* auto-fetch page fetch support:
- check for X-Wombat-History-Page header to indicate page url
- set title from X-Wombat-History-Title header, and attempt to parse <title> from response
- update auto-fetch workers in wombat
- update changelist, bump to 2.3.4
* domain cookie fix:
- don't set cookies for service worker modifiers if response is not 200
- don't add existing cookies to Cookie or Set-Cookie headers
- add sw_/, wkrf_/ modifiers to generate paths
- enable domain cookie cacheing by default with fakeredis for live index and record mode, keyed by collection
- reqs: add fakeredis, tldextract, update warcio
- tests: add initial tests for domain cookie rewriting
* misc fixes:
- ensure SCRIPT_NAME is never empty, fixes#466
- static: if ending in '/' look for '/index.html'
- tests: use local httpbin instead of iana.org tests
- docker: switch to $VOLUME_DIR before initing collection
- ensure static_prefix is set correctly after host prefix
- bump version to 2.3.2.dev0
* rules update: fix fuzzy matching, rewriting rules for soundcloud
* improved pywb's closing of open file handles and http connects by adding to pywb.util.io no_except_close
replaced close calls with no_except_close
reformatted and optimizes import of files that were modified
additional ci build fixes:
- pin gevent to 1.4.0 in order to ensure build of pywb on ubuntu use gevent's wheel distribution
- youtube-dl fix: use youtube-dl in quiet mode to avoid errors with youtube-dl logging in pytest
- Fix: a few broken tests due to iana.org requiring a user agent in its requests
- introduced a new JSWorkerRewriter class in order to support rewriting via wombat workers in the context of all supported worker variants via
- ensured rewriter app correctly sets the static prefix
- add wombat as submodule!
* proxy: add option to set default timestamp for proxy mode, fixes#452
- set via flag --proxy-default-timestamp or config 'proxy_options.default_timestamp'
- can be iso date or all-digit timestamp
- overridable via accept-datetime header
* docs: update docs for proxy timestamp
- add docs on memento support in proxy mode
* update-version: script can update version only, commit with 'update-version.sh commit'
* indexer post append: remove 'WB_wombat_' from POST query, could have been added in previous versions of pywb!
- rename auto-fetch config to 'enable_auto_fetch' and '--enable-auto-fetch' cli param
- rename 'use_head_insert' -> 'enable_content_rewrite'
- rename 'use_banner' -> 'enable_banner'
- rename 'use_wombat' -> 'enable_wombat'
Misc Cleanup:
- enable_auto_fetch applies to both proxy and non-proxy mode
- remove setting 'wbinfo.use_wombat', implied if wombatProxyMode.js is included
- docs: add docs for auto-fetch system, improved docs for proxy rewrite options
- tests: test with enable_auto_fetch, update tests for renames
- bump version to 2.1.0 due to breaking changes
- changelist: updates to changelist
- requirements: use bounded version for gevent
* rewriting fixes:
server side: cookie rewriting: if httponly cookie with mp_/if_ modifier and path ends with '/', add set-cookie for all known modifiers
content length parsing: improve content-length parsing to support 'content-length: num,num', parse out the first number (occasionally seen with range requests when range is dropped for upstream)
wombat: rewrite_elem: use element.ownerDocument for resolving baseUri for parent paths
tests: add tests for cookie all modifier rewrite, bad content-length parsing (skip for py2.7)
- Split wombat and auto-fetch worker into two files (proxy mode and non-proxy mode)
- Renamed preservationWorker to autoFetchWorker in order to better convey what it does
- Root config file control over including wombat and auto-fetch worker in proxy or non-proxy mode
- Added additional proxy mode + auto-fetch worker only route for fetching the auto-fetch worker code nicely for CORS
- templateview: add 'tobool' formatter to more cleanly format python bools to JS 'true'/'false'
- proxy options: config and command line:
'use_auto_fetch_worker' and '--proxy-with-auto-fetch'
'use_wombat' and '--proxy-with-wombat'
- head_insert.html: only include wombat in proxy mode when use_wombat or use_auto_fetch_worker are set.
- wombatProxyMode.js: slimmed down wombat for proxy mode only including auto-fetch support.
