from pytest import raises
import webtest
import base64

from pywb.webapp.pywb_init import create_wb_router
from pywb.framework.wsgi_wrappers import init_app
from pywb.cdx.cdxobject import CDXObject

from server_mock import make_setup_module, BaseIntegration

setup_module = make_setup_module('tests/test_config.yaml')

class TestProxyHttpAuth(BaseIntegration):
    def _assert_basic_html(self, resp):
        assert resp.status_int == 200
        assert resp.content_type == 'text/html'
        assert resp.content_length > 0

    def _assert_basic_text(self, resp):
        assert resp.status_int == 200
        assert resp.content_type == 'text/plain'
        assert resp.content_length > 0

        assert 'proxy_magic = ""' in resp.body
        assert 'wb.js' in resp.body

    # 'Simulating' proxy by settings REQUEST_URI explicitly to http:// url and no SCRIPT_NAME
    # would be nice to be able to test proxy more
    def test_proxy_replay(self):
        resp = self.testapp.get('/x-ignore-this-x', extra_environ = dict(REQUEST_URI = '', SCRIPT_NAME = ''))

        assert '"20140126201127"' in resp.body

    def test_proxy_replay_auth_filtered(self):
        headers = [('Proxy-Authorization', 'Basic ' + base64.b64encode('pywb-filt-2:'))]
        resp = self.testapp.get('/x-ignore-this-x', headers = headers,
                                extra_environ = dict(REQUEST_URI = '', SCRIPT_NAME = ''))


        assert '"20140126200624"' in resp.body

    def test_proxy_replay_auth(self):
        headers = [('Proxy-Authorization', 'Basic ' + base64.b64encode('pywb'))]
        resp = self.testapp.get('/x-ignore-this-x', headers = headers,
                                extra_environ = dict(REQUEST_URI = '', SCRIPT_NAME = ''))


        assert '"20140127171238"' in resp.body

    def test_proxy_replay_auth_no_coll(self):
        headers = [('Proxy-Authorization', 'Basic ' + base64.b64encode('no-such-coll'))]
        resp = self.testapp.get('/x-ignore-this-x', headers = headers,
                                extra_environ = dict(REQUEST_URI = '', SCRIPT_NAME = ''),

        assert resp.status_int == 407

    def test_proxy_replay_auth_invalid_1(self):
        headers = [('Proxy-Authorization', 'abc' + base64.b64encode('no-such-coll'))]
        resp = self.testapp.get('/x-ignore-this-x', headers = headers,
                                extra_environ = dict(REQUEST_URI = '', SCRIPT_NAME = ''),

        assert resp.status_int == 407

    def test_proxy_replay_auth_invalid_2(self):
        headers = [('Proxy-Authorization', 'basic')]
        resp = self.testapp.get('/x-ignore-this-x', headers = headers,
                                extra_environ = dict(REQUEST_URI = '', SCRIPT_NAME = ''),

    def test_proxy_connect_unsupported(self):
        resp = self.testapp.request('/x-ignore-this-x', method='CONNECT',
                                    environ=dict(REQUEST_URI='example:443', SCRIPT_NAME=''),

        assert resp.status_int == 405