* rules: add custom twitter video rewriting to capture non-chunked twitter video (max bitrate of 5000000)
* autoescaping regression fix: don't escape URL in frame_insert.html, use as is
* html rewriting:
- don't rewrite 'data-' attributes, no longer necessary for best fidelity
- do rewrite <link rel='alternate'> as main page (mp_)
- update html rewriting test
* feature: support customizing the static path used in pywb via 'static_prefix' config option (defaults to 'static')
* update to latest wombat (3.3.4)
* bump to 2.6.1, update CHANGES for 2.6.1
* post append improvements:
- parse json primitives for post query
- for text/plain, attempt to parse as json, then as binary
- standardize post append indexing
- include '__wb_method' in urlkey
- add 'requestBody' and 'method' to cdxj
- support unique dupe params for json-to-query conversion
* test fixes:
- update tests for test_inputreq,
- update post-test.cdxj and post-test.cdx
* ci: fixes
- tox: run full test suite!
- disable appveyor
* inputrequest buffering fix:
- never truncate reading POST request, must read entire POST data to avoid hung request in live mode
- truncate final query string to 4096
* rules: updated rule to fix replay of latest youtube watch and embed pages
include youtube-nocookie variant
part of fix for webrecorder/browsertrix-crawler#4
* rules: additional rules fix for vimeo
* fixes for RC6:
- blockrecordloader: ensure record stream is closed after parsing one record
- wrap HttpLoader streams in StreamClosingReader() which should close the connection even if stream not fully consumed
- simplify no_except_close
may help with ukwa/ukwa-pywb#53
- iframe: add allow fullscreen, autoplay
- wombat: update to latest, filter out custom wombat props from getOwnPropertyNames
- rules: add rule for vimeo
* cdx formatting: fix output=text to return plain text / non-cdxj output
* auto fetch fix:
- update to latest wombat to fix auto-fetch in rewriting mode
- fix /proxy-fetch/ endpoint for proxy mode recording, switch proxy-fetch to run in recording mode
- don't use global to allow repeated checks
* rewriter html check: peek 1024 bytes to determine if page is html instead of 128
* fix jinja2 dependency for py2
* rewrite fixes:
- dash rewrite fix for fb: when rewriting, match quoted '"dash_prefetched_representation_ids"' as well as w/o quotes,
update tests to ensure rewriting both old and new formats
- wombat update to fix#527: ensure document.write() doesn't accidentally remove end-tag if end-tag was not lowercase (see webrecorder/wombat#21)
* tests: fix recorder cookie filtering test, use https://www.google.com/ for testing
* appveyor: fix appveyor builds
fuzzy match limit: add 'fuzzy_search_limit' option to default_filters in rules.yaml
default fuzzy matching search limit to 100 results to avoid timeouts for large result sets that don't have any matches
* misc fixes:
- ensure SCRIPT_NAME is never empty, fixes#466
- static: if ending in '/' look for '/index.html'
- tests: use local httpbin instead of iana.org tests
- docker: switch to $VOLUME_DIR before initing collection
- ensure static_prefix is set correctly after host prefix
- bump version to 2.3.2.dev0
* rules update: fix fuzzy matching, rewriting rules for soundcloud
The value of __adt is incremented to indicate position in timeline as shown below and the profile_id or pagelet_token contained in the data param identify the facebook user the timeline data is for
- treat as jsonp if url query contains 'callback=jsonp',
- fuzzy match query containing 'callback=jsonp'
- tests: add test for additional jsonp matching
* rules work:
- apply 'js_regexs' on json content also, using 'js-proxy' rewriter
- rules for vimeo, disable hls/dash
- add 'live_only' flag 'rewrite' to enable rewrite only when 'is_live' is set
- tests: add test for new vimeo rules, testing live_only
cli: add '--record' cli option to enable quick-recording from live collection
- remove 'force_type', if mixin present ensure text type is set (use 'mixin_type' prop defaulting to 'json')
- rules: add more fuzzy match rules for fb photos
- tests: add tests for find_all
rules system:
- 'mixin' class for adding custom rewrite mixin, initialized with optional 'mixin_params'
- 'force_type' to always force rewriting text type for rule match (eg. if application/octet-stream)
- fuzzy rewrite: 'find_all' mode for matching via regex.findall() instead of search()
- load_function moved to generic load_py_name
- new rules for fb!
