import os from .base_config_test import BaseConfigTest, CollsDirMixin, fmod from pywb.manager.manager import main as wb_manager from pytest import raises # ============================================================================ class TestACLManager(CollsDirMixin, BaseConfigTest): @classmethod def setup_class(cls): super(TestACLManager, cls).setup_class('config_test_access.yaml') cls.acl_filename = os.path.join(cls.root_dir, 'acl', 'test.aclj') @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): super(TestACLManager, cls).teardown_class() try: os.remove(cls.acl_filename) except: pass def test_acl_add_err_wrong_access(self): with raises(SystemExit): wb_manager(['acl', 'add', self.acl_filename, '', 'access']) def test_acl_add(self): wb_manager(['acl', 'add', self.acl_filename, '', 'allow']) with open(self.acl_filename, 'rt') as fh: assert == """\ com,example)/ - {"access": "allow", "url": ""} """ def test_acl_add_surt(self): wb_manager(['acl', 'add', self.acl_filename, 'com,example,', 'exclude']) with open(self.acl_filename, 'rt') as fh: assert == """\ com,example, - {"access": "exclude", "url": "com,example,"} com,example)/ - {"access": "allow", "url": ""} """ def test_acl_list(self, capsys): wb_manager(['acl', 'list', self.acl_filename]) out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert out == """\ Rules for %s from %s: com,example, - {"access": "exclude", "url": "com,example,"} com,example)/ - {"access": "allow", "url": ""} """ % (self.acl_filename, self.acl_filename) def test_acl_list_err_no_such_file(self): with raises(SystemExit): wb_manager(['acl', 'list', self.acl_filename + '2']) def test_acl_match(self, capsys): wb_manager(['acl', 'match', self.acl_filename, '']) out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert out == """\ Matched rule: com,example, - {"access": "exclude", "url": "com,example,"} """ def test_remove_acl(self): wb_manager(['acl', 'remove', self.acl_filename, 'com,example,']) with open(self.acl_filename, 'rt') as fh: assert == """\ com,example)/ - {"access": "allow", "url": ""} """ def test_acl_add_exact(self): wb_manager(['acl', 'add', '--exact-match', self.acl_filename, '', 'block']) with open(self.acl_filename, 'rt') as fh: assert == """\ com,example)/### - {"access": "block", "url": ""} com,example)/ - {"access": "allow", "url": ""} """ def test_remove_acl_exact(self): wb_manager(['acl', 'remove', '-e', self.acl_filename, '']) with open(self.acl_filename, 'rt') as fh: assert == """\ com,example)/ - {"access": "allow", "url": ""} """ def test_validate_and_sort_acl(self): with open(self.acl_filename, 'at') as fh: fh.write('com,example)/subpath - {"access": "block", "url": ""}\n') with open(self.acl_filename, 'rt') as fh: assert == """\ com,example)/ - {"access": "allow", "url": ""} com,example)/subpath - {"access": "block", "url": ""} """ wb_manager(['acl', 'validate', self.acl_filename]) with open(self.acl_filename, 'rt') as fh: assert == """\ com,example)/subpath - {"access": "block", "url": ""} com,example)/ - {"access": "allow", "url": ""} """ def test_importtxt_acl(self, capsys): name = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'excludes.txt') with open(name, 'wt') as exc: exc.write('\n') exc.write('\n') exc.write('\n') exc.write('\n') wb_manager(['acl', 'importtxt', self.acl_filename, name, 'exclude']) with open(self.acl_filename, 'rt') as fh: assert == """\ org,iana)/ - {"access": "exclude", "url": ""} com,example)/subpath/another - {"access": "exclude", "url": ""} com,example)/subpath - {"access": "block", "url": ""} com,example)/ - {"access": "exclude", "url": ""} co,example)/foo - {"access": "exclude", "url": ""} """ out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert 'Added or replaced 4 rules from {0}'.format(name) in out, out os.remove(name) def test_import_errors(self): # missing access mode with raises(SystemExit): wb_manager(['acl', 'importtxt', self.acl_filename, 'foo']) # no such file with raises(SystemExit): wb_manager(['acl', 'importtxt', self.acl_filename, 'foo', 'exclude'])