* Add unit test to verify whether ACL exact-match rules in a single-line
*.aclj file are found
* Fix AccessChecker to match exact rules in a single-line rule file
* misc fixes for 2.4.0rc7:
- warcserver: when parsing headers to check for redirect, reserialized headers
may be of different length then original, causing warcserver->app response to hang
now adjusting the content-length on the warc record and also not including a fixed
length when serving warcserver->app, possible fix for ukwa/ukwa-pywb#53
- undo change in path resolvers to use os.path.join, just concatenate full_path + filename
- rewrite 'date' -> 'x-orig-archive-date' header to avoid confusion (eg. #548)
- bump version to rc7
* ci: attempt to fix travis build for 27, 35
- 'acl_paths' config can accept a list of files or directories, a file or a directory string
- tests_acl: test collection with acl list, single file, dir
- .aclj files contain access controls in reverse sorted, CDXJ-like format
- ./sample_archive/acl contains sample acl files
- directory and single-file acl sources (extend directory aggregator and file index source)
- tests for longest-prefix acl match
- tests for acl applied to collection
- pywb.utils.merge -- merge(..., reverse=True) support for py2.7 (backported from py3.5)
- acl types:
* allow - all allowed
* block - allowed in index (as blocked) but content not allowed, served as 451
* exclude - removed from index and content, served as 404
- warcserver: AccessChecker inited if 'acl_paths' specified in custom collections
- exceptions:
* clean up wbexception, subclasses provide the status code, message loaded automatically
* warcserver handles AccessException with json response (now with 451 status)
* pass status to template to allow custom handling
* adaptive rewrite improvements:
- Add 'application/vnd.apple.mpegurl' as HLS type in rules.yaml and default_rewriter.py
- Support setting max resolution and max bandwidth to choose, defaults to 480x854 and 200000 respectively
- LiveWebLoader provides a get_custom_metadata for specifying WARC-JSON-Metadata header, per mime type (TODO: support customization via rules)
- When filtering, first limiting by resolution (if set), then by bandwidth (if set), otherwise default to max bandwidth
- Max resoluton/max bandwidth stored in WARC record under WARC-JSON-Metadata as 'adaptive_max_resolution' and 'adaptive_max_bandwidth' to ensure replayability. If absent, choose absolute max in manifest to be backwards compatible
- Add sample HLS and DASH manifests for testing, with and without max resolution/bandwidth settings.
can be set explicitly or via '!' on the sources list
tests: test invert sources
filters: include params to skip_response() filter
warc headers: change headers for recording from other source to: WARC-Source-URI and WARC-Created-Date
and if so, check if start_line should also be end_line #112
support non-linenumbered idx files w/o pagination queries
add new zipnum-sample to test cdx lines in last block (previous sample had only one line in last block except the first)
been inserted by the end (and if there was some content written -- don't insert for 0-length responses)
Addresses missing head insert if only head tags are present and no head, as per hypothesis/via#9
for canonicalzation, treat urns as is, already canonical
for wburl, don't add http:// prefix if urn: prefix is present
add example-wpull warc for testing
uncompressed, ability to distinguish between chunked and non-chunked
Raise error for non-chunked gzip warcs as they can not be indexed for
replay, addressing #48
add 'bad' non-chunked gzip file for testing, using custom ext
refactor poute request parsing to happen in the actual router class instead of in the route
in proxy mode, add support for picking a route via proxy-auth
improve test for 'top' rewriting
record_loader can optionally parse 'request' records
archiveindexer has -a flag to write all records ('request' included),
-p flag to append post query
post-test.warc.gz and cdx
POST redirects using 307
supports warc.gz, arc.gz, warc, arc and optional sorting
outputs cdx 11 but possible to extend to other formats
(additional edge case testing needed)
DecompressingBufferedReader refactoring to support multi-member gzip
Unit tests for indexer, addtional unit tests for bufferedreaders and loaders,
and recordloaders
add sample warc and cdx for url-agnostic revisits
add unit test and integration test
resolvingloader: pass callback instead of full cdx server
for use for loading cdx in case of url-agnostic revisit
contains configs for cdx canon, fuzzy matching and rewriting!
rewriting: ability to add custom regexs per domain
also, ability to toggle js rewriting and custom rewriting file
(default is wombat.js)
move to distinct packages: pywb.utils, pywb.cdx, pywb.warc, pywb.util, pywb.rewrite!
each package will have its own README and tests
shared sample_data and install