import test from 'ava'; import { CSS } from './helpers/testedValues'; import TestHelper from './helpers/testHelper'; /** * @type {TestHelper} */ let helper = null; test.before(async t => { helper = await TestHelper.init(t); await helper.initWombat(); }); test.beforeEach(async t => { t.context.sandbox = helper.sandbox(); t.context.server = helper.server(); t.context.testPage = helper.testPage(); }); test.afterEach.always(async t => { await helper.ensureSandbox(); }); test.after.always(async t => { await helper.stop(); }); for (const attrToProp of CSS.styleAttrs.attrs) { test(`style.${attrToProp.attr}: assignments should be rewritten`, async t => { const { sandbox } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( CSS.styleAttrs.testFNAttr, attrToProp ); t.notDeepEqual(result, CSS.styleAttrs.unrw); }); } for (const attrToProp of CSS.styleAttrs.attrs) { test(`style["${ attrToProp.attr }"]: assignments should be rewritten`, async t => { const { sandbox } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( CSS.styleAttrs.testFNPropName, attrToProp ); t.notDeepEqual(result, CSS.styleAttrs.unrw); }); if (attrToProp.attr !== attrToProp.propName) { test(`style["${ attrToProp.propName }"]: assignments should be rewritten`, async t => { const { sandbox } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( CSS.styleAttrs.testFNPropName, attrToProp ); t.notDeepEqual(result, CSS.styleAttrs.unrw); }); } } for (const attrToProp of CSS.styleAttrs.attrs) { test(`style.setProperty("${ attrToProp.attr }", "value"): value should be rewritten`, async t => { const { sandbox } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( CSS.styleAttrs.testFNSetProp, attrToProp.attr, attrToProp.unrw ); t.notDeepEqual(result, attrToProp.unrw); }); if (attrToProp.attr !== attrToProp.propName) { test(`style.setProperty("${ attrToProp.propName }", "value"): value should be rewritten`, async t => { const { sandbox } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( CSS.styleAttrs.testFNSetProp, attrToProp.propName, attrToProp.unrw ); t.notDeepEqual(result, attrToProp.unrw); }); } } for (const attrToProp of CSS.styleAttrs.attrs) { test(`style.cssText: assignments of '${ attrToProp.propName }' should be rewritten`, async t => { const { sandbox } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( CSS.styleAttrs.testFNCssText, attrToProp ); t.notDeepEqual(result, attrToProp.unrw); }); } for (const aTest of CSS.styleTextContent.tests) { test(`style.textContent: assignments using an css definitions containing '${ }' should be rewritten`, async t => { const { sandbox } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( CSS.styleTextContent.testFN, aTest.unrw ); t.notDeepEqual(result, aTest.unrw); }); } for (const aTest of CSS.StyleSheetInsertRule.tests) { test(`CSSStyleSheet.insertRule: inserting a new rule containing '${ }' should be rewritten`, async t => { const { sandbox } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( CSS.StyleSheetInsertRule.testFN, aTest.unrw ); t.notDeepEqual(result, aTest.unrw); }); } for (const aTest of CSS.CSSRuleCSSText.tests) { test(`CSSRule.cssText: modifying an existing rule to become a new rule containing '${ }' should be rewritten`, async t => { const { sandbox } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( CSS.CSSRuleCSSText.testFN, aTest.unrw ); t.notDeepEqual(result, aTest.unrw); }); } for (const attrToProp of CSS.StylePropertyMap.tests) { test(`StylePropertyMap.set("${ attrToProp.attr }", "value"): value should be rewritten`, async t => { const { sandbox } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( CSS.StylePropertyMap.testFNSet, attrToProp.propName, attrToProp.unrw ); t.notDeepEqual(result, attrToProp.unrw); }); if (!CSS.StylePropertyMap.noAppend.has(attrToProp.attr)) { test(`StylePropertyMap.append("${ attrToProp.attr }", "value"): value should be rewritten`, async t => { const { sandbox } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( CSS.StylePropertyMap.testFNAppend, attrToProp.propName, attrToProp.unrw ); t.notDeepEqual(result, attrToProp.unrw); }); } } for (const attrToProp of CSS.CSSKeywordValue.tests) { test(`new CSSKeywordValue("${ attrToProp.propName }", "value"): value should be rewritten`, async t => { const { sandbox } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( CSS.CSSKeywordValue.testFN, attrToProp.propName, attrToProp.unrw ); t.notDeepEqual(result, attrToProp.unrw); }); } for (const attrToProp of CSS.CSSStyleValue.tests) { if (CSS.CSSStyleValue.skipped.has(attrToProp.attr)) continue; test(`CSSStyleValue.parse("${ attrToProp.propName }", "value"): value should be rewritten`, async t => { const { sandbox } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( CSS.CSSStyleValue.testFNParse, attrToProp.propName, attrToProp.unrw ); t.notDeepEqual(result, attrToProp.unrw); }); test(`CSSStyleValue.parseAll("${ attrToProp.propName }", "value"): value should be rewritten`, async t => { const { sandbox } = t.context; const result = await sandbox.evaluate( CSS.CSSStyleValue.testFNParseAll, attrToProp.propName, attrToProp.unrw ); t.notDeepEqual(result, attrToProp.unrw); }); }