from .base_config_test import BaseConfigTest, fmod

from .memento_fixture import *

from warcio.timeutils import timestamp_to_http_date

# ============================================================================
class TestMemento(MementoMixin, BaseConfigTest):
    def setup_class(cls):
        super(TestMemento, cls).setup_class('config_test.yaml')

    def _assert_memento(self, resp, url, ts, fmod, dt=''):
        dt = dt or timestamp_to_http_date(ts)

        links = self.get_links(resp)

        assert MEMENTO_DATETIME in resp.headers
        assert resp.headers[MEMENTO_DATETIME] == dt

        # memento link
        memento_link = self.make_memento_link(url, ts, dt, fmod)
        assert memento_link in links

        # content location
        assert '/pywb/{1}{0}/{2}'.format(fmod, ts, url) in resp.headers['Content-Location']

        # content location part of memento link
        assert resp.headers['Content-Location'] in memento_link

        # timegate link
        assert self.make_timegate_link(url, '') in links

        # timemap link
        assert self.make_timemap_link(url) in links

        # original
        assert self.make_original_link(url) in links

    # Memento Pattern 2.2 (no redirect, 200 negotiation)
    def test_memento_top_frame(self):
        resp = self.testapp.get('/pywb/20140127171238/')

        # Memento Headers
        # no vary header
        assert VARY not in resp.headers
        assert MEMENTO_DATETIME in resp.headers

        # memento link
        dt = 'Mon, 27 Jan 2014 17:12:38 GMT'
        url = ''

        links = self.get_links(resp)

        assert self.make_memento_link(url, '20140127171238', dt, 'mp_', include_coll=False) in links

        #timegate link
        assert self.make_timegate_link(url, '') in links

        # Body
        assert '"20140127171238"' in resp.text
        assert '""' in resp.text, resp.text

    def test_memento_top_frame_timegate(self):
        resp = self.testapp.get('/pywb/')

        # vary header
        assert VARY in resp.headers

        # no memento header, as not really a memento (top-frame)
        assert MEMENTO_DATETIME not in resp.headers

        # Memento Headers
        # memento link
        dt = 'Mon, 27 Jan 2014 17:12:39 GMT'
        url = ''

        links = self.get_links(resp)

        assert self.make_memento_link(url, '20140127171239', dt, 'mp_', include_coll=False) in links

        #timegate link
        assert self.make_timegate_link(url, '') in links

    def test_memento_content_replay_exact(self, fmod):
        resp = self.get('/pywb/20140127171238{0}/', fmod)

        self._assert_memento(resp, '', '20140127171238', fmod)

        assert VARY not in resp.headers

        # Body
        assert '"20140127171238"' in resp.text
        assert 'wombat.js' in resp.text
        assert 'WBWombatInit' in resp.text, resp.text
        assert '/pywb/20140127171238{0}/"'.format(fmod) in resp.text

    def test_memento_at_timegate_latest(self, fmod):
        TimeGate with no Accept-Datetime header

        fmod_slash = fmod + '/' if fmod else ''
        resp = self.get('/pywb/{0}', fmod_slash)

        assert resp.headers[VARY] == 'accept-datetime'

        self._assert_memento(resp, '', '20140127171239', fmod)

    def test_memento_at_timegate(self, fmod):
        TimeGate with Accept-Datetime header, not matching a memento exactly, no redirect
        dt = 'Sun, 26 Jan 2014 20:08:04 GMT'

        request_dt = 'Sun, 26 Jan 2014 20:08:00 GMT'
        headers = {ACCEPT_DATETIME: request_dt}

        fmod_slash = fmod + '/' if fmod else ''
        resp = self.get('/pywb/{0}', fmod_slash, headers=headers)

        assert resp.headers[VARY] == 'accept-datetime'

        self._assert_memento(resp, '', '20140126200804', fmod, dt)

    def test_302_memento(self, fmod):
        Memento (capture) of a 302 response
        resp = self.get('/pywb/20140128051539{0}/', fmod)

        assert resp.status_int == 302

        assert VARY not in resp.headers

        self._assert_memento(resp, '', '20140128051539', fmod)

    def test_timemap(self, fmod):
        Test application/link-format timemap

        resp = self._timemap_get('/pywb/timemap/link/', fmod)
        assert resp.status_int == 200
        assert resp.content_type == LINK_FORMAT

        resp.charset = 'utf-8'

        exp = """\
<http://localhost:80/pywb/timemap/link/>; rel="self"; type="application/link-format"; from="Fri, 03 Jan 2014 03:03:21 GMT",
<http://localhost:80/pywb/>; rel="timegate",
<>; rel="original",
<http://localhost:80/pywb/20140103030321{0}/>; rel="memento"; datetime="Fri, 03 Jan 2014 03:03:21 GMT"; collection="pywb",
<http://localhost:80/pywb/20140103030341{0}/>; rel="memento"; datetime="Fri, 03 Jan 2014 03:03:41 GMT"; collection="pywb"

        assert exp == resp.text

    def test_timemap_cdxj(self, fmod):
        Test test/x-cdxj timemap

        resp = self._timemap_get('/pywb/timemap/cdxj/', fmod)
        assert resp.status_int == 200
        assert resp.content_type == 'text/x-cdxj'

        resp.charset = 'utf-8'

