import test from 'ava'; import { ElementGetSetAttribute, HTMLAssign, LinkAsTypes, TextNodeTest, WB_PREFIX, TagToMod } from './helpers/testedValues'; import { extractModifier, parsedURL } from './helpers/utils'; import TestHelper from './helpers/testHelper'; /** * @type {TestHelper} */ let helper = null; test.before(async t => { helper = await TestHelper.init(t); await helper.initWombat(); }); test.beforeEach(async t => { t.context.sandbox = helper.sandbox(); t.context.server = helper.server(); t.context.testPage = helper.testPage(); }); test.afterEach.always(async t => { if (t.title.includes('SharedWorker')) { await helper.fullRefresh(); } else { await helper.ensureSandbox(); } }); test.after.always(async t => { await helper.stop(); }); test('document.title: should send the "title" message to the top frame when document.title is changed', async t => { const { sandbox, testPage } = t.context; await sandbox.evaluate(() => (document.title = 'abc')); const result = await testPage.evaluate( () => window.overwatch.wbMessages.title != null && window.overwatch.wbMessages.title === 'abc' ); t.true( result, 'the "title" message was not sent to the top frame on document.title changes' ); }); test('document.write: should not perform rewriting when "write" is called with no arguments', async t => { const { sandbox, testPage } = t.context; await sandbox.evaluate(() => { document.write(); document.close(); }); t.deepEqual( await sandbox.evaluate(() => ({ doctype: document.doctype != null, html: document.documentElement.outerHTML })), { doctype: false, html: '
' }, 'this use case failed' ); }); test('document.write: should perform rewriting when "write" is called with one argument', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(expectedURL => { document.write('hi'); document.close(); const elem = document.getElementById('it'); if (!elem) return false; elem._no_rewrite = true; return elem.href === expectedURL; }, `${WB_PREFIX}mp_/`); t.true( result, 'wombat is not rewriting elements when document.write is used' ); }); test('document.write: should perform rewriting when "write" is called with multiple arguments', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(expectedURL => { document.write( 'hi', 'hi' ); document.close(); const results = { it: { exists: false, rewritten: false }, it2: { exists: false, rewritten: false } }; const it = document.getElementById('it'); if (!it) return results; = true; it._no_rewrite = true; = it.href === expectedURL; const it2 = document.getElementById('it2'); if (!it2) return results; results.it2.exists = true; it2._no_rewrite = true; results.it2.rewritten = it.href === expectedURL; return results; }, `${WB_PREFIX}mp_/`); t.deepEqual( result, { it: { exists: true, rewritten: true }, it2: { exists: true, rewritten: true } }, 'wombat is not rewriting elements when document.write is used with multiple values' ); }); test('document.write: should perform rewriting when "write" is called with a full string of HTML starting with ', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const unRW = ``; const expectedHTML = ``; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(notRW => { document.write(notRW); document.close(); document.documentElement._no_rewrite = true; return { doctype: { exists: document.doctype != null, name: }, html: document.documentElement.outerHTML }; }, unRW); t.deepEqual( result, { doctype: { exists: true, name: 'html' }, html: expectedHTML }, 'wombat is not rewriting elements when document.write is used with full strings of html with ' ); }); test('document.write: should perform rewriting when "write" is called with a full string of HTML starting with ', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const unRW = ``; const expectedRW = ``; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(notRW => { document.write(notRW); document.close(); document.documentElement._no_rewrite = true; return { doctype: document.doctype != null, html: document.documentElement.outerHTML }; }, unRW); t.deepEqual( result, { doctype: false, html: expectedRW }, 'wombat is not rewriting elements when document.write is used with full strings of html with ' ); }); test('document.write: should perform rewriting when "write" is called with a full string of HTML starting with ', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const unRW = ``; const expectedRW = ``; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(notRW => { document.write(notRW); document.close(); document.documentElement._no_rewrite = true; return { doctype: document.doctype != null, html: document.documentElement.outerHTML }; }, unRW); t.deepEqual( result, { doctype: false, html: expectedRW }, 'wombat is not rewriting elements when document.write is used with full strings of html with ' ); }); test('document.write: should perform rewriting when "write" is called with a full string of HTML starting with ', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const unRW = ``; const expectedRW = ``; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(notRW => { document.write(notRW); document.close(); document.documentElement._no_rewrite = true; return { doctype: document.doctype != null, html: document.documentElement.outerHTML }; }, unRW); t.deepEqual( result, { doctype: false, html: expectedRW }, 'wombat is not rewriting elements when document.write is used with full strings of html with ' ); }); test('document.write: should perform rewriting when "write" is called with an arbitrary string of HTML', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const unRW = ``; const expectedRW = ``; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(notRW => { document.write(notRW); document.close(); document.documentElement._no_rewrite = true; return { doctype: document.doctype != null, html: document.documentElement.outerHTML }; }, unRW); t.deepEqual( result, { doctype: false, html: expectedRW }, 'wombat is not rewriting elements when document.write is used with full strings of html with ' ); }); test('document.writeln: should not perform rewriting when "writeln" is called with no arguments', async t => { const { sandbox, testPage } = t.context; await sandbox.evaluate(() => { document.writeln(); document.close(); }); const result = await sandbox.evaluate(() => ({ doctype: document.doctype != null, html: document.documentElement.outerHTML })); t.deepEqual( result, { doctype: false, html: '' }, 'this use case failed' ); }); test('document.writeln: should perform rewriting when "writeln" is called with one argument', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(expectedURL => { document.writeln('hi'); document.close(); const elem = document.getElementById('it'); if (!elem) return false; elem._no_rewrite = true; return elem.href === expectedURL; }, `${WB_PREFIX}mp_/`); t.true( result, 'wombat is not rewriting elements when document.writeln is used' ); }); test('document.writeln: should perform rewriting when "writeln" is called with multiple arguments', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(expectedURL => { document.writeln( 'hi', 'hi' ); document.close(); const results = { it: { exists: false, rewritten: false }, it2: { exists: false, rewritten: false } }; const it = document.getElementById('it'); if (!it) return results; = true; it._no_rewrite = true; = it.href === expectedURL; const it2 = document.getElementById('it2'); if (!it2) return results; results.it2.exists = true; it2._no_rewrite = true; results.it2.rewritten = it.href === expectedURL; return results; }, `${WB_PREFIX}mp_/`); t.deepEqual( result, { it: { exists: true, rewritten: true }, it2: { exists: true, rewritten: true } }, 'wombat is not rewriting elements when document.writeln is used with multiple values' ); }); test('document.writeln: should perform rewriting when "writeln" is called with a full string of HTML starting with ', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const unRW = ``; const expectedHTML = ``; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(notRW => { document.writeln(notRW); document.close(); document.documentElement._no_rewrite = true; return { doctype: { exists: document.doctype != null, name: }, html: document.documentElement.outerHTML }; }, unRW); t.deepEqual( result, { doctype: { exists: true, name: 'html' }, html: expectedHTML }, 'wombat is not rewriting elements when document.writeln is used with full strings of html with ' ); }); test('document.writeln: should perform rewriting when "writeln" is called with a full string of HTML starting with ', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const unRW = ``; const expectedRW = ``; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(notRW => { document.writeln(notRW); document.close(); document.documentElement._no_rewrite = true; return { doctype: document.doctype != null, html: document.documentElement.outerHTML }; }, unRW); t.deepEqual( result, { doctype: false, html: expectedRW }, 'wombat is not rewriting elements when document.writeln is used with full strings of html with ' ); }); test('document.writeln: should perform rewriting when "writeln" is called with a full string of HTML starting with ', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const unRW = ``; const expectedRW = ``; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(notRW => { document.writeln(notRW); document.close(); document.documentElement._no_rewrite = true; return { doctype: document.doctype != null, html: document.documentElement.outerHTML }; }, unRW); t.deepEqual( result, { doctype: false, html: expectedRW }, 'wombat is not rewriting elements when document.writeln is used with full strings of html with ' ); }); test('document.writeln: should perform rewriting when "writeln" is called with a full string of HTML starting with ', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const unRW = ``; const expectedRW = ``; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(notRW => { document.writeln(notRW); document.close(); document.documentElement._no_rewrite = true; return { doctype: document.doctype != null, html: document.documentElement.outerHTML }; }, unRW); t.deepEqual( result, { doctype: false, html: expectedRW }, 'wombat is not rewriting elements when document.writeln is used with full strings of html with ' ); }); test('document.writeln: should perform rewriting when "write" is called with an arbitrary string of HTML', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const unRW = ``; const expectedRW = ``; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(notRW => { document.writeln(notRW); document.close(); document.documentElement._no_rewrite = true; return { doctype: document.doctype != null, html: document.documentElement.outerHTML }; }, unRW); t.deepEqual( result, { doctype: false, html: expectedRW }, 'wombat is not rewriting elements when document.write is used with full strings of html with ' ); }); test(`document.URL: retrievals should be rewritten`, async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( () => document.URL === '' ); t.true(result); }); test(`document.documentURI: retrievals should be rewritten`, async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( () => document.documentURI === '' ); t.true(result); }); test(`document.baseURI: retrievals should be rewritten`, async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( () => document.baseURI === '' ); t.true(result); }); test(`HTMLStyleElement.textContent: assignments should be rewritten`, async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( (theStyle, theStyleRw) => { const style = document.createElement('style'); style.textContent = theStyle; style._no_rewrite = true; return style.textContent === theStyleRw; }, TextNodeTest.theStyle, TextNodeTest.theStyleRw ); t.true(result); }); test(`HTMLIframeElement.srcdoc: assignments should be rewritten`, async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); const unRW = ``; const expectedRW = ``; iframe.srcdoc = unRW; return ( window.WombatTestUtil.getElementPropertyAsIs(iframe, 'srcdoc') === expectedRW ); }); t.true(result); }); test('Element.insertAdjacentElement: should rewrite elements', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const div = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(div); const a = window.WombatTestUtil.createUntamperedWithElement('a'); a.href = ''; = 'aa'; div.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', a); const results = window.WombatTestUtil.getElementPropertyAsIs( div.nextElementSibling, 'href' ); div.remove(); return results.endsWith('mp_/'); }); t.true(result); }); test('Element.insertAdjacentHTML: should rewrite strings of html', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const div = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(div); div.insertAdjacentHTML( 'afterend', '' ); const results = window.WombatTestUtil.getElementPropertyAsIs( div.nextElementSibling, 'href' ); div.remove(); return results.endsWith('mp_/'); }); t.true(result); }); for (const aTest of ElementGetSetAttribute) { if (aTest.elem === 'link') { for (const [as, mod] of Object.entries(LinkAsTypes)) { test(`: should rewrite the value set by setAttribute for the href attribute`, async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( (theElem, prop, asV, unrw, theMod) => { const elem = document.createElement(theElem); elem.rel = 'preload'; = asV; elem.setAttribute(prop, unrw); const asis = window.WombatTestUtil.getElementPropertyAsIs( elem, prop ); return { attr: elem.getAttribute(prop) === unrw, asis: asis !== unrw }; }, aTest.elem, aTest.prop, as, aTest.unrw, mod ); t.deepEqual(result, { attr: true, asis: true }); }); test(`: should rewrite the value set by setAttribute for the href attribute using the correct modifier`, async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( (theElem, prop, asV, unrw, theMod) => { const elem = document.createElement(theElem); elem.rel = 'preload'; = asV; elem.setAttribute(prop, unrw); return window.WombatTestUtil.getElementPropertyAsIs(elem, prop); }, aTest.elem, aTest.prop, as, aTest.unrw, mod ); t.true( result.includes(mod), ` was not rewritten using the "${mod}"` ); }); test(`: should rewrite the value set by setAttribute for the href attribute`, async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( (theElem, prop, asV, unrw, theMod) => { const elem = document.createElement(theElem); elem.rel = 'import'; = asV; elem.setAttribute(prop, unrw); const asis = window.WombatTestUtil.getElementPropertyAsIs( elem, prop ); return { attr: elem.getAttribute(prop) === unrw, asis: asis !