- more consistent naming: rename 'preserveWorker' and 'autoArchive' to 'auto-fetch'
Updated tests:
- test_wbrequestresponse.py: added tests covering constructor defaults, _init_derived, options_response, json_response, encode_stream, text_stream
- test_auto_colls.py: fixed broken test test_more_custom_templates, reason using ujson now not json so spacing was off
- test_proxy.py: updated existing tests to reflect splitting wombat into proxy and non-proxy mode, added tests covering auto-fetch worker specific endpoints in proxy mode
removed duplicate addons key in .travis.yml
- test_cli.py: updated to properly test the cli with these changes
added ultrajon dep to tests_require in setup.py to reflect its usage by wbrequestresponse.py
Fully documented:
- cli.py
- frontendapp.py
- templateview.py
- wbrequestresponse.py
Removed duplicate addons key in .travis.yml
Added ultrajson dependency to tests_require in setup.py to reflect its usage by wbrequestresponse.py
- store original wsgi SCRIPT_NAME (before collection path is pushed) in 'pywb.app_prefix' env var
- set 'pywb.host_prefix' via rewriterapp
- add 'static_prefix' jinja env global which defaults to 'pywb.host_prefix + pywb.app_prefix + static/'
- set 'static_prefix' to absolute url if available (to support proxy mode)
- update existing templates to use '{{ static_prefix }}' instead of '{{ host_prefix }}/{{ static_path }'
- update index.html to use pywb.app_prefix for collection links
- tests: add test_prefixed_deploy.py to ensure all paths are prefixed as expected
* Add source_filter option to recorder.
* Add test and docs for source_filter option.
* Update test_record_replay.py - Split source_filter test into skip existing and new recording
rewriterapp: pass environ to content rewriter to allow access to request http headers
tests: test brotli served with 'br' in Accept-Encoding (no change), and without (response auto-decoded)
* proxy mode options: #316
- add 'use_banner' option, if false, will disable standard banner.html from being added
- add 'use_head_insert' option, if false, will disable injecting head_insert.html in proxy mode
both options default to true
* docs: add docs for new proxy options
* also add 'override_route' option and docs for extending proxy routing
geventserver: use custom handler to set raw 'REQUEST_URI' when running default gevent wsgi server. (uwsgi already sets REQUEST_URI)
testing: add REQUEST_URI check to proxy tests as real server is being used (webtest tests decodes %-encoding)
bump version to 2.0.4
- move scripts to query.js, fix formatting
- init ui from cdx list, refactor into single script
- use cdx api to retrieve query via ajax
- tests: update query tests to use cdx lookup instead
- remove server-side cdx lookup for /*/ endpoint
- fully support range requests on frontend, if range request reaches pywb
- add OffsetLimitReader() to skip offset and limit read
- disbale rewriting for range requests
- serve 416 if range outside of content-length
- tests: add tests for range request handling
dockerignore: add collections/
* rules work:
- apply 'js_regexs' on json content also, using 'js-proxy' rewriter
- rules for vimeo, disable hls/dash
- add 'live_only' flag 'rewrite' to enable rewrite only when 'is_live' is set
- tests: add test for new vimeo rules, testing live_only
cli: add '--record' cli option to enable quick-recording from live collection
* http OPTIONS canonicalization:
- rename PostQueryExtractor to generic MethodQueryCanonicalizer, handles OPTIONS verb in addition to POST
- use more generic 'query' instead of 'post_query' for method-query canonicalization
- append '__pywb_method=options' to OPTIONS responses to distinguish from get in MethodQueryCanonicalizer
* method canon: also add HEAD to __pywb_method query canonicalization
* support for 'classic' pywb features and misc improvements:
- add support for redirect to exact timestamp mode via 'redirect_to_exact: true' config setting
- tests: ensure memento headers added for redirect-to-exact
- memento: ensure Link header added for intermediate resources, check for 'enable_memento' before adding
- config: config passed to head_insert template as 'config'
- insert legacy 'vidrw.js' script if 'enable_flash_video_rewrite' config is set to true
- config: use_js_obj_proxy now defaults to true
- memento/tests: add proxy with custom accept-datetime test
* include the collection in Memento Link outputs:
- add new cdx 'source-coll' field, storing only the collection
- ensure rel="collection" property included in the TimeMap and Link header
- tests: update all tests to include the 'source-coll' property
- docs: add 'collection provenance' to auto-all collection configuration docs
- allow custom 'rules.yaml' to be specified via 'rules_file' config entry,
and used by FuzzyMatcher and DefaultRewriter
- default rules file specified by DEFAULT_RULES_FILE in pywb package
- 'archive_paths' is the key for archive paths instead of 'resource'
- 'use_js_obj_proxy' not auto-added to metadata, just set per-deployment
config and docs work:
- autoindexing now set in config via 'autoindex: <secs>' option
- autoindexing only runs in first uwsgi worker if in uwsgi
- recorder config: rename props to 'rollover_' to match docs
- docs: write configuring.rst section for recording mode, autoindexing and proxy mode!
