embargo def check_embargo(self, url, ts): if not self.embargo: return None dt = timestamp_to_datetime(ts) access = self.embargo.get('access', 'exclude') # embargo before before = self.embargo.get('before') if before: print(dt, before) return access if dt < before else None # embargo after after = self.embargo.get('after') if after: return access if dt > after else None # embargo if newser than newer = self.embargo.get('newer') if newer: actual = datetime.utcnow() - newer return access if actual < dt else None # embargo if older than older = self.embargo.get('older') if older: actual = datetime.utcnow() - older return access if actual > dt else None def create_access_aggregator(self, source_files): """Creates a new AccessRulesAggregator using the supplied list of access control file names :param list[str] source_files: The list of access control file names :return: The created AccessRulesAggregator :rtype: AccessRulesAggregator """ sources = {} for filename in source_files: sources[filename] = self.create_access_source(filename) aggregator = AccessRulesAggregator(sources) return aggregator def create_access_source(self, filename): """Creates a new access source for the supplied filename. If the filename is for a directory an CacheDirectoryAccessSource instance is returned otherwise an FileAccessIndexSource instance :param str filename: The name of an file/directory :return: An instance of CacheDirectoryAccessSource or FileAccessIndexSource depending on if the supplied filename is for a directory or file :rtype: CacheDirectoryAccessSource|FileAccessIndexSource :raises Exception: Indicates an invalid access source was supplied """ if os.path.isdir(filename): return CacheDirectoryAccessSource(filename) elif os.path.isfile(filename): return FileAccessIndexSource(filename) else: raise Exception('Invalid Access Source: ' + filename) def find_access_rule(self, url, ts=None, urlkey=None, collection=None, acl_user=None): """Attempts to find the access control rule for the supplied URL otherwise returns the default rule :param str url: The URL for the rule to be found :param str|None ts: A timestamp (not used) :param str|None urlkey: The access control url key :param str|None collection: The collection, if any :param str|None acl_user: The access control user, if any :return: The access control rule for the supplied URL if one exists otherwise the default rule :rtype: CDXObject """ params = {'url': url, 'urlkey': urlkey, 'nosource': 'true', 'exact_match_suffix': self.EXACT_SUFFIX_SEARCH_B } if collection: params['param.coll'] = collection acl_iter, errs = self.aggregator(params) if errs: print(errs) key = params['key'] key_exact = key + self.EXACT_SUFFIX_B tld = key.split(b',')[0] last_obj = None last_key = None for acl in acl_iter: # skip empty/invalid lines if not acl: continue acl_key = acl.split(b' ')[0] acl_obj = None if acl_key != last_key and last_obj: return last_obj if key_exact == acl_key: acl_obj = CDXObject(acl) if key.startswith(acl_key): acl_obj = CDXObject(acl) if acl_obj: user = acl_obj.get('user') if user == acl_user: return acl_obj elif not user: last_key = acl_key last_obj = acl_obj # if acl key already less than first tld, # no match can be found if acl_key < tld: break return last_obj if last_obj else self.default_rule def __call__(self, res, acl_user): """Wraps the cdx iter in the supplied tuple returning a the wrapped cdx iter and the other members of the supplied tuple in same order :param tuple res: The result tuple :param str acl_user: The user associated with this request (optional) :return: An tuple """ cdx_iter, errs = res return self.wrap_iter(cdx_iter, acl_user), errs def wrap_iter(self, cdx_iter, acl_user): """Wraps the supplied cdx iter and yields cdx objects that contain the access control results for the cdx object being yielded :param cdx_iter: The cdx object iterator to be wrapped :param str acl_user: The user associated with this request (optional) :return: The wrapped cdx object iterator """ last_rule = None last_url = None last_user = None rule = None for cdx in cdx_iter: url = cdx.get('url') timestamp = cdx.get('timestamp') # if no url, possible idx or other object, don't apply any checks and pass through if not url: yield cdx continue access = None if self.aggregator: # TODO: optimization until date range support is included if url == last_url and acl_user == last_user: rule = last_rule else: rule = self.find_access_rule(url, timestamp, cdx.get('urlkey'), cdx.get('source-coll'), acl_user) access = rule.get('access', 'exclude') if access != 'allow_ignore_embargo' and access != 'exclude': embargo_access = self.check_embargo(url, timestamp) if embargo_access and embargo_access != 'allow': access = embargo_access if access == 'exclude': continue if not access: access = self.default_rule['access'] if access == 'allow_ignore_embargo': access = 'allow' cdx['access'] = access yield cdx last_rule = rule last_url = url last_user = acl_user