== unrw }; }, aTest.elem, aTest.prop, as, aTest.unrw, mod ); t.deepEqual(result, { attr: true, asis: true }); }); test(`: should rewrite the value set by setAttribute for the href attribute using the correct modifier`, async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( (theElem, prop, asV, unrw, theMod) => { const elem = document.createElement(theElem); elem.rel = 'import'; = asV; elem.setAttribute(prop, unrw); return window.WombatTestUtil.getElementPropertyAsIs(elem, prop); }, aTest.elem, aTest.prop, as, aTest.unrw, mod ); t.true( result.includes(mod), ` was not rewritten using the "${mod}"` ); }); test(`: should un-rewrite the value returned by getAttribute for the href attribute`, async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( (theElem, prop, asV, unrw) => { const elem = document.createElement(theElem); elem.rel = 'preload'; = asV; elem.setAttribute(prop, unrw); return elem.getAttribute(prop) === unrw; }, aTest.elem, aTest.prop, as, aTest.unrw ); t.true(result); }); test(`: should un-rewrite the value returned by getAttribute for the href attribute `, async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( (theElem, prop, asV, unrw) => { const elem = document.createElement(theElem); elem.rel = 'import'; = asV; elem.setAttribute(prop, unrw); return elem.getAttribute(prop) === unrw; }, aTest.elem, aTest.prop, as, aTest.unrw ); t.true(result); }); } test(`: value for href set by setAttribute should be rewritten`, async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( (theElem, prop, unrw) => { const elem = document.createElement(theElem); elem.rel = 'stylesheet'; elem.setAttribute(prop, unrw); return ( window.WombatTestUtil.getElementPropertyAsIs(elem, prop) !== unrw ); }, aTest.elem, aTest.prop, aTest.unrw ); t.true(result); }); test(`: values returned by getAttribute for the href attribute should be un-rewritten`, async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( (theElem, prop, unrw) => { const elem = document.createElement(theElem); elem.rel = 'stylesheet'; elem.setAttribute(prop, unrw); return elem.getAttribute(prop) === unrw; }, aTest.elem, aTest.prop, aTest.unrw ); t.true(result); }); } else { for (let i = 0; i < aTest.props.length; i++) { const prop = aTest.props[i]; const unrw = aTest.unrws[i]; test(`${ aTest.elem }.${prop}: the value set using setAttribute should be rewritten`, async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(testFn, aTest.elem, prop, unrw); t.true(result); function testFn(theElem, prop, unrw) { const elem = document.createElement(theElem); elem.setAttribute(prop, unrw); return ( window.WombatTestUtil.getElementPropertyAsIs(elem, prop) !== unrw ); } }); test(`${ aTest.elem }.${prop}: the value retrieved by getAttribute should be un-rewritten`, async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(testFn, aTest.elem, prop, unrw); t.true(result); function testFn(theElem, prop, unrw) { const elem = document.createElement(theElem); elem.setAttribute(prop, unrw); return elem.getAttribute(prop) === unrw; } }); } } } test('Node.ownerDocument: should return the document Proxy object when accessed', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( () => document.body.ownerDocument === document._WB_wombat_obj_proxy ); t.true(result); }); test('Node.appendChild: should rewrite a element with no children are supplied', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const div = document.createElement('div'); const a = window.WombatTestUtil.createUntamperedWithElement('a'); a.href = ''; div.appendChild(a); return window.WombatTestUtil.getElementPropertyAsIs(a, 'href').endsWith( 'mp_/' ); }); t.true(result); }); test('Node.appendChild: should rewrite a element with multiple children are supplied', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const div = document.createElement('div'); const a1 = window.WombatTestUtil.createUntamperedWithElement('a'); const a2 = window.WombatTestUtil.createUntamperedWithElement('a'); const a3 = window.WombatTestUtil.createUntamperedWithElement('a'); a1.href = ''; a2.href = ''; a3.href = ''; div.appendChild(a2); div.appendChild(a3); div.appendChild(a1); return { a1: window.WombatTestUtil.getElementPropertyAsIs(a1, 'href').endsWith( 'mp_/' ), a2: window.WombatTestUtil.getElementPropertyAsIs(a2, 'href').endsWith( 'mp_/' ), a3: window.WombatTestUtil.getElementPropertyAsIs(a3, 'href').endsWith( 'mp_/' ) }; }); t.deepEqual(result, { a1: true, a2: true, a3: true }); }); test('Node.insertBefore: should rewrite a element with no children are supplied', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const div = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(div); const a = window.WombatTestUtil.createUntamperedWithElement('a'); a.href = ''; document.body.insertBefore(a, div); const result = window.WombatTestUtil.getElementPropertyAsIs( a, 'href' ).endsWith('mp_/'); div.remove(); a.remove(); return result; }); t.true(result); }); test('Node.insertBefore: should rewrite a element with multiple children are supplied', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const div = document.createElement('div'); const div2 = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(div); const a1 = window.WombatTestUtil.createUntamperedWithElement('a'); const a2 = window.WombatTestUtil.createUntamperedWithElement('a'); const a3 = window.WombatTestUtil.createUntamperedWithElement('a'); a1.href = ''; a2.href = ''; a3.href = ''; div2.appendChild(a1); div2.appendChild(a2); div2.appendChild(a3); document.body.insertBefore(div2, div); const result = { a1: window.WombatTestUtil.getElementPropertyAsIs(a1, 'href').endsWith( 'mp_/' ), a2: window.WombatTestUtil.getElementPropertyAsIs(a2, 'href').endsWith( 'mp_/' ), a3: window.WombatTestUtil.getElementPropertyAsIs(a3, 'href').endsWith( 'mp_/' ) }; div.remove(); a1.remove(); return result; }); t.deepEqual(result, { a1: true, a2: true, a3: true }); }); test('Node.replaceChild: should rewrite a element with no children are supplied', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const div = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(div); const a = window.WombatTestUtil.createUntamperedWithElement('a'); a.href = ''; document.body.replaceChild(a, div); const result = window.WombatTestUtil.getElementPropertyAsIs( a, 'href' ).endsWith('mp_/'); a.remove(); return result; }); t.true(result); }); test('Node.replaceChild: should rewrite a element with multiple children are supplied', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const div = document.createElement('div'); const div2 = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(div); const a1 = window.WombatTestUtil.createUntamperedWithElement('a'); const a2 = window.WombatTestUtil.createUntamperedWithElement('a'); const a3 = window.WombatTestUtil.createUntamperedWithElement('a'); a1.href = ''; a2.href = ''; a3.href = ''; div2.appendChild(a1); div2.appendChild(a2); div2.appendChild(a3); document.body.replaceChild(div2, div); const result = { a1: window.WombatTestUtil.getElementPropertyAsIs(a1, 'href').endsWith( 'mp_/' ), a2: window.WombatTestUtil.getElementPropertyAsIs(a2, 'href').endsWith( 'mp_/' ), a3: window.WombatTestUtil.getElementPropertyAsIs(a3, 'href').endsWith( 'mp_/' ) }; a1.remove(); return result; }); t.deepEqual(result, { a1: true, a2: true, a3: true }); }); test('Audio: should rewrite the URL argument to the constructor', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( () => window.WombatTestUtil.getElementPropertyAsIs( new Audio(''), 'src' ) === '/live/20180803160549oe_/' ); t.true(result); }); test('FontFace: should rewrite the source argument to the constructor', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; await Promise.all([ server.waitForRequest( '/live/20180803160549mp_/' ), sandbox.evaluate(async () => { try { const ff = new FontFace('DaFont', 'url(daFont.woff2)'); await ff.load(); } catch (e) {} }) ]); // the server will automatically reject the waitForRequest promise after 15s t.pass('URLs used in the construction of FontFaces are rewritten'); }); for (const fnTest of TextNodeTest.fnTests) { test(`Text.${fnTest}: data argument should be rewritten when it is a child of a style tag`, async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( TextNodeTest.evaluationFN, fnTest, TextNodeTest.theStyle, TextNodeTest.theStyleRw, true ); t.true(result); }); test(`Text.${fnTest}: data argument should not be rewritten when it is not a child of a style tag`, async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( TextNodeTest.evaluationFN, fnTest, TextNodeTest.theStyle, TextNodeTest.theStyleRw, false ); t.true(result); }); } for (const aTest of HTMLAssign.innerOuterHTML.tests) { test(`${aTest.which}: assignments should be rewritten`, async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( HTMLAssign.innerOuterHTML.assignmentFN, aTest.which, aTest.unrw, ); t.true(result); }); test(`${aTest.which}: retrials should be un-rewritten`, async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( HTMLAssign.innerOuterHTML.retrieval, aTest.which, aTest.unrw, );, aTest.unrw); }); test(`${ aTest.which }: assignments to the retrial of the property should work`, async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( HTMLAssign.innerOuterHTML.assignmentToRetrieval, aTest.which, aTest.unrw, ); t.true(result); }); } for (const [tag, attrMods] of Object.entries(TagToMod.elements)) { for (const [attr, mod] of Object.entries(attrMods)) { test(`${tag}.${attr}: rewrites of direct attribute assignment should use the "${mod}" modifier`, async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const unRW = ''; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(TagToMod.testFNDirect, tag, attr, unRW); t.true( result !== unRW, `Assignments to ${tag}.${attr} is not being rewritten` ); const existingModifier = extractModifier(result); existingModifier, mod, `Assignments to ${tag}.${attr} is not being rewritten using the "${mod}" modifier` ); }); test(`${tag}.${attr}: rewrites of attribute assignment using setAttribute should use the "${mod}" modifier`, async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const unRW = ''; const result = await sandbox.evaluate(TagToMod.testFNSetAttr, tag, attr, unRW); t.true( result !== unRW, `Assignments to ${tag}.${attr} is not being rewritten` ); const existingModifier = extractModifier(result); existingModifier, mod, `Assignments to ${tag}.${attr} is not being rewritten using the "${mod}" modifier` ); }); } }