import test from 'ava'; import { mpURL } from './helpers/testedValues'; import TestHelper from './helpers/testHelper'; /** * @type {TestHelper} */ let helper = null; test.before(async t => { helper = await TestHelper.init(t); await helper.initWombat(); }); test.beforeEach(async t => { t.context.sandbox = helper.sandbox(); t.context.server = helper.server(); t.context.testPage = helper.testPage(); }); test.afterEach.always(async t => { if (t.title.includes('SharedWorker')) { await helper.fullRefresh(); } else { await helper.ensureSandbox(); } }); test.after.always(async t => { await helper.stop(); }); test('XMLHttpRequest: should rewrite the URL argument of "open"', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const response = await sandbox.evaluate(async () => { let reqDone; let to; const prom = new Promise(resolve => { reqDone = resolve; to = setTimeout(() => resolve(false), 5000); }); const onLoad = () => { clearTimeout(to); reqDone(true); }; const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.addEventListener('load', onLoad);'GET', '/test'); xhr.send(); const loaded = await prom; if (!loaded) throw new Error('no reply from server in 5 seconds'); return JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); });['x-pywb-requested-with'], 'XMLHttpRequest');, '/live/20180803160549mp_/'); }); test('XMLHttpRequest: should rewrite the "responseURL" property', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(async () => { let reqDone; let to; const prom = new Promise(resolve => { reqDone = resolve; to = setTimeout(() => resolve(false), 5000); }); const onLoad = () => { clearTimeout(to); reqDone(true); }; const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.addEventListener('load', onLoad);'GET', '/test'); xhr.send(); const loaded = await prom; if (!loaded) throw new Error('no reply from server in 5 seconds'); return xhr.responseURL === ''; }); t.true(result); }); test('fetch: should rewrite the input argument when it is a string (URL)', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(async () => { let to; let response = await Promise.race([ fetch('/test'), new Promise(resolve => { to = setTimeout(() => resolve('timed out'), 5000); }) ]); if (response === 'timed out') throw new Error('no reply from server in 5 seconds'); clearTimeout(to); const data = await response.json(); return data.url === '/live/20180803160549mp_/'; }); t.true(result); }); test('fetch: should rewrite the input argument when it is an Request object', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(async () => { let to; let response = await Promise.race([ fetch( new Request('/test', { method: 'GET' }) ), new Promise(resolve => { to = setTimeout(() => resolve('timed out'), 5000); }) ]); if (response === 'timed out') throw new Error('no reply from server in 5 seconds'); clearTimeout(to); const data = await response.json(); return data.url === '/live/20180803160549mp_/'; }); t.true(result); }); test('fetch: should rewrite the input argument when it is a object with an href property', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(async () => { let to; let response = await Promise.race([ fetch({ href: '/test' }), new Promise(resolve => { to = setTimeout(() => resolve('timed out'), 10000); }) ]); if (response === 'timed out') throw new Error('no reply from server in 10 seconds'); clearTimeout(to); const data = await response.json(); return data.url === '/live/20180803160549mp_/'; }); t.true(result); }); test('Request: should rewrite the input argument to the constructor when it is a string (URL)', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const req = new Request('/test', { method: 'GET' }); return req.url; }); t.true(result === mpURL('')); }); test('Request: should rewrite the input argument to the constructor when it is an object with a url property', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const req = new Request({ url: '/test' }, { method: 'GET' }); return req.url; }); t.true(result === mpURL('')); });