Ilya Kreymer
test: move non-surt-cdx sample to non-surt-cdx/ dir for clarity / avoid confusion
when bulk loading cdx/ dir (surt and non-surt cdx should NOT be mixed)
2014-05-16 21:21:14 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
cdx: fix creation and add test for non-surt cdx (pywb-nonsurt/ test)
archiveindexer: -u option to generate non-surt cdx
tests: full test coverage for cdxdomainspecific (fuzzy and custom canon)
2014-05-16 21:16:50 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
limit stream by warc/arc record length instead of
http content length.
track length of StatusAndHeaders also.
add tests to verify content length correct for identity
arc and arcgz replays as well
2014-03-22 11:30:51 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
url-agnostic revisit testing!
add sample warc and cdx for url-agnostic revisits
add unit test and integration test
resolvingloader: pass callback instead of full cdx server
for use for loading cdx in case of url-agnostic revisit
2014-03-04 20:12:09 +00:00
Ilya Kreymer
remove extra .gz file, change test to use zipnum file instead
2014-03-02 08:55:26 -08:00
Ilya Kreymer
pywb 0.2!
move to distinct packages: pywb.utils, pywb.cdx, pywb.warc, pywb.util, pywb.rewrite!
each package will have its own README and tests
shared sample_data and install
2014-02-17 10:01:09 -08:00
Ilya Kreymer
move sample/test data to ./sample_archive/warcs and ./sample_archive/cdx
pywb_init now driven by config.yaml! (#14 )
Not yet supporting customized handlers, views, etc...
2014-01-28 22:03:01 -08:00