import test from 'ava'; import TestHelper from './helpers/testHelper'; /** * @type {TestHelper} */ let helper = null; test.before(async t => { helper = await TestHelper.init(t, true); }); test.beforeEach(async t => { t.context.sandbox = helper.sandbox(); t.context.testPage = helper.testPage(); t.context.server = helper.server(); await t.context.sandbox.evaluate(() => { window.fnsCalled = { nTn: { callCount: 0, params: [] }, nTa: { callCount: 0, params: [] }, aTn: { callCount: 0, params: [] }, aTa: { callCount: 0, params: [] } }; window.testedFNs = [ { testName: 'nTn', key() { return 'key nTn'; }, value(param) { window.fnsCalled.nTn.callCount += 1; window.fnsCalled.nTn.params.push(param); return 'value nTn'; } }, { testName: 'nTa', key() { return 'key nTa'; }, value: param => { window.fnsCalled.nTa.callCount += 1; window.fnsCalled.nTa.params.push(param); return 'value nTa'; } }, { testName: 'aTn', key: () => 'key aTn', value(param) { window.fnsCalled.aTn.callCount += 1; window.fnsCalled.aTn.params.push(param); return 'value aTn'; } }, { testName: 'aTa', key: () => 'key aTa', value: param => { window.fnsCalled.aTa.callCount += 1; window.fnsCalled.aTa.params.push(param); return 'value aTa'; } } ]; }); }); test.after.always(async t => { await helper.stop(); }); test('Storage - creation: should not throw errors', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const creationPromise = sandbox.evaluate(() => { new Storage(); }); await t.notThrowsAsync(creationPromise); }); test('FuncMap - set: normal and arrow functions should be added', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const numKeys = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const fnm = new FuncMap(); for (let i = 0; i < testedFNs.length; i++) { const { key, value } = testedFNs[i]; fnm.set(key, value); } return fnm._map.length; });, 4); }); test('FuncMap - get: normal and arrow functions that are added should be retrieved per the key', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const testResult = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const result = { nTn: false, nTa: false, aTn: false, aTa: false }; const fnm = new FuncMap(); for (let i = 0; i < testedFNs.length; i++) { const { key, value } = testedFNs[i]; fnm.set(key, value); } for (let i = 0; i < testedFNs.length; i++) { const { testName, key, value } = testedFNs[i]; const mappedValue = fnm.get(key); result[testName] = mappedValue === value && mappedValue() === value(); } return result; }); t.deepEqual(testResult, { nTn: true, nTa: true, aTn: true, aTa: true }); }); test('FuncMap - find: should return the correct index of the internal mapping', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const testResult = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const fnm = new FuncMap(); for (let i = 0; i < testedFNs.length; i++) { const { key, value } = testedFNs[i]; fnm.set(key, value); } return testedFNs.every(({ key, value }) => { const idx = fnm.find(key); return fnm._map[idx][1] === value; }); }); t.true(testResult); }); test('FuncMap - add_or_get: should correctly add a function when no mapping exists and should return the existing mapping, not add a function, when a previous mapping was added', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const testResult = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const fnm = new FuncMap(); let initerCalled = 0; const initer = () => { initerCalled += 1; return () => {}; }; const key = () => {}; const fistCall = fnm.add_or_get(key, initer); const secondCall = fnm.add_or_get(key, initer); return { initerCalled, mappingCheck: fistCall === secondCall }; }); await t.deepEqual(testResult, { initerCalled: 1, mappingCheck: true }); }); test('FuncMap - remove: should remove the mapped function and return the mapped value if a mapping exists', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const testResult = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const result = { nTn: false, nTa: false, aTn: false, aTa: false, noMapping: false }; const fnm = new FuncMap(); for (let i = 0; i < testedFNs.length; i++) { const { key, value } = testedFNs[i]; fnm.set(key, value); } for (let i = 0; i < testedFNs.length; i++) { const { testName, key, value } = testedFNs[i]; result[testName] = fnm.remove(key) === value; } result.noMapping = fnm.remove(() => {}) == null; return result; }); t.deepEqual(testResult, { nTn: true, nTa: true, aTn: true, aTa: true, noMapping: true }); }); test('FuncMap - map: should call every mapped with the supplied arguments', async t => { const { sandbox, server } = t.context; const testResult = await sandbox.evaluate(() => { const fnm = new FuncMap(); for (let i = 0; i < testedFNs.length; i++) { const { key, value } = testedFNs[i]; fnm.set(key, value); }'the param 1');'the param 2'); return window.fnsCalled; }); t.deepEqual(testResult, { nTn: { callCount: 2, params: ['the param 1', 'the param 2'] }, nTa: { callCount: 2, params: ['the param 1', 'the param 2'] }, aTn: { callCount: 2, params: ['the param 1', 'the param 2'] }, aTa: { callCount: 2, params: ['the param 1', 'the param 2'] } }); });