from pytest import raises import webtest import base64 from pywb.webapp.pywb_init import create_wb_router from pywb.framework.wsgi_wrappers import init_app from pywb.cdx.cdxobject import CDXObject from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlsplit from .server_mock import make_setup_module, BaseIntegration setup_module = make_setup_module('tests/test_config_proxy_ip_redis.yaml') from fakeredis import FakeStrictRedis import pywb.framework.cache pywb.framework.cache.StrictRedis = FakeStrictRedis class TestProxyIPRedisResolver(BaseIntegration): def _assert_basic_html(self, resp): assert resp.status_int == 200 assert resp.content_type == 'text/html' assert resp.content_length > 0 def _assert_basic_text(self, resp): assert resp.status_int == 200 assert resp.content_type == 'text/plain' assert resp.content_length > 0 def get_url(self, uri, addr=''): parts = urlsplit(uri) env = dict(REQUEST_URI=uri, QUERY_STRING=parts.query, SCRIPT_NAME='', REMOTE_ADDR=addr) # 'Simulating' proxy by settings REQUEST_URI explicitly to full url with empty SCRIPT_NAME return self.testapp.get('/x-ignore-this-x', extra_environ=env) def test_proxy_ip_default_ts(self): resp = self.get_url('') self._assert_basic_html(resp) assert '"20140127171238"' in resp.text assert 'wb.js' in resp.text def test_proxy_ip_get_defaults(self): resp = self.get_url('http://info.pywb.proxy/') assert resp.content_type == 'application/json' assert resp.json == {'ip': '', 'coll': None, 'ts': None} def test_proxy_ip_set_ts(self): resp = self.get_url('http://info.pywb.proxy/set?ts=1996') assert resp.content_type == 'application/json' assert resp.json == {'ip': '', 'coll': None, 'ts': '1996'} def test_proxy_ip_set_ts_coll(self): resp = self.get_url('http://info.pywb.proxy/set?ts=1996&coll=all') assert resp.content_type == 'application/json' assert resp.json == {'ip': '', 'coll': 'all', 'ts': '1996'} def test_proxy_ip_set_ts_coll_diff_ip(self): resp = self.get_url('http://info.pywb.proxy/set?ts=2006&coll=all', '') assert resp.content_type == 'application/json' assert resp.json == {'ip': '', 'coll': 'all', 'ts': '2006'} # from previous response resp = self.get_url('http://info.pywb.proxy/') assert resp.json == {'ip': '', 'coll': 'all', 'ts': '1996'} resp = self.get_url('http://info.pywb.proxy/set?ip=') assert resp.json == {'ip': '', 'coll': 'all', 'ts': '2005'} resp = self.get_url('http://info.pywb.proxy/', '') assert resp.json == {'ip': '', 'coll': 'all', 'ts': '2005'} def test_proxy_ip_change_ts_for_ip(self): resp = self.get_url('http://info.pywb.proxy/set?ip=') assert resp.json == {'ip': '', 'coll': None, 'ts': '20140126200624'} # different ts for this ip resp = self.get_url('', '') self._assert_basic_html(resp) assert '"20140126200624"' in resp.text # defaults for any other ip resp = self.get_url('', '') self._assert_basic_html(resp) assert '"20140127171238"' in resp.text def test_proxy_ip_delete_ip(self): resp = self.get_url('http://info.pywb.proxy/') assert resp.json == {'ip': '', 'coll': 'all', 'ts': '1996'} resp = self.get_url('http://info.pywb.proxy/set?delete=true') assert resp.json == {'ip': '', 'coll': None, 'ts': None} resp = self.get_url('http://info.pywb.proxy/') assert resp.json == {'ip': '', 'coll': None, 'ts': None}