* Refactor views class to support more Jinja2 views (J2Template)
* Add a home page, collection search page, and error pages, all optional
* all exceptions appear on error page
* wbrequest supports a request with an empty or / wb_url
- pywb_init module inits from ./test directory
- router has lookahead for '/'
- dechunk even for transparent/binary
- 'text' query mode displays cdx
All rewriters can support either buffered or streaming mode.
In buffered mode, the full text content is written into a buffer
and served with a Content-Length
in streaming mode, text is streamed as it is rewritten and
no Content-Length is written
Default is to stream the response
Rename archivalrouter.MatchRegex -> archivalrouter.Route, supporting regex/prefix matching
add redir_to_exact to turn off redirect to exact timestamp in RewritingReplayHandler
update README
* Instead of relying on REQUEST_URI, pywb constructs a
SCRIPT_NAME auto-added to prefix
* MatchPrefix is now superceded by MatchRegex, which
can match a plain string -- collId defaults to the full match
* Added optional archivalurl_class to router to allow for customized
ArchivalUrl implementations to be specified
* run.sh can test on a non-root mountpoint, eg. ./run.sh "/approot"
currently MatchPrefix and MatchRegex. handler returns a single response
(no chaining for now)
* rewriting: don't rewrite anchor only urls
* perf: add a very basic profiler in WBHandler for testing
archivalrouter: flesh out router seperately
indexreader: RemoteCDXServer reader
unit tests for req/resp
wbapp -- cdx output for query, urlquery, replay and latest_replay!