const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const createServer = require('fastify'); const host = ''; const port = 3030; const gracefullShutdownTimeout = 50000; const shutdownOnSignals = ['SIGINT', 'SIGTERM', 'SIGHUP']; const assetsPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'assets'); const httpsSandboxPath = path.join(assetsPath, 'sandbox.html'); const sandboxDirectPath = path.join(assetsPath, 'sandboxDirect.html'); const theyFoundItPath = path.join(assetsPath, 'it.html'); const testPageURL = `http://localhost:${port}/testPage.html`; const testPageDirectURL = `http://localhost:${port}/testPageDirect.html`; function promiseResolveReject() { const prr = { promise: null, resolve: null, reject: null }; prr.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let to = setTimeout( () => reject(new Error('wait for request timed-out')), 15000 ); prr.resolve = () => { clearTimeout(to); resolve(); }; prr.reject = reason => { clearTimeout(to); reject(reason); }; }); return prr; } /** * @return {Promise} */ async function initServer() { const serverOpts = { logger: false }; const requestSubscribers = new Map(); const checkReqSubscribers = (pathName, request, reply) => { const handler = requestSubscribers.get(pathName); if (handler) { handler.resolve(request); requestSubscribers.delete(pathName); } }; const fastify = createServer(serverOpts); fastify .get( '/live/20180803160549wkr_/', async (request, reply) => { const init = `new WBWombat({'prefix': 'http://localhost:${port}/live/20180803160549', 'prefixMod': 'http://localhost:${port}/live/20180803160549wkr_/', 'originalURL': ''});`; reply .code(200) .type('application/javascript; charset=UTF-8') .send( `self.importScripts('/testWorker.js');(function() { self.importScripts('/wombatWorkers.js'); ${init}})();` ); } ) .get( '/live/20180803160549sw_/', (request, reply) => { reply .code(200) .type('application/javascript; charset=UTF-8') .header( 'Service-Worker-Allowed', `${address}/live/20180803160549mp_/` ) .send('console.log("hi")'); } ) .get( '/live/20180803160549mp_/', async (request, reply) => { reply.type('text/html').status(200); return fs.createReadStream(theyFoundItPath); } ) .get( '/live/20180803160549mp_/', async (request, reply) => { reply.type('text/html').status(200); return fs.createReadStream(httpsSandboxPath); } ) .get( '/live/20180803160549mp_/', (request, reply) => { reply .type('text/html') .status(200) .send(fs.createReadStream(sandboxDirectPath)); } ) .get( '/live/20180803160549mp_/', async (request, reply) => { reply.type('application/json; charset=utf-8').status(200); return { headers: request.headers, url: request.raw.originalUrl }; } ) .decorate('reset', () => { const error = new Error('Static Server has been reset'); for (const prr of requestSubscribers.values()) {, error); } requestSubscribers.clear(); }) .decorate('stop', () => { fastify.reset(); return fastify.close(); }) .decorate('testPage', testPageURL) .decorate('testPageDirect', testPageDirectURL) .decorate('waitForRequest', route => { let prr = requestSubscribers.get(route); if (prr) return prr.promise; prr = promiseResolveReject(); requestSubscribers.set(route, prr); return prr.promise; }) .addHook('onRequest', (request, reply, next) => { checkReqSubscribers(request.raw.url, request, reply); // console.log(`${request.raw.method} ${request.raw.url}`); next(); }) .register(require('fastify-favicon')) .register(require('fastify-static'), { root: assetsPath, etag: false, lastModified: false }); shutdownOnSignals.forEach(signal => { process.once(signal, () => { setTimeout(() => { console.error( `received ${signal} signal, terminate process after timeout of ${gracefullShutdownTimeout}ms` ); process.exit(1); }, gracefullShutdownTimeout).unref(); console.log(`received ${signal} signal, triggering close hook`); fastify.stop().then(() => { process.exit(0); }); }); }); const address = await fastify.listen(port, host); return fastify; } module.exports = initServer;