        exp = """\
com,example)/?example=1 20140103030321 {"url": "", "mime": "text/html", "status": "200", "digest": "B2LTWWPUOYAH7UIPQ7ZUPQ4VMBSVC36A", "redirect": "-", "robotflags": "-", "length": "1043", "offset": "333", "filename": "example.warc.gz", "source": "pywb:example.cdx", "source-coll": "pywb"}
com,example)/?example=1 20140103030341 {"url": "", "mime": "warc/revisit", "status": "-", "digest": "B2LTWWPUOYAH7UIPQ7ZUPQ4VMBSVC36A", "redirect": "-", "robotflags": "-", "length": "553", "offset": "1864", "filename": "example.warc.gz", "source": "pywb:example.cdx", "source-coll": "pywb"}
        assert exp == resp.text

    def test_timemap_2(self, fmod):
        Test application/link-format timemap total count

        resp = self._timemap_get('/pywb/timemap/link/', fmod)
        assert resp.status_int == 200
        assert resp.content_type == LINK_FORMAT

        lines = resp.text.split('\n')

        assert len(lines) == 7

    def test_timemap_error_not_found(self):
        resp = self._timemap_get('/pywb/timemap/link/', status=404)
        assert resp.body == b''

    def test_timemap_error_invalid_format(self):
        resp = self._timemap_get('/pywb/timemap/foo/', status=400)
        assert resp.json == {'message': 'output=foo not supported'}

    def test_timegate_error_not_found(self):
        resp = self.testapp.get('/pywb/', status=404)
        assert resp.status_code == 404

        # No Memento Headers
        assert VARY not in resp.headers
        assert MEMENTO_DATETIME not in resp.headers
        assert 'Link' not in resp.headers

    def test_error_bad_accept_datetime(self):
        400 response for bad accept_datetime
        headers = {ACCEPT_DATETIME: 'Sun'}
        resp = self.testapp.get('/pywb/', headers=headers, status=400)
        assert resp.status_int == 400

# ============================================================================
class TestMementoRedirectClassic(MementoMixin, BaseConfigTest):
    def setup_class(cls):
        super(TestMementoRedirectClassic, cls).setup_class('config_test_redirect_classic.yaml')

    def test_memento_top_frame_timegate(self, fmod):
        resp = self.testapp.get('/pywb/')
        assert resp.status_code == 307
        assert resp.headers['Location'].endswith('/20140127171238/')
        assert resp.headers['Link'] != ''

        # Memento Headers
        assert VARY in resp.headers
        assert MEMENTO_DATETIME not in resp.headers

        # memento link
        dt = 'Mon, 27 Jan 2014 17:12:38 GMT'
        url = ''

        links = self.get_links(resp)

        assert self.make_memento_link(url, '20140127171238', dt, 'mp_', include_coll=False) in links

        #timegate link
        assert self.make_timegate_link(url, '') in links

        resp = resp.follow()

        # Body
        assert '"20140127171238"' in resp.text
        assert '""' in resp.text, resp.text

    def test_memento_top_frame_timegate_accept_dt(self, fmod):
        headers = {'Accept-Datetime':  'Sun, 26 Jan 2014 20:06:24 GMT'}
        resp = self.testapp.get('/pywb/', headers=headers)
        assert resp.status_code == 307
        assert resp.headers['Location'].endswith('/20140126200624/')
        assert resp.headers['Link'] != ''

        # Memento Headers
        assert VARY in resp.headers
        assert MEMENTO_DATETIME not in resp.headers

        # memento link
        dt = 'Sun, 26 Jan 2014 20:06:24 GMT'
        url = ''

        links = self.get_links(resp)

        assert self.make_memento_link(url, '20140126200624', dt, 'mp_', include_coll=False) in links

        #timegate link
        assert self.make_timegate_link(url, '') in links

        resp = resp.follow()

        # Body
        assert '"20140126200624"' in resp.text
        assert '""' in resp.text, resp.text

    def test_timemap(self, fmod):
        Test application/link-format timemap

        resp = self._timemap_get('/pywb/timemap/link/', fmod)
        assert resp.status_int == 200
        assert resp.content_type == LINK_FORMAT

        resp.charset = 'utf-8'

        exp = """\
<http://localhost:80/pywb/timemap/link/>; rel="self"; type="application/link-format"; from="Fri, 03 Jan 2014 03:03:21 GMT",
<http://localhost:80/pywb/>; rel="timegate",
<>; rel="original",
<http://localhost:80/pywb/20140103030321{0}/>; rel="memento"; datetime="Fri, 03 Jan 2014 03:03:21 GMT"; collection="pywb",
<http://localhost:80/pywb/20140103030341{0}/>; rel="memento"; datetime="Fri, 03 Jan 2014 03:03:41 GMT"; collection="pywb"

        assert exp == resp.text

    def test_memento_not_time_gate(self, fmod):
        headers = {'Accept-Datetime':  'Sun, 26 Jan 2014 20:06:24 GMT'}
        resp = self.testapp.get('/pywb/2/', headers=headers)
        assert resp.status_code == 200

        assert VARY not in resp.headers
        assert MEMENTO_DATETIME in resp.headers

    def test_timegate_error_not_found(self):
        resp = self.testapp.get('/pywb/', status=404)
        assert resp.status_code == 404

        # No Memento Headers
        assert VARY not in resp.headers
        assert MEMENTO_DATETIME not in resp.headers
        assert 'Link' not in resp.headers

    def test_timemap_error_not_found(self):
        resp = self.testapp.get('/pywb/timemap/link/', status=404)
        assert resp.status_code == 404

        # No Memento Headers
        assert VARY not in resp.headers
        assert MEMENTO_DATETIME not in resp.headers
        assert 'Link' not in resp.headers