- update README for new pywb release, point to new docs!
- auto/dyn collections: use overridable 'index_paths' and 'archive_paths', support list for archive_paths
- all-auto collection: supported at warcserver layer via special '$all' index
- cleanup default_config.yaml and config.yaml, remove obsolete properties
- remove obsolete docker-compose.yaml
- default_config: simplify list of managed properties
- test_cli: add tests for cli options
- proxy and recorder config loaded from 'proxy' and 'recorder' string or dicts in config
- proxy settings loaded from config, wsgiproxmiddleware applied within main init path
- cli --proxy-record add to indicate recording, optional dict to set options
- optional recorder dict to configure other recorder options, file max_size, filename_template, etc..
- proxy tests: add proxy cli tests
- recorder tests: add recorder custom config test
refactor frame/head insert templates:
- content iframe inited with new ContentFrame() which creates iframe
- wb_frame.js: contains ContentFrame system for initing, updating, closing content frame for replayed content.
- wb_frame.js: supports 'app_prefix' and 'content_prefix' or default 'prefix' for replay content
- window.location.hash passed added to init url.
- frame insert and head insert: simplify, remove 'wbrequest'
- frame insert: global wbinfo object no longer needed in top frame, each ContentFrame self-contained.
- wombat.js: next_parent() check does not assume wbinfo is present in top frame
- vidrw.js: only init if wbinfo is present
- wb.js no longer needed, frame check/redirect folded into wombat.js
- default banner self-contained in default_banner.js/default_banner.css, handles both frame and frameless case
- rename wb.css -> default_banner.css
- banner html passed in as 'banner_html' variable to be optionally included, supports per collection banner html.
- templateview: BaseInsertView can accept an option 'banner view', used by HeadInsertView and TopFrameView
- tests: test_auto_colls uses shared app to test dynamic changes, testing both frame and non-frame access, added per-collection banner html check.
support dynamic collections, all collection with remote archives (eg. s3:// paths)
- warcserver: allow custom dynamic collections index and archive path templates via 'dyn_index_path' and 'dyn_archive_path'
- pathresolver: allow resolving wildcard path prefixes with collection, to support remote paths and avoid globbing
- warcserver: don't add fixed collections dir to source to support resolving wildcard
- pathresolver: add wildcard resolving s3 path test
- referrer unrewrite: ensure referrer not empty
- windows: fix paths for pathresolver test on windows
- timemap: add tests for all collection timemap, add cdxj timemap test
- timemap: only add original, timegate links for 'link' timemap
- enabled with 'all_coll' in config or --all-coll cli option, eg. --all-coll all to enable
- supported for replay, timemap and cdx endpoints, uses wildcard '*' for coll name with directory aggregator
- tests: record/replay tests updated to replay via all collection, check all collection cdxj
proxy mode support readded!
- use wsgiprox wrapper in FrontEndApp.init_proxy() with fixed collection prefix, ca options
- cli --proxy <coll> flag added to specify proxy collection
- cleanup: remove cookie rw (already disabled), fix post handling paths
- headers: ensure request headers are not rewritten when in proxy mode, response headers marked with 'url-rewrite' also no rewritten if no url rewrite/proxy mode
- urlrewriter: add IdentityRewriter with no rewriting as default, instead of SchemeOnlyUrlRewriter
- memento support: for now, only include rel="original" and Memento-Datetime in for proxy replay response
- responseloader: disable urllib3 unsecure response warnings
- tests: add test for proxy replay and proxy record/replay of new collection
recording support: now available for dynamic collections via config
- config.yaml 'recorder: live' entry enables /record/ subpath which records to any dynamic collections (can record from any collection, though usually live)
- autoindex refactor: simplified, standalone AutoIndexer() -- indexes any changed warc files to autoindex.cdxj
- windows autoindex support: also check for changed file size, as last modified time may not be changing
- manager: remove autoindex, now part of main cli
- tests: updated test_auto_colls with autoindex changes
- tests: add record/replay tests for recording and replay