- JSReplaceFuzzy mixin to replace content based on query (or POST) regex match
- tests: tests JSReplaceFuzzy rewriting
- append '?' for fuzzy matching if filters are set
- cdx['is_fuzzy'] set to '1' instead of True
client-side: rewrite
- add window.Request object rewrite
- improved rewrite of wb server + path, avoid double-slash
- fetch() rewrite proxy_to_obj()
- proxy_to_obj() null check
- WombatLocation prop change, skip if prop is the same
proxy mode support readded!
- use wsgiprox wrapper in FrontEndApp.init_proxy() with fixed collection prefix, ca options
- cli --proxy <coll> flag added to specify proxy collection
- cleanup: remove cookie rw (already disabled), fix post handling paths
- headers: ensure request headers are not rewritten when in proxy mode, response headers marked with 'url-rewrite' also no rewritten if no url rewrite/proxy mode
- urlrewriter: add IdentityRewriter with no rewriting as default, instead of SchemeOnlyUrlRewriter
- memento support: for now, only include rel="original" and Memento-Datetime in for proxy replay response
- responseloader: disable urllib3 unsecure response warnings
- tests: add test for proxy replay and proxy record/replay of new collection
* adaptive rewrite improvements:
- Add 'application/vnd.apple.mpegurl' as HLS type in rules.yaml and default_rewriter.py
- Support setting max resolution and max bandwidth to choose, defaults to 480x854 and 200000 respectively
- LiveWebLoader provides a get_custom_metadata for specifying WARC-JSON-Metadata header, per mime type (TODO: support customization via rules)
- When filtering, first limiting by resolution (if set), then by bandwidth (if set), otherwise default to max bandwidth
- Max resoluton/max bandwidth stored in WARC record under WARC-JSON-Metadata as 'adaptive_max_resolution' and 'adaptive_max_bandwidth' to ensure replayability. If absent, choose absolute max in manifest to be backwards compatible
- Add sample HLS and DASH manifests for testing, with and without max resolution/bandwidth settings.
- for prototype override, ensure object exists
- for domain setter, ensure location exists, default to window
rules: expand facebook rule to match fbid also
* separate default rules config for query matching: 'not_exts', 'mimes', and new 'url_normalize'
- regexes in 'url_normalize' applied on each cdx entry to see if there's a match with requested url
- jsonp: allow for '/* */' comments prefix in jsonp (experimental)
- fuzzy rule: add rule for '\w+=jquery[\d]+' collapsing, supports any callback name
- fuzzy rule: add rule for more generic 'cache busting' params, 'bust' in name, possible timestamp in value (experimental)
- fuzzy rule add: add ga utm_* rule & tests
tests: improve fuzzy matcher tests to use indexing system, test all new rules
tests: add jsonp_rewriter tests
config: use_js_obj_proxy=true in default config.yaml, setting added to each collection's metadata
rewrite_fb_dash() added for rewriting dash xml, embedded in js, embedded in html
todo: refactor to make more general support for custom rewriting functions
regex_rewriter: add ':' to exclude from rewrite again
rewriter: refactor to use mixins to extend base rewriter (todo: more refactoring)
fuzzy-matcher: support for additional 'match_filters' to filter fuzzy results via optional regexes by mime type,
eg. allow more lenient fuzzy matching on DASH manifests than other resources (for now)
fuzzy-matching: add WebAgg-Fuzzy-Match response header if response is fuzzy matched, redirect to exact match in rewriterapp
document.write: override text content of <style> elements, and newly appended Text content added as children
rules: disable special cases rules no longer needed due to improved css rewriting
- use defineProperty overrides on element prototypes
- postMessage() rework: store actual origin with helper function __WB_pmw(window), from
server side rewrite
- Use window.URL (or external jsurl script) to override all properties of HTMLAnchorElement,
override getAttribute() to return original
- rename window -> $